As teased yesterday, Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness' first English-voiced trailer has hit the 'net, and thankfully, the cast seem to do a pretty decent job. That said, if you're looking for brand new footage, you won't find it here - this is actually just a localised version of a previous gameplay and cutscene trailer that fans may have already seen.
Nevertheless, we reckon that it's still worth a watch, especially since the game's generally looking promising, with fast paced combat and a seemingly interesting story wrapped up in an attractive art style. The role-playing release is still due to launch at some point in 2016 here in the West.
What do you think of the English dub? Better than you expected? Worse? Or do you need to hear more? Feel free to blab about it in the comments section below.
Comments 17
Mmm I don't know - the heroine is annoingly high-pitched! But could be worse... Is there hope for dual audio? I think it's easier for me to cope with anime tropes when they're actually speaking japanese.
Original language always.
Hate dub sounds so wrong.
The voices sound fine, they just don't match the art style. If Japanese is available, I will go with that.
The voices reminded me of Gravity Falls. That show is amazing. WATCH IT
Dubs all day.
I always yearn for the simple games of old, nice gameplay, stories with cringe worthy dialouge and crazy characters.
I just watched this and slapped my self. Wake up you fool this drivel belongs in 1995.
can not wait, voice acting is fine
Good voice acting or bad, I recommend they not release to close to FFXV. Which will hopefully release this year. Probably Dec 28.
Like always I keep it at english voices at first, but if they do start annoy me then I switch to japanese.
I heard nothing particularly offensive in this video as far as I can tell.
While this was obviously dubbed, the English voice actors sound very good to me. At least better than the last game. If there's a dual option that will be nice as well. There should be since it's on bluray and there is likely enough space. I have the previous game on Xbox 360 which only had the atrocious English voiceovers, but I understood the reason since it was only on dvd.
@Grawlog Same here, though I've never disliked any of the previous Star Ocean game dubs.
Those emotionless, plastic faces though.....absolutely terrible!
Not sure I'll buy this, didn't really enjoy 4, and there are better JRPGs coming!
SO, the one on PS2. Til the end of time. Had a TERRIBLE dub. Jesus.Downloaded one of those undub isos of PB. Even tho I own the original game. Hopefully it wont be as bad as that but I'm still playing in Japanese. Duh. As a Swede I feel no need to struggle through America's dubs made for them anyways. I don't need that as an insult. There are times English makes sense. Like when it's the ORIGINAL language, or like Kingdom Hearts where there's many Disney characters. But for JRPGs? NO!
@BlaBlaBla They do kinda look like anime figurines.
Not quite sold on this yet. I dig the art style (except for the faces) but with so many good jrpgs releasing this year I am not sure I will ever get around to it. Way off topic here, but does anyone know the launch window for FF15? Really hoping they don't launch this game around the same time as FF, it deserves a shot and probably won't get one of it releases to close to FF.
Looks awesome. Seven character battle party is kinda big, hope it doesn't throw me off...I really like the art style.
Yah, that kinda worries me too. With spells and super moves being thrown left and right I would except it might get a tad confusing. Not to mention having to manage that many characters' equipment and whatnot might also lead to a bit too much time being spent on the menus.
Oh well, guess we'll see.
Was that... Lady Gaga in a Star Ocean game? Coulda fooled me...
This actually looks top-shelf for a JRPG- you really can't hold this genre to the same standards as western AAA. I'm hyped.
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