It's time to start thinking about your Instant Game Collection again. While we're not expecting April's PlayStation Plus update to be announced until next week, it doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun predicted the line-up across the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Vita. We already have a strong idea of what one of the titles will be: Dead Star, the space shooter by ex-Metroid Prime developers Armature.
But what else would you like to nab in the month of April? The likes of Knack and Killzone: Shadow Fall have both been climbing up the UK sales charts of late, so it's unlikely that Sony will be giving those away any time soon. But we suspect that, with the distinct lack of retail releases in recent times, you'll be after something a little meatier this coming month. Plot out your dream PlayStation Plus update in the comments section below.
Comments 75
I love the sub heading for this. It should be the official tagline for PS Plus.
Doom 4 or No Man's Sky would be nice. If not I will seriously kick off.
Since Xbox One Games with Gold have had the following full retail games, I wouldn't say no to any of them:
AC Black Flag
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Lords of the Fallen
But yeah, Knack or Killzone would be good too
Would like don't starve for ps4, maybe a nice resource management strategy game and a rpg on ps3, and on vita I hope we will get a decent indie or a Japanese game. Seems realistic. If the realistic part was left out I would have said something like assassins creed black flag on ps4.
Knack is currently £5.79 in the psn sale surely the time is now! Why are people still buying it at retail.
What's the point, really?
No matter what we want, we always end up with games we haven't asked for. Instead of getting disappointed month after month, might as well not give it any thought and when they come out we'll either get pleasantly surprised, or more likely at least not disappointed if we had no high hopes for anything.
I hope nothing on the easter sales I've bought. a nice full length game would be good for me on ps4 and vita, not to bothered about my ps3 just don't get the time to play what I have already.
Uncharted 4
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
The Wolf Among Us
Darksiders 2
Those seem realistic to me
Firewatch, Everybody's gone to the rapture, The vanishing of Ethan Cárter or Child of Light would be good. Even a ps2 classic or a good indie.
I've got a funny feeling for Murdered Soul Suspect or Shovel Knight for this month.
I've been looking at how many retail games have been on Plus for PS4, there was more then I thought.
Injustice Gods Among Us
Infamous First Light
Ether One
Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes
Styx Master of shadows
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Flower (if you include it with Journey and Flow)
The Walking Dead Season 2
and Helldivers.
Evil Within or Lords of the Fallen. Indie wise, Rapture or Nuclear Throne would be good.
I'd like to see Salt and Sanctuary on there somewhere down the line. Just no more multiplayer only titles. They've only a 30% chance of actually having a community a few months later.
Oh, and something that's actually playable. Broforce is just ridiculous now. 5 min load times, that freezing glitch leading to instant death at the start of the level.... unforgiveable.
@JoeBlogs oh whoops forgot about that, normally I know when a game was free or not.
Salt & Sanctuary I suppose or Shovel Knight.
Lords Of The Fallen is a good shout.
Persona 4 G vita
Sly Racoon 2 vita
Rayman Legends ps4
Actually, Dead Star is exactly what I DON'T want in the PS Plus IGC: A multiplayer- only, procedurally generated game.
@AlexKidd a game that released a week ago for 17.99 should be free two weeks later... right...
@lankysi Those games are so old i rather play a recent indie then those....... And all those games where dirt cheap.
I would think that AC: Black Flag, Evil Within should be doable. I think that would at least show that Sony have listened on the PS Plus front.
Would love for Vanishing of Ethan Carter or Gone Home.
I was enjoying Bro Force but the later levels are getting annoying with freezes and glitches.
That could hardly be a less realistic demand. Why the hell would they give out brand new games for no money? Do you go into your job everyday and offer to do it for free?
I find it amazing that people getting games for the equivalent of about a dollar can be considered disappointed. Gamers really have become a self-absorbed, self-entitled, narcissistic group.
We have become a group of people adamant to not support the industry we claim to love. No wonder the industry is going more and more mobile.
@Quorthon Fair enough. I'll settle for Uncharted 4 I suppose.
@LieutenantFatman Yep, those two will work!
@DominicanGlory bahaahaha good luck with that!
@jmbenetti Would be awesome to get Rogue Galaxy for ps4 on plus
@adf86 Would be really excited if we got Shovel Knight, and I thought He'll Drivers was excellent for plus a couple months back.
@Johnnycide Been playing BroForce off and on for over a week and I haven't encountered ANY of this, honestly. Very strange and a bummer, fun little game.
@AlexKidd Would be really awesome if we got Salt and Sanctuary. Was tempted to buy it at launch but I know eventually it will be on plus so I didn't bite. Be great if it popped up right after I made that decision!
@themcnoisy Already had Rayman Legends on plus, LONG while back. In fact I still play it with my son from time to time.
Please don't do post multiple posts in a row just add them all to one post -Tasuki-
Even though there have been some good PS Plus games in recent months I have not played any of them. So not really too bothered what the games are. Dead Star is a game I would have purchased though so happy its coming for free.
@Quorthon Yeah I don't understand the hate for plus games. I mean they are next to nothing and you can't expect to have a game you like every month. If I get a handful a year that I like and play, I am good with it.
@dryrain Is Dead Star confirmed already for April, or is that speculation?
I just caved and bought Black Flag so obviously, OBVIOUSLY, that will be one of the freebies this month.
Final Fantasy 7.
@AshMK I've been holding off on buying it for precisely that reason It's gonna happen at some point surely after Xbox Gold got it? I've been waiting literally months
@SonyInfinity you're lucky! It's a known issue. Load times after about halfway through the campaign take minutes at a time- even offline. There's framerate issues, sound issues, and worst of all the freezing glitch.
I had a great time with Broforce up to this point, but it's become impossible to play due to these bugs. I reckon they may have had to rush the release for the IGC, plus it's on unity which has several issues running on ps4.
@SonyInfinity Are u serious its a shambles. BroFarce is crap even without the glitches.
@RustyBullet Maybe because I am only at about the 8th or 9th area? Seems like people are saying it gets worse as you go along, but so far MI email has loaded pretty quickly honestly and the only issue I have during play is controller lag every so often.
@Hego Same. Months and months and months. Couldn't wait any longer
It was worth the £12 I paid but I will still be gutted if it is chosen this month.
@Johnnycide Possibly because I am not to far into the game yet? All I have experienced so far is the occasional controller hiccup, but the load times have ever been snappy this far. Now I am expecting it to get worse and worse and I'll probably never turn it on again! The for ruining it guys! Jk
How about Ratchet and Clank? A great way to promote the movie and I suspect many would get plus just for this game. Couple that with the fact that they have done little marketing so far and are launching at a budget price anyway and it seems like a win win situation.
Knack give me knack already I want to try it but not buy it.
@KratosMD did you not play Broforce? Excellent game!
Not really fussed tbh I've had plenty of enjoyment out of the games I've had up to press so what ever is good
@Johnnycide I had a bit of slow down but it didn't make it unplayable for me I loved Broforce
Darksiders II, or Lords of the Fallen. I just nabbed AC Black Flag for £12.50 from PS Store, so not that one, nooooooooo!
I am not sure if PS+ has just lost its luster this generation, or if my mindset as a gamer has changed. If there is a title I want, I buy it rather than wait for it to be given to me. So by the time the monthly PS+ freebies arrive, there is not really anything that I want. I think the indie/digital-only games are the only ones that have an opportunity to surprise me, since I don't generally buy digital games...but other than a few, there have not been many that I would enjoy.
I would like any of these games, and I think they are realistic. I don't own any of these, but I'd like to especially if they were free or on sale.
Lords of the Fallen
The Evil Within
Bound By Flame
Gone Home
Shovel Knight
The Banner Saga
Alien Isolation
Walking Dead Season 1
Darksiders 2
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (this one might be a stretch)
In the next couple of months I'd like to see realistically
Jamestown plus
Alien isolation
PlayStation Plus is lagging behind Games with Gold. XB1 has seen a few AAA already with Lords of the Fallen being its latest offering.
To be honest i really don't care what Sony offers up. I won't renew my subscription once it runs out. I rarely play online and 85% of the games Sony offers with plus don't interest me. Back on PS3 I really felt I was getting value for money. Im still thinking about giving up on console gaming and just moving over to PC.
Street Fighter V. The game isn't doing well, so maybe we can get it for free so Capcom can boost its small fanbase?
Soma would be a great shout. Doubt it will happen though.
Maybe Street Fighter V down the line though... MS just put the first season of Killer Instinct on Gold, if that turns out to be shrewd, Capcom might do the same. We're talking 12 months from now though.
I honestly can't think of any more Vita games at this point. I have so many in the backlog, I'd be happy if they called it a day at this point.
@sonicmeerkat oh just buy it you cheapskate!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Are you still a plus subscriber? If I were you I'd save the money. You never like what comes up.
@RawShark NEVER
My short list of games I would like to see offer as freebies to PSN+ members in April.
Fat Princess Adventures
Monopoly Plus
Trails Fusion: Awesome Max Edition
The Golf Club
@JarusPokemon It's only not doing well cause it's not finshed. Once they add everything to it that should have been there at launch, it will sell better.
@LieutenantFatman If no mans sky is free, i will kiss my pants lol
@ZachNow4: Please watch the language -Tasuki-
they should do an April Fools thing, be like APRIL FOOLS! you can pick a game to be free, or a discounted price (on say a AAA or new game)
If not this then borderlands, or a price drop on say... Battlefront.
@ZachNow4: This is your second warning, please watch the language. -Tasuki-
Indies Await!
@SonyInfinity I think you are confused we have not had Rayman Legend on plus... we had the previous game, Rayman Origins on Vita and Rayman Legends was on Xbox Live Gold but not on PS4... I'll love to get it on plus for PS4
@Quorthon You're right, when people pay money for a service and aren't satisfied they should just shut up, quit acting so entitled, and take whatever they're given no matter how garbage it is.
I've stopped hoping for such-and-such game to come to the IGC. If you don't get your hopes up you won't be disappointed and at the very best you'll be pleasantly surprised.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi no, it isn't. it really isn't.
@thatguyEZ I can get both sides of the argument. I'll admit to being disappointed by the last few months offerings and have voiced my annoyance, but at the same time if the games everyone asks for are still making a lot of money on the store, Sony would be daft to give them away for free. Maybe the model is just unsustainable in the long run.
1. Temple Run using the DS4 "motion control" to hit those high scores.
2. Pitfall - Still haven't played that.
Oh, yea. Anything that is made by a small team on a limited budget, preferably with shoddy graphics and a side scrolling 2D perspective with pixel art. Won't hold my breath through. Never get anything I like...
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi @rawshark I get what your saying BMA but it's not mandatory it's a choice you can have it or you don't have to - let's not all forget the 'free' games are a bonus now not what your paying for the subscription for
@GlynCR I would say the games were more of a justification rather than a bonus. Online was free before, not so now. Only the introduction of the fee and games have changed. For me, they go hand in hand. If I had to pay a subscription just to play online, then I would have to re-evaluate my priorities. Paying for something when I can get it for free elsewhere is madness. The games are the reason I'm staying, not a pretty bonus I should feel grateful for. Sony is a business and we aren't getting these games because they are being generous. They full well know they have to offer them as part of the value proposition of the plus package.
@Shellcore Fair play. Generally I keep renewing every year more because of the games I'd lose rather than the games I have to look forward to. They're evil geniuses.
@RawShark Argh. I didn't even think about it from that perspective. Damn them (raises fist)!
For Ps4: Rogue Galaxy would be nice or a late ps3 game that was also released on ps4. Hopefully something good. This is my last month of Ps+, At least until a retail game release of something I want that needs the Ps+ to go online
I'm not going to bother with retail AAA games on PS4, so assuming we get digital/indie titles, I'd like a real mix, something like...
Titan Souls
Hatoful Boyfriend
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD
Another World
Steins Gate
@thatguyEZ, I can see your point, but I would say that when I bought PS+ the games were good enough to tempt me in on the basis that I hoped to get at least a few more of the same quality. Also, as I play online games a lot, I have no choice, unlike on PS3. Anyway, I have to have it to play online, so I guess the games are just a bonus (or not) nowadays.
The Last of Us upscale, and Diablo III.
I'm not into settling for games.
Btw - Killzone ShadowFall rulz.
Language -Tasuki-
@Aslanmagic Lol that's not very realistic
Atleast one triple A game! Look at Xbox's lineups, they have great triple A games each month. Give us at least one triple A game.
@RawShark At this point any triple A game would make me happy. Even an old PS1 game or PS2 game. Anything but another batch of only indie games.
I think drive club deservers to be on this with what's going on. But being realistic I would at least want 1 AAA game something like AC Black Flag or even NFS Rivals would be good
@Spitfire47 aim high! ; )
@RawShark I can totally understand that. I don't think anyone expects Uncharted 4 to be available on the IGC a month after launch, but if they do they're silly. The 'gamer-entitlement' argument is tired though, and frankly a joke. I'm not sure why it's only in gaming that sees people being called entitled for voicing what they see as a service/product not living up to what it was made out to be. I've never heard a movie goer be called entitled for complaining that that hot new release really was kind of garbage. But I suppose it's simply easy for some people to call those they disagree with entitled than actually having a conversation with them. Though that isn't at all contained within games and extends out to our entire culture for the time being.
@XurAgentofthe9 I'm more or less in the same boat. Though I usually play more games in single player than online, a combo of Rainbow Six Siege and The Division has seen me playing online quite a lot lately. I'd agree that the games are simply a bonus now that we have to pay to play online on PSN. That's why I think all the accusations that those who complain are 'entitled,' are laughable. Sony isn't some generous organization and these games aren't free. The fact that people think those who would like to see something other than pixel art and platformers are 'entitled' baffles me every time I see it.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi so your paying for online then you shouldn't treat the games as the reason you subscribe your using the online service. I have no issue with paying for it I paided for XBL for years and it was all you got so the games are a bonus for me, people seem to forget that MS only started games with gold because Sony started it with plus.
Well MS has announced their April line-up - The Wolf Among Us and Sunset Overdrive for XB1, Dead Space and Saints Row 4 for XB360 (also available for XB1 via Backwards Compatibility).
In my opinion, Sony have no chance in matching this line-up - especially as we know 1 of the games is Dead Star. Not that it has to of course. I didn't buy either membership specifically for the games but I do think the XB1 GwG has been consistently better (or more appealing to me) than IGC.
Hehehe. Nice one man. You made my month!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi no your paying cos you play online have sony (or microsoft for gold users) held a gun to your head and said you have to have this to play games no they havent patches arent part of plus you only pay to play online - if your playing online you need it if your not you dont its simple
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