You already know part of your February PlayStation Plus lineup, but what about the rest? As reported earlier, isometric cross-buy blaster Helldivers and quirky soup sim Nom Nom Galaxy are the headliners – but the PlayStation 3 lineup is pretty great, with fighting game spin-off Persona 4 Arena Ultimax and Grid Autosport on the docket.
Meanwhile, on the Vita you'll get Lemmings Touch and Nova 111 – the latter of which will be cross-buy across the PS4, PS3, and Vita. It's not the greatest month of all time, but we reckon that there's enough variety and good games here to please most. Then again, this is a PlayStation Plus update we're talking about – bicker away in the comments section below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com, via blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 58
Honestly, probably one of the strongest lineups in quite some time.
I'm interested in Lemmings Touch. It's been a while since I've played a lemmings game but I've always been a fan. A childhood classic
Tbh Ilike it a lot.
PS4 games have good reviews and I wanted to try them for some time now, only reason I did not buy Helldivers yet, is that I am not into online play that much, now it is a good change to try it!
Always wanted to get Persona Arena, but I could not find a nice price for it, so I am pretty happy about it.
No idea about GRID, but it is from Codemasters, how bad can it be?
Even though I love Lemmings, a touch version doesnt interests me, also a good change to try it without additional money.
As for Nova 111, no suprise there, lets be honest, Curve Digital gives almost all of their games on Plus sooner or later, I am not buying form them anymore.
I think it's one of the good months, sure no "AAA" titles, but I don't care, I buy what I want from those.
Not bad at all. I have no interest in driving games, Anime, or anything by those pixel junk people, but there's obviously many who do.
Helldivers I'd completely forgot about, so I'll be happy with that. Well worth the 3 pound odd.
P4U would've been great, but my ps3 died a while ago.
Helldivers looks good, but AC4 should have been the second game instead if Nom Nom. The PS3 is pretty meh, and maybe Lemmings will be good for Vita.
Only have Helldivers and the rest is really interesting
I like Persona 4 Arena A LOT and never bought it...so now's the time to lose some hours there!
Yay Helldivers 👏 🙌 😤
Great months for ps3 owners. Of which I'm not
Is Helldivers cross buy with Vita?
@DM666 Yes, it is. I will also play it on my PS Vita.
How can anyone complain about free games? Oh wait I am sure people will.
Not one game that I find interesting, pretty sad. I'm really starting to regret getting a year subscription to ps+ right now. Hoping March is a better month for me.
totally up for trying persona 4 arena ultimax.... that was actually on my list of PS3 titles I wanted to play before moving on to PS4
Well, Helldivers will be getting a download for sure!
First time in a long while something has interested me, and Helldivers looks great!
I have lurked on this site for so long that I finally decided to sign in and participate!! I have come to love reading posts from so many of you!! Push Square is one of the two or three regular sites I visit each day!! I am excited to be rubbing shoulders with you guys!!
That said ... I can't wait to play Helldivers with you guys!! I bought it out of the chute and have really enjoyed it!! Also, excited to dust off my PS3 to play Persona 4 Arena... Have always wanted to give it a go, but never pulled the trigger on it!!
Helldivers will benefit greatly from more people getting to play it might even get a few folks from here together and have a night of it
@Tasuki you do know that free means that you don't pay any money to play them, right?
Helldivers you say? I've been interested in that game for a while! Can't complain about Persona either!
Your comment kind of smacks of Trolling. And from a moderator too
@Pipr Except it doesn't?
@MDHegs Aw, thanks so much for signing up and reading the site!
Feb's lineup looks good! I keep thinking of biting the bullet and buying witcher 3 + several other AAA games but psn games keep me busy enough to make it pointless (just not enough time to play them all).
It's all money saved that can go towards the psvr though
Helldivers makes the whole lineup worthwhile, even though I bought the game at release anyway. I'll just be glad of more Troopers to help keep the enemies of Super Earth at bay.
@Pipr I suggest you look up the meaning of trolling and get back to me. What I speak is 100% truth.
A great and varied lineup.
Owning the disk version of Helldivers, I'll be glad for the influx of players to keep the swarms at bay. Also looking forward to P4A Ultimax having enjoyed Golden and recently completed the awesome Dancing All Night.
@ShogunRok Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is the star here i wish there was backward compatibility so i can play it on PS4
i think i need to buy a PS3 again!
@THEONE19 Agreed, it would be nice to play it on the PS4.
It's certainly better than the last couple of months. I've been wanting to try Helldivers for quite some time.
Good month!
Not sure how this is considered a good line up, I prefered Grim Fandango. Helldivers look okay, guess i'll give that a go but still.
I regret trading my PS3 in now as I don't think the PS4 games are up my street. I'm sure many others here are happy though so I'll just wait until next months games
PS4 has the weakest line up
@MDHegs Welcome good sir
Helldivers is a great game. I'm excited to try Grid. Looks like a good line up.
More of the same, nothing of interest to me. And can people stop saying there 'free' games unless I am the only person who pays for psplus they are not free.
First time ever I might not play any of the PS+ games, except maybe for Lemmings as I played it a lot on the Amiga.
nom nom is a lot of fun
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi so anything that you are not interested in is crap? Not sure if that's a healthy mindset
Decent lineup. Not sure if any of it is anything that'll keep my interest in the long run, but at least I don't already own any of them.
@supergurr You are right 4 euro something is so much money they need to give us triple A games... The subscription is less then a new game lol. Even with the psplus sales only.
HELLDIVERS !!!!! yes yes yeeeeeeessss I always wanted that game ^^
just sad i dont have a PS3 any more I would so want to play Persona Arena Ultimax (why no HD remake ArkSys???) (
I only dont have a Vita or PS3 and I never play online so I'm going to skip another month for now.
@Hego I'd be up for that, I haven't played it in so long, but I sure I can unleash my Junpei and Adachi on you haha!
@get2sammyb I would love for Sony to at least make Digital PS3 games compatible with PS4. But I'm sure its easier said than done
Bah, just bought P4 Arena Ultimax last weekend! Oh well, good lineup either way!
A big ol' MEH. I must've got Helldivers through a promotion when it released last year, it was slightly fun for a bit. The rest I couldnt care less about.
People also need to look up wtf the word "free" means
Nice lineup, I already have Helldiver's it's a good game. I'm quite chuft with Nom Nom as well i've nearly bought that game a few time's but didn't, now i'll finally find out if it's any good.
@MDHegs welcome! As a member for the last couple years I can say great site and online community. I think you'll enjoy coming out of lurking to participating. Also have to say I never care what is given to us game wise since I always have such a terribly large backlog but this month does look better than most!
Nova interests me but I have so much on my plate already
It's not 100% truth because they're not free.
I like indie games and all but seriously,Rocket League is the last of the "free" games i've had any interest in.PS+ is more expensive due to these games i do not want.At this point its a stupid gimmick to make PS+ more expensive imo.I'd rather it was done anyway with and the sub made cheaper as a result.
@stocko I've no idea what that means but sounds good! Yay when the games are available to download I'll get the Helldivers thread in the forums up again and we might be able to cobble a team together
@Hego haha for some reason I thought you were talking about Persona 4 Ultimax... Embarrassing Yeah Helldiver's sounds good too!
@get2sammyb @ShogunRok I know that personal tastes play a large role in the perception of the quality of the PS+ lineup, but February's is particularly bad. Usually its very meh, but still worth "banking" by adding it to my library anyway, just in case I get bored in the future, but this line up isn't even worth that. Its one of the few months in PS+ history where I am not even going to bank the titles. To be clear speak of only the PS4 titles.
@Tasuki They are as free as the videos on Netflix. If you pay for a subscription to a service that provides content, you are entitled to complain if that content is terrible. You may subscribe for online play, and think of the titles as extra candy; but that opinion is no more valid than those that subscribe for the IGC and think of online play as extra candy. In fact the later opinion is more valid because the PS3/PSV (where PS+ started) do not require PS+ for online play (you pretty much just get IGC titles out of it).
Personally I used to subscribe for the IGC (I couldn't care less about online play) but now with the IGC being so terrible, I am only sticking around for cloud saves, and thats almost not worth the price.
@stocko I recognised Adachi from Persona 4 but I couldn't figure out how it was connected to Helldivers Unless it was some weird dlc
helldivers fantastic! thnak you ps plus maybe bro force next month that is sweet
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