PlayStation Plus members are fed up of pixel art platformers – even though, y'know, you all just voted Broforce in as one of your March freebies. Nevertheless, so unenthused about the Instant Game Collection is the PlayStation 4 community right now that it's started making parody videos. Cue this "hilarious" take on YouTube.
It quips that Sony was so excited about its April lineup that it decided to announce it early. The goods: ET and Desert Bus – two of the worst games ever made. The funny thing is that there is a new version of Desert Bus in development for Oculus Rift, and there's a slim chance that it could make the arduous journey to PlayStation VR.

Be careful what you wish for, in other words…
[source youtube.com]
Comments 107
"you all just voted Broforce in as one of your March freebies" - not entirely true! I've backed losing games twice now, really unhappy! They should give all 3 away and lose the vote thing or give away a "top" title (by that I mean a full retail title) as well to soften the blow!
@lankysi Fair point. But Broforce won, so the vast majority of members voted Broforce in.
It should be One retail game and one indie PER device. That would be better value for everyone.
The thing is, during the PS3 days when having a PS Plus subscription wasn't mandatory for playing online, there were triple A (hate to use that term but it's all I've got) games being given away every month to lure people on board. Now you need PS Plus to play online and it seems all we get are indie games. I'm not fussed as I like them but I can understand peoples problem, there must surely be more subscribers than last gen that Sony are earning much more money and therefore can throw us a bone more often than they do (Injustice was the last "big" game I remember, over a year ago).
yeah, and when they put in triple A games, then other people will be p*ssed becaused they bought those when they could've gotten it free. No matter what, there are going to be people upset, regardless on how good the game is.
What I find funny is people eating sour grapes because their game they voted for didn't get it. Almost like a little elementary school kid didn't get his way so he puts up a fit.
Language - get2sammyb
Just proves people have way too much free time
Personally, I still have no issue with the games on offer, considering the price of PS+. Can't really complain for £40 for 72 games, it's the way I see it anyway.
However, it is weird to me how they haven't given any of the perceived triple a games in a long while (on ps4), even just for appeasing the masses. It baffles me how sometimes Sony seems to be really close to their audience, and then in this case, it feels like they've never been on the internet in two years. It used to be that you got xbox live because you had to (online multiplayer) and ps+ because you wanted to (free games), but that is changing for a lot of people and Sony doesn't seem to care really. Sure, you still need xbox live to play online, but they've gone from not giving anything else, to some bad/old games, to some pretty damn meaty games. They've got Sherlock Holmes, Lords of the Fallen and Borderlands this month. Just, are they not seeing that that makes them look worse? (EDIT: I mean Sony in this last sentence)
Haha love it!! Xbox fans got some real food games this month while we keep getting rubbish!! Completely fed up to the point I've stopped caring haha, I don't bother voting, just good I prefer the console and controller, as the Division is Microsoft based I was thinking of changing sides!!
Sleeping Dogs would be a great freebie or The Evil Within
All 3 vote to play game's sucked and could all be called cheap and the bottom of the barrel. I would never have purchased Bro Force but it was the best out of a dismal lineup and just so happened to be an old school pixel art game. £5 a month for PSN is the ONLY thing that's value for money that Sony sell even without the free game's. (Sometime's if your lucky you might find a half decent game discounted I suppose)
@get2sammyb or some voted and the rest didnt bother?
I wanted a "none of the above" option.
That Helldivers though! 🙌🏻
This was a majority vote choice so idk why some people are mad lol. Sure my vote list twice now, but I respect the process.
If people think the grass is greener on the other side then they can always move on.
I'm more annoyed at the Sony community than anything else. Entitled butts. I am so far up the butt of the gaming world though that I for some reason expect everyone to know what all these indie games are, and end up dissapointed at the comments thrown at some of these awesome games. I swear people better not bash on Darkest Dungeon when it comes out.
I really cannot understand the problem, moreover the moaning that we get month after month.
Sony are in the lead, they have no need to bribe gamers to buy PS4. Microsoft do for XB1. It's the reverse of the last gen. PS3 get good PS+ games because Sony make a profit from every console sold, plus they increase the likelihood of an upgrade because they have a captive audience with a fantastic back catalogue.
If/when it flips again for the next gen, it'll start all over again.
Mind your language, please - TheMightyPunram
It's funny, but also a little sad. I like indies, but not all the time. I'm not going off on a rant again like on the most recent announcement article, but I hope Sony see this parody video and start to measure up against Games with Gold. They don't have to, and probably wont, but I feel a little taken for granted. Maybe Pushsquare could do a poll to see if this feeling really does account for the majority, or just for the small vocal minority (like myself). Anyway, first world problems and all that. Happy gaming
@OldSchoolHeel right... The first time around the selection was more varied and Grow Home was a unique and interesting game. That said having one game that is already on PC vs unreleased games gives them a bit of an unfair advantage since people are likely to go for the known vs unknown. It was almost inevitable Broforce would win. Regardless I think people are unhappy about the variety in the overall package this month rather than the one game. For me the best "PS Plus game" this month is access to the Hitman Beta for all subscribers.
@ChoZanWan I think your missing the point a bit. While it's obvious we got a better selection on PS3 as Sony were not in that lead last gen and were also trying to get people to adopt the service. On PS4 they have almost completely abandoned that approached, instead offering cheap indie games. Sony should at least reward people with the odd triple A title. In fairness many of the indie games offered are very good games, it would just be nice to be rewarded every now and again. If anything it would help appease the growing discontent among the fanbase.
It's getting to the point where I hope Sony continue to put indie's on the service just to spite these entitled whiners. At the end of the day, gamers on the Internet just go looking for the next thing to get angry about. Last week it was Street Fighter V, this week it's PS Plus...apparently and next week it will be something else.
I know I have been critical of the IGC games - especially as XB1 has been consistently getting AAA quality games for the past 6-8 months. I know it doesn't offer as many games - not having to offer 'hand held' device games and now helped out with Backwards Compatibility but the argument that PS4 doesn't have the library to offer AAA quality is no longer valid.
I do agree that 'value' is relative. For those that have the full PS family, download the majority of games and get hundreds of hours worth of gaming from these as well as take advantage of the PS+ sales, PS+ represents great value. For others that maybe only have a PS4, have no interest in the games or buy digital, they feel forced into buying PS+ to play online and don't get anywhere near as much 'value' for money
I must admit I fall more into the latter category myself - although I do still own my PS3 (although I can't remember the last time I played on it). I know £3ish a month isn't a great outlay and don't get me wrong, I am 'content' to pay it to have the full access to games.
When I say I am 'disappointed' with the IGC line-up, this is a very minor disappointment - its not like I am going to cancel my PS+ and sell my console because of it. Its not like I feel 'entitled' to get entirely 'AAA' games each and every month either. I see the games offered as 'bonuses' in the same way I did with Gold when they started the GwG. I was content to pay my subscription before they offered GwG and PS+ is no different.
I know some of my disappointment with PS+ stems from the standards Sony themselves set when they introduced PS+. I have no doubt that more people than ever subscribe to Sony, generating a bigger income because t is required on PS4 for online gaming - something that wasn't required on PS3. I know that Sony had to offer a better class of game then to entice people to buy into it. On last gen, both Gold and PS+ were compared and the general consensus was that PS+ had the better offerings each month and now the tables have turned. It would be nice if Sony rewarded its customers with games that actually showcase the PS4 rather than constantly give games that could run on a mobile phone or in some cases a SNES.
Constantly offering 'Indie' games is not likely to benefit 'indies' in the long run. Whilst it may give them an initial bit of exposure, it also means that those who buy indies are less likely to buy knowing that it has a greater chance of turning up on IGC. Having AAA games not only raises the profile of PS+, it also raises the anticipation of the next line-up and general happiness of its user base. I am not saying AAA games need to be offered every month but throwing them into the mix (so to speak) more regularly would help.
@stevie85 It's also worth pointing out that Playstation used to make a huge loss, but recently have turned things around and now making a steady profit...maybe that has had an impact on the quality of games in the IGC?
@mrobinson91 More than likely. Sony isn't playing catch up anymore and are firmly in charge of this gen. It's clear to see they are resting on their laurels a bit.
What's the difference between indie and AAA? Money? Marketing? In that case, shouldn't more gamers support Indies considering their dislike of corporate suits, marketing hype and creative interference which tends to be associated with big companies. Obviously the audio and visual factor is significant but if two games have near identical mechanics and one is considered indie and the other AAA, shouldn't they still be equally enjoyable? I see some people moaning that Galak-z is an Asteroids derivative and clamour for Killzone or Knack. Isn't it just as easy to argue KZ is a Doom or Quake derivative and Knack is a Mario rip-off?
I can't really complain, I've accepted that PS+ subscription is just the price to pay for online gaming.
Having said that, was able to pick up Freedom Wars & Helldivers over recent months, games that I've always planned to buy.
I personally think it's kinda ridiculous people want full retail games on day one, buy them, then complain when it actually makes sense to put them up for free 6+ months later. If it ticks someone off that much, they can just trade in the original copy when the PS Plus version comes out and get a little money back. That's what I did when SFxT came out on Plus for the Vita and that was one of the games that made me want a Vita to play with PS3 friends.
@adf86 It's a discussion mate. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with the games available on IGC. Fact is, some of us are not. Please don't take conflicting views as an attack on your own. The great thing about this community is the discussions we can have about the subjects, which would be pretty damn boring if we all followed suit with the same viewpoint. Whilst I value your view of the world in this respect, I don't feel you feel the same about the views of others. Please state your case, but don't lower yourself to insulting people. Cheers
We got Galax-z and Flame over. With gold like that Im happy.
I used to moan about psplus - I've stopped moaning. I buy AAA games now all of the time however I rarely buy indie games. I dont want any open world games, my god I'm playing through 2 right now and dont need any more in my life. Sony stick to this gameplan.
I feel this is all part of something bigger. Although Sony has been selling PS4 like hotcakes, they haven't really been listening to their customers as of late. So they just go straight ahead and won't alter their course because a boat this big won't sink because of some iceberg far in the distance.
Sony has become arrogant again and they need to be put in their place. Unfortunately the games industry is one of the few where people go out and buy something and don't expect to be satisfied; if a game doesn't work they'll call it a "service" and tell others not to whine, when first party games you expected aren't there you are told that they need more time and give a random Miyamoto quote and again tell everyone to stop whining and when you expect controllers not to break, consoles not to sound like lawnmowers and ask for a company to treat you with respect, fanboys and fanboy media tell you you're a self entitled P for asking value for money.
But it's going on too long now and the overall satisfaction is getting lower, so people don't care about that stupid console war no more and also want an Elite controller, backwards compatibility and free online gaming (last 2 I'm talking Wii U). Sony isn't listening to what fans really want, yet they charge money for a service that pretty much makes you host online games if you have a decent connection. To "compensate" for the lack of real online service they give "freebies", which are in fact "paybees", which no one really likes; sure Galak-Z is cool and all, but I rather play some other games...none of which are first party exclusives btw.
So Sony, step up your game! You expect us to bend over and pay $50 a year for a service that adds nothing compared to when it was free... So at least be gentle.
I don't want to take away ANYTHING from the hard working people at indie studios. And I'll start out by saying they can do more amazing gaming design and such then I ever will...
But the moment Xbox and PlayStation were like "We love and embrace indie developers this gen.!" I knew immediately the market would get flooded with these pixel style games. Again, way better then anything I could ever do, but to me there are just too many of that style of indie game. Now games like Octodad are ground breaking, original and creative so I'd love for indie studios to head more in that direction.
I don't get it why the people are arguing. Most of PS+ users would pay the annual PS+ fee even without getting the games, it just to play online. AAA AA or any Indie game it costs you next to nothing, a cup of coffee and pastry or any other once in a month foodie combo u use. Among these "rubbish" games we get a great titles that would be undiscovered otherwise. One more time I would like to come back to this list http://www.tekrevue.com/complete-xbox-games-with-gold-list-details/ Yes Xbox gets AAA games but they are 2-5 years old. It is not like they get new games or fresh games. If you have these games already you are getting nothing at all.
"even though, y'know, you all just voted Broforce in as one of your March freebies"
Isn't that all their was to choose from though? 3 or 4 pixel art games?
Also found the vid quite humorous! Was that 'Escape from the Desert' I noticed in their?
@MeskaP I think people are unhappy as they remember a time on PS3/Vita when many games were AAA retail games and not just indies.
Also at the same time as getting AAA games, online MP was free and unrelated to PS+ so the service wasn't judged with that in mind.
It's probably people that remember getting higher budget titles on PS+ during the last gen that are mostly unhappy I guess...
It's not Sony's fault everyone voted Broforce.
Actually, I voted for Action Henk, so...
Its not a aaa game versus a indie game. Its simply crap game versus better game. We keep getting crap. Last good game released in a long time was EDF. And the free ones aren't usually worth downloading.
@scarecrowknife Mind your language, please - TheMightyPunram
Triple A games get good exposure and a lot of marketing. If people want those games they buy them some at full price others in sales. Sony is giving indie games an opportunity to reach millions of customers who they could never reach. Some people would never even consider them so I applaud what Sony is doing.
I dont care if its "triple a" or whatever else, I just want to see a different set of genres every month.
Which as it stands, we are not getting.
Haha, that video is quite funny. I think the call for diversity is more than fair. A nice mix of titles would be great, the occasional old triple a title even if every few months would be nice. Sony don't look too fussed at the moment though.
I didn't vote for Bro Farce...... I hate 8bit trash
Well I mean overall the games offered on PS4 and PS vita were garbage trash, there were exceptions but the majority were just awful, sometimes I think I'm part of some CIA experiment to see how many terrible games a person needs to receive before they go insane.
Some people are entitled whiners, but in the case of Street Fighter it's justified. In no universe is it ok to sell half a game for full price. I don't care how "solid the gameplay is". Those complaints were 100% legit.
As for PS+ I can't say I'm upset because I always hate the Plus game concept. But, people are paying real money for the service. This is not a charity giveaway. So if consumers are discontent, they have the right to voice that dissatisfaction, and they should.
The question is- why does it upset you that paying customers who are legitimately dissatisfied with a product are voicing their complaints? If Sony/Sony exclusive game wasn't the object of that discontent, would it still bother you?
I usually defend plus, but this month is stretching it - the games on the PS3 are now very old and have been on sale enough times that pretty much everyone who wants them will have them. The Vita selection is poor at best with two games you've probably never heard anyone talking about. The PS4 titles are the only real saving grace, but they are not enough to lift the collection of games into anywhere near being acceptable.
As for us voting for Broforce, we might have, but we didn't get to choose which three games we were voting for and neither did we have any say on the other five games.
As a matter of interest, did Sony ever say what happened to the yearly games on plus?
Can someone explain to me why people are getting upset over free games?
I generally feel Plus is hit or miss, and this month was a miss.
When I was super young, I could beat E.T. pretty regularly. Honestly, if ET wound up a Vita IGC game, I'd be overjoyed for a couple of hours. Then not. But those two hours would feel great. I bought Desert Bus for my Android devices, too, but never actually beat that one.
My backlog doesn't mind that some months are passable.
@JaxonH It's not consumers having legitimate concerns when the main source of their argument is "an indie with retro graphics is trash" without giving the games a chance. And I mentioned SFV because it seems like people are looking for scandal every week, sometimes justified (SFV) sometimes not (Plus) but it'll get to the point where anybody's feedback not matter how well intentioned it is because their voices get lost amongst the "internet is always angry" crowd
@Shellcore It wasn't my intention to insult anyone but it's also deeply frustrating when every month really good (and I mean really good) games and developers get there names dragged through the mud because it doesn't meet there rather unreasonable expectations. It's not people who have different opinions that angers me, it's the ones who make condescending remarks like "I didn't buy a PS4 game to play Amiga games" not does it make sound like fools it also shows a complete lack of respect for both the developer and their games.
@hi_drnick That's what I don't get, some people's logic take flights of fancy. But it also comes down to some who just aren't aware of how some the business practices in the industry.
@Octane Because it's games that they don't want plain and simple. People today want something for nothing it's that simple.
That's fair. And I do agree with you that the online gaming community goes into mass hysteria WAY too often over the most trivial things.
Recently there was this issue with my favorite franchise (Fire Emblem) where people were just scouring articles looking for any reason to justify hating it and complaining. Vowing to boycott because the western localization didn't include a little 15 second time-waster mode where you rub a characters face with the stylus. Like, you can't be serious. Or people complaining each side was a half game despite both being just as big as the last entry.
Just completely illogical crap. So ya I do know what you mean. And no one should dismiss a game automatically for being an indies game. Now, if it's nothing but garbage indie games month after month, that's another story.
@JaxonH I get that but the fact is most of these game aren't crap, I would argue that Reality Fighters probably is. The word I hear is (though don't take my word for it) Sony have a policy that they keep their exclusives for all platforms back unless they get a month where they couldn't do many deals so they put some their own up to make up for it, which would explain this month.
@get2sammyb Broforce only won because all of the choices were unappealing. I didn't bother to vote because they all look awful. At this point I look at ps+ as I did at xbox live back im the day, you are paying for playing online. The last thing I downloaded was Grim Fandango, I still haven't played it.
@get2sammyb Broforce winning means nothing because all 3 choices were indies with primitive graphics... it would have been interesting if Knack had been among the choices... to see if the people that want newer indies actually outnumber those who prefer oldish AAA titles
@Tasuki I disagree.
I dont think its the games themselves that are often the issue, but the fact that there is never any real diversity.
Then again, its apparantly not ok to dislike certain genres and have a negative opinion, as that, somehow makes a person "entitled".
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya It's not that people are entitled it's how people can be so dismissive of certain games. I have my favourite genres but I try any game once, especially on Plus. I just don't understand why people don't have a similar attitude, some don't think Plus is worth the value but a lot of them don't give most the games a chance in the first.
@Octane Because PS+ doesn't offer anything more in service than I get from gaming on PC for free other than the games, so they are charging £40/year for the games as far as I can see. A lot of us are Playstation users from when the PS3 had free internet access (ofc it still does) and Plus lived or died by its gaming choices and it still is sold on the PS3 and Vita as nothing more than a monthly games service. So they are not free unless you somehow think we get £40s worth of 'better than PC' internet access and all subscribers have the PS4.
As others have said, Broforce only won because it was the least bad.... but still bad. Hey, there are great indi games like velocity 2x. Rocket League was PS+ too. But I stopped even checking what the PS+ games are because I know they'll be terrible, and there are so many good games out there to play now, even old ones on sale. I think the anger is well justified in this case.
@adf86 Your argument might be more valid if as months went by, people weren't getting more and more annoyed. I remember similar articles early last year and there were a lot more voices defending plus. I think most people now think the value proposition is turning to far south.
It also should be said, you can like indie games but also criticise plus. They're not mutually exclusive things. I love some of the games but some are straight trash. Yes probably some designers worked super hard on these games but you're really arguing at cross purposes if you think that excuses them or plus from criticism
I've never owned plus and I've never found a reason to change my mind otherwise. I mostly play single player games, and if I wanted to do online multiplayer I had Dust 514 on the ps3, and now Blacklight.
And yes, I have tried it before. This last weekend I could barely get any decent games going, and my connections were always crappy. So, nah.
With all the kerfuffle about PS Plus, you'd think this was a Talking Point. Probably make a good one, too.
PS+ has been a scam for quite a while, with maybe a worthwhile game every 4 months or so (worthwhile but not necessarily good). It's a scam because Sony made a commitment when they first asked for this money, they said it was all going towards better infrastructure and better user experience and we all know that's not happening. Their infrastructure is the same as before at least in Europe (where they even increased the sub price...), their engineers are certainly not working towards giving users what they want from their PS4 experience and they add unnecessary limitations each time they make anything new (like the community features).
The only thing Sony did with the money they earned from keeping multiplayer hostage, for the user that is, was to increase cloud storage. They don't care about the user experience, they never did (how hard is it to make it easy for users to manually save their games to the cloud or removable storage? What can we really expect from their engineers if they didn't think it was not logical to go through each and every single game and make 4 actions in total per game instead of 4 actions per ENTIRE game list?).
These so called bonus games that we get are just to give the average user some sens of value, removing them wouldn't even reduce the sub cost, because all of them wouldn't cost more than a few cents (except those rare, 4 months or more apart, decent games that might end up taking close to 1€).
Sony should have been frank from the start "we'll keep multiplayer under a sub, because we want your money, we might use that money for PS4 features rarely, we might even spend it on infrastructure once or twice, but really we just want that money so we can make exclusivity deals" because that's what they do with the sub money, they wanted resources to burn on exclsivity deals and they didn't want it to be "their" money.
All in all, the issue isn't the crappy games, it's that we are paying for nothing.
well I havent extended my PS + for over 4 months now...if that says something.
Other than the two examples being horrible games, how far off the mark is this spoof really. You know April's IGC is going to have some sort of eye-burning low pixel count game front and center.
My PS+ renewed thanks to their auto-renew option that turns itself on. After this year I'm done with it, hasnt been very worthwhile for quite some time now.
In fairness, I don't play online, at all. But I pay the subscription for my ps3/vita/4 to get the 'free games' each month. I am interested in Broforce, I did vote for it myself too (first time voting for a game).
But, I think I'm loosing interest in the monthly games as I mostly never even play them now. I think I'll let my subscription end and not renew anymore. I have so many ps3/vita/4 disc based games to get through to last me a lifetime right now, and I do pick up a lot of ps3 gems in 2nd hand stores over the past few years that these 'free games' are becoming redundant to me now.
Oh well, it was a neat idea at the time I guess!
Also, I have an xbone, I got a cheap 1 year subscription for it at Xmas, I hate it, why can't I find the 'games with gold' easily? It's a total chore to find them with search, there should be a tab or button on the main OS to get them easily, I hate the Xbox OS. There's another subscription I will not be renewing in the future.
I really hope Nintendo do not go down this route with the NX also.
I much prefer just buying my physical game, and having it on my shelf to see and play whenever, just have to make sure I update each game when I buy them cause who knows when there servers will be shy down , welcome to the future of gaming, sadly.
Bit of a sham.
It just proves im not the only one sick of indie games on plus, sony needs to give us a awesome triple a from time to time, injustice gods among is not enof
I remember it took a few years before the PS3 started to get 'retail' games as their freebies for Plus...this also included the 360 console. Maybe at the end of this year, we can start seeing it, but then...people would complain at the retail ones that are released. No matter what, you can't make anyone happy, but I am enjoying Broken Age and Never Alone as the freebies and some of the others too. The way I see it, if people aren't happy with the choices, don't pay for it...plain and simple. I'm happy with the discounts and the freebies (granted if you're not a member anymore you don't get them). It's true that they could have released Knack, Killzone, Last Of Us or even God Of War 3 by now on it, but it's nothing for people to get mad about. It's just like the seasons...if we get a lot of snow in the winter, people complain...if we get no snow...people complain. Nobody can make everyone happy!
@JLPick I disagree.
They cant make everyone happy sure, but there isnt nearly enough diversity with whats offered to even try and reach more people.
If you dont enjoy pixel art styles and only own a ps4 like myself for example, then 70-75% of the games offered are already off the table.
Couple with that the stigma attached to not enjoying that type of game also.
How someone is all of a sudden "not a real gamer" because they dont like every simgle game on Earth is beyond me.
As a final point not aimed at anyone in particular, if the "Indie" market doesnt have enough varience or diversity then why has that not been addressed?
Why is it not ok for a so called "AAA" to be like other games in its genre but its perfectly acceptable to make a million Metroid clones because its a small studio?
@DrClayman Microsoft bungled the reveal of the X1 so badly that I truly believe they are trying to win back fans by giving way these perceived bigger titles. Sony doesn't need to, and lime someone said, if Sony does give away AAA games then people will be upset they bought a game that is now free. It's 50 freaking dollars a year, and has ALOT of value. I think people expect to much these days, wouldn't you agree?
@Comrade44 Teach them a lesson? Because it is apparently so bad to pay 50 dollars a year for 72 free games, endless discounts on games and movies, and play online? Sony has done mostly right this gen, and learned from their mistakes of the ps3. New people are still buying the ps4 in large numbers, and they will want games to play. Why give all the older AAA games away when there are still over a million new ps4 owners every month? Most of them will be buying older AAA games along with newer ones. Give it a year or so and we will probably see the AAA games come to plus, exactly like last gen.
@adf86 @Valedrel Oh god, not the entitled gamer argument. I wouldn't call it entitlement for people to complain about a PAID service. That's a fundamental part of markets after all.
@Tasuki Or it's not. Why would anyone expect something for nothing? It's a paid service after all. But it's quite obvious that Sony is resting on their laurels after winning this gen. People feel they aren't getting their money's worth and that's perfectly valid. Not everyone likes 2D pixelated side scrollers
@Octane Because people paid money and don't feel like they're getting their money's worth. Also it's pretty obvious Sony is resting on its laurels.
In regard to the article, I thought it was funny and on point. It's pretty crazy how Sony fanboys will come out of the woodwork to attack them whenever someone isn't excited about another set of side scrollers. Honestly I didnt even know what the games were for this month as a simply don't care. It'll be another month of me claiming all of them and, other than one or two, not downloading most of them.
@xMEADx bro do you even game? I don't understand the people who want big (often boring up-Rez last-gen etc) games they likely already own over something new. Sony knows that broforce will sell consoles. Try it, with like, some friends, on a couch. Just like (until recently) rocket league and tower fall, it's an amazing experience you will only find on pc and ps.
@thatguyEZ How are you getting nothing? The payment is for the ability to play online as well as discounts from PSN. They don't have to give free games.
When I let my PS+ membership expire next month, will I lose access to all of the "free" monthly games I've downloaded over the last year?
@Hordak of course, they are not giving them to you for paying for one month of service. If you choose to subscribe in the future all the games and save files from your previous plus downloads will still be there though.
@Comrade44 Did you own a ps3? Do you understand how plus worked then? It is the same now as it was then. First couple years you don't get the big nice AAA games, because the system is still selling fast and people will still gladly buy those games. As time goes on you will start to see those titles, if you don't like it then simply don't pay for the service, the games are a bonus you get for paying for online gaming, nothing more. The constant whining about it is childish and is the same every month. Noone is forcing you to pay for plus. If you want them to continue to be able to make great consoles and software then that means you want them to succeed, and to succeed they have to make money. Business 101. Do I like Sony? Yes. Are the plus prices fair for services rendered? Beyond fair, and now they let us vote on a title as well. The expectation that their should be AAA games every month is outrageous IMO. We just got HellDivers last month, somewhere around 30-40 brand new. A great game and considered by many far better than your low end AAA game that would be considered for plus. This is all opinion of course but I'd say in a year or so we will start to see AAA games that released in the early part of the ps4 life cycle on plus.
@Tasuki And this is what the whiners do not understand. Adult gamers see the value in this and understand the free games are a bonus, a gesture by Sony for subscribing to their plus service. IMO the vocal minority on the internet (and it is a minority) that whines about this consist mainly of people that don't even own a Sony console, and they use this as ammunition in their childish console war. Whichever company is in first place will inevitably be attacked by those who support the consoles that are not as commercially successful.
@Midzark Isn't the Division Ubisoft based? Lol. Oh you meant that ridiculous dlc first crap, which in the long run means nothing.
@Reverandjames you could always just add them to your library without downloading them. That way if you ever decide in the future to give one a chance it will be there for free download without actually having to download it now. Food for thought.
@DarthHater A scam? 50 bucks a year for 72 free games, multiple games and movie discounts and the ability to play online games is a scam? I think of FAR worse subscription based services.
@SonyInfinity The games are not free (you pay for them, nobody gets anything for free, we do get shovelware because their licenses only cost Sony a few cents per license literally), the sub is 84€ since I prefer the montly sub not years at a time, there are no more than 2 which I cared about for the last year (terrible math btw, you mistakenly assume that most PS+ owners have anything more than PS4, there's a reason PS+ wasn't popular until PS4), discounts do me no good since I prefer retail, I can't get any movies because Sony does not offer their services in almost all of Europe and you've got to be a troll to mention online features since that's what people are forced to pay for by default, it's not a benefit of the sub, nobody would even get it for any of the things you mentioned if it had nothing to do with online features.
It's good for you that you can think of worse sub based services, I can't because there aren't any, 84€ just to have access to online features and 10 pathetic gigs of cloud storage isn't value for your money (with that kind of money, you personally are able to get more than 200 games on PC since you seem to have a thing for pointless games that are in a high number, online is also free, you can also get around 160 gigs of free cloud storage) and eliminate free from your vocabulary, the monthly sub games are not a free bonus Sony gives out of kindness.
@SonyInfinity Totally agree with you man. I don't mind paying tell 50 bucks a year. Heck this past few months I feel that I got that money's worth and then some just playing Black Ops 3 online. Even if the PS+ games that are free are bad it's doesn't bother me cause honestly I have spent $60 on a brand new game and have been disappointed by it and in the end, I have nothing from it but disappointment. Also I can't even add up how much I saved on games when they have a PS+ sale.
@Tasuki Some people these days expect to get everything they want for little to no money. They expect Sony and Microsoft to continue to create bigger and better gaming and online experiences and then get angered when they are asked to pay for it. Take a game like Rocket League, GOTY for many, and it was given away for free on plus. That is real value and many people are still playing it daily, millions in fact. I purchase a subscription with the understanding that I will not like the games every month, because they are trying to hit a wide variety of audiences. Anyone with the audacity to come in and whine about this either doesn't actually own the console or has their parents paying everything for them and don't understand the value of money or the value of the subscription. Kids.
@DarthHater The games are free, you are paying for a subscription for online gaming. When you download the plus games from the psstore, what does it say where the price generally is? That's right, it says FREE. This is the misconception that gets people upset. You have to realize that you are paying for an online gaming sibscription, you are not paying for free games every month, as you so eloquently put it.
@DarthHater Go play pc then. Noone is forcing you buy plus. It is 50 for me a year and I am paying for the ability to play online games. This isn't pc, Sony and Microsoft have to maintain their servers for online gaming and it is not free, bottom line. If you don't like, then don't play on a playstation. Fact of the matter is it IS a good service and that is proven by the MILLIONS of people and growing that use this service and enjoy it and have no problem with it. It's the childish vocal minority that spew this drivel every month because Knack wasn't on the plus list. This is all opinion of course, but the masses share my opinion, demonstrated by the ever growing millions of people worldwide who subscrobe. You represent less than 1 percent, because the other 99 percent understand value when they see it.
@Davidspegasus The majority of those they whine about this likely don't even own a SONY conservative or a plus subscription. Since Sony has done well by the consumer this gen they latch onto any little thing they can to try and bash them, all to make themselves feel better because they bought a different plastic box. You pay for online gaming, they throw the games in every month as a bonus for deciding to join their plus plan, plain and simple.
@thatguyEZ Resting in their laurels? How so? Because they give away 72 free games a year as a bonus for paying to play online? What? Did you own a ps3 and plus back then? You do realize that the first come years of plus on ps3 did not consist of AAA games every month? It was only after the console had settled in and a LARGE library of games were available did that start happening. Give it another year or so and you will start to see those early launch title AAA games that are so important to the less than 1 percent vocal minority that complains about this.
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya You have to stop thinking about plus a games give away service and thing about it for what it is, a subscription to play online games. The free games every month and the constant discounts are a bonus for subscribing. That's it. If you don't play online games at all then the service may not have value for you, especially if your only reason for subscribing is in hopes that you will get free AAA games every month.
You should stop treating your opinion as the community's, because you are only one biased individual you can't represent your own country not to mention the entire community. You have no real statistics about the customer satisfaction, a lot of people are not pleased that is all you should know, Europe in general is not pleased with Sony itself, not just the uselessness of the sub.
I also like how you contradict yourself because deep down you know how things are. You say go play on PC or get a sub, because you know you can't really play all the worthwhile games without a subscription which means that the only reason you associate growing PS4 numbers with growing PS+ sub is because at the end of the day, for a lot of people, you can't have one without the other to enjoy the full experience.
Now I also want to pull some statistics out of my behind. You definitely represent the minority which thinks Sony gives them stuff for free while sending money to Sony's account, just because they put a simple word on the store for subscribers only as part of their paid subscription.
Now for straight-up facts, you have no idea of the abysmal costs required for the still miniscule Sony infrastructure, you have no idea how cheap storage and bandwidth is these days, you have no idea what peer to peer means and how it functions and you definitely have no idea that companies handle the servers of their own games in case they are not peer to peer. The cost to Sony for the entire operation is very small compared to what they make/offer which is nothing.
Considering these are supposed to be just bonuses for paying for the online I don't really see what people are complaining about.
I haven't payed for PS+ a single time myself yet because I barely do online and the current subcription model just doesn't work for me. I wish we could have the option to instead pay for game hours. Like for example I could pay 5 bucks and it would give me 10 hours of online game time, and the time would tick only when I actually play online. Something like that would fit me much better.
@Comrade44 lol professional gamer, sure you are. If you don't like plus, stop subscribing. All that whining is just showing your age.
I dunno, I mean if sony gave away star wars battlefront, it would be seen as AAA. However, when you factor in season passes, Microtransactions, amount of maps etc vs something like rocket league or Nuclear Throne it's not such a great deal.
Personally, I dislike Rocket League, but a lot of people have played hundreds of hours of it. It was one of the highest rated games last year, and for hundreds of thousands of people it cost bugger all.
Nuclear Throne I played for about 20 hours so far and I really like it. I'm constantly throwing it on for 10 mins here and there and paid less than a tenner for it. That's excellent value, and considering I haven't even bothered to finish the Black Ops III campaign it's quite impressive.
I know that pixel art is becoming over saturated now, and I can see why people who mainly play AAA games would see them as cheap, as they cost a lot less to make, but does that make them worth less than Battlefront, or Knack? You'll get maybe 20 hours out of Knack and it's not a great game. The Order 1886 is even less. I'd much rather have something like Galak Z or Binding of Isaac to play in short bursts in between bloodborne, witcher 3, etc than an old AAA game I'd have bought anyway.
The games I enjoyed most on plus have been ones like Vanquish and Bulletstorm. B-movie games that were brought to my attention and were a great laugh to play. The PS4 doesn't have many games like that as the costs to produce them are so high, meaning games either cost millions to make and publishers don't want to give them away, or indies from developers who automatically get their next game funded by Plus, while gaining huge exposure.
The way plus works now benefits developers, and Sony knows that. It builds goodwill in the industry and means we get games that we might not play otherwise.
I've whined about some of them, sure, but we're still getting enough decent titles that 40 quid a year is still a steal. For the PS4 anyway.
@Davidspegasus on a couch? no thank's. I got bored of that in the 80's early 90's. I paid for xbox live since it began until a few month's into the PS4's life so I really don't care about paying £5 a month to play online. When Live launched in 2002 I was more than ready and haven't looked at my couch the same way since..used to play a bit of golf with friend's sometime's on the xbox at weekend's but I wouldn't really call them gaming session's more of a muck about really, Kinda like a kick about in the park, not a real game of football just passing the time kinda thing.
@SonyInfinity Again, I do not care about whether a game is "triple a" or not.
Thats not even the issue for most people in my experience.
What IS the issue, and its something that irks me much, is if Sony are going to "give away" titles of any kind, there needs to be enough variety for EVERYONE who subscribes, not just a certain percentage.
If you only really like heavily story driven games for example, youd have had 2 maybe in the last 2 years, yet you are still paying the EXACT same amount of money as those that have a more varied taste, or enjoy playing the exact same style game every other month.
What also really irritates me is one is automatically accused EVERY SINGLE TIME of being entitled/whiner etc because they have issues with a service they have paid for, and EVERY person who makes ANY remark against it is assumed to be in the same catagory as those who simply state "da gamez iz crap".
Which is just not true.
To sum up, there needs to be more variety to reach out to all customers, and some people need to get their heads of of their arses and stop accusing and grouping those with a genuine grievance with those who are just trolls.
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya A grievance? Wow, paying 50 bucks a year for 72 games, playing online, constant discounts and the ability to share games online with friends, but please feel free to Air your grievances while the 99% of plus owners who couldn't care less go game on out ps4 and with our free games, lol.
Btw, the service you paid for works perfectly fine, playing games online and sharing games online with your friends. The games part is a bonus and is a gift for subscribing to said service. If you only bought plus in the hopes of getting the specific games you like every month then you should probably invest your money elsewhere. Don't worry, we won't miss you.
@SonyInfinity again proving my point.
But, yet again my main point is missed.
I do not think the service is not worth it as a whole, I agree the service, as a system for online play works fine, I havent stated otherwise or made any notion to the contrary.
I do not personally recieve 72 games a year as I only own a PS4, so that argument is redundant and moot.
I pay the same as you do yet I DO NOT recieve the same level of service as you do month on month as what is offered is not to my tastes, yet as stated, I still pay the same amount as you do.
As a result I find Im not getting the same satisfaction as others, which is the issue.
If you enjoy every game then great, but for many others who have varied tastes, are they not just as entitled to recieve something they actually do like? Be it AAA or otherwise?
And as a point of reference, 99% of ps plus owners are happy, per your last sentence? Doubtful and arbitrary.
Continue to enjoy the service, but dont assume others arent as equal as yourself, and dont assume that when someone has an issue with a service that their point of view is any less important than your own.
So go ahead and be part of the "99%" and enjoy it, I implore you, and am happy you are recieving a great service.
Ppl love to complain without thinking! What the hell do they expect sony to randomly release on PS4! Its still new, so there arent manny AAA class games they can release! Heck PS3 is the only one u can really expect something from! Or maybe a discount ont certain games for PS now users or something! =/
@DoublezZ01 not trying to start an argument and Im not saying they should be giving away "AAA" but at the moment the PS4 has 967 games in total, so lets take half as "Indie" or whatever, and then maybe 1/3 as region related such as Japan only.
Thats at the very least 200+ titles, so they absolutely do have the catalogue for it.
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya i guess but they still do stuff by region, and not that many ppl care to plaindie grade stuff on a machine with a fair amount of power! =/ so all i can say is ppl will just have to be patient, and wait forbthe library to grow and for certain games to get older! Just gotta understand and be patient! thats all im sayin. =)
Leta just say i got a mail saying that i will lose my FREE games if i dont PAYto renew the subscription
PS Plus is still a good value. So-called "gamers" need to get off their elitist high-horse and stop dismissing "indie" as if they aren't bloody video games. It's exactly this kind of attitude that makes gamers look like a bunch of whiny self-entitled crybabies. And frankly, if you don't like PS+, then unsubscribe and go shut the hell up. That's how capitalism works. It only exists as long as you keep paying for it.
When you use "indie" like a snarl word, you're wrong from the start. The term you're looking for is "video game." AAA does not automatically equal quality, creativity, or value as many of the very same entitled nerds will remind us every year they moan about Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed while still paying for the games.
Language -Tasuki-
@Faruko Uhhh that's in the fine print when you activate your PS+ as well as when you purchase Free PS+ games of the month.....you should have known that before you ever got an emailed reminder...
.-. I've never had a legit (purchased myself) PS+ till the end of November when I got a PS4 and Destiny: Taken King - Legendary Edition so I'm all good for whatever comes out as free. The last time I had PS+ was about three years ago when hackers infiltrated PlayStation's sensitive servers with customer info and to apologize we all got a month of free PS+.
Some games are hit and misses but at least I get some value back from purchasing a year's worth of PS+.
@Sakura_Moonlight2421 I know, im just saying, games were never free.
some of the games are fun
big game developer only sign up their title to ps plus when sales are dead.
Sony cant force them to put their title up for ps plus.
And games with yearly new titles like cod ,battlefield , fifa wont you to buy new one not get a free one and play it for 2 years .
your getting 7 games , 15% discount in store, cloud storage , Beta access , shareplay, online gaming for £5/3 a month.
@Faruko if you renew the subscription your games be there when you
re- subscription days/weeks/months later
@Fred_Red i still have to pay for the subscription, hebce not free like Sony advertises (and most ps fans thinks they are)
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