Believe it or not, Dragon Ball XenoVerse was one of Push Square's most popular games last year. We saw first-hand that there's still a supremely loyal Dragon Ball fanbase here in the West, but official data on the title's worldwide sales has managed to take us by surprise all the same. Seriously, these are some impressive numbers.
Publisher Bandai Namco has revealed that the brawler has shipped 3.13 million copies around the globe. However, unlike many other Japanese properties, the release found most of its success in North America and Europe. It shipped a whopping 1.78 million units in the former, while racking up a very respectable 1.05 million copies in the latter. In its homeland, XenoVerse shipped 230,000, and in the rest of Asia, it shipped 60,000.
If these figures tell us anything, it's that there's almost certainly going to be a Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2. In fact, we'd put money on it being in development right now.
[source famitsu.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 20
The sales are over 90-gets shot
you know why this DBZ game did so well
it's because it actually did something new and didn't just retread the same old stuff like the other games did
@FullbringIchigo Agreed, the best thing about XenoVerse is that it didn't play it safe. In hindsight, it was a pretty big risk that really paid off.
I liked it just fine, but it's pretty much required to have a friend to get full enjoyment.
Please get an NX port so I can buy Goku, Vegeta and Freiza amiibo.
Though if they want to make their own NFC toy game they I can also pick up Krillin, Piccolo, Cell, Gohan and Beerus. I wonder if they could make a pose-able Captain Ginyu?
And for anyone late to the party, the game and DLC are on sale this week on the PSN - $65 bundle is only $25. It's like buying the DLC and getting the game for free.
I've really enjoyed it too. Will definitely get DBX 2 and see where they go from here. Only need 33 special attacks to get the platinum, but Digimon had sucked me in and distracted me from DBX pq gridning.
Not a fan of Dragonball in the slightest but it is nice to see a Japanese game performing strongly in the West. Goes to show their games do not need that forced "Westernization" to make them popular.
@vegeta11 "33 Special Attacks Left"
i have ONE and it just wont drop no matter what i do and i have been trying for FOUR MONTHS
think i might give up on it because even with the RNG to not drop after 4 months HAS to be a glitch or something
@FullbringIchigo Bloody hell!
@FullbringIchigo @vegeta11 Sorry, but what is this "33 Special Attacks Left" and "RNG" you guys are talking about?
@WanderingBullet In the game you have to unlock Special and Ultimate attacks by doing certain things (i.e., RNG drops from quests, training with masters like Vegeta, or by making dragonball wishes). I need 33 more attacks from quest to drop to complete my platinum. RNG means random number games, so you may or may not get the drop even when you fulfill the requirements. I had to run one quest 57 times to get my final Ultimate attack while my friend got the same attack on his first run.
I've been interested in this game since launch and might pick it up now that it's on sale for $16 / $25 incl season pass. Does the season pass add much?
And is the game a ton of fun? I want to play a game where I feel as ultra powerful as the peeps in DBZ. Like, planet-breaking powerful. And of course I want to fight enemies that are equally powerful. Does this game do a good job of that?
@glassmusic yes playable characters, masters and quests. For that price I'd definitely get it with the season pass.
@vegeta11 Well, I think that you might be just a tab biased, Vegeta. That said, you are far more powerful than I, so I went in for the game and season pass as to not risk angering you.
Can't wait to play it!
@glassmusic to be quite honest I've disliked far more dragon ball games than liked them. The season pass is good for the price & the game is a lot of fun albeit a pain sometimes when you can't get something to drop. But a really good and original story line with some super tough opponents for you like Whis, Broly & Beerus amongst others.
I actually just picked this up the other day while it was on sale. I haven't played much of it, as R6 Siege and Tales of Zestiria are eating the majority of my game time, but I really liked what I saw. DBZ was one of my favorite shows as a kid and I'm more than happy to jump back into that universe.
@vegeta11 I didn't know about there was RNG involved in this game. Thanks for the explanation.
RNG actually stands for "random number generator", not "games". It's actually a pretty standard thing in a lot of games. When you do or don't get a critical hit in an RPG, that's RNG. What does or doesn't drop from an enemy is normally RNG. Is your "steal" attempt in Final Fantasy successful? That's RNG. How your stats improve in games like Fire Emblem is RNG. Damage can be based on RNG, like in many WRPGs that are inspired by Dungeons and Dragons and other pen-and-paper RPGs.
It's not just RPGs. When weather changes in games, like GTA, or exactly what cars and pedestrians come along next, all RNG. In No Man's Sky there is an element of randomness to almost everything.
@Matroska Nah, I knew what RNG meant just wasn't expecting it to be a part of the game's mechanics that's all.
RNG could also stand for Repeat Non-stop Grinding because of the amount of farming you'd have to do if you're unlucky.
@vegeta11 I played for about two hours last night and I'm loving it! Any tips for me? Combat is fun but so far I feel like I'm winning by spamming buttons faster than my opponent. Hahaha
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