The Witness is here. After approximately eight years of development, a budget bigger than every cent earned by Braid, and a press campaign that included rocking up at the PlayStation 4's reveal event, Jonathan Blow has finally put the lid on his 80 hour puzzler. But is it any good? Well, we don't know, because despite all of the above we still didn't get sent a review copy. A few sites did, though. Hurrah for them.
Destructoid - 10/10
Truthfully, I wish I didn't have to score The Witness. I don't want to set people up for that expectation; I don't want a voice in the back of their head that says "Okay, when does this become a ten?" In a way, that's unfair and detrimental to how the game should be experienced, which is as open-minded and unassuming as possible. Don't go to The Witness. Let The Witness come to you.
IGN - 10/10
The Witness has a power and pull that carried me throughout the more than 40 hours it took to complete it for the first time, and that, even now, beckons me back to confront the mysteries I left unsolved. Its graceful combination of tangible goals, obscurity, and freedom creates ample opportunity for small victories and grand revelations alike. For the most part, its themes weave themselves beautifully throughout the gorgeous world and wide variety of puzzles, but even when it breaks subtlety in favor of a more heavy-handed approach to exposition, it never detracts from the truly fulfilling moments The Witness offers in terms of solving its physical puzzles and unlocking its deepest mysteries.
Video Gamer - 10/10
I'm so caught up inside the world of The Witness that it's hard to think about anything else: like Tetris, this is its true power, and it is one of the best games I've ever encountered. Playing The Witness is a real emotional rollercoaster, with flashes of anger, despondency, jubilation, awe, smugness and admiration. Who would have thought you could get all that from a game about drawing lines?
Game Informer - 9.25/10
The opaque world might be disappointing for some players, but The Witness is about a different kind of discovery. It steers your mind in unconventional directions, and makes you feel clever as you build on your knowledge and uncover new layers about the game's language and logic. Even when I wasn't playing it, I was thinking about puzzles that had me stumped. Some puzzles are tough, but all of them are fair, and the fun of solving them is only topped by seeing what awaits you on the next series of monitors.
GameSpot - 9/10
That's what The Witness is about--gaining knowledge to make sense of the island and its gorgeous but exotic environments. The Witness molds its world, puzzles, and themes into such a layered, cohesive whole that, if we look hard enough, we'll keep finding new ways to perceive it. There are still things about The Witness I can't make sense of--some clues I might never notice, and some puzzles I might never solve. But the hints are there. It might not all be clear at first, but that's okay, because I'm always learning.
Polygon - 8/10
That said, I doubt I'll be heading back in for a completionist run. It's a beautiful game and knowing that I finished it with minimal help actually does make me feel smarter. It also contains some subtle messages about human potential that I found surprisingly uplifting (when I wasn't pulling my hair out). Despite feeling deeply satisfied by the experience, it's hard for me to ignore how much time I spent frustrated and bored and angry. Maybe contrasting those two ends of the emotional spectrum is essential to the experience of playing The Witness, but an era when they can skip the frustration, I'm not convinced most players will have the patience to obtain it.
Venture Beat - 7/10
I admire a lot about The Witness. It is a beautiful game. It is a clever game. It is a big game. But all of its elements, mazes, exploration, and philosophy didn't really come together to express some greater theme. Unless I was meant to question why I hurt my brain to solve a series of difficult mazes for no real award.
Will you be giving The Witness a whirl when it releases this week? Are you still unsure whether the open world puzzler's for you? Solve a line puzzle in the comments section below.
Comments 51
These reviews are...
Wow, wasn't expecting such good scores (though not sure why!).
I'm in...
I expected a backlash after this taking so long to make and the amount of hype.
I'm really glad this scored well. I'll pick it up at some point.
So pleased this has been received so well! I can't wait to dive headfirst into this game.
I have no interest in this at all. The world looks ugly, bright but still ugly. The Puzzles don't interest me either and I much prefer the 'puzzles' in a Tomb Raider/Uncharted game - at least they mix up the experience with action, character development and story - Also look so much better too.
Each to their own but I will be avoiding this!
Obviously I am going to read some reviews before I think about getting this, but I am very pleased for JB (I am sure that's his initials) that's its been reviewed well.
I cannot wait to play this game and the wait is finally over.
I will buy this for the art style alone. It's gorgeous. Like oil painting on plexiglass. Like these: http://www.tiinamielonen.com/paintings.html
@get2sammyb is this just getting a digital release at the moment? Do u know the price?
Sweet, didn't expect it to be so well received. Hope I get the same buzz I got playing Fez.
@Bridgeman £40, apparently
@kyleforrester87 £29.99 or $40.
@Cron_13 that's the one!
That's looking great, I hope it sells well too.
@Bridgeman Digital only unfortunately. I believe they talked about a physical version, but that's not confirmed yet. I'm not going to wait, that's all I know!
What's the price on this?
On euros I mean xD 40?
Ill wait a few months for this to settle...we all know what hype does.
If its still loved at the end of this year I'll buy it.
@AyeHaley Very wise.
Well, it's nice to know that this game doesn't totally...
@Neolit @AFCC €36.99 actually.
@get2sammyb Why does this site only display the price in GBP for Europe, when most people use euro?
Hmmmm...seems a bit too much! I'll wait for a sale
@BAMozzy You can hardly call the puzzles in Tome Raider puzzles. They were far too simple. Uncharteds puzzles weren't that difficulty ether.
I respect your opinion though as clearly this isn't a game for everyone.
I myself have really been looking forward this game after his last amazing entry. Hope its free at some point just so you can give it a try. You never know, it may just surprise you.
Game looks fun and visually compelling! something that's been lacking a bit this gen. Not surprised though, I hope we get a lot more eye candy from devs coming up.
So what's the plan? Downloading the game tomorrow and start doing a review? I want to see your take on it, as I appreciate this site's reviews.
I am intrigued by this, but I seldom complete puzzle games so I am not sure this is for me.
@sinalefa Yeah, we'll get it up ASAP.
@Octane We probably should start showing Euros. Sometimes it auto-calculates it but I need to learn how it works properly. Will look into it.
Sorry with the Euro bother, but it's just that sometimes I come here for a quick read and I don't have time to do the conversion myself xD
I need to start clearin the games I buy so I'll finish RE:0 first and get this in Feb. Don't forget to mention the soundtrack in your review, pretty important part of this kind of game IMO!!
Well count me in, can't wait to get stuck into this and... hang on, venture beat only gave it a 7?? No sale! I'm probably being ignorant- and actually I will now check out their site- but who on earth are venture beat??
I wish I had the patience for something like this when only looking at the previews and the looks of the game; it's simply beautifull.
But damn, I can't stand puzzles in a game...hate it.
Simple ones I don't mind, but this? Just not for me...
No interest for this game and do not want to put money in the guys pocket.
Game looks boring to me but these reviews have piqued my interest.
@kyleforrester87 I think this has the fez effect. We will both be buying this bud.
The cynic in me fears this is another Journey. A situation where a game resembles the emperor's new clothes.
@get2sammyb If Push Square's review doesn't have the tagline, "Can I Get A Witness", I'll never visit your site again
Really on the fence, I do want something new to play but other than the gorgeous art style it doesn't appeal much to me.
@get2sammyb That's good to hear! Not that it bothers me a lot, but I always wondered why it was in GBP only. Also, will the review be spoiler free?
@kyleforrester87 I don't think there's any music. Only atmospheric sound effects and the sound of your own footsteps.
Now this is interesting since I heard that the Devs may have rushed some aspects. I wonder how good it could have been. Haha.
@Octane Of course!
Definitely give this a shot. Always enjoy a good mind bender and this one seems to be in the upper echelon of mind melting madness! Never played Braid so I am going in as a Blow Virgin. Woah, something didn't sound quite right about that...
Not for me look's incredibly boring and the graphic's suck how can people say they are going to buy this for the "art" alone is beyond me. How many year's to make? Look's like it could do well on the PSVR not my cup of tea at all and I certainly won't be spending £30 on it, I thought looking at it it would be an indie but it's more of a cowboy!
@xMEADx I read a book yesterday, it looked boring, all them words on yellow paper. Was pretty good, actually.
@kyleforrester87 Haha funny man made funny noise!!!
@Neolit woahhh cowboy I do believe I am alowed an opinion, I think the game look's crap am I not allowed this view? There is nothing at all in this game that appeal's to me, not the graphic's nor gameplay no customisation no loot, all the requirement's needed for my personal taste in game's, it might not be the same as your's but that's because it's mine. You really need to accept that many people love these game's, just as many dislike them and your going to hear about it in the comment's section. It's not called "The positive Only Comment's Section". There are only 2 people at the moment behaving like kiddo's.
seems nice !
ireally want to play it really nice scores
i will wait for push squares review !
@xMEADx Was just saying don't judge a book by its cover, fair play if you don't like these kind of games, I'd personally suggest you give them a go every now and then as you might find a title that surprises you. I fully appreciate this game doesn't exactly stand out at first glance amongst a number of other ill thought out puzzle adventures, but then nor did Braid, and that game was great. Gaming is the most creative medium, even more so on Sony's platforms IMO, and I reckon it pays to keep an open mind. I'd also say it's pretty commendable to be able to differentiate between good and bad games within genres, even if they aren't to your personal taste. i.e I'm not a fan of racing sims, but I try and keep my eye on what's happening with them and I like to think I could spot a good one from a bad one. I really didn't like Fallout 4 but appreciate it's a great game.
That said, maybe I should give Fifa 16 a go..lol
Amazon just cancelled my pre-order as they are no longer releasing it on disc. Download only.
@Neolit Not a fan of RL, funnily enough! (Hey, I gave it a few hours at least!!)
@Draythedestroyer Hmmm wasn't this well known for a while now?
@Neolit Ahh I thought it was okay just can't say it grabbed hold of my like it seemed to do with the rest of the gaming population..lol
Bought. Seems wonderful after a few hours. When you know, you know you know.
@TheMightyPunram fair enough @kyleforrester your probobly right I might very well like it if I try it one day (I love and still play Rogue Legacy, that was very unexpected for me) @Neolit Whatever man I don't hold grudge's.
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