Ubisoft tends to rattle these open world games out like they're in danger of becoming unfashionable, but Far Cry Primal certainly doesn't look rushed in this hour or so of PlayStation 4 gameplay footage. In the video, key personnel from the development team outline some of the main mechanics from the Stone Age spin-off, and it all looks really good – impressive considering that it's barely been a year since Far Cry 4 deployed.
The thing that's making us shout loudest in an unintelligible tribal language is the foliage – it just looks so great. Trees are swaying, the grass is long and unkempt, and the whole world feels alive in a way that a lot of sandbox titles don't. While we're sure that this is going to follow Ubisoft's usual open world blueprint, we're actually rather excited by the unique setting. Will you be unleashing your inner-caveman next month?
[source youtube.com]
Comments 26
I loved far cry 4 only game I've got platinum on so far and as you said @get2sammyb it looks surprisingly different to farcry 4 considering the dev time
This had in been development much longer than a year looks awesome. I wasn't that impressed with Farcet 4. 3rd one had a better story . Looking forward to getting my inner caveman on
I wonder if this is s cheeky steal by Ubisoft? First Michel Ancel (who still partially works there) announces a new indie game in a prehistoric setting where you make key use of animals in your environment and lo and behold over a year later Ubisoft announce a Far Cry game with a very similar setting and theme? Hmmm seems a bit convenient to be honest.
I'm looking forward to this. Far Cry 4 surprised me with how much I enjoyed it & restored my faith somewhat in Ubisoft after AC: Unity. Just hope this isn't a let down
@adf86 I'm sure it's coincidence. But even if it's not, WILD looks pretty different to this.
Wasn't very keen on Far Cry 4 at all to be honest, but honestly this looks pretty good and fairly unique could be surprising.
I'm finally digging Far Cry 4 and Bloodborne out of my backlog over the next few weeks and will get to those. I think this looks really good but I'll probably just wait for the time being till the GOA version comes out around Xmas. Too many games to play at the moment to keep spending money.
I loved Far Cry 4- open world FPS is just a winning combination, and this franchise sets the bar.
I'm surprised this game is releasing so soon- it feels like there really hasn't been much of a marketing push. Whether that's because they trust the game to sell on brand alone or because they don't want to tarnish their rep further by firmly standing behind bad product is anyone's guess. I think it's the former though tbh- Far Cry is a well known series and this game will likely sell to the Far Cry fanbase without a single advertising dollar spent. And it does look good.
I might be getting this i'm not sure yet only because at the moment there is nothing I want coming out for a long time and this look's like a half decent time filler. I'm personally not that excited about 2016 there's only a few game's i'm looking forward to the first being DS3.
@get2sammyb If it was any other publisher then it probably was, I wouldn't be surprised if he pitched the game to them but probably thought "not enough towers and can it be a Far Cry game"? It's cynical of me I know but I always found it odd the Ancel went to found a new studio while still contracted at Ubisoft.
Normally hyped for Farcry games apart from Farcry 2. Spent so man hours exploring and doing missions on Farcry 3 and 4. But this one just does not appeal. If I am doing to be dealing with dinos will do it in Ark.
It does look interesting. I really enjoyed Far Cry 4 at first but by the end I found it such a slog. It seems that this does do a few things differently, and it's certainly an interesting setting.
I can't deny it looks good, but I'm not sure the gameplay will be different enough from 3 and 4. I stopped playing 4 after a couple of hours because I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd already played the game having finished 3
I am pretty certain they started development on this when they had far cry 4 in its polishing stage, well before launch. This is my first anticipated game of the year, can't wait.
I don't know why, but this game looks so bland to me. The combat looks lackluster, the open world is too bare, the whole animal-controlling gimmick looks like a simple means to an end (instead of having players emotionally invest in personal and long-term yet risky partnerships with animals you come to view as companions), and so on. There's not even a major focus on survival gameplay elements, which makes the game look too easy and straightforward (get animal companions, find new camps, destroy tribes, repeat). I mean, the whole premise is cool and it looks great, but I got a bad feeling this is going to get resounding "mehs" across the board when it releases.
This looks awesome imo,Far Cry 4 is my fave Ps4 title to date i reckon..The only things that really let it down are frustrating stealth physics and lack of melee weapons/combat..And uh,i wanna holster my weapons sometimes dang it! I don't really play other Ubisoft games so haven't got to fed up with ubi formula thankfully..Only 30% completed FC4 but comparing the gunplay to Fallout 4 makes the latter seem badly wanting,wonder if the melee combat in Primal will be up to the same standard..
Would be a must-buy but with Gravity Rush Remastered and Street Fighter V also set for February, this game will have to take a backseat.
This looks interesting
@Gamer83 Its crazy, so many brilliant games. How are you finding splitting your time with your consoles? You've mentioned your ps4 has had more game time recently but my PC and Vita get left these days I literally have no time to play them.
Honestly? I have more games than I can keep up with. I cleaned up in some of these sales on PSN and XBL recently so I'm really behind and I still haven't found the time to finish Yakuza 5 so I'm still on PS3, in 2016...
I think this looks really good and knowing far cry the combat will be superb. I am sure the bow and arrow aspect will be loads of fun and the bow and arrow combat was my favorite in far cry 3.
Seems odd that the wild is coming out aswell as this. I will be buying the wild but not this game.
@dryrain I don't think there are dinosaurs in this. Humans and dinosaurs never shared the earth, they were separated by millions of years. I think they're going for a more realistic setting, based on the actual Ice Age, than the typical fantasy caveman thing.
Of course, that raises the problem that this really does sound like a reskin. Elephants from the previous game are now mammoths, tigers are now sabre-toothed tigers, etc.
@adf86 If you look at the situation without cynicism we could take from it that Ubi is using a known franchise to test a relatively unknown idea, possibly to decide what sort of marketing push to give WiLD.
Brilliant concept!! Please include a 3rd person view Ubisoft or I will be buying Wild instead of this. Gamers should be able to choose between 1st and 3rd person these days. It's a matter of preference and this way everyone wins.
It's fun to customize what your 3rd person character is wearing... We could don all sorts of animal skins... If you think about it from a psychological perspective it's an identity thing for gamers. Being able to customize the character connects the gamer more closely to the character and provides a vehicle for self expression in the game. You want to identify with the main character and to accomplish this you want to create your own character. These are all important psychological features I hope the game includes.
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