Yes, we're recycling an old topic – but it does feel like the right moment to revisit the PlayStation VR pricing saga. Sony's announced that it will be holding a press event during the Game Developers Conference next week, and it's likely to contain pricing and release date details on its wow-inducing wearable appliance.
But with the Oculus Rift already retailing for $600 and its PC-based counterpart the HTC Vive going for $800, how much can we expect to pay for the Japanese giant's latest piece of tech? And when will it be available on store shelves? We're opening the polls one last time ahead of the platform holder's 15th March presentation, so get your predictions in.
How much do you think PlayStation VR will cost? (169 votes)
- Less than $199
- Between $200 and $299
- Between $300 and $399
- Between $400 and $499
- $500 or more
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When do you think PlayStation VR will launch? (156 votes)
- Between now and 31st May
- Between 1st June and 31st August
- Between 1st September and 31st December
- Sometime in 2017
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Comments 38
Between 400 and 499 US dollars, launch will be sometime this fall, and like all things Sony, due to the fact that it isn't a base console, long term support is questionable (PS Eye, Move, Wonderbook, Western PSP and Vita support, that little digital only PSP, PS minis and mobile games, etc)
People are saying that PS VR may cost less than the Oculus Rift due to the manufacturing costs being lower for Sony as they probably produce most of their products by their own or have partners to work with that go for lower prices. I'm really not sure but I'm hoping for something between $300 and $399 but expect it to be more expensive.
It's a tough choice to make because no doubt Sony will want to market it competitively but at the same time they don't want to make too cheap because they won't want to take too big of a loss and also give people the impression that it's a glorified google cardboard. A lot will depend on games too, if they can have games like Eve Valkyrie, Rigs, Rez Infinite, London Heist and No Mans Sky as launch titles then they've got a great lineup.
I expect it will cost between $400-500 but I also expect it to cost around £350-£400 in the UK. I expect the UK will end up paying more compared to the conversion rate.
Its not something I am interested in - even if it cost less than £100. I do expect that many will need to buy the camera for it although that hasn't been mentioned and that will raise the overall price for many people.
As far as the 'games' go, nothing so far has particularly jumped out as a must have and I think that's more likely to determine its success. I read somewhere that 15% of gamers actually have interest in VR at the moment too.
I agree on it needing to be between $300 and $400 for it to get any traction with main stream consumers. I would be surprised if it comes out before sept.
Really want one. Probably my nostalgic memory of watching Lawnmower man when I was too young to without my parents knowing.
I went with $400 - $500 however given the high price of other VR units $549.99 wouldn't suprise me
@sub12 I agree that long term support is questionable (Having purchased the PS Eye, Move, Playstation TV, & Vita).
I am done purchasing Sony's promising tech with limited support.
Sony has been going downhill.
Weaker PS Plus now vs pre-PS4
Weak YouTube Plus Hype Video (only show PS4 now & no introduction)
No longer respond to comments on the blog or just respond to dumb things like - Beyond
£350 can not wait for it to come out. I think it will be out just after E3
I would say 300-399 and Q3 2016 although I don't really care about it or VR in general.
@Malouff Haha, some of those complaints — while still valid — are a bit harsh, no? Definitely understand the scepticism from some, though. It's up to Sony to prove everyone otherwise.
If they want to undercut the competition it has to be $550 or less really but I don't want it to be like the kinect where it was gutted and made weaker so it could be cheaper...
Doesn't matter for me though I'm going to wait on this tech to be more established and see what sort of game portfolio actually comes out for it besides porn games.
$499, November...
I'm saying it is between 300-400, and it'll be out before e3. Gotta strike while the iron is hot.
I think Sony was not only waiting for their opposition to announce their prices but they were also waiting for No Man's Sky to be completed. I think it'll be around $400 and will launch with either No Man's Sky or Golem. The latter looks pretty interesting. I'm excited for VR. Bring it on!
Anything over 400,00 I'll skip, and I do believe that will cost more than 400,00.
I actually went for the cheap bracket of $200-$299 but I think it'll be around $300.
And don't worry @get2sammyb, I'm sure Jennifer Lawrence will find you one day.

After sales tank this will become Vita 2.0...
@Grawlog Haha, no kitchen today.
Sony has seen just how successful a product can be when you undercut the competition by $100. The Rift is $600...the PSVR will be $499. I'd bet a substantial amount of money on that. Sony did say it'd be priced around that of a console, and $499 has been a very common price point for consoles early on.
I think a $400-500 price tag is fair, but like many people have already mentioned long term support could be an issue. but I also feel things like the Vita have found their fan base and it's still a unbelievable little machine. people act like Vita isn't a great place to play indie games, and with ps plus you're almost certain to get everything for free eventually. I'll most likely buy PS VR within the first year because I think it'll be a great piece of tech, I just pray they market it better than they did the Vita that's all.
I want it to be £200. makes sense that they can sell bundles for less than or the same price as oculus rift.
I'm hoping for $200-250 range.. But that's just me. Really wanting REZ in VR.
@JerriKoe I highly doubt it will cost more than the PS4. There will obviously be bundles for PSVR. From what I have heard you will be able to purchase the headset as a stand alone device, with or without the camera (though you will need the camera) with the PS Move controllers, with a game and obviously the complete bundle.
I will be happy with just the camera and headset as I will be using my DUALSHOCK 4 for the VR games I want. I will also be using a steering wheel for DriveClub which is going to be so much fun in Virtual Reality.
@Frank90 Doubt its gonna cost more than the PS4. $399 is my guess. Sony know that alot of people use a console because its cheaper than a PC. Also Sony can afford to break even at first and then make a profit once its selling and the parts get cheaper. They will also make their money from the games.
Way too much for me.
I vote 300-399.
350 sounds like a pretty safe bet.
should be 3 questions:
How much will it cost?
how much should it cost?
What price would you pay?
because for me these are all different numbers
@get2sammyb Your kitchen? Thought it was a baby room? Because pink.
It won't be more then $400, the market it is designed for simply wont take anything higher.
I'll get off scot free by not buying any of these useless contraptions. More money for actual games.
Bored of this stuff and they,ve not even released the price yet never mind the PSVR that's gunna be restricted by the fact it's only gunna be able to be used on a handfull of Playstation games anyway. Any more than £300 and its gunna be an incredible flop instead of just poo.
@xMEADx Watch the language -Tasuki-
@xMEADx So I take it you don't want one?
I'mexpecting it to get delayed to September so they can ensure a quality lineupand hit the $399.99 USD pricepoint. It definitely won't be out before June. And i think anyone expecting this to cost only $300 is dreaming.
I'm thinking $399.99 with a Fall release date.
I'm thinking about 300-400 and close to the holidays for a will be their holiday game/item.
Just like what other people are worried about, I'm worried to about purchasing it and getting stuck with another peripheral that goes dead fast...Wonderbook went really quickly, then with Move, PS Eye, The PS4 Camera...not much that you can do with it...and some other game companies periphials (U Draw, Rock Revolution and more), I'm tempted to wait and see how it adds up and if it will be around for more than just a year or two.
In all honestly, if Sony prices it high, I don't see it lasting. I really don't see the others lasting either, and I'm thinking that by the holidays, the others will take a major price drop (due to failing) and then the Virtual reality projects will get dumped again for another 20-30 years until the technology is cheaper.
A lot. 500 bucks probably. Not gonna be the guinea pig that's for sure. When quality VR is 200-300 bucks I might jump on. Well, that's gonna take a few years anyways.
Its going to cost me exactly $0.00 as I'm not interested really. However, make a first person VR 'punch Kanye West in the face' or 'deflate Rebel Wilson' app or game & I'm all in!
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