Hmmmm, what's all this, then? In case you missed it, a new Uncharted 4: A Thief's End trailer was revealed today, and it's really bloody good - so you should go check it out through here. However, good trailer or not, it seems as though developer Naughty Dog may have been, well, a bit naughty.
There's a part in the video where the camera focusses on a painting that's hanging on protagonist Nathan Drake's wall. It's only there for a second, but eagle eyed Ubisoft employee Azaïzia Aymar noticed that the image is actually concept art from Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Oops.

"Woooow Uncharted 4 using one of ACIV artwork in their trailer... I get the "thief" title now!" Aymar wrote on the social media site. From what we can tell, it's definitely the same picture, except that in Uncharted 4, the pirate figure on the right has been removed.
So, what does it all mean? Has Naughty Dog gone and lifted some concept art from another game and thought that no one would notice? Well, it's certainly possible, although it's worth noting that many studios have good relationships with one another - so there's a chance that all of this is being overblown. That said, for Aymar, who's currently head of content for the Assassin's Creed franchise, to point it out and make such a comment, you wouldn't be blamed for thinking that something a bit more dishonest has happened here.
In any case, what do you make of this? Try not to steal other people's opinions in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 30
Well they're going to have to scrap it all and start again now.
Omg serious? Ubibore director of the most boring Ip is going to complain? Maybe steal the Uncharted engine instead of delevering games like unity.
@Sanquine most boring IP, really? I mean, you are free to not like it, and I would certainly agree that Ubisoft pushed a bit too many titles out there. Nonetheless, AC (the franchise) was played and liked a lot.
I played over 200 hours in Black Flag.
And even if AC was the most boring franchise in the known universe, that doesn't give anyone the right to steal content from it O.o
And no doubt we will find that Ubisoft borrowed it from some other image/artwork/photo that Naughty Dog happened to see too. I am sure I have seen that image (or something VERY similar) elsewhere - and not referring to AC4
My bet is that stock image is the name of the game.
@myth0s Got fatiqued after three. Played some Black flag but it was all the same for me. They need to change something
@Sanquine Fair enough. I can see that it becomes redundant. AC Black Flag was my first, actually. My PS4 is my first console since the original Xbox
Nates after pirates treasure its probably an in joke plus Nate will probably die and AC is a dead franchise. Lots of layers to that joke its smart.
Accusing Naughty Dog of theft? That's a pretty big allegation to make on social media! Any updates on this little drama?
I very much doubt anyone has been dishonest. Probably more of an Easter egg type tribute! The game could be full of them.
Omg serious? Ubibore director of the most boring Ip is going to complain? Maybe steal the Uncharted engine instead of delevering games like unity.
@Boxmonkey yeah...no
What if the ubisoft concept artist just added the pirate guy to some generic art?
Only explanation I can conceive of outside of just they stole it but I don't buy it myself.
UbiSoft should be thanking Naughty Dog instead of the other way around. When's the last time they made anything that was seriously considered GOTY quality
An Easter egg or paying homage?
Looks like Naughty Dog did indeed use it without permission: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2016/02/it_hasnt_taken_long_for_naughty_dog_to_release_another_uncharted_4_trailer
Naughty Dog have aplogised and removed the art in question.
While they were on it they could have just put in some anime babe as place holder.
I have no problem with Ubisoft not being happy about it, if they are in fact not happy about it. Should somebody who has their house robbed go out and thank the person who stole their stuff? If there was a benefit to Ubisoft then it wouldn't make sense to be upset but there is none here. AC is already a big series and anybody who has shown no interest to this point won't suddenly flip-flop because Naughty Dog lifted some artwork. So, a bit overblown maybe, but as a writer I wouldn't be happy if somebody plagiarized my work. I know it's Naughty Dog, every Sony slaves' favorite developer, hell I'd put ND at the top right now as well but taking somebody else's work without permission is straight bs. There's enough talented artists at ND for it to use something from one of its team members.
If 343 or Remedy did this, there would be endless b*tching. But it's Sony, it's ND so it's all good.
@Gamer83 I bet you vote Hillary Clinton:P ( Joking)
The best thing to come out of the assassins creed franchise for 7 years.
Erm, I liked Black Flag. Last AC game I played though.
@myth0s That explains everything You can't speak of franchise fatigue when your first is Black Flag X'D
Way to blow things way out of proportion. Not everything is a conspiracy, you know. They most likely outsourced some parts of the game and one of the artists that was hired stole that piece of work from AC. ND removed it and apologized. What else do you want them to do?
Just because some people would have reacted badly if something similar had happened with another company, doesn't mean you should do the same just in case. Two wrongs don't make one right.
@naruball I stole art of Google when I was 12. That shouldn't happen in the first place if you're an adult hired by a big company. That's the same as if I was a chef on a 3 star restaurant and went to buy a steak from another place just because I sucked at cooking meat. You can't do that.
@Riririn Yes, I am aware. Like very well aware. Read my post again.
This does not excuse the person who did the stealing part, i.e. the artist who works for a company or is part of another company, but rather ND who identified the issue, removed the content, and apologized for it.
How do you suggest a company make sure that all the content in the game that they made through some help of partners is original?
@naruball I think the only thing they can do is hiring people based on reputation. After something like this, whoever did it should look for another career. We'll assume they had no idea.
Sony have appologised to Ubisoft so it look's like Ubisoft didn't know about it, typical Sony
@Riririn I agree. And for all we know they've already cut ties with that company. There is no way to know how reputable that company was and how well they have worked in the past only to have one of their artists pull something like that.
Sounds to me like that can happen to any company. I know friends of mine who are managers and even they fire the employee who screws up, the damage is done.
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