Longevity isn't exactly the DualShock 4's favourite word. Sony's latest controller may be the most comfortable that it's ever made, but if it was on a Duracell commercial, it would be one of those knock-off bunnies on its haunches staring longingly at the cotton tails of its supercharged counterparts. The PowerPak 1, an ergonomic accessory from Prif, aims to extend the life of your PlayStation 4 controller by a good 20 hours – but is it any good?
"If the DualShock 4 was on a Duracell commercial, it would be one of those knock-off bunnies on its haunches"
For the price, it's actually a decent bit of kit. The unassuming object plugs into the DualShock 4's micro USB port, and wraps around the back of the controller, snugly hugging the unit's curves. It does add a bit of weight to the input device as you'd expect, but not much – and after you've had it attached for a few hours, you'll hardly know that it's there. So far, so good.
It's worth noting that the profile of the PowerPak 1 does mean that there's less room in the trigger area, and if you're the kind of person that rests their middle fingers on the L2 and R2 triggers, then you will feel its presence. If, however, you use your index fingers for all four shoulder buttons, then it's much harder to notice – though long fingers will rub up against the battery pack in the grip area regardless.

It's not invisible, then, but it's about as discreet as it could be, and it actually works really well. During our tests, we've got about 15 to 18 hours extra life out of a single DualShock 4 charge, which is a huge improvement over the usual five to six hours that the device offers. Its operation is simple: when your controller's getting low on battery, you simply push a button on the top of the PowerPak 1 to charge it back up – completely cable-free.

If you need to charge the DualShock 4 and the battery pack, then there's a micro USB slot on the top of the unit that allows you to plug it into the PS4, and you can actually charge both the PowerPak 1 and controller simultaneously to save time. It's all rather seamless, and while the build quality on the accessory isn't great – the power button is particularly cheap – it never overheats or anything like that.
It's worth adding that, while you can buy the PowerPak 1 individually, you can also pair it with an item called the Crescendo 1, which plugs into the headphone jack on the DualShock 4. This works as an amplifier, boosting the volume of the console's sounds if you opt to route its audio through the controller and into a pair of non-powered headphones or earbuds. This does add a little humming, but it works as advertised, and comes with a handy volume wheel and microphone toggle.
All in all, then, the PowerPak 1 is an accessory worth considering. If you're tired of plugging your controller into a charging station with irritating regularity, then this cheap and cheerful add-on will reduce the number of times that you need to re-charge. There are alternatives available from the likes of Nyko which perform a similar task, but given the price – and compatibility with the Crescendo 1 if that interests you – then you can't really go wrong with this ingenious little extra.
You can nab the PowerPak 1 from Amazon and GAME in the UK. Is this something that you're interested in? Are you tired of the DualShock 4's poor battery life? Recharge in the comments section below.
Are you happy with the DualShock 4's battery life? (104 votes)
- Yes, it seems fine to me
- Meh, not really bothered
- No, it's pretty darn poor
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Comments 56
This sounds great. The DS4 battery life is an embarrasment.
I've never found the battery life to be an issue, at least I've never had it run out on me. I just plug it into my ps4 when I've finished playing and I have a spare controller if it ever run out
@carlos82 It's certainly not a "world falling" scenario like some like to pretend. This certainly reduces the irritation if you find yourself frustrated, though.
I'm gonna answer that article title with a nice blunt response. Plug it into the system. Or your phone charger as I found out.
But yeah considering these are controllers that compared to other £40 controllers don't last as long, and can cost more than that, it's a bit of a price to quality problem. Then again Sony is known for charging high for crap. Gotta love Vita memory cards.
Luckily for me I sit very close to my TV and have it plugged in majority of the time anyways so when It's running out I can just plug in and carry on playing. I would say the battery life is terrible though.
I think something else should be added into this article that substantially helps the ds4 battery life. Set the light bar to the lowest setting and have your ds4 disconnect after 10-15 minutes of non use and you will literally never have an issue with battery life. Once I did these two things I haven't had any problems. Simply plug it in while your watching the TV. Mine seems to last ALOT longer than the 5 hors that is suggested in this article once you do the things I mentioned above.
I don't understand why we can't turn off the controller sounds and the battery-draining LED! I don't see a purpose for these.
@nlovett218 You can turn off the speaker and dim the DualShock 4's LED. Honestly, they don't make as much of a difference to the battery life as you may expect, though.
Here's the tutorial for dimming the DS4 light: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2014/04/guide_how_to_dim_the_ps4_controllers_light_bar
Almost every gaming session I have results in me having to plug my controller in - usually into my laptop rather than my console and have the cable trailing across the floor. Admittedly I do tend to game a lot with a headset connected so I don't get anywhere near as long as 5hrs
(usually about 3hrs).
I do have an XB1 and use the same headset on that. Using standard Duracell batteries, I can game for weeks without needing to replace the batteries, even the rechargeable pack lasts a couple of days or so before needing to be recharged.
What concerns me more about the DS4 is the long term battery life. I have a DS3 which can't hold its charge anymore and has to be used wired. If a rechargeable pack gets like this, its easy and cheaper to replace than a new controller.
It is what it is though but given the choice, I would much rather have the system Xbox uses than a built in battery. Its not like I have to keep buying batteries as I have rechargeable packs anyway - it just offers more flexibility and prolongs the life of my controllers (as far as wireless use goes anyway).
It doesn't bother me as I rarely play 2 player games. I usually have one controller on the charger and one in use and I just swap as I need to. But I can understand the need for something like this.
I don't play longer than 2-3 hours at a time. So I don't notice it much. I charge after use, and alternate between two.
Just plug the controller in when it needs to be charged....
I picked have a 4 metre usb extension cable so i can play and charge at the same time. It works for me.
I always play with rumble turned off and the light bar on dim, the DS4 is a great design, but that battery life, not so much.......Thanks for letting me know about this product, I may pick it up.
I guess that I'm either very lucky, or don't have the high standards that others might, but I've never seen it as an issue. I game for 1-3 hours a day, and only need to plug my controller in once every three or four days. And since it charges in rest mode, its always ready in the morning after I go to bed. I also tend to get around an hour of game time after it warns me that the battery is low, so there's plenty of time to plug it in and save the game.
I read people saying that the battery is worse compared to the PS3 controller, but I really haven't had that same experience. After using the PS3 as my primary system for eight years, and then the PS4 for the last 18 months, to me the PS4 charge is somewhat better than the PS3's was.
And of course the quality of the controller is MUCH better than the junk that Sony was building (or still is building) towards the end of the PS3's cycle. My original PS3 controllers were great, but after the buttons wore out and I needed to buy new ones, all of the news ones (each one an official dualshock from Sony) were lighter, felt hollow, and would crack around the sticks. Every single one.
While I'd agree that the DS4 has a pretty bad battery life, I sit at my computer desk, which is right next to my TV and consoles, when gaming so the length of the stock charging cable is perfect for my purposes.
I feel for anyone gaming from a couch though.
The battery life of the DS4 is no more than a nuisance for me. I've always one controler on the charging base...
Where's the part that says PushSquare makes money if we click on the links and/ or order one of these units? If it's mentioned, and we also learn that these products are provided by the manufacturer, than I can completely trust the reviewer to be independent, or decide not to, when it's not mentioned I always have this feeling people have something to hide.
Don't make this look like a shady practice when it in fact isn't, or at least not more than with all other sites that do exactly the same. You guys got bills to pay as well, there's no shame in that; your audience is mature enough to understand how these things work.
6 hour's battery life?!?! more like 2 hour's and that's being generous worst controller i've ever used, the best alternative is a scuff pad or for sony to make an elite controller or maybe even just an official wired controler but that's not going to happen. I reckon Sony make more from selling controller's than they do some of their exclusive's. I'm on my 5th controller, these controller's were not made for gamer's they were made to make money.
I just plug the controller into a USB wall charger near where I'm sitting while I play. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, so I'm use to dealing with cords, so it's barely noticeable to me, and since the cord isn't running from my PS4, across the floor to where I sit, there's no way to trip over it. Seems like a reasonable compromise, and slightly more environmentally friendly than using an additional battery when it's truly not necessary, at least not for myself.
I'm not really bothered by its battery life, but that add-on looks like something straight out of 90's!
Eh, turning down the brightness of the LED in the back to "Dim" seems to have extended the battery of the PS4's enough for me to the point where it's no longer an annoyance.
I own 2 controllers for this reason. For the price we should expect more life from them
Most of the time the micro usb doesn't work anyway and you have to fiddle with it and check it every 10 minute's to see if it's actualy charging.
If it wouldn't add bulk to the controller, I'd be all over this as the regular battery life is the worst part of an otherwise great controller.
As it stands, I'll wait for a battery pack that fits into the regular space.
Sadly, those knock-offs on eBay and such are absolute crap and only last as long as the original.
Having two controllers works very well for me.
awesome article very informative in all honesty I just plug mine in and play
@xMEADx In the standard DualShock 4? Sounds like you may have a faulty controller - I've never experienced that problem.
My routine is game, then charge controller over night. In the occasion that it's an extended session and I need a charge, I have a portable battery pack with a little 2 foot cord that is kept in the recliner.
Still wanted to see if this was available here in Canada, only Nyko is available in this region as far as I can tell, unless someone can get me a link to Prif here. I don't trust Nyko as a brand much, pretty shoddy work generally.
I don't know the battery life has never been a problem for me. I just keep it charged when not using it that's all. And if you need a quick charge while playing it you can use a cell phone charger.
I seriously don't get people's complaint about the battery life. Unless you are doing some 10 hour non stop gaming marathon then well any battery operated controller will run out in that case.
@NomNom I think Prif are sadly mostly operating in Europe at the moment. My understanding is that the Nyko one is very similar, but I've only tested the Prif one so can't say for sure.
The product seems to do a decent job. But plugging in the controller is not really a big issue I just need a cable that's a bit longer than the standard issue.
I have two, so I can just charge the other one while playing with the other. I don't really see it as a problem.
Better to buy an extra controller, then you can also play with a friend if needed. I couldn't get by with just one controller with the poor battery life.
@xMEADx 2 hours is a gross exaggeration, hell, it will last another hour of play time AFTER it prompts on the screen and says it needs to be charged. Don't spew misinformation, this crowd is to well informed.
@xMEADx Absolutely never had this problem, in fact my phones seem to have this problem and I have never once had it with either of my ds4s. Unless of course you are jamming it in and out as a child would, smh.
@Goob Agreed, it works great. You can also lower the sound fx from the controller and the rumble feature. (Although I like the rumble!)
DS4 is pretty disappointing. Had just a Wii U for a few years and I used a Pro controller with that for games like Smash, Hyrule Warriors and Mario Kart. One of the best controllers I've ever used and it lasts for ages on a single charge too! Cost me less than a DS4. Meanwhile Nintendo greatly limits its usage... As for PS4, was really disappointed when I saw how quickly I had to recharge the DS4.
@MadAussieBloke I actually struggle with the DS4 almost as much as I do the gamepad... But atleast with the pad I can move to the Pro on most of the good games.
@SonyInfinity I wish it was 2 hour's is actualy generous, I work from home (very cushy job) I rarely leave the house, so I pretty much get to play on and off most of the day so I use mine alot more than most here who only seem to get 3 hour's or so an evening I get up at 7.30am even on a Sunday and very rarely go to bed before 1am, they might be ok for a few hour's a day but for huge gaming session's on say FFXI they suck and at £55 a throw they shouldn't. XB1 controller's make the DumpS4 look like crap the charge last a huge time in comparison and they also have the option for AAA battery's and if you use Duracell £1.99 for 6 in the local shop near me 2 battery's will last a week and they are built to last, 2 of my DS4's have broiken from falling from my desk 2 foot to the floor. I'm not one to start replacing part's I just take them back and get them replaced. The only place I hear good thing's about the Ds4 is in these forum's, almost everybody I actualy talk to about this say the DS4 is terrible value for money. Give us a wired controler Sony. The only thing the DS4 has over the XB1 are better trigger's, these are only my personal experience's and i've voiced them before maybe i've been incredibly unlucky but my whole experience with the DS4 has left a very sour taste in my mouth. We have 2 PS4's in our house and it will be 3 soon as my youngest want's one so buying 2 per console really isnt an option for me and yes my eldest son's controller is also playing up.
It's not really an issue. I just bought a spare DS4 controller and imported the official Sony docking station, and bam, problem solved. Controller dies? Swap out with the fully charged one. No bulky add-ons required.
The Gamepad, now THAT requires an extended battery (can't exactly swap out with a spare gamepad can you). Thankfully they sell official high capacity ones that fit internally and dang near extend battery life to last as long as the DS4.
As for the X1 controller, that thing just keeps on tickin and the Wii U Pro Controller? 80 hours on a charge. You'll die of old age before you ever need to plug that thing in.
So ya, it may be a little more expensive but I'd recommend going the extra controller/docking station route. Nobody likes bully add ons.
This advertisement is now a featured article? Really?
edit: I take back calling this an ad. Not nice of me.
I just wrote about the DS4 and its battery life here before reading this. This is the link where you can read what I've written:
Also, just for readers to don't make mistakes, Eurogamer made an article about a disappointing battery replacement just here:
@xMEADx You might want to invest in a new one, mine last MUCH longer, hours and hours longer. Yours must be broken.
@Biolan This is no more an advertisement than a game review that we post. Few things are more irritating than readers suggesting we're shills when we never see a penny for the so-called "shilling" we do.
This a review of a product that I thought some people might find interesting. It just so happens that I thought it was reasonable value for money, despite the odd drawbacks.
I always keep mine connected. A 5m cable cost me around £8. Lovely.
Can't say i've ever been bothered by the DS4 battery. Own 2, keep one plugged in and switch when required. Battery life has been a much bigger issue with the Wii U, where you can't purchase a second gamepad, and not all games support the pro controller (which has SPECTACULAR battery life...)
I have 2 DS4s and when one is low on battery, I just switch and charge one while using the other. That, or I use a phone charger or my PS Vita Slim's charger (1.5A) plugged into the wall behind the couch and just charge it while I play.
@daveh30 Oh God, the 80~hour battery life!!!
@get2sammyb The amazon buy link has your tag/identifier in it though? Decoration?
Enjoying your site btw. And I've found with multiple controllers and a charge dock the issue of battery time never comes up...
@Biolan The site adds in the identifier automatically. The links are there for people to easier find the product. Notice the GAME link doesn't include it; if I was here to make money off this article, don't you think I would have only included the Amazon link?
Thanks for reading, though - we should add a clarification on the site that Amazon links will include an affiliate tag, as I have no control over whether it shows or not.
Having 2 controller's might solve the problem but it's hardly value for money is it. Like I said these controller's were made to make money and that prove's it, look how many people have 2 controller's to solve the problem, Sony laughing all the way to the bank again..."but but but I would have 2 controller's anyway for when people come round" I can hear them saying already lol, give me a wired controller anyday but Sony wouldn't do that because then most people would only need the one controller, greedy Sony.
If it's not the LED & speakers, why is the PS4 battery's life so much shorter than PS3's?
@Jbumi that's the million dollar questeon (literaly) I would like to know this as well..all I can put it down to is profit but apparantly this is fine because we can just pop out and spend £55 and have 2!!! Problem solved or swept under the carpet, however you'd like to look at it.
@xMEADx I have to admit, the only time I really notice the difference is after I've been playing the PS3 (as I am now with Trails of Cold Steel). The 4's controller lasts about 7 hours before it needs to be charged so I always tell myself it's time for a break anyway! 😊
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