Well, those Twitch metrics were always going to mean that MOBAs would make a dash to consoles eventually, eh? Paragon, the Unreal Engine 4 take by Epic Games, is trying to be a little different, though, pitching itself as a MOBA that non-crazy people can enjoy. In fact, the developer's trying to avoid the word MOBA entirely.
"Paragon is a competitive game with two teams of five," social media specialist Ryan Clements wrote on the PlayStation Blog. "Each team tries to push into the opposing team's base in order to destroy its core, which is protected by automated defences. That's it." Yeah, we can definitely wrap our heads around that. But it is still a MOBA, right?

Well, it is, in the sense that you'll be selecting a unique hero to control, each of which will have a different role in battle. Like other games in the genre, there's only one map, and AI-controlled enemies will play a part. The twist is that it's still a third-person game at its core, which isn't quite as intimidating as that isometric League of Legends nonsense.
And it looks… Kind of alright, we suppose. There's a new trailer embedded below showing off the various heroes and their abilities. Look, the reality is that Sony seems to be pretty stoked about having this game on the PS4, so you're going to hear loads about it regardless. If it really is a MOBA for normal people, though, it could be cool. We guess.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 12
I seen some of the gameplay and the card system that they will be using. It looks like a game which has a solid footing. Call it a MOBA do not call it a MOBA if the game is good its good.
Don't know why but it reminded me of Destiny for some reason...
@WanderingBullet It's definitely got a bit of that "Halo" fantasy look to it. It's much blander than Destiny for me, though.
@get2sammyb Yea, I agree with fantasy look you've mentioned. Plus, the aesthetics of that map looks a bit like the entrance into the Vault of Glass for me.
As I said in the Smite article. I really wish Heroes of the Storm would come to PS4.
@Tasuki Maybe it will?
Intrestingly the game will have cross platform play with PC which Eurogamer reckon could be problematic when the game has a lot of aiming mechanics. I think the bigger problem for this game is that Smite may end up taking the PS4 audience before it even comes out.
@Tasuki I'm still waiting on Hearthstone lol
The PS4 supports mouse control on some games so that should not be a limit to any game coming to the console.
@get2sammyb I am hoping. With the success with Diablo on the PS4 and I am sure Overwatch will be a success for Blizzard on the PS4 that it might pave the way for Heroes of the Storm to come to PS4.
@adf86 I dont see Hearthstone coming to PS4. To me it seems better suited on a mobile device.
Interested in seeing how well this and Overwatch do on the PS4.
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