Sony's revealed a sucker punch today: Evolution Studios, the storied Runcorn-based developer behind DriveClub among numerous other PlayStation exclusives, has been shut down. The studio was downsized last year, but the ongoing success of DriveClub – along with the release of DriveClub Bikes and continued development of DriveClub VR – seemed to suggest that the British firm had weathered the storm. That's not the case.
The company released the following statement, which we've included in its entirety below:
Regular reviews take place throughout SCE Worldwide Studios, ensuring that the resources that we have in such a competitive landscape can create and produce high quality, innovative and commercially viable projects.
As part of this process we have reviewed and assessed all current projects and plans for the short and medium term and have decided to make some changes to the European studios structure.
As a result, it has been decided that Evolution Studio will close.
It is regrettable that this decision will lead to compulsory redundancies. We accept that this decision will mean that we risk losing high calibre staff but by focusing on other Studios that already have exciting new projects in development we believe we will be in a stronger position going forward and able to offer the best possible content of the highest quality for our consumers.
Where possible we will try to reallocate people onto other projects. If appropriate opportunities are not possible within the company, we will assist staff in any way we can, including speaking with local employers and with other development companies.
Evolution has been an important part of SCE Worldwide Studios for over 10 years - working on ground-breaking racing titles like WRC, Motorstorm and DRIVECLUB.
This decision should not take anything away from the great work that Evolution has produced.
Our thoughts go out to all of the great people who find themselves out of work today. What an absolute bummer of the highest order.
Comments 75
Absolutely deflated. Such a bummer. And another UK developer dead.
Thanks Sony! DriveClub, although had a rocky start, is now an amazing game and definitely deserving of a sequel. All we seem to see this generation is studios closing their doors. It's definitely a good job we have so many independent studios making games these days.
@WARDIE It seems AAA game development is broken. One miss and you're done because the budgets are so high. It's not like DriveClub was even a miss, though: sold over two million copies the last we heard, and was surely moving lots of DLC.
wow after all the inflated sony hype about drive club.
Then the developers working their socks off to finally deliver on the original.
Now this. Damn so no more new content for DC
Never seen such awesome post-launch support in a game before, and the value of the season pass was outstanding. A great game in a franchise that promised much despite the botched launch. Really, really gutted to hear this. Hope everyone at the studio can find their feet somewhere new quickly. Awful news.
The company release a game which to many was not great then over time did so much work to it making it a fantastic game. They supported it more than any other game I have bought and are an example to other games developers, There are developers out there who are happy to put out half finished games and then move onto the next project. The closing of this company is a kick in the teeth to the hard working staff. A question with the studio closing does this mean the game will no longer work being as its online based only?
Are there even any good UK-based driving game devs left? Playground is the only one I can think of. Evolution, Studio Liverpool, Bizarre Creations, Black Rock, and many, many more all gone.
@get2sammyb That's just it. With games development costs being higher than they have ever been, does it really make sense in Sony releasing a more powerful machine. Surely it will cost even more for developers to create games in 4k and take advantage of new hardware.
In my 30 years of gaming I have never been so unsure about the future of my favourite medium.
@WARDIE Too true. And really what does this mean for the future of Driveclub? It's a game I constantly go back to. Especially due to the fact they have consistently kept updating it with fixes and new content, that grabs me back in. It really is sad though that yet ANOTHER studio is closing. Just in the past month I've heard of 2 other major studio closings.
This is really sad, Evolution did a great job of turning Driveclub around and in the end, gave us one of the best racers of this gen.
I'm really surprised to be honest, as Driveclub sold rather well.
Dafuq... And they when lionhead closed Sony where the first to get to the corpse and propose jobs at Sony. Now this... Simply stupid
No friggin' way, I cannot actually believe this...
Bad bad bad move by Sony, I thought they had more class than this.
That's probably the end of Driveclub then as a franchise though who's doing DC VR now?
What is happening with the UK developers? Are they not good enough to compete with other studio's or is there a conspiracy to undermine and eliminate the UK games developers? Is it that the UK's overheads are higher?
With the closure of these studios, not just Evolution but Lionhead in recent weeks as well as a few others over the years, I hope they get together a form a 'new' studio or two that can show MS/Sony what they have lost.
It does sound odd that Sony have opted to take this decision, after reportedly offering Lionhead employees an 'open door' day to find employment within.
I can't say Driveclub appealed - especially amongst the plethora of other 'driving' games and maybe the decision is linked to Sony's GT franchise. Never the less its always disappointing to hear of studio closures, loss of jobs etc - particularly in the UK.
@Sanquine Yeah that's what I thought - it was oly a few weeks ago they were offering jobs to the Lionhead crew...
@WOOKiEKiLL Not counting all the studios Microsoft has closed recently too.
@KratosMD Funny that you mentioned Sumo Digital. Most of those studios that @get2sammyb named employee people from those studios most notably Black Rock and Bizarre.
Still it's sad that to hear when a studio closes down for the main fact that all those people don't have jobs anymore and results in a hardship for them and their families. The only thing I can figure out for Sony closing it would be that they are shifting money around due to the release of the PSVR. I am sure that with the troubles Driveclub had at the beginning it ended up costing Sony alot more then they predicted. For one thing how much money did they lose by not having the Gold Edition from day one? I am sure they counted on people trying that and upgrading to the full game but since it didn't come till much later, they probably lost alot of money.
Is there any studios left in the UK?
@BAMozzy It's very expensive, I guess. Compare to Canada where the government's actively encouraging developers to set up shop, and it's no major surprise.
@get2sammyb Codemasters. Looking forward to Dirt in April!
Ach, that's painful. Guess we won't be getting season 2 then. What a sad day it's been. 😢
@Sanquine I 100% agree why close doen such a great studio Sony WTF....
@get2sammyb We know the UK is an 'expensive' place and doesn't get the financial 'benefits' that maybe other places get BUT if it can still turn a 'profit' for the 'parent' company, deliver on its 'promise' and creativity then I think that should not be an issue. They may need to sell more copies to achieve profitability but ultimately benefit their parent company by offering another 'game' to their promotional rosta. In the case of Driveclub - that could also benefit their new VR technology too and generate more sales of both the technology and game.
I do wonder if it could affect GT in some way - having Driveclub competing on both VR and traditional flatscreen. It does seem to me that publishers don't want 'similar' games competing with each other in their own label. I think Insomniac was probably forced to abandon Resistance because of Killzone but fortunately had other games - namely Ratchet and Clank to fall back on. I get the impression that every publisher wants just 1 developer working on a specific genre at any 1 time.
I can't believe this. Poor Evolution. They really did seem to be out of hot water, with Bikes and the VR stuff being developed. Such a shame to see them go
Wasn't expecting this at all. In all my years of gaming I've not seen a development team bring so much to a title after launch. Yes, it had problems, but that happens with every launch now, with the emphasis on getting the game out and selling instead of launching a working game.
Good luck to all at Evolution.
Very saddened about this, after all the hard work they have put in too. Will Driveclub VR even happen now?
@adf86 Unlikely.
sigh this is so bad...such an enjoyable game! AAA development sounds like a b****.
It's clear that this was on the cards for awhile, ask yourself why would Sony keep open a AAA studio just to make DLC? The amount of money to fix Driveclub at launch, it's delay, Plus version coming a year later and the mobile app only just recently released must have added up over time despite the game's sales. How many times has Driveclub been on sale too? It was getting to the point where Sony were practically giving it away. Alarm bells should have been ringing when there was no announcement for a second season pass either.
Some have complained that Sony went after Lionhead staff even though Evo was closing. Let's remember that Sony have 5 other UK studios still open
Media Molecule
Guerilla Cambridge
Sony London
Sony XDev &
Sony North West so there's plenty of positions available no doubt, heck some Evo staff might end up there. We need to remember that the UK doesn't get anywhere near the benefits from the government compared to places like Canada, if Microsoft couldn't justify keeping a studio open in the UK then Sony must have felt the same.
Say whaaaat? DC is one of PS4's best games. The continued support and new content has been brilliant. I thought it'd get updated throughout PS4's life.
So this means literally no more DC content? That's ridiculous.
I don't really know what to think of this. On one hand it seems like Sony are taking a more centralised approach, with their HQ now based in the U.S which allow them to possibly use their resources more effectively. With PSVR I imagine it's all hands on deck, so resource sharing has never been more important imo.
i just hope Sony doesn't turn their back on all their 'foreign' first-party studios. I need the variety.
Don't become Microsoft, Sony.
Wwwwwwwwwhat??? I was looking forward for DC vr . There is also audience for motorstorm remaster and Next DC . I hope they know what they are doing.
Good you cant excuse the shocking release of driveclub in such a horrifically broken way, no defending it and very much deserved they shouldnt be reassigned and should loose their jobs for the embarrassment of sony that simple !
I like bananas -Tasuki-
Feel sorry for the people that lost their jobs today. Its a shame all these driving game studio's are gone because i think driving games will see a surge in popularity with VR.
I guess driving games are the new RTS.
This saddens me. I really liked them. c'mon Sony you are supposed to open studios, not close them.
Well, time to change degree. The UK market is going to crap.
Leading them into new projects would have been a much better choice. Bad move Sony!
@Ypmud I feel bad for them but I do have to agree with you... I don't care about racing but know it was totally unfair for people that paid 60 dollars for the game on launch day and had to wait months before they got a product that functioned at an acceptable level
Hopefully we'll still be getting some new DC content, then..
Not technically just racing, but are sumo still around. Their version of outrun 2 is still I firm favorite of mine.
Jamie Brayshaw, a senior community manager at Evolution Studios, confirmed the closure on Twitter. While Evolution Studios is no more, he said, DriveClub will continue on thanks to "the awesome team at PlayStation," - sad news for all at evolution, I hope playstation keep driveclub alive
LOVED MotorStorm and DriveClub games I guess SONY needs the money for VR stuff... That is what p*sses me off every Gen, SONY(and MS to) could spend their money on making normal Games and keep these Studios alive but they waste their time and money on other mad things like VR/Kinect etc etc(anyway that is the way I see it)
Well, ouch.
I know there were quite a few people expecting the studio to get canned, but after hearing Driveclub was getting better from it's rocky launch, it really does come across as a surprise. I hope everyone can get another job quick.
@SonyInfinity I am glad you enjoy commenting but please if stop posting multiple comments in a row. They can be posted in one comment and if you think of something to add to a comment you just posted go back and use the edit button, that's what it's there for.
@SonyInfinity stick around buddy, Tasukis moderating style is somewhat blunt but I think he means well and you are a good contributor maybe you didn't know to use the edit button. No dramas!
@SonyInfinity Ok not sure why you want off on a tangent there. I wasn't being a jerk about it, trust me I could have been. But it just makes the site look cluttered and messy that's all. It's one thing to post multiple times, just not so many times in a row that's all. But if that's how you feel,I am sorry to see you go over such a minor thing.
Wtf Sony, you have 1 driving game on ps4.
And then you shut the company down. Great going.
@themcnoisy as was mentioned I reckon it kind of makes sense providing Sony will be supporting Driveclub moving forward but I wonder what else will be added in terms of content. Just more tours on the same tracks? Or will we be getting more tracks and cars? I really thought the city tracks were the start of something awesome.
Whatever happens with future content it's a bummer for those employed, though!
Well this is a bummer although DriveClub was a disaster at first it turned out really well in the end, I wanted to see where they would take the series.
Overreaction at its finest.
a. Sony has already stated that many of the former Evolution employees will work in other Sony studios. Most likely on GT7.
b. The employees formed/are forming a new studio and said they'll be working on a ps4 vr title. Shows that things between them and Sony are not bad at all.
c. Lionhead Studios former employees could help another Sony team with an RPG they're preparing. Perhaps there is no need for Driveclub AND GT7/GT Sport. Different experience so I don't see the point in comparing them.
d. Having a company in the UK is becoming unprofitable, so why not ask the employees of one of your UK studios to work somewhere else instead of lose money? It's business.
e. Unlike Lionhead developers, they knew they'd be shut down and they also got to release their game and fix it. It looks good on their resume, while Fable: Legends will remain a failed project no one can brag about.
@themcnoisy If you're talking exclusives, yeah, kinda stinks Driveclub is the only one.
At least GT Sport is somewhere on the horizon, however far that may be. (And it seems pretty far)
@naruball not really an overreaction for outsiders looking in. Sure business is business but it's not relevant to the fans so of course people will be disappointed. Plus it's another UK developer shutting up shop, again not nice news for English gamers. There is no positive spin from the gamers perspective.
No doubt at all it makes sense from a business POV but it isn't putting money in my pocket so...
Another dark day for the PlayStation brand. I'm still nowhere close to being over the loss of Studio Liverpool and now this. :,(
@SonyInfinity Feed back noted. If you wish to discuss further please use the contact form below. Thanks
@kyleforrester87 I wasn't talking about the gamers, but specifically about 1.the developers finding a job, 2.the comparison with Lionhead (the "wait, why did they offer a job to former Lionhead employees if they were gonna shut down Evolution?"), 3. the decision not making any sense (it does).
But, yes, obviously, the gamers lose in this case, and specifically the fans of Driveclub.
I didn't delete any of your posts, I just edited them into all one post. Now honestly you are overreacting and just need to cool it. I didn't mean any disrespect or anything so I am not sure what warrented this type of behavior but you need to stop. Again if you wish to discuss please use the contact form. This will be the last time I will mention this here.
Thanks for understanding.
It's terribly sad news about Evolution today and I wish Sony would add to their WWS then decreasing it but let's also remember that this isn't the REAL story today, so let's not allow ourselves to fallout over this please.
Always hate to see anybody, especially this day and age, lose their job. What hurts even more is that eventhough I didn't much care for DriveClub, Evolution is a talented studio and the possibility of a PS4 MotorStorm was awesome. While it was likely never to happen the that it pretty much can't now is very discouraging, I think it could've been great. I really didn't understand the point of having another, for all intents and purposes, basic racer when GT is on the roster. GT 6 should've been pushed into 2014, or 2015 if need be, and Evolution should've been working on a PS4 MotorStorm. Maybe things would've turned out differently. We'll never know.
Bottomline, I hope the people who are effected by this bounce back and find work as quickly as possible.
Good luck to them. I'm still shocked over the Wipeout team being shut down to be honest. But I guess they pay people a lot of money to advise them on what are the best investments for their money. To be fair Sony take a lot more risks than most.
I guess Microsoft will be offering them jobs, then?
Arrogance bites Sony on the rear once more.
Thanks evolution for motorstorm - last of the fun arcade racers. I pray you guys can quickly be recruited in new jobs to be able to support your families and outgoings. Wish our UK government would open their eyes to the gaming industry and embrace technology which is a huge part of our future sustainable employment opportunity. Why teach all our kids how to program at 5years when there's scarce jobs to be found? Scotland has Rockstar - a powerhouse and one which brings much job opportunity! What about England!
Sad times for UK studios, hope everyone at evolution can find work
I think Evolution studios was always in hot water or rather, warm water that happened to get hot. Sony don't usually take down studios unless it's really necessary, they're definitely not EA. lol
@get2sammyb Codemasters Birmingham make the Formula 1 games don't they??
Bummer... I tot they was given another chance... But apparently only until they fixed their last game... Good Bye to an amazing Studio...
They did give good post launch support, but at what cost?
Even with the sale of 2 million copies, the post launch costs couldve been too high to maintain and returned minimal turnover.
Shame, but buisness as usual unfortunately.
Ugh >_<
Considering the problems with the launch, the promises they couldn't keep, the sheer amount of dev teams Sony already has in the EU, and the price of doing business there, I am surprised it took this long.
If the UK Is that unprofitable why not move their headquarters elsewhere? Canada for example provides ample benefits for developers. And the only major develops here are I believe Epic and Ubisoft.
@MadAussieBloke I wanted to see a new Motorstorm, likely impossible now.
Sad to hear this today. I love DriveClub and I still play it. And here I was hoping for another Motor Storm. This is just a shock to me. Best wishes to those who were laid off. I suppose it's nice that Sony will provide assistance in their job search.
How quick Sony forgets. Smh
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