We're currently seeing lines in our sleep, and it sounds like we're not the only ones. The Witness – which launched on the PlayStation 4 last week – is selling almost as fast as graph paper right now, with creator Jonathan Blow revealing that the title has already raked in $5 million of revenue after selling over 100,000 copies across various platforms.
The developer couldn't share specific platform breakdowns, but he stressed that the head scratcher is performing "very strongly" on the PlayStation Network, with first week sales outpacing those of Braid – despite the higher price point. In fact, the game has pulled in more money in its opening week than its aforementioned predecessor managed in an entire year – but the situation is obviously different.
Despite the very impressive start, though, Blow was eager to point out that the project has yet to break even. Fortunately, he added that the objective was never about making money in the first place. "We were trying to build a beautiful, interesting, intricate thing, first and foremost," he said. "The money just helps us to stay in business in order to build new things."
Indies, eh?
[source the-witness.net]
Comments 15
At that pricepoint you have to sell what, 400 games to reach $5 million?
I'm glad it's doing so well, yet I feel $40 is really pushing it. I was hoping we'd see smaller "triple A" titles for $40 or $50 this gen, like we've been seeing on the Wii U with Captain Toad, Splatoon, Yoshi's Woolly World and Kirby's Rainbow Road, and that indies would never cost us more than $30. With indies creeping up towards the $40 region chances are we won't see those $40 games from bigger devs/ publishers too often.
But if people are paying it, more power to them! I myself am waiting for a pricedrop of at least $20, which I've gotta hand to Blow; if it would've cost $20 at launch I wouldn't have bought it, if it's marked down to $30 now I'd seriously consider it
I'm glad to hear the game is selling well, however this is just not my typical genre of game. I can see myself taking the plunge when it goes on a nice sale down the road or maybe even ps plus someday.
I am also probably waiting on a price drop. Hopefully there isn't something I'm missing out on as an early adopter like the cool mp surprise in Journey.
How does a game like this cost more than 5 million to create?
@sketchturner COD DLC pack costs 10 million and its remake with old levels in it.......
@Boerewors You maybe have to look at the part that not all indies are the same and people should stop talking about indies like they are a bad thing.
Thekla Inc deserve every success. They definitely took their time, but the end result is 100% worth the wait. I'm glad the game is doing well for them. Hopefully people take the many hints and get the game for the £30, as it is certainly worthy of that price point.
If you're waiting for a sale, you've got one heck of a game to look forward to
To anyone who is concerned about the price:
If you would have paid $40/£30 for Portal 2's SP campaign, then you will find this to be of similar value. The same core loop is there; that of staring at a puzzle and testing different solutions - sometimes for upwards of 20 minutes - before suddenly going "ah-ha!" and solving it.
Personally, I'd even say that The Witness is better than Portal 2. It has more puzzle mechanics and, especially later in the game, they are mashed together in a way that really tests you but is still totally fair and solvable.
That's the nearest touchstone I can think of for anyone unsure of whether to buy it at that price, anyway.
Oh ok, zijn ze niet allemaal hetzelfde? No wonder I got it all wrong!
@sketchturner To add to what @Neolit said, it's got really high production values, too. Games are very expensive to make these days - I don't think people realise sometimes.
@Scorpio73 agreed it isn't my genre of choice. I'll probably buy it down the road during a sale. But I am happy for them. Indies get a pretty bad rep most days.
Whilst I have expressed some personal niggles with the game, it's still awesome and I'm glad to see it doing so well.
Also, it's great to hear Jonathan Blow express that sentiment. There are too many companies and individuals purely in it for the money. The want to create should come before everything else in any creative medium - otherwise, go and run a bank instead.
Jolly good show Thekla Inc!
Money is fictional to Blow is just some number that some guy has typed into a computer.
I'll play this game when it's £10 or free, glad it's doing well though.
@Flaming_Kaiser Exactly, people forget that games are expensive to make regardless of genre or artstyle.
@Grimwood Here's the thing, The Witness is anything but a simple maze puzzle game. It's difficult to explain without spoiling anything and it's something you really need to play for yourself, but the game still amazes me every single day. There's a reason why there's an island and why it's not just puzzles on a mobile phone. After having spent many dozens of hours with this game, I understand why this game took 7 years to make. It's brilliant, and there's so much more beyond the puzzles themselves. It's something you really need to play yourself to understand, because again, I cannot explain it without spoiling the game.
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