It's time once again to dig out your very best tap shoes and get ready to stomp them silly when February's big PlayStation Plus update inevitably doesn't live up to your expectations. While there's no official word from Sony at the time of typing, we're expecting it to reveal next month's roster of free releases at some point over the coming days, so we may as well revel in a spot of speculation before we're dealt a dose of reality.
One game that apparently won't be making the lineup is rhythm-based roguelike Crypt of the Necrodancer, which the developer has ruled out of the running. Other potential PlayStation 4 candidates include Not a Hero – which, let's be honest, is quite likely – and the slightly less likely Amazing Discoveries in Outer-Space. Of course, that's if Sony even plumps up for a new release in the first place.
Indeed, there's always a good chance that it will dip into the archives, with launch titles Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack surely on the docket soon. While we've remained relatively happy with Sony's subscription service since the PS4's launch, there's definitely a growing sentiment that the manufacturer needs to shake things up, so what would make you a happy camper next month? Keep it realistic in the comments section below.
Comments 40
Sniper Elite 3 or as a more indie offering, how about Among The Sleep? SE3 has been discounted a few times the past 6 months or so.
I wonder if they'd consider PS2 games, and what the reaction would be if they did that. I'd be okay with it if it was a good game, but I'm relatively easy-going on Plus releases anyway.
Not a Hero looks awesome.
I would love for Rogue Galaxy to be a freebie. I don't imagine they'll give the PS2 games away though. Even though I already bought it, I feel like Final Fantasy 7 would be a hell of a freebie for those who still haven't purchased it.
Yeah FF7 would be good, and I suppose Knack would be nice though I have no interest in it whatsoever. I'd be fine with Slender: The Arrival as well. I'd be really happy if The Deadly Tower of Monsters went up but the chances of that are slim to none.
Regardless, they'd have to actually try if this month is worse than January.
Because of the support I have for knack, let it be knack. But if it were me? Something tells me the evil within. Quickly forgotten about, I played it, got distracted by something else, and never returned. Would not be upset seeing that.
Does anybody think Sony will support their VR headset with PS Plus freebies? They give away games every month for all of their systems, so why not VR?
With the release of SF V next month the should give SF IV away for free. Honestly once V is released how much will they make on IV then?
@Cowboysfan-22 probobly because nobvody will buy them after 3 month's FF7 would be nice. Knack as well please let's get it over and done with already.
Super Stardust Ultra & KNACK
@THEONE19. Super Stardust Ultra would be good, Thief on PS4 or White Night. I wonder what happened to the whole vote for the next IGC game thing.
Gimme knack so I don't have to pend the $14.99 on a copy.
Need for speed rivals
Whatever it is I can assure you it want be getting any AAA games. So I am done getting anxious to see what games are coming every month. I just scoop up the games on flash sales and during the holiday and accept that Sony want give away games that use to be at some point $60 value. I thought Gaucamelee was a great game and I am glad kings quest first chapter was given away so I don't have Interest in getting the entire series.
Kings quest has too much fetching back and forth within the same environments looking for items. It has a good story but the gameplay was meh.
Id like to see any DMC other than two.
Thats my personal preference but Im happy to not download whatever they actually put on there.
Rayman legends would be nice, Xbox gave it a few months ago, and ice now finished it on wiiu and Xbox so ps4 would complete the set.
Not a hero would be awesome. I agree Street Fighter IV would be a wise move because its sort of last gen I can't see anyone buying it after V comes out.
And I'm going to say Knack because I'll be right one day.
Not a Hero and Murdered: Soul Suspect for PS4, Sniper Elite and LittleBigPlanet 3 for PS3 and Helldivers and Dokuro for Vita.
I'd love Not a Hero on PS Plus, been waiting about a year for it! Other than that, I don't really mind
@3Above @THEONE19 I would love to see Super Stardust on ps4. Great choice.
They've been flirting this for a long time, now or never; get your Knackers out Sony.
I do not mind what the games are there is always at least one which I want to play and enjoy. Plus getting the games on PS3 as well you tend to get a good title there as well.
I'd say Bedlam. It's always on sale and I was going to pick it up. It's not very good but I'd grab it as a freebie.
Galak Z would be a good one as well, or Axiom Verge. I own both, but I'd rather see a good game I own on there than a crap game I wouldn't play.
@Cowboysfan-22 they may well bump the Vita or PS3 support for it, which is sure to go down well.....
Personally at least 1 AAA game that I don't have. I am sure they could offer some of the AAA games that have released for PS4 and not just their own exclusives. I still think Knack would be a prime candidate but after more than 2 years now, you can hardly say its not got the library to be able to offer the same standard of game it did on the PS3
Anything other than Knack is fine with desire whatsoever to play that game...besides, aren't games supposed to have a certain Metacritic score to be released on PS Plus?
I used to love the game driver! Bring that game back and give us that for free.
Diablo III would be nice.
Journey would be great. Too good for Plus though I guess. Maybe a good 2014-2015 cross-gen title. I also agree with the ST4 as an option.
I've been expecting Knack for so long now, surely it must be on the horizon soon?
@Lloydeeee I use to love driver as well and even stuntman was pretty good from the same developer.
I'd be good with Not a Hero. Seems pretty good to me. I quite like these games you can play in between other games.
Like I'll throw Binding of Issac or Nuclear Throne on for 20 mins while I'm waiting to go out or something. They're good time fillers. I like AAA games as much as anyone, but you don't tend to play them in short bursts.
A lock of Kojima's hair.
its time they bring out the big guns!!! AXION VERGE!!! its time.....GIVE IT TO ME SONY AND STOP PLAYING WITH ME. im DYING to play it but i know ill buy it will be one of the freebies on the next ps+ thing. or how about shovel knight, slender (on ps4 because i have it for ps3 and dont want to pay again, should have been cross buy), among the sleep, gun gore and canolli, bastion, bedlam, wasteland2, knock knock, calvino noir, i am bread, adventures of pip, the escapist, LA cops, hotline miami2, starwhal, giana sisters.....and the list goes on. id be happy with any of these as far as indies go.
@Cowboysfan-22 PSVR isn't going to be a separate platform, its an extension of the PS4 platform.
That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if they added an additional PSVR title every once in awhile. Maybe have three PS4 choices, but you can only pick two (and one options is a PSVR title).
Its my hope that Sony will drop PS3 and PSV from the PS+ IGC by 2017 (or reduce them to a single title each). They are already stretching PS+ profits thin by providing 6 titles per month, adding PSVR to that mix might sink that boat unless they charge more, or shave off some dead weight. (I would be fine with either).
Been saying for a while now that the PS3 games should be dropped and give out 2 free 30day ps+ trials
@Stuffgamer1 That would be cool actually. I wouldn't mind playing GTA 3 for free.
@_get2sammyb Their library is still nowhere near deep yet so I don't see them doing that for along time. I think the slow development cycle is gonna make us getting triple A titles a lot worse too.
I think is pretty clear what people want... AAA
Rocket League again... Or maybe Final Fantasy 7
Hopefully we won't get a repeat of what we got last month, Hardware was really disappointing. I'd like to see Fez on sale perhaps, and it would be cool to see an old triple A game go on sale too like Killzone.
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