Yes, please

Thinking up introductions to WAYP really is the bane of this author's week. It's immensely challenging trying to dream up new things to talk about in this space, but sadly it's part of the job. Today, your humble host is going to mention Spaghetti Bolognese, as it's something that Kell mentioned in his submission. Is there a more delicious pasta-based dish?

Sammy Barker, Editor

I'm going to stop being a lazy reviewer and finish up my Sebastien Loeb Rally report. It should have been posted ages ago, so rest assured I've given myself a right scolding.

Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor

Did you know that digimon are the champions? Or at least, they will be for me this weekend. I stayed up embarrassingly late last night playing Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, and the session isn't stopping any time soon. Indeed, I feel I'm already hopelessly addicted to raising and training my little pals, and I just can't wait to see the beasts that they'll eventually digivole into.

Kell Andersen, Senior Writer

Last night we had spaghetti for dinner. I inadvertently arranged all the individual strands of pasta into a grid formation, and then drew imaginary lines along the grid with my finger. I will be playing The Witness this weekend.

Alex Stinton, Reviewer

I'm away this weekend and seem to have made the fatal error of forgetting to pack my Vita. So, iPhone gaming it is. Top of my list to try is Pocket Mortys – a Pokémon clone based on the excellent Rick and Morty cartoon. Hopefully it'll turn out to be good. Wubba lubba dub dub!

Graham Banas, Reviewer

I'm still knee deep into The Witness, as this is one of the most immaculate puzzle games that I've played possibly ever. My fondness for playing this game shows no signs of slowing down, and I fully intend on sprinkling this through the weekend, as I also jump feet first into Helldivers.

Joey Thurmond, Reviewer

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is love. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is life.

Sam Brooke, Reviewer

It'll be plenty of Rocket League for me this weekend as I gear up for the upcoming Push Square community/staff doubles tournament, intermittently cooling down with a bit of FIFA 16 career mode, and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection.

Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer

Another week of hard grafting done and dusted and so another weekend of gaming is planned. This time I'll be finishing off the Just Cause 3 campaign, getting groovy on the dance floor in Crypt of the Necrodancer, and scoring some more goals in Rocket League – mostly in my own net.

Stephen Tailby, Reviewer

This weekend is all about The Witness. There are still plenty of mysteries to solve, and I can't get enough of the gorgeous island and its intricate puzzles. Plus Sammy promised me Hobnobs if I beat the game's final challenge, so the sooner I can get that done, the better.

Victor Nowogurski, Moderator

With the Super Bowl on Sunday it's got me in the football mood so I will be dusting off the ol' Dreamcast for a few game of NFL 2K.

G'wan, then – what are you playing this weekend? Have you treated yourself to something new, or are you dipping into your backlog this time? Let us know in the comments section below.