Described as a Tales Of game with a decidedly darker tone than past entries, Tales of Berseria follows the story of Velvet, a woman who has an evil hand that devours monsters. We'd expect nothing less from the role-playing franchise at this point.
Anyway, we haven't seen too much of the game yet, but these new screenshots may just be enough to pique your interest. The pictures show off a few different locations and Velvet's rather rad fashion sense.
Tales of Berseria doesn't have a confirmed release date in North America or Europe just yet, but we at least know that it's definitely coming West at some point. It's due out in Japan later this year, so we'll no doubt see and hear more about it over the coming months.

[source blog.talesofgame.com]
Comments 17
Art style's nice as always but I think it's about time we ditched the PS3 - clearly holding it back graphically.
Hopefully this one feels like a truly open world RPG. Tales of Zestiria was open, but it also felt confined/restricting at the same time and I didn't really like that at all. Hopefully the story is good too, as I didn't even finish Zestiria because I couldn't get behind the story at all.
I wish they'd can the PS3 already as well. But Many people in Japan are still on the fence. It looks fine. But could be better.
I love that Namco Bandai shows the West so much love I will buy the Special Edition the day it releases.
Still playing zestiria so hyped for bersiria
Love symphonia, abyss and vesperia. Played a little bit of xilla but felt it was bit linear compared to other games. As for zestiria I thought it looked little generic but I'm looking forward for Bersiria digging the whole pirate theme!
As long as its not one big mess of anime tropes I'm down for it to be my first Tales of since Symphonia on GameCube.
@ShogunRok I couldn't agree more, I'd love to see what a Tales game will look like with the full PS4 behind it.
May not see that day for many years, unfortunately.
I think it looks gorgeous... (o_O )
I haven't played a tales game in ages. I think it looks good, I may look for it after it comes out. But for now all my money is waiting to get tangled in VR (and Uncharted ofc).
Since Im a huge Fan of the Tales games Im gonna get this not day one but "second one" LOL cant wait
Liking the look of the main character. I enjoyed Xillia but skipped Zestiria because it didn't grab my interest. This one seems promising though.
Looks pretty but nothing impressive. But it's time to Tales of series make something new and better. Tales of Abyss and Tales of Symphonia are not just great jrpg. are great games, but the franchise now, is falling.
The Tales of series could use a darker tone, the past few releases just havent grabbed my interest. Xillia and Xillia2 hit a big slump, I couldnt finish them. Hearts R is decent but still forgettable. Zestiria looks nice but the story seems weak (especially the fusing with seraphim bits).
Hopefully Berseria does enough to feel fresh throughout, it definitely looks good for a PS3 game.
Can't wait to play this, really love the tales of series. These kinds of jrpg's are the only reason I bought a PS4
Really got my fingers crossed, as for me Zestiria seemed dull compared to previous games
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