The Japanese role-playing game revolution is real – and leaving this author flustered on a bizarrely busy Saturday morning. Jump Festa 2015 has delivered a new Star Ocean 5 trailer, but with editor Robert Ramsey enjoying his final few days off, it's down to this clueless scribe to tell you about it. Erm, cheesy pop tunes, exaggerated eyeballs, and questionable clothing choices abound…
Honestly, though, this looks like the sort of thing that Star Ocean fans would be excited about, with Japanese band Androp lending the song Astra Nova to the title's soundtrack. The game's due out on 31st March in Japan for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3; a Western release will follow later in the year. Add some meaningful commentary in the comments section below. Please.
[source youtube.com, via dualshockers.com]
Comments 20
I will buy the game instead how is that.
Looking good!
Never played a Star Ocean before but this looks pretty intriguing, might pick it up if it's in a sale.
Looks great, can't wait for a release, I'll buy it at launch.
OMG the graphics and action looks amazing. It makes me want to re-play the older titles just for the heck of it.
"PlayStation 3; a Western release will follow "
Is the west really getting a PS3 release? Seems like several Japanese PS3 games have only gotten PS4 releases in the west. OK I can only think of Dragon Quest Heroes but Godzila was download only. I'm ok if this is download only as long as PS3 gets it. Same for DQH, I'd be playing that now. We're playing the far inferior PS3 version of Godzilla b/c I was able to get it for $9 on sale recently.
And yes, I know PS3 is old and dead, I'm just commenting on what was posted in the article.
Edit: Well it certainly looks like a PS3 game. At the 1 minute mark when the guy is fighting a dino leg, reminded of of XCX, but XCX looks better.
Can't wait!
@rjejr edited my post because I'm a complete idiot and realised I wasn't posting on the KH thread
@kyleforrester87 That's ok, I never post on topic anyway. But yeah, the old KH HD games look ok, but the PS4 version of KH3 does take it up a notch. That's probably what a PS4 version of Ni No Kuni would look like. Still need to play that too. And very KH game besides 1 and 2, I've never played on handhelds.
Looks great.
Although Xenoblade Chronicles X is probably going to ruin all other fantasy RPG's for me for.
@rjejr godzilla had a physical on ps4 in the US , im looking at the case right now. its graphics are way better that the ps3 counter and has alot more added gamplay.
Sry ima godzilla nut had to say somthing, lol and just bear xenoblade chron x , thats an awsome game , even with its obvious flaws. If they had fixed some of the smaller issues and say had a stronger machine (ahem ps4) def would have been a 10. The world is massive , and u can actually go anywhere u can see.
@JaxonH yup lol, i just beat it the other day, awsome game. Whats yourbdeeling on the story?
So far I'm loving it. I keep hearing "story took a backseat to gameplay" and maybe that's true, but the story has been engaging enough to keep me glued to it (ok, it's the gameplay and exploration that has me glued, but I have no complaints with the story).
The fact you already beat the game is pretty impressive. It's a monster of a game.
@BladeRider I know everything you said about Godzilla, both on PS3 and PS4. I was shocked it was $50 on PS3 without multiplayer or a physical release and fewer monsters to play as. And the PS3 version did NOT get a disc release in the west, download only, that's what I meant. $50 for an inferior game that was download only, even though Japan got it on disc on PS3 as well.
@rjejr oh ok my bad mate. Yeah the ps4 version was far superior in everyway. The ps3 version was very bad , but it was made first and the ps4 version was made later sobit kind of makes sense I suppose.
@JaxonH i made it to lvl 53 and beat the story, I really wanted to continue playing it , unlock the aries and max out all the classes and mix match my own. But already got a backlog of games lol. The story was pretty descent imo, but I understand why some didnt like the story. ** Spoilers ahead**
I think its becuase the story has alot of unsolved mysteries and while the story arc finishes it adds a new plot that ends in a cliff hanger.
Also id be lvl 55+ for chapter 12 story mission.
**** end spoilers*****
@BladeRider Yeah, I think the PS4 version came out a few months later in Japan, but they released them on the same day in the US on PSN. I think PS3 was $50 and PS4 was $60. Considering the many differences in the game I think was Sony trying to pull a fast one on the PS3 owners. PS3 version was worth it for $9 though, the music makes it good.
Oh, and speaking of pulling a fast one, Minecraft on Wii U for $30 but only getting the PS3/Xbox360 version wasn't very nice. And it didn't even get updated to 1.8.8. So I'm not just blaming Sony, everybody does it.
Good grief, Lv 55+ you say? Well, I've been averaging about 5 levels per story chapter so if I keep that rate up I should be exactly Lv 55 by Chapter 12.
At least now I have a solid goal set before me- 5 Levels gained after every chapter. Sounds about right. I like to do affinity missions and explore anyways, so most of the leveling up comes naturally.
7 characters in one battle? Sheesh. The last star ocean I played was 2 on ps1 and sometimes I had trouble keeping track of 4 in that game.
This game looks so good.. can't wait for this
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