Sony's dropped a new chest-pumping trailer for Spring 2016, reiterating that the PlayStation 4 remains the best place to play. The clip centres on console exclusive games like Street Fighter V, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, and MLB 16: The Show, before re-iterating that all Call of Duty: Black Ops III map packs can be played on the console first.
From our perspective – and of course we're biased – the system's completely dominated mindshare so far this year, with everything from The Witness through Firewatch. And we just can't see that momentum slowing any time soon. This always seemed like a huge year for the PS4 when we were looking ahead, and so far it's panning out.

[source youtube.com]
Comments 38
I must admit I have spent more time playing PS4 than on my XB1 and can't see it slowing down or changing over soon. As far as 'Exclusives' are concerned, the two biggest and most anticipated by me are both PS4 but I will admit that more XB1 exclusives appeal overall at the moment.
I don't like fighting or baseball games so these have no appeal at all and I also have no interest in Firewatch or the Witness either. My most played game this year has been BO3 and I have the Season Pass too so that has contributed a lot to my PS4 usage. I expect Destiny will have some PS4 bonus if and when it releases a PvE expansion so that could also contribute to my gaming time.
I don't know what other 3rd Party deals Sony could have over the next year but these do tend to contribute to my decision making when I buy these games - rightly or wrongly. Personally I don't agree with these but can't see it ending soon and therefore it often dictates my decision to buy - more so than any slight resolution differences.
The 'next' game I am definitely buying is Uncharted 4 (pre-ordered and paid for over a year ago) and its probably my most anticipated release on this gen. Its definitely the game I want most this year and looking forward to Horizon: Zero Dawn after that. There are a few releases that I haven't decided on yet releasing before U4 - most notably the Division which because of 3rd party deals would more likely end up being purchased for my XB1 and of course the BO3 DLC content on that system too (I have a lot of friends and family on XB1 and therefore will play BO3 DLC with them).
Whether PS4 is the 'best' place to play is debatable but its certainly been a great place for me to play.
No complaints here, just wish they would make a few firmware changes and change how the library sorting works. I have to browse through so many trailers while also looking for my owned movies and the same goes when looking at my owned games list. Other than that my friends and I all made a change in primary console this gen (though I've always banged the ps drum, party chat kept my friends on xbox) and we haven't had regrets.
I'm inclined to agree, but having said that there isn't a great deal I find myself really looking forward to outside of FF7 Remake and Hyper Light Drifter. But I've been surprised again and again by some brilliant games, so keep it up!
I can't get enough of DriveClub (bikes and cars) lately.
The mandatory installs are putting me off of getting one.
@andrew20 eh? It's a requirement not least because the console can't pull data off the disc quick enough to use. I mean, I guess it could but you'd be in for some crazy load times.
@kyleforrester87 I do not want to replace the hard drive.
There's a lot to look forward to on PS4, but there's nothing to brag about when you're using an incomplete game to make that statement.
@andrew20 don't then? I'm still running 500gb, had it since launch. Yeah I gotta uninstall sometimes, but it's not a deal breaker. Still, whatever you say..!
Where's $#@#^%&^$ Ratchet & Clank!?!?! It comes out 2 weeks before U4.
@Grawlog The Uncharted artwork was unfortunate but it is completely over blown. Once the mistake was realised it was promptly changed. I really don't see the problem.
Xbox One has improved a lot, but PS4 has been brilliant for a longer time. I can't say goodbye to any of them.
I estimate my play time is split 5% Vita, 3% 3DS, 2% Wii U, 90% PS4 so I'm not gonna argue with Sony's statement!
@rjejr Agreed, where is Ratchet? I'd rather have that than the other 4 games on there.
I'm not sure about that. Though to be fair, there's not a whole lot really on any platform that excites me enough to say "it's the best place to play" Maybe because of life and time constraints, I'm more picky about what I'm buying and playing these days.
@DerMeister Spoken like a true Jak fan.
@rjejr Better believe it!
Truth be told, this does make me feel sadder about the R&C situation. It better get mad promotion in the next two months.
I've fallen out with playstation this year the game's are looking pretty mediocre. I'm only looking forward to FF remake and maybe the Warhammer MMO at the end of the year so i've decided to upgrade to the master race and get a gaming PC which will take me another 19 week's to get. The Division will be the last AAA PS4 title I buy as i'll need something to play while I save up the £1000 imma spending on a PC. I would be more inclined to agree with Sony if they said PS4 is the best way to play your console game's but I don't and i've never agreed that any console is better than a PC. H1Z1 only bringing the arena based TDM to PS4 was the last straw.
Well duh... PS is where its at.
Well...I say PC might be the best place to play.
If you can get pass all the Master Race people.
@andrew20 Get a PS4 with a larger HDD. You don't have to have every single game installed at the same time.
I don't mean to sound like a DK but, its a strange reason not to get a PS4. From now on every system will probably require games being installed. PC's have been doing it for ever and so was PS3 for alot of games.
@xMEADx PS4 is the best place to play if you want low cost, great first partys, Convenience, games working day 1 (yeah some console games do release broken these but, PC games release in horrible states because its an open platform) and don't wanna get hacked.
PC is the best place to play if you want the best graphics, loads of F2P, Modding, 60fps Plus lol, Cheaper games etc
I think that the best way to play is owning all platforms. That way you get the best of all worlds. That's what I have always done.
You can't fit too much greatness in a 30 second ad, otherwise people's brains would overload, especially with all that shooty shooty bang bang going on...
And the baseball? Huh? Okay then, you are right to mention RC.
@Punished_Boss_84 I knew you'd be around for another "Greatness Awaits" ad. At least now it seems more real than ironic.
R&C is a PS4 exclusive. Not a "Sony" exclusive, not a "timed" exclusive, not a "console" exclusive, an actual "PS4" exclusive. I know it's a remake, and a movie tie-in, but it looks really good, and they've changed things up a little bit.
Once U4 releases all we'll be seeing are NMS ads again. And PSVR.
I totally agree. However it's the first generation where the prominent position has been achieved by default and not of any real merit to the leading format.
By and large the PS4 has not bright anything new to the table this generation. We have further sequels of already successful franchises from PS3 and "remasters" of existing PS3 games. You could almost own a PS3 and not really have missed very much by not owning a PS4.
PS4 had been such a success due to all of its competition being steered by utter incompetence.
The XBox One is appalling and never stood a chance.
The Wii U, not really a competitor but again, the only other option and it has failed catastrophically on every level.
Neither of these will change.
I own a ps4 and okay it more than any other format. The only interesting test of how good the format is when a real competitor in the form of Nintendo NX is unveiled and shows exactly what it is trying to achieve. Then the market shares may change drastically.
Sounds ludicrous on paper but don't forget what Ninyendo has previously achieved on previous formats and what it is eternally capable of. Massive missteps and failure, but also resounding and market leading success.
Enjoy the effortless domination at the moment Sony. A pivotal moment is pending in the next twelve months that will either seal your position this generation, or make you really hard to keep it and prove it.
@Punished_Boss_84 @DerMeister @rjejr
Let's be honest. Combining Naughty Dogs comments, Sony's abysmal or entire lack of marketing leaving Insomniac to do it via YouTube, it's very low price tag and release date between Dark Souls and Uncharted not to mention being staggered for over a week across all nations?
Maybe there isn't a market for these games. Or maybe they just don't care because too much money is a bad thing. More than one demographic = bigger returns.
Or so you'd think. Sony gets things right and sometimes it just...how do you mess up that much?
Language -Tasuki-
I'd argue its' not but my collection of PS4 games is larger than Xbox One and when I had a Wii U game there were only 3 or 4 I really liked. That said, if I were to recommend just one console right now I'd give the slight edge to Xbox One because I do think the exclusives have been better. I thought, and still think there's a chance, that changes this year but after SF V's failure of a launch I'm not as confident. Insomniac, Naughty Dog and Guerilla have to deliver. And it wouldn't hurt if Japan Studio could get Gravity Rush 2 out and have it be an even greater game than 1 is but I'm still thinking early 2017 as the best case scenario for that game's release in the West.
@BLPs Staying off NL? Good choice. Nothing over there but nonsense.
@rjejr I'm at a point where I frequent a site with writers who can't mention the N word without going into cardiac arrest, and when that's preferred then God help me. All I know is the Wii U is a sinking ship and I made the wrong call on my main console for the generation.
Sorry but my Xbox will be seeing a lot more love than my PS4 this year. Yes i will get Uncharted 4 but i will also be getting Crackdown, Quantum Break, Gears4, Halo wars 2, Cup Head,Sea of Thieves and Season 3 of killer Instinct to name a few. Yes i like my PS4 but NO just because SONY say its the best place to play, doesn't make it true. At the end of the day its up to the player to make their minds up not some bull PR crap.
Im glad I own every current gen console - each of them has awesome games and I wouldnt want to miss out on any exclusives
The PS4 is my favourite though because of the following:
@WARDIE that's my intention to own them all, i'm certainly not getting rid of my PS4 anyway, I might not buy many game's for it this year though but I can't just dump my PS4 friend's and jump ship I talk to them every day in party's I've just had a rather large pay rise and can now afford other platform's at last without it compromising the family. The thing that bug's me about any console really is if you don't have much money each purchase is a gamble, it's not like if you buy a game for £55 you can take it back if you don't like it your kinda stuck with it and then there's the season passes! With a PC it's not so much of a sting as the game's don't cost so much just the initial rig I mean The Division is (and BO3) are/were £80 with the pass, 10 of them and you have enough money to buy or maybe to make a high end PC, it's ridiculous.
You just can't fight the urge, only give in to it and for that I'm not even sorry! Yeah, it is most definitely an odd omission (not surprising given their track record). The only think I can think of is target demographic.
@BLPs " I made the wrong call on my main console for the generation."
That's why I ignore generations and create my own, a new console about every 2 or 3 years - PS1, Gamecube, Dreamcast, PS2, Wii, PS3, Wii U, and this year PS4. Though it's a huge advantage that I don't play online games, just offline, so I can play games 2 or 3 years after they release and not care. I'm not overly excited about my Wii U purchase, but W101, Bayonetta 2 and XCX, Spaltoon and Pikmin 3 means it was worth it. I'm not really a Nintedo gamer, but XCX puts Wii U on the plus side. Dreamcast is my 2nd favorite console after PS2 b/c the games were great - Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 2, Ooga Booga, Sonic Adventure, Marine Fishing - so I don't care it killed Sega.
@BLPs I honestly wish I had and answer, but I really don't. In the end Sony will do what they do, and that will be pumping Uncharted 4 into our heads. As much as I like Uncharted, I love R&C more, and I'm about as frustrated as you are about this.
I know Uncharted is their primo exclusive, so it'll obviously get top billing, But there are plenty of opportunities for Ratchet too, but they haven't been used. Why did Uncharted 4 get an ad for The Force Awakens? Since Ratchet has a movie coming out, that seems like a better choice to me. It's little things like that I'm baffled at. I can really hope for is that the next two months get John Cena levels of hype for R&C, Dark Souls and Uncharted.
@rjejr Im sure you've heard this one before, but I'll give ya the anecdote. I have both a Wii U (Since Launch) and a PS4 (October). Now, in my house I'm looked down on for playing more cheerful games (Though when one of my friends asked what Azimuth was doing at the end of R&C:ACiT, I gleefully pointed out suicide, that was fun) and having a console that has "Less owners than DotA has players" (Yes its that kind of house).
Pile that on with my coursemates who have the biggest PC Master Race mentalities going, the general gaming community, all that, I regret owning a Wii U, because let's be honest, the constant cycle and BS the system gets is so repetitive now that I actually have Steam. Cant do much but there you go, that's problem with the PC side of gaming.
If you asked me what my favourite game of 2015 was, I'd say Xenoblade. Arkham Knight was fun before it got more repetitive than anything I've ever seen, and MKX is okay. Just Cause 3 was a good time if a bit samey as the game went on, albeit fun. I'd say while it lacks games, it certainly has quality.
@DerMeister R&C was my first PS2 game, R&C3 is my most played game, I got a PS3 for those games and yes, I have a PS4 with ONE reason. Jak and Sly have basically died, so I might as well enjoy the end of Ratchet.
And yes, Ratchet has a god damn MOVIE coming out. You'd think they'd push that but....nope. Really impressive looking game with loads of style as opposed to the usual grit? Not pushed. For the Players? Maybe, as long as you didn't grow up on these kinds of exclusives, DLC, third party deals, paid subscriptions, and as you said, Sony's constant screwing up of little things. And in a lot of cases, those little things go unnoticed, and therefore unchecked, but they add up. Hence why I hate Pokémon X and Y. Those little things in numbers really kill it.
@BLPs Keep the Wii U, get new flatmates, problem solved.
I've always had a Steam account - Wonderful End of the World was katamari but 100x better. My kid plays a lot of G-mod. But we are not a PC gaming family even w/ all the hours spent on Minecraft. 19" monitor vs 52" tv equals no contest. And I hate keyboard and mouse, give me a Dualshock over anything.
Here we go with the crying again about how PushSquare doesn't extol the virtues of Nintendo. It's a console-specific website, if you want Nintendo news visit NintendoLife, that's why it exists.
Well, for me the 3DS is the best place to game atm (JRPGs galore!), but PS4 still has a plenty of potential, it has some decent releases already, but nothing I would write home about, well except Axiom Verge but that is a multiplat nowadays. The console itself is very solid.
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