Epic Games was under Microsoft's rein with the Gears of War franchise for several years, but they've since been rather low key working on several projects such as the PC-exclusive survival game Fortnite. So it's interesting to see that they've partnered up with Sony to bring an exciting, third-person MOBA to PlayStation 4 called Paragon.
Taking inspiration from the fun Epic Games' team has had with MOBAs of all sorts, they aim to bring a deeply strategic title that emphasizes intense teamwork and coordination. The trailer indicates that 10 characters, ranging from a pistol dual-wielding soldier with cybernetic arms to a graceful archer with a deadly bow, will go head-to-head in 5v5 battles, complete with all the MOBA elements you'd expect such as minions, lanes, and towers to destroy at both ends of the map. With an emphasis on futuristic armour, abilities, and weaponry, this cross-play (with PC) title looks like it will attempt to be one of the most visually stunning MOBAs to date, and you can look forward to "online testing in January, followed by paid Early Access in Spring, and Open Beta in Summer 2016."
Does this brave attempt for Epic Games to branch out catch your eye, perhaps as a League of Legends or SMITE player? Or are you under the impression that this looks generic in terms of character designs and won't stand out like other MOBAs? Gank on each other in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 12
this just killed the show what a bad ending
Doesn't appeal at all to me but it's something for player's of other tastes. That's what each Playstation console has always done very well, have a lot for all types of players and tastes.
We have to bear in mind, as much as I'm sure many people here are really looking forward to Ni no Kuni 2, to many players THAT would be a bad ending. I do agree, though, that objectively speaking, ending with a multiplat with no real buzz around it is a bad choice.
This was the only low point to PSX, was a really terrible way to end a good show
I prefer Heroes of the Storm for consoles. There are enough moba's allready, no need for a new one.
I would be interested had they shown actually gameplay.
Same here. To dismiss it simply based on fhe fact it's a MOBA would be stupid, but at least show us something. When EPIC says it's making a game, I'm listening, but I need more than a trailer that could've been a Battleborn, Lol, HotS, Dota or Overwatch trailer as well.
I have faith in them bringing a visual spectacle and if they manage to shake things up like they did with Gears that would be incredible. They have the benefit of the doubt, but it looks like 2016 will be the year of the MOBAs and 'Hero shooters'.
MOBA games attract the very dregs of the internet to them. We don't need them on PS4.
There hasn't been a MOBA on console, so it could do well depending on how good it is.
Between Overwatch and this we can see if MOBAs have a place on consoles, they've both got my interest.
Seen some actually gameplay footage on YouTube, it's apparently alpha gameplay. Now if the game turns out like this I can definitely seeing it do well, it actually looking really good.
No idea what MOBA stands for as I only play games on PlayStation. Could we have some info on what it stands and how a MOBA is meant to play, please? I honestly don't know. Thanks.
I see no reason why MOBA can not work well on console as long as the controls work out well
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