Republished on Wednesday, 17th February 2016: We're bringing this feature back from the archives following the news that Sony is about to beta test PS4 firmware update v3.50. The original text follows.
Originally published on Tuesday, 5th January 2016: Pipe down at the back – the PlayStation 4 certainly isn't a turd in its current state. There's a growing sentiment throughout the industry that because Microsoft's been playing catch-up for the past couple of years, Sony has been standing still – but it ignores the fact that the Japanese giant launched a quality console to begin with. Despite that, the device is not above criticism, and there are some firmware features that should have been implemented a long time ago. Here are five that we reckon the manufacturer should make happen in 2016 – or get in the flubbin' sea.
Bleedin' folders
We like the PS4's user interface: it's fast, fluid, and very functional. The only problem with it is that it tends to ignore the fact that many people tend to play more than ten or so games. Sure, you can now hide your least played titles in an ever-expanding library, but wouldn't it be great if we could organise our releases using a novel innovation named folders? The funny thing is, the system already has this functionality, as catch-up channels are filed away under a neat and tidy tile. Can we have access to this feature, too, Sony?
Online notifications
Ever since the days of AIM's creaky door wavefile, online notifications have been a mainstay on instant messaging services. Sony apparently sees them as old-fashioned, though, as the PS4 still doesn't boast pop-ups to tell you when your buddies come online. To be fair, the system's ability to support up to 2,000 friend connections makes this a touch more complicated, but couldn't it devise a 'Best Friends' system where you only receive notices for close associates?
Better library control
The PS4 library is a good feature – after all, there should be a way to see all of your licenses. But surely it should come with a little more control: filters and search, for starters. We don't know about you, but we're fed up of having to scroll through countless demos and betas just to get to the title that we're looking for. All of that stuff needs to be available should it be needed, of course, but if you could just hide the bloat, it would make things way, way easier to navigate.
We love the PS4's dynamic themes, we really do – but sometimes you just want to be greeted by a 1080p shot of Johnny Depp in guyliner when you boot up your big box. At the moment, Sony's system doesn't allow custom wallpapers, which seems kinda crazy when you consider that it would literally just entail a .PNG image overlaying the ordinary backdrop. Surely we won't have to wait too much longer for this simple but necessary feature?
Name changes
Part of us thinks that it's your own problem if you were short-sighted enough to pick a silly PlayStation Network name, but then we consider that those who were ten-years-old when they got a PlayStation 3 are now almost old enough to vote – and we all go through changes as we grow up. Sony really needs to find a way to allow people to alter their names, then. Look, we get it – the PSN is held together with paperclips and string. But there has to be someone out there with a brain big enough to come up with a solution. Heck, the platform holder could even charge – we doubt that many would complain.
Are there any PS4 firmware updates that you think are long overdue? Which of the ones on our list do you think need to be implemented ASAP? Shout really loud in the comments section below.
Which of the following firmware features do you most want? (234 votes)
- Give me folders or fold
- I need to know when my pals come online
- The library needs a spring clean
- I want to pick my own wallpaper, please
- I beg to be relieved of my awful PSN name
- Other
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 74
See, all these features would be great and everything, but what I'd really like most of all is for them to add more stability
Custom Backgrounds would be nice, not fussed about the other stuff
@get2sammyb So funny, I just saw a Christian Dior poster with Johnny Depp wearing guyliner in it over the weekend. XD
No folders? After 2 years? I haven't really looked at a PS4 so I'm not sure how it's set up, but I've used and needed folders on PS3 - PS+, adult, purchased, demos, Move - don't see how I would manage without them.
And that was a really good point about the kids accounts. My kids were about 3 and 5 when I made them PSN accounts, they didn't get a choice in names. My eldest son, now 13, got a smartphone for Christmas and has begun his own online identity at last, I'm sure he would like his own account name across all platforms.
@FullbringIchigo yep that's all I'm after to be honest. Maybe some different fonts. Out of my entire library of games I only realistically play 3-4 over a week and it's no real hardship to go to the library and add it to the XMB.
Yeah I think folders are a must. Or at least let us use a square by square format
Custom themes is pretty much the only one that interests me. I had my Ps3 decked out with a Star Trek inspired LCARS XMB complete with sound effects. Twas glorious
Offline Trophy's dammit!
How about they remove shared videos from auto playing when you scroll down on a games thumb nail
Dont care about any of the things listed and ps4 certainly doesn't "desperately need" any of them ...maybe folders to streamline the xmb a bit but i actually really like the ps4 how it is right now, its not overly messy and cluttered, theres not online notifications popping up every second and i like my psn name. On a different topic i thought bloodborne was my game of the year but having bought Tearaway a couple of weeks ago from argos(£12.49!)and really giving it a go last night....WOW! Its simply brilliant.
One of my biggest complaints with the PS3's UI was you couldn't organize games alphabetically. I like that the PS4 kinda lets you do that with the Library feature but it still would be nice to put games into folders and organize them. I don't understand why this isn't a default feature.
Mine would only be a miner change, I use Senil Relyt as my Summoner name on League of Legends, and that is what I would like to change my PSN name to.
All of the above.
@get2sammyb I like the idea of a "Best "Friends" filter with more features. And yes, the Library is horrible UX. Personally, I'm not a fan of any system that takes my ability to organize and sort away from me. The PS4 gaming library is not getting smaller--and that's a good thing.
@itshoggie I wholeheartedly agree.
I can live with out any of them to be honest.
Personally I want External HDD support! My internal 500gb is already full and whilst I know I could replace it with a 2TB, its a lot of hassle to reinstall, redownload all the patches and DLC, and reinstall the OS via a USB stick.
It would be SO much easier to just plug in an External HDD and move all but my OS to it. If that gets full, I can just buy another and swap them over as and when required. I can see a 2TB internal getting full long before the PS4 is finished - especially with IGC too. If any thing happened to my PS4 or I wish to replace it with a different model - either a custom or redesigned version, its also easy to just plug in the external.
I see this as far more essential than any of the 5 mentioned here although a few would be nice, none actually affect me as much as needing extra storage for my games
Folders don't bother me.... Having demos and other things on my games list that can't be deleted does bother me... I have NEVER played Zen Pinball.... I have NEVER downloaded the demo for it....WTF it doin permanently settled in my games library!!! Other things like Now TV and Destiny demo got added too without my permission.... I REALLY want an update for the media player to increase compatibility... Lots of my movies have black screen with sound.... or just can't be played at all.
I don't see folders as an issue at least outside of the library which definitely needs to be tidied up and I like the XMB as it is. It's nice and clean and easy to use, by all means give folders for those that want them but I doubt I'd use them. The library really does need something though and is horrible to use, quite why Sony feels the need to have demo's mixed in with your full games I'll never know. I'm also quite happy without been notified when my friends come online, and to be honest that used to irritate me on PS3 having it pop up every minute or so. Generally speaking we'd message each other anyway to see if we're up for a game of Rocket League or whatever.
I would like to change my PSN name and would even pay a small fee to do it, that and avatars should be fully customisable and simply should just match your profile picture.
The thing I want most of all is for season pass content to just download instead of me having to go through the store and click on every piece, with Driveclub being the biggest culprit by far
I do not think any of those issues really bother people. A folder for games you have a library how hard is it to go there and pick a title to play.
Regarding your psn name if you are so unhappy about it then create a new account. It was like in the days when I first set up an email address with hotmail I chose a name I thought was good but years later turned out to be daft. I just created a new account problem solved. You can request the real name of friends as well so its fine. On anothe note the funniest psn name I have seen was noknickersjane
The only thing I would like to see is the ability to appear offline or have a status change like away from PS4.
I do agree with @carlos82 downloading all the content for driveclub was a pain in the ass. Season pass content should auto download. But not sure if thats down to sony or the games makers
Couldn't care less about folder? What exactly is the point? Soooo easy to go to the library and pick any game, if those couple extra button presses bother you then wow. All I want is external HD support, I already have a new HD but I want to be able to hook externals in as well. Everything else is total fluff and irrelevant.
I like it how it is but would like one thing ,when turning off the ps4 using the controller I press the PS button but the shutdown option is in a secondary option ,first world pain an' all that but I'm sure this wasn't originally the case on earlier firmware.
@BAMozzy Thank you.Man,External HDD support is what is a must! The ideas on this list are also okay,I think most people want some missing feature or other -Lots missing.
External HD, nothing more, nothing less.
@BAMozzy right man! Someone with some foresight. 2TB is ridiculous. Both Microsoft & Nintendo allow for a stable external support. I buy & play almost all titles (most on sale). We need more storage.
name change isnt something that would happen on the firmware level lol
PSN is gonna need a major overhaul for that to be able to happen
ID changing will be tough however Xbox already has this for $20, so if they can do it I'm expecting Sony to get it done. If they are selling the most consoles, charging for ps4 ps plus, and and before that were a billion dollar company to begin with, then they should be able to put the time and money into their system.
Folders for me, surely a much requested feature such as this should be first on Sonys list...
My favourites:
Better library control
Bleeding folders
Bring the PSone classics.
I would love all of them not bothered by name change thou SKC_Diamond forever even if older version of myself hates it he's stuck with it what a cruel world he must live in
External Harddrive support should be the no. 1 priority. Even Nintendo has it.
A name change would be rather nice. I've had my PSN name since the PlayStation Forums days... it'd be nice to go back and tell my 12 year-old self that having a 666 at the end of your username is nowhere near as cool as you seem to think it is.
Failing that, PSOne Classics support is definitely do-able and probably not that much of a pain, as far as logistics are concerned. Or, for something actually on the poll - custom backgrounds would be pretty nice. I mean, I really like the PlayStation 20th Anniversary theme and background, it's the only one I've ever cared enough about to use; but sometimes I get fed up of the plain grey background, so something new wouldn't go amiss. Sure, I could just pick another theme, but I like the way the icons are themed in the 20th anniversary theme, so there. I'm picky. Let me be picky :B
I want to change my psn name. Looking back 7 years ago on highschool I made a lot of bad decisions. This was one of them.
Sony needs to bring External HDD support this beyond ridiculous not to have that available for the PS4 , game files always getting bigger and bigger hate fiddling with my PS4 just to put another HardDrive in
Make it easy for the consumer D'uh !!
I want the firmware update that will make my ps4 not sound like a jet engine taking off from hell
This and folders. Two simple, basic features that should've been there day one. It is unbelievable it's not and even more laughable that some still defend this crap.
I just want offline trophies!
Please let me change the country i live in. I moved years ago and want to buy stuff for the vita online!
Name change would be great but now my real name is up there it's not a mega issue, still like to change it. It's been a option that Xbox has had since the 360 (as far as I know) why haven't Sony added i don't know.
Folders, definitely!
Trophies. Specifically not having to sync them and also being able to see progress against active ones would be ace!
folders would be nice but all i really want is video chat. having family spread all over the world is murder on phone bills. vid chat would allow real face time
@Gamer83 Couldn't agree more with you here it's sad some peope been damage control every situation when comes to Sony
if people we're smart they would be complaining to get these features , it's ridiculous to be waiting for the simple stuff
Folders are the only thing I care about. If I want to play a game I haven't touched in a month, it can take a while to find it. Baffling how the PS3 and Vita had this but the PS4 is conspicuously absent
Can we have ability to zoom and scroll our ps4 screenshots - I love checking out my destiny dood and new gear. And ability to edit our video clips. I hate watching my destiny video captures with a loading screen!! Also can the screenshots when u achieve a trophy be stored in a separate folder not with my screen grabs.
What's up with not being able to change your PSN name? Xbox Live has had this feature forever. They even give you one freebie before you're charged.
oh External Hard Drive support would be nice too, yeah i know you can put a 2tb HDD in the PS4 but with games needing up to 50gb to install and the patches and DLC on top, even that would soon be eaten up
where as external HDD's would give us almost unlimited room
@bbq_boy I'm a little late on this reply and maybe you know by now but you can use share factory to do some really neat things with your gameplay vids, including cutting out sections.
Tbh none of these are needed it's just for lazyness imo. Takes two seconds to see if your friends are online . I've had the same account name since the ps3 came out
Offline trophies and to be able customize my main bar putting games and apps where I want them rather than recently used.
None of these features actually matter to me, what matters to me is the ability to change the region that your currently in. I just want the Japanese psn avatars, totally avatar obsessed.
Bluetooth support for the Turtle beach PX4 would be good. The ageing but still awesome PS3 has it so why not the PS4.
Gosh I remember begging for folders on Vita, and even asking Nintendo for folders on Wii U. We got both eventually. Not sure why PS4 doesn't have them though.
It should be day one stuff! Yet no one- not Sony, not Nintendo or even Microsoft has thought to implement folders day one.
Let me fix my library by deleting all the demo/beta/alpha etc craps :/
My PSN ID is stupid, but it has growned on me so I don't want to change it
@BAMozzy This times 100. We need external HD support, the rest is all fluff and decorative filler. I have already swapped my HD out but would still like a plug in external.
Folders would be fine.
External HDD support too.
Checking trophies while being offline.
Let me pause a download from the main menu OR from the Library, not from Notifications>Downloads.
Offline Trophy's please.
Not sure why it is set up as it is in the first place? My Trophy alert goes from my PS4 to Sony's servers and back again to my PS4 before I can view it? Feck me that's backwards!
Other than that I really like the PS4 UI
Party since increase to 16 people. 10 is not enough. What kind of party is that? Its just a gathering. 16 people is the party sweet spot.
@JoeBlogs It has just become a hip complaint. Everything you do recently stays at the front of the list, and the ps4 UI is quite intuitive. Never once have I been bothered by not having folders. If I want to scroll through my earlier stuff, the library is very handy and just as fast and snappy to access as everything else.
External HD is all I need. It would surely boost dlc and psn sales. And a 500GB hard disk with PS One case would sell like cakes.
Anything that was on the ps3 but isnt available on ps4 is just wrong. I want all of the above and feel it shouldnt be cut from the ps4 only to make a big announcement later on in the consoles lifespan. That's the bit that annoys me. What was avail on ps3 should never have been removed from the next gen of the console.
@SonyInfinity Yeah I've never been bothered by a lack of folders either. Everything's pretty simple to navigate and adding them might even make things slower and more annoying...
Not having folders and not being Able to change your background is a crime. I just don't think song gives a crap. The reason they don't give us acces to making our own wallpaper is to try to fetus to spend money to get one on psn. I refuse to buy a theme.
We should be able to clean our librarys if necessary of all the betas/demos etc. Custom wallpapers/backgrounds should also be a thing like in PS3. I can live without folders for now...
@SonyInfinity agreed
Being able to change your PSN ID once it's created would be a plus for me.Unfortunately i'm 100% happy with this PSN account i created.
The ONE thing I want more than anything else is the ability to delete games from my trophy list (that are more than 0%). Let me clean up my trophy list. I will buy and play a LOT more games if this were a possibility. Seriously, I hate having to check a games trophy list before I buy it.
I would be happy with a "disable trophies for this game" option instead, but I really want to clean up the list I already have first.
Yes great features but "desperately needed"? No. Overall there just needs to be more options to allow customizing to individual users. Options like what and where stuff is displayed on the ui, alphabetical viewing of trophy list, wallpaper/themes brightness, ect.
After years on the ps3 with a dynamic fish tank or Hopper's Nighthawks i actualy like the simplicity of the default theme and the ui of my ps4 i purchased 2 months ago.
Right now external hdd support seems the most needed new feature especially when considering that after 2.5 years the included hdd is still only 500GB. However i respect any security issues Sony wants to avoid that external hdd support may bring.
@BAMozzy Exactly. Thank you. If not full support for playing games off an external, how about just storage & transfer to the internal drive (not just backing them up; which is in place now). We could swap our mechanical drives for small/affordable SSD's & have a better experience.
the most important feature for me would be to hide my online status - like being "invisible" - sometimes I want to play just for myself and its hugely annoying to always get messages etc. from online friends while playin
besides that it would give me some sort of "privacy" again, since I dont really want that my online friends always see everything what Im playin etc but I guess this is wishful thinkin
Oh God not this again... I really don't want to List my 'Wants' again and again but Folders on that List is what I want mainly and Appear off-line would be cool(why does everyone have to know what I am doing on my PS4 all the time?! What is this obsession with being seen online 24/7) Oh well, apart from that the PS4 is Excellent + (dam, now I want more stuff) CD playback would be nice and the PS4 could read other Hard drive formats would be cool to.
Changing your psn name would be great but saying that, all that were mentioned would be wicked 😱
The ability to record the chat audio in a video (not just mine), without having to live stream first.
Tired of only hearing my voice in share play vids.
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