Blimey oh riley, 2016's all up in my face and that bottle of bourbon's making it difficult to stomach. But before this intoxicated video editor chunders all over a blank page, perhaps you'd enjoy our pre-recorded video spotlighting the top ten PlayStation titles from the past 12 months. There's some good stuff in here, like Bloodborne, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and Fallout 4. Now, excuse me while I vom like one of those wretched Glowing Ones.
Happy New Year!
Comments 21
Outstanding video as always Ben. A fitting end to a great year.
Great stuff Ben. I don't agree with some of the order but a really good list of games overall.
I've never got into playing bloodbourne,definitly gonna give it a chance after all this praise it gets. First place for me would have been either Witcher 3 or Fallout 4. 3. place Nathan Drake collection 4. place Journey remastered.Keep in mind i haven't played the last two games before as ps4 is my first console and i know they originaly older games but they do came out to the ps4 this year. 5. place Battlefront 3 for me. I haven't played any Bf games before so i had nothing to compare to,later i looked into it and yes, a lot of modes, and content is missing and all it seems is a graphical upgrade, but still deserves the place on my list as it blew my mind as a first impression.
Great list dudes, what do you reckon on Star Wars Battlefront now that it's had its price permanently dropped?
Fallout 4, Witcher III, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and AC: Syndicate are my top games of 2015. Now I'm just contemplating on whether or not to re-buy MGSV for my PS4. Maybe when it drops in price big time.
Give Ben a raise (or just actual money instead of foodstamps) or we'll riot!! Okay, I will...but it won't be pretty! Ben is such an incredible asset to have in this Youtubey day and age. He's PushSquare's "Rob" and should be treated as such: free drinks and a weekly Friday feature.
Just to be clear: I'm not Ben or his mom again.... This time it's a real fan!
Edit: No Tearaway Unfolded in the top 10??
@Boerewors Thanks mum x
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi for the purpose of clarification:

The biggest omission is Yakuza 5. But I get it. How can it compete with an expansion pack, a walking simulator and the diary of a teenage girl? That's top quality stuff right there.
You're welcome Tootsie Roll!
Oh and Pumpkin Buttocks, Mrs. Walton called to say this week's accordion lesson is canceled, but she'll bring you your homework on Sunday so you'll be prepared for the fair.
Awesome vid. Laughed hard at the Robert Ramsey cameo.
It's the hat.
@Boerewors Batman has no mother... Scarecrow?!
I'm a bit surprised that Resident Evil Revelations 2 has not come up in any best of the year lists that I've seen. It was a real highlight of my year anyway.
I can see why it might not make many lists but I have it in my top 5. Really enjoyed that game.
@chiptoon I believe @DrJoeystein picked it.
@get2sammyb @chiptoon I did! Honestly my favorite RE since RE4.
Have to apologize for my sarcasm. After looking at some other website's selections, some of these choices don't really seem that crazy now. One website picked Her Story as GOTY...
Would FFXIV: Heavensward have made it into the list if wasn't pay to play?
@Gamer83 Probably won't surprise you that Her Story would have been on my list if it released on a PlayStation platform...
@get2sammyb thanks for getting rid of that spam, by the time I logged in to report it it had disappeared! I really appreciate all the work you guys do to keep a clean and enjoyable comments section.
It's been an awesome year all round for gaming, some of my favorites include Witcher 3 and the Hearts of Stone expansion, along with Uncharted Collection (old games I know but the improvements BluePoint made to the first game made it much more playable than the original for me), and to a lesser extent Fallout 4 (game was impressive, but I was spoilt from the storytelling in Witcher 3 and it also didn't help that a friend of mine spoiled a major plot point before I even started playing.)
LOL video , is Ben Potter really Quinten Wilson ?
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