A wise man once said: there are no upgraded console rumours without PlayStation 4K – or something like that. The fact of the matter is that we've heard too much about Sony's hypothetical hardware half-step for it to not resemble some semblance of truth at this point; the question is whether the Japanese giant will actually decide to bring it to market, and what it entails.
The rumours, at this stage, can't seem to settle on a fixed direction, suggesting perhaps that the platform holder is still not entirely sure what path it intends to take either. But we can probably be confident in a couple of facts: it's going to be called PS4K, it will boast a 4K Blu-ray player, and it will probably include some form of nifty upscaler to make 1080p titles shine on a more modern TV.

The biggest challenge is going to rest with Sony's marketing team, who not only have the unenviable task of transforming PS VR sceptics into believers – but may now also have to effectively explain PS4K
What's unclear is whether Sony intends to split its install base by increasing the power of the box as well. This would be somewhat unprecedented in the console space, and leakers can't seem to decide which route the firm will go; an alleged NeoGAF insider claimed overnight that the new device will double the GPU's power, while other speculation has suggested that its innards will be much the same.
This presents a cross-roads for the platform holder: boosting the performance of the upgraded model may irritate early adopters, but it would likely keep the PS4 ahead in the technical race; maintaining the same level of graphics capabilities will ensure a consistent experience across the board, but may lead to the console falling far behind the PC over time. A tough choice all around, then.
Whichever direction Sony adopts, the biggest challenge is going to rest with its marketing team, who not only have the unenviable task of transforming PlayStation VR sceptics into believers – but may now also need to articulate why a hardware upgrade is worthwhile. The one thing we will say is that the name, if it is indeed PS4K, is beyond brilliant – and arguably too good not to use.
But, based on the little we know about the rumoured console so far, would you be willing to stump up the cash for it? It's hard to say when the rumours are so inconclusive, but, as a hardcore PlayStation fan, this author would probably be there day one – irrespective of direction. It'll be interesting, of course, to see just how many of you share that same sentiment.
Time for the ultimate question, then: would you buy a PS4K at all? Which features would best encourage you to consider trading up? Do you think that all of this is a bad idea to begin with? Comment in ultra high-definition below.
Would you buy the rumoured PS4K? (181 votes)
- Yes, I’d probably be there day one regardless
- Hmm, I’d need to know a lot more details first
- No, I’m not interested in hardware half-steps
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Which feature could convince you to upgrade your console? (181 votes)
- I’d definitely be tempted by better graphics
- I like the sound of the 4K Blu-ray player
- A much smaller chassis may interest me actually
- Better virtual reality capabilities would be nice
- There’s nothing that Sony could do to convince me
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 91
nope i'm happy with my current PS4, it will still play all the future games and i don't own a 4K TV nor do i plan on owning one so it would be pointless anyway
I would upgrade to 4k playstation when I upgrade my TV to 4k. The resolution on 4k tv is amazing and really brings things to life. The ability to play 4k bluray is a good selling point.
@FullbringIchigo Same here. Also, I think there's a long road ahead before we see 4K games, and if they are 4K 30FPS I'm not interested anyway.
Will upgrade when my PS4 broke.
That tagline is what one of my friends said (except his was the swearing kind) since he only bought his PS4 less then two months ago.
Give me a couple of usb ports at the back of the console and id pick one up day one!
sick to death of leads all over the floor!!!
If Sony pull a New 3DS on us I will be thinking very carefully about when or if to bother with a PS5
This would be a definite buy when 4k oled tvs become more affordable. I refuse to upgrade my trusty Panasonic plasma to an lcd.
According to AMD, their new Polaris GPU is a lot more powerful, more efficient and smaller than the current GPU in the PS4. Its designed to deliver an affordable VR experience as well and is the natural successor to the R9 fury GPU. As Sony use AMD for its CPU and GPU, I can see this partnership continuing. Its also being designed/developed to make VR affordable - according to AMD.
I doubt we will see native 4K and certainly not 60fps in a $400 console - at least not in the near future. I can see it though delivering consistent 1080/60 across all games - maybe even 1440/60. Upscaling 1080p effectively guesses 3 out of every 4 pixels on screen - my 4k TV does this. Having 1440p native means that less guess work would be required and give a better picture.
Uncharted 4 (as well as the Witcher 3, Dead Souls 3 etc) have a campaign running at 1080/30 whilst its MP runs at 900/60. The PS4k could run Uncharted 4 at 1080/60 across both. If this is the case (maybe not with existing games) then I would certainly upgrade to the PS4k. According to the 'rumours' the PS4 will not be replaced and will continue to run all the games the PS4k will but performance won't be as good.
One of the games I am really looking forward to is Horizon:Zero Dawn. Because its an Open World game, I expect it will be a 1080/30 game but maybe it could end up as a 900/30 on PS4. If PS4k runs the game at 1080/60 (or 1440/60) then its certainly something I will buy. Point I am making, is that I would have to see a significant improvement on game performance to tempt me as I am currently not that interested in VR.
Given the choice of PS4k or PSVR I would buy PS4k!
For me...same games 1080p, 60fps and of course a decent price. Clearly we're not going to see all our games in 4K and frankly I don't care about that just yet lol
For me 60fps is much more important that resolution. I can play Driveclub at 30fps for half an hour before it starts looking like a flicker book. MGS PP nailed it, if more games are brought out like that on PS4k count me in.
My biggest question is how big will the Hard Drive be in it? 500 GB's is a joke this gen.
A huge Harddrive nothing more nothing less (even though I went with smaller chassis). I'm fed up with deleting re-installing games.
@Splat its almost as bad as my 40GB PS3 I couln't play sly 3 HD until I upgraded.
First time I've heard "Q1 2017", which makes me view this somewhat differently.
Nobody puts out new hardware in Q1 (Jan - March) if they actually want to sell it. At that point 2 million people will have just laid out $400 for PS VR and lots of holiday games, so nobody will be looking for a big new purchase in the dead of winter. Which means Sony isn't looking to make a big deal out of this, it's the PS4 "Slim" w/ a "k" instead of a "slim".
If Sony were really interested in selling this it would be out this holiday, and it would have PS VR "processor unit" built in. Has anybody else noticed a distinct lack of "VR" mentioned in all these rumours? It's all been about 4k so far, which is funny, b/c a lot of the comments - and the articles themselves - do mention VR.
By next winter Sony should have sold what, maybe 60mil PS4? How many more are they looking to sell when PS3 only did 80m? How many game developers will make a game that only supports 20mil new PS4k but does not support 60mil old PS4? (Go check how many "New 3DS" exclusive games there are after an entire year. 1? And some old VC. Though maybe Hyrule Warriors Legends should have been, but it isn't exclusive. )
Which raises the question - is this a 2nd expensive PS4 alongside the original at a lower price? Sony sold the cheaper 12GB PS3 alongside the 500GB models. The old PS4 could be $250 by next winter, PS4k would be $400 - based on a 4k blu ray player added - and marketed towards people w/ 4k tvs. So, upgrade if you want 4k, don't upgrade if you don't have a 4k tv. Problem solved.
Or it's just a progression like the slim models, people who buy a new PS4 will get the 4k, old model is dropped, games stay the same, nobody cares, Sony gets to maintain a $300 price by promoting 4k blu ray, and almost certainly 1TB HDD, no race to the bottom on price.
I guess I just think all this talk about a PS4.5 - aka PS5 in all but name - is nonsense. PS4k is NOT going to split the hardware user base, that's what the PS VR is for, and they can't divide it twice, that would make a 2x2 boxchart, making 4 subgroups, and that's 2 too many.
The whole idea of upgraded consoles just seems off to me. So now they are turning the PlayStation into a pc? What's the point in having different platforms at all, why not just go full on pc and be done with it? This rubs me the wrong way. Maybe they should consider shorter console cycles instead? But when games take 10 years to develope, that too will obviously be a problem....
But if the rumors are true it's probably to get the VR to run properly and that is acceptable if they also lock whatever extra resources to VR only, that way they don't need to split the user base and most things should be fine. By me at least. And I'll probably buy it for the VR then in a couple of years or so.
The only thing that could particularly interest me, is if it allowed me to trade in my PS4 + say 100$ for the new one. Otherwise, I'll be fine with mine until PS5.
Do you need a 4k TV to play the ps4k
I don't care for 4K or VR so I don't care for PS4K.
Every 3 months the market try to persuade us that the TV we just bought is garbage because there a is brand new TV with better resolution or technology inside, but being expensive they just interest a very small percentage of users. Unfortunately this method seems to work with smartphones, which may be considered as the 21th century transitional objects or fetish, but they are cheaper and constanlty shown in public. Is the gaming market trying to find a middle way, with customers saying "I can't show it to you, but I swear mine is bigger and faster"?
@JoeBlogs Why is it ludicrous? I love driveclub. But when playing, staring at my screen after half an hour it hurts your brain. It goes into a flicker book effect were the frames don't change quick enough and you subconsciously realise. It leads to nausea and you have to have a rest.
@rjejr Yep, agreed - the Q1 2017 part of that particular rumour sounds totally bogus to me. There's no way they'd do that; Sony may be stupid - but it's not that stupid.
Nah, I will wait for PS5. Trouble is, that it will be pushed back because of the PS4.5, and we will be looking at at least another 5 years. The only way that I might buy one is if my current PS4 stopped working in the meantime.
I don't think I will go for it, 4K tech is fairly new. The resolution is not yet utilized on the TV channels in my region. Plus, I just bought a PS4 a month ago. Can't see a reason why I should buy it. PS5 or whatever Sony's next console is called would make sense.
The only thing that could convince me if if my PS4 I got now broke
Yep. I'm buying. The current hardware is too underpowered and I've no interest in PC gaming at the moment. There are too many games launching at the moment barely hitting 30FPS. I can only see this getting worse.
I would this suit's me fine after I get my PC I plan on buying a new PS4 in about 6 month's anyway (my youngest is getting this one i've had enough of him QQ'n about being the only one with a PS3) so I might as well make it a PS4k. I doubt it will be out anytime soon anyway with PSVR so close if people think they will get a better experience using that on a PS4k over the regular PS4 that would probably damage PSVR sale's I reckon, that's an uneducated observation though I might be wrong. They will announce the PS4k after people have forked out for the PSVR if they are going to announce it at all.
Without question I would buy one on launch day, a PS4 with even better graphics sounds like a no brainer to me. My main reason would definitely be improved VR capabilities, I'm really excited for VR so anything to improve that is just making it more appealing. Can't say I have any interest in the 4K blu ray player at the moment but that is simply because I haven't got a 4k TV
As I've said before, I'd need a new tv to take advantage of the PS4K and that's not happening any time soon. As long as I don't need the thing to play any future PS4 games, I don't care about it.
As I have a 4k telly, yes I'm interested, but the driving force to me is the price. The price of the VR alone will set you back £400 inc camera. It will also depend on how much trade in I could get for my existing ps4. I'm just a little disappointed that Sony didn't release a more powerful unit to start with.
@get2sammyb "Sony may be stupid - but it's not that stupid."
But that's the thing, if it's simply PS4k Slim, as you seem to know in your write up, than Q1 is fine, late Q1 like March, not January, don't want to PO the BF purchasers. March is a great time to dump the old model and quietly transition in the 4k model as they really don't expect people to upgrade, it's simply for new purchasers - which after U4 and FFXV how many people will still even need 1 in 2017 - what would they be waiting for? I do think they'll put new hardware in b/c it's available, but I really don't think any developer w/ half a brain cell will take advantage of it to the point where it won't run on the old model. More like GOW2 secret "full size buffers" on the 4k model, but GOW2 ran just fine on PS2 w/o the code or progressive mode enabled, so there's lots of stuff devs can do on more powerful hardware without leaving old hardware behind.
As for me, I would have liked the PS4k model, b/c why not, but until - um I mean unless - FFXV gets delayed I can't wait until next year, and they can't launch it this year w/ PSVR coming out. Soft launch Q1 makes sense to me for a 4k blu player upgrade. I'm not in the market for a 4k tv until my 52" 1080p tv dies, which hopefully wont be for a few more years.
BTW I did buy 1 PS3 6 years ago and another 15 months ago for the bedroom - b/c PS TV didn't have Netflix or HBOgo - so I can see people picking up a 2nd PS4k in a year or 2, no matter how much they complain now, and dump off the old one on a sibling or friend. You will get your PS4k.
Nope - not a single chance.
@rjejr I think any hardware coming in Q1 is a disaster, though. They'd need to announce it before Christmas, which would kill their holiday sales dead. Even if it's nothing more than a Slim, I suspect most people would wait for the new model - especially if it's fairly priced.
Nah, I'd like to see more added to the PS4 I bought, like adding PS1 games. If I was particularly bothered about the latest tech, I'd just game on PC instead of a console.
I have a gaming PC and i only upgrade it every 4years! No freaking way would I think of upgrading a Console in 3 years. Sad thing is I own 3 PS4's $1,200 to upgrade them all. Plus $399. I just spent on PlayStation VR. I so hope PlayStation says April Fools tomorrow. The market will be flooded with used PS4's, You will be lucky to get $150.00 out of the used one then. After we really find out what PS4K is I will have to option to cancel my VR headset to upgrade to PS4.5. What a nightmare we have entered.
I can understand why a lot of people would feel angry about this as the ps4 isn't cheap, but out of interest, how many of you guys were either quite young or not around during the n64 days? The expansion pack for the n64 was hailed as a great little enhancement for it and you couldn't play certain games without it. Nobody complained. Granted it was an add on rather than a new console but it still essentially split the user base,
all 20 of us!
@get2sammyb One rumour I heard is that this is likely to release before PSVR. Trying to hit the Christmas market sounds like the best time launch. I can see the PS4 dropping a bit in price too so that could capture those on a tighter budget as well. After Christmas, the standard PS4 can get another price cut to sell units in that 'dead' Q1 time.
As I said, AMD have been working on the Polaris GPU which by all accounts is a lot more powerful and not 'that' expensive.
Excerpt from AMD’s Official Press Release :
AMD’s Polaris architecture-based 14nm FinFET GPUs deliver a remarkable generational jump in power efficiency. Polaris-based GPUs are designed for fluid frame rates in graphics, gaming, VR and multimedia applications running on compelling small form-factor thin and light computer designs.
Polaris will support hardware 4K h.265 encoding and decoding at 60 FPS, DisplayPort 1.3, and, at long last, HDMI 2.0a. The latter was missing from AMD's recent Fury and 300-series of GPUs, which instead featured HDMI 1.4a that limited 4K signals to 30 FPS at 60Hz, making them less than ideal for use in the living room with 4K TVs
This sounds perfect for the PS4k. Just search AMD Polaris and read some of the literature. They are targeting a price point of under $350. Assuming that's retail and not bulk buy to a company like Sony, its conceivable that the PS4k could be a significant improvement over the PS4 in terms of game performance for what is not a lot of money in terms of hardware.
I'd consider it but this year wouldn't happen. I don't have nor have the money to buy a 4ktv and my current WiFi probably isn't fast enough for 4k. Plus I strongly doubt there'll be Amy exclusive or 4k AAA games anyway.
I'm confident it won't be out before March 2017. Don't want to interfere with PSVR this holiday, nor should they anger black Friday/Christmas shoppers.
@FlaccidSnake I bought the N64 expansion pack as soon as it released. Only 1-2 games though actually required it to play though but for the majority of games, all it did was improve the visuals. It certainly didn't split the user-base - its not like it had online. For the majority of games, those without could still play - games like Turok 2, Vigilante 8 etc. Of those 1-2 games that needed the Expansion, the developers were the ones losing out by reducing their market. At that time a lot of people had moved on anyway. It didn't matter if others had the Expansion or not, you still only played in local co-op. Its not like you couldn't play Perfect Dark with your friend because he didn't have the expansion - you were all playing on the same console.
When the PS4 launched, that split the user base. Games like CoD, Battlefield etc had a split between those on PS3 and PS4. People with a PS4 could only play with other PS4 users. The release of PS4k isn't going to split the PS4 community. It won't matter to me if I have the PS4K and my friend has the PS4, we can still play online. If you want to play Rocket League, CoD, Division, Uncharted 4 or whatever online game you like, it won't matter if anyone has the PS4K or PS4. You couldn't tell what console someone else has - its not going to affect what you see or how your game plays.
Just like with PC gaming, you don't get a split in the community every time a new CPU or GPU gets released. People playing SW:BF (for example) on the highest spec PC with ultra graphics and 120/144fps are playing online with 4+yr old PC's running the game at 1080/60 perfectly fine. They have no idea what frame rate, resolution, set-up anyone else has (unless someone tells them).
PSVR splits the user base more than this by your definition. Some new releases are not going to be playable unless you own the headset - then its split between games designed primarily with Move in mind. PS4k and PS4 are expected to play the same games. Maybe towards the end of PS4 we will see some games that struggle to run on the PS4 but then we already have games on PS4 I can't play because I don't have the right peripheral (Camera, Move, PSVR, Rockband gear etc)
To the guy with three ps4's, why would you need to replace all of them? I'm not buying this, or PSVR but the inclusion of a 4k bluray player is great, as compared to a dedicated player it'll be a good value product that plays games too. This must be a first in the industry, so early in a console's life they're replacing it. Not an add on. A replacement! I'm pretty sure that old model won't be available alongside the ps4k for long, then what happens? If the ps4k is the only one available and it's more money, then effectively the price goes up. I am very underwhelmed by the capability of the new consoles, especially the xbox as that Ms guy said it'd be able 'to do avatar'! They're vastly underpowered and this may be enough of an improvement for some, but personally I'm not buying that. I think it's the required spec ps4 for PSVR to work properly and that's the main reason they're making it.
I highly doubt the games will be in 4K. You can't sell that much power for only $400.
No, I don't need a 4K Blu Ray player because I don't care about blu ray movies, which is all this new PS4 will offer besides some more USBs which will probably be of the 3.0 sort.
Most people like to bite the insane click bait news the media writes, I don't, there's no way Polaris or anything even close to that will be put in a PS4, that's not a tablet/console grade GPU, it won't be slimmer or smaller no matter how efficient, powerful and cool hardware in the future will be and there's no way in h it will play games at 4K, any of them, not even indies even 1080p / 60 FPS is a far fetched dream, I'd be surprised if they actually make it powerful enough to run games like Until Dawn, Bloodborne or the relatively soon to be released FFXV run at 1080p / 30 FPS, which the current PS 4 hardware isn't capable of.
If it doesn't sound like a hair dryer playing games I'd upgrade for that alone.
I would have it as a 2nd room ps4 if my next roommate doesn't have one and plays games. Most of my games are digital. account sharing and easy co-op would be great.
Yeah i'll get it.
Without a new TV? No. lol 1000 bucks + another 400. WHY would I pay that much to play the same games. It's stoopid.
Unless they can produce a console that is on par with my 3 year old gaming pc, i'm not interested. I already have all current gen systems, and i have no desire to go 4K in the next few years. A half step is a waste of money, and smacks of the business practices used when Apple does iphone S models.
4k alone I'll skip, I do not own a 4k tv and won't anytime soon. That said, better graphics or performance may convince me, just like the New 3ds did it.
No 4k tv + i buy a console to avoid midterm upgrades = screw Sony
Still need more details but I'll likely upgrade. I usually do so at the 4-year mark so this is nothing new for me and as long as the old PS4 still plays all the games that come out I don't see why people are getting bent out of shape about this. At this point is just reeks of bitter, pathetic Nintendo (and maybe some MS) fanboys looking for something to b*tch about and try and bring PS4 down. I disagree with plenty of stuff Sony does but complaining about this is absolutely stupid.
I'm curious now.
Most everyone here has a PS4. That cost $400. Yet 1 out of every 2 people voting would pay ANOTHER $400 just for better graphics... Wow doesn't even cover it.
Why don't people just buy a PC? I'm not a PC gamer- I like the convenience of consoles, but if you're going to pay $800 in a 3 year period, just for better graphics, why not do it the right way and get twice what you would through PS4 upgrades?
Just sayin...
As for me, graphics are nice. But it's all about the features and improved experience. It would need some serious upgraded features that I want- unfortunately I'm not ready for 4K yet. So that's a no-go. If it was like, way smaller, and had a 2TB HDD with external support to expand, and added horsepower for VR, and maybe exclusive PS3 virtual console games sold on the store due to the added power being able to emulate the games (like SNES on New 3DS), then yes, I'd be swan diving head first into an upgraded PS4.
When I can play Gran Turismo, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, MLB The Show, God of War, Killzone and Bloodborne among others I'll consider the move to PC. Also, there will be some good trade-in deals, I'll probably be able to snag one of these upgrades for $200.
So basically you love all of their exclusives and wouldn't want to give that up. Fair enough. Me, I don't really like Sony's exclusives. Aside from Naughty Dog games and (presumably) this new Ratchet & Clank game (I think I'll like it since I love platformers) there's not much that interests me. I liked Wipeout on Vita though- that was good.
But I could never game on anything other than consoles. Well, I won't say never, because if I do then sure enough the day will come where I have a PC hooked up to my TV and I'll be eating my own words. But still, paying $400 just to get a slight graphical upgrade seems such a waste imo. Assuming that's the only benefit of course.
Now, like I was saying above. If that power is needed for VR, and if it's utilized to play PS3 games sold on the store, then yes, I'd pay that just for a graphical upgrade.
@JaxonH If you are referring to graphics as 'frame rate' as well as resolution, then $400 isn't a lot really - not compared to PC's with some GPU's costing $1000. That $400 doesn't include trade-in price for existing hardware either.
Owning a 4K TV already is a big motivator for me. The fact I have a library of games already also makes this a viable purchase - its not like I have to spend $400 and then buy games to use on it. Despite the fact the PS4 is quite powerful, its struggling already to play games at a certain level - Dark Souls 3 is only 30fps and does have fame rate drops. Its cheaper to buy a PS4k than a complete new gaming PC and won't let me play a number of games I really want. I also wouldn't want to join the PC gaming community, those who think they are 'superior' and yet if numbers drop in online gaming, struggle to find decent matches because their numbers are so small. I also wouldn't want to join a community that think 'modding' and 'hacking' is their 'right'!!
Yes, I like Sony exclusives, when those games eventually move to PC (which I think will happen as gaming goes more service based), that's when I'll start thinking of changes to how I'm gaming. I believe it will be at a point where you you buy a tv that has a controller included in the box and some games installed and then you can sub to PSN, XBL, etc and won't even have to bother with a PC or consoles. Not sure I love the idea of a console-less future for PlayStation and Xbox but I'm certain that's where it's going.
I will buy one if it's a Slim & 4K Player update... Planned to buy second one for my hometown anywhere...
If it's a big "F U" 4.5 upgrade, I'd be really miffed off....
I would buy one just for quieter fans.
@BAMozzy I like the N64 Expansion pack comparison, and agree w/ everything else you said.
@JaxonH "But still, paying $400 just to get a slight graphical upgrade seems such a waste imo."
That;s why I haven't bought a PS4 yet, the first 2 years all it had was PS3 remasters. (I was going to put a winky face here but then I realized that comment was just matter of fact.)
@Gamer83 - Off topic, but my kid and I each finally started playing Injustice, much fun being had, thanks.
@get2sammyb Oh snap, I came here to reply to you but replied to everyone else instead.
I think if it's only a 4k blu ray player and 1TB they can announce it in late Feb for a late March launch. At which time it's $350 and the old 1 is $250, or the old one is just gone and the new one is $300, just like the old one will be this holiday.. Hasn't that been the usual "Slim" way of doing things? (Some day I'm actually going to look that up myself, promise.)
Of course personally I'd love to see it announced at E3 and bundled w/ FFXV for $400 Sept 30th, but that's just me being selfish.
Big conundrum - PSVR relies on viewing inside a headset, not a tv, so that wouldn't be the best time to convince people to buy a big 4k TV that sits there unused while they have the $400 headset on. You're right, marketing would be pushed to the breaking point then. MS could use that madness to promote Quantum Break.
Seriously Sony is starting to show some of their post PS2 pre PS3 arrogance. I just spent close to $500(in Canada) on a new console not even 2 years ago. Now it may become obsolete in another year or struggle to hit 30 fps on new games. It's this kind of just drink the Kool-Aid attitude that prompted me to go Xbox last generation (and made me choose PS4 over xbone). If I wanted to upgrade my system every couple years I would play on PC.
This would be so lame if it did happen. Unfortunately, L337 Gamers, and PC MasterRace wannabees have been very vocal on the performance of the ps4 and xbox1 that I'm pretty sure MS and Sony will make this a reality.
The sad thing is, yeah, fancy state of the art graphics are nice and all, but we already have all the technology we need to make a good game with a good story. I would much rather see video game companies innovate with their stories rather than try to chase this ever elusive goal of "realistic" graphics.
*boooo hissssssss!
Put a 2TB SSD in a slimmer box and I'd buy it. I expect I probably would pick up a PS4K at some point regardless, but mainly because I have an Asian console and after 2 years still cannot get used to the switched X and O buttons.
Having initially been against the idea of a new more powerful PS4, my main issue was it being released this year before the PS4's 3rd birthday. If the rumours are true and it won't release until next year and it has a GPU twice as powerful, 4K Blue Ray drive and upscales I don't think I'll be able to resist. Yeah the "original" is underpowered when you look at todays GPU's, but it can still pump out some truly beautiful games ie Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn etc.
But developers are already maxing out the hardware, which is normal when a console is nearly 3 years old. If by upgrading to a "supercharged" PS4K I can get another 5 years from my machine out will definitely be up for the purchase.
If the rumours are true I do worry what will happen once the PS4K is a couple of years old and developers are maxing it out, what will happen to the original PS4. Are developers going to make certain games exclusively for the new hardware and by doing so not releasing certain games on the older hardware because it can't handle those games. Or will it be like Call of Duty BO3 were the old gen version had content missing and looked dated by comparison.
If the rumours are true I think Sony may have a few unhappy customers on their hands. For me though I will be purchasing the PSVR and having a more powerful GPU to power VR games makes total sense.
I hope just hope Sony give us all the details at E3. Regardless of it being true I am 100 percent happy with my PS4 and how current games look and play.
The PS4 may be outdated compared to PC, but compared to the PS3 is definitely next gen enough for me.
It would also make sense for Sony to either overclock the CPU in the PS4K or add a slightly faster CPU to go with the faster GPU otherwise depending on the GPU's power its just going to bottleneck.
@JohnnyBastos You can remap all of the DUALSHOCK 4's buttons in the settings. It was added in an old firmware update. My mate had the same issue until the update.
@WARDIE Cheers mate, I tried that, but it didn't solve the problem unfortunately as the remapping stays locked all the time. So the X and O are reversed in game, which is even more a problem than just trying to navigate the OS smoothly! I'll double check again tonight, but I do remember being super excited when the firmware update came out, and then getting a big sad face when I found it only made things worse.
@JohnnyBastos Hopefully you can get something sorted buddy. I remember playing a certain Japanese game on PS2 with the same issue you're having, its definitely annoying when your mussel memory is so used to pressing X to go forward and circle to go back.
The next time I talk to my friend who had the same issue I will ask him how he managed to get the problem fixed. I know that he definitely found a way round the problem. I will try and remember to mention it to him and hopefully we can fix it for you.
If you want, you can always send me a friend request and that way I can hopefully help you out.
My PSN user name is wardie3223
I am on most of the time. If you do decide to add me as a friend, add a message with the friend request so I will know who you are. For some reason I received friends request from random people which I don't except if I don't know them.
If you decide not to add me its cool.
Either way, I hope you get it sorted mate
@WARDIE That's very kind of you sir. I will most definitely add you when I get home. Been working away for the past 2 weeks, so will be hitting the PS4 hard when I get back!
@JohnnyBastos That's cool mate. Your PS4 is going to be getting some overdue attention then since you've been away for a couple of weeks. I will talk to you soon than pal.
I'll reserve judgement until I see the details. A 4k PS4 will simply be a slightly different PS Slim (imo). Upgrading capabilities, well if that is the case then I might as well save up my money for a gaming PC. I see a console as an investment and I assume at least a 4 year lifecycle. I am up for PSVR but if within six months I now need an upgrade to get that performing then it will kill my interest.
@seanobi You guys get ripped off in the uk i can get a nice 4k tv for 1200 Euro. And i didn't have the money so i bought a 1080p tv for less then 600 Euro i know sounds stupid but i just didn't have more cash.
It all depends on what kind of display you really want. Heck, my latest 65" plasma cost nearly 4000€...
Fantastic screen though, both for films and games, but that shouldn't be a surprise I guess.
Anyway, I say bring on the PS4K. I'll be there day one and I don't plan to buy a 4K tv within the next 5 years or so.
I just want it for better graphical performance as well as better framerate.
One thing Sony should take into account is that they need an easier option to increase your storage. Heck if Nintendo and MS can implement an external HDD solution, it can't be that hard for them as well.
I have a 2TB one in mine right now and I'd love to have a 4TB option, which at this point isn't possible. Having to delete games to get new ones on there as well as needing to redownload all the patches and DLC for the games that you want to reinstall later on is way too much trouble.
According to a verified NeoGAF user, the PS4k is going to have a GPU that's at least twice as powerful. The CPU hasn't been finalised but its the main reason that games are held back at the moment because its not fast enough (creating bottlenecks) and so are looking at their options for this. It will have some launch titles that make use of the extra horse-power - games like GOW4 (thought to be Gods of War 4) and Deep Down as well as some VR games like GT Sport, Robinson and Eve Valkyrie.
The more I read/watch about this, the more I think it will definitely have the new Polaris GPU. AMD are developing one that is primarily designed for slimline (Laptop type) hardware as well as one for Desktops. In the last year, GPU and CPU's have developed making the components (which were already old at launch) seem antiquated and very low performance.
This Youtube VIDEO analyses and speculates the NeoGAF article about this and has some interesting facts from 'Sony' developers regarding the PS4 and developing games for it.
According to the Article, games developed specifically for the PS4.5 will work on the ‘original’ PS4, but with “considerable sacrifices made to performance”. At the moment of writing, some developers already have their hands on development kits for the ‘new’ console. Games in development will make direct use of the increased horsepower. Current PS4 titles will be playable on the PS4.5, but won’t benefit from the higher specs. “Any benefits to older games would come via patch per game and per developer”
To me it makes sense to have an upgraded PS4. Launching a PS5 would certainly split the user base - far more than the 4k. Its clear that both MS and Sony, 'rushed' the current consoles and that the technology has significantly jumped in the last year with both CPU and GPU and the way they handle data. I admit I do like the current gen consoles but I also think they weren't the 'leap' forward we wanted or expected. Of course I am disappointed that I spent £300+ on a console and will probably spend £3-400 on PS4k 2years later (in my case) BUT at least my Library of games won't be obsolete and I can still play online with friends until they 'upgrade' or not as the case may be.
Don't have a 4k TV. In fact I don't even like 4K TVs the look to me seems like a home video. Also sometimes the actors seem twitchy. Maybe I'm just not used to 4k. So no I would not buy ps4k.
@rjejr Completely agree, they won't split the user base twice. When I finally decide to get a 4k TV I will probably get a ps4k and let my 9 year old son have my ps4. The ps4 I gave him is getting a little long in the tooth. For me honestly, the psvr is a MUCH bigger deal.
Ugh, my tablet is double posting every comment, grrrrrrr
HD is not even a medium standard yet, why would you prematurely push for its successor? Seems counter-productive and utterly retarded.
As long as the difference is merely cosmetic, i.e., slightly better graphics, quicker loading etc , doubt i'd be interested. Upgraded console exclusive games (VR or not) would REALLY piss me off! Fragmentation is always a dicey path to take with consoles! I bought a PS4 over a PC because I thought it guaranteed me the BEST hardware till the next generation is released and I'm not a fussy enough gamer to upgrade a PC repeatedly!! "PS4 is FUTURE-PROOFED WITH 8GB RAM"!!! was the phrase that convinced me to buy the PS4! Now it doesn't seem as "FUTURE PROOFED" as initial claims .... i am kinda disappointed!!!
@Majic12 If you get PS VR you can get your son a 4k TV and you can play everything in the visor.
My son currently has my old Wii which he uses mostly for Youtube, and he'll get 1 of our 2 PS3 when we get the PS4. Which should be soon, but all of BAMozzy's post are starting to make me hesitant. Hopefully we'll hear something solid at E3.
My PS4 is only a year and a half old, and I'm not going to be buying a 4k TV at any point in the near future, so it makes no sense for me.
@get2sammyb Ever look back on what you wrote? With PS5 coming I looked up some old PS4k stuff. Here's what you wrote 2 years ago.
"But we can probably be confident in a couple of facts: it's going to be called PS4K, it will boast a 4K Blu-ray player, "
Well, you did get the other part right, 1 out 3. Sony did us all in w/ Pro. I do think PS5 will have a blu-ray player, and all of the PS4 games ported to it will end in 4K, so you might have just been a 1/2 generation ahead. It was a good article though. Good poll results too, only 5% cared about a blu-ray player so Sony made the right choice.
Maybe after Sony announces the next PS4 sales milestone next week you can do another poll asking who owns PS4, PS4 Slim, PS4 Pro or more than one model. Oh, and asks who owns a 4K TV, I think that's relevant to PS4 Pro ownership, just ask Jax.
@JaxonH Feeling nostalgic? You wrote this 2 years (and 3 weeks) ago.
"Most everyone here has a PS4. That cost $400. Yet 1 out of every 2 people voting would pay ANOTHER $400 just for better graphics... Wow doesn't even cover it."
Don't you have a PS4 Pro? Just for better graphics?
@rjejr I thought it would have a 4K Blu-ray player but I'm still yet to see a 4K Blu-ray in a shop. I don't think people really care anymore. For me they made the right call.
@get2sammyb "but I'm still yet to see a 4K Blu-ray in a shop"
I don't believe you. You've probably seen them, you just didn't realize it as they look the same as normal blu-rays only w/ a 4k sticker on them. Every store has a 4k section of films over here. Bigger than the Switch games section.
@rjejr I'm sure they're flying off the shelves.
I needed it for PSVR, and, I'm an outlier anyways. I can afford everything, and I buy everything. If I couldn't, then I would prioritize owning different systems before I would prioritize spending $400 on a resolution upgrade. $400 could basically buy you a Nintendo Switch and an Xbox One. Or close to. And that, to me, seems like it offers 10x the value of a mid gen performance boost.
That said, gaming is my one and only indulgence. So for me, I'm gonna own every single console. Every single upgrade. Every single game. So I don't have to prioritize
@JaxonH "I needed it for PSVR"
I have a Slim and the old PSVR headset, works fine for me, don't see why I'd need a Pro for that. And besides, you just told me recently that you hardly ever use your PSVR anyway.
I'm glad you have your set-up, but I'm still not getting DKTF.
I don't use it. But hindsight is 20/20 right. Asking why I bought a Pro for PSVR which I don't use much, that makes about as much sense as asking why I bought PSVR considering I don't use it much. Clearly, if I knew I wasn't gonna use it much before I bought it, maybe I wouldn't have bought it.
Even then though, I still likely would have bought it. Like I said, I buy everything, even if I won't use it much or know I'll toss it into backlog for a year.
@JaxonH "that makes about as much sense as asking why I bought PSVR considering I don't use it much."
Well sure, if you're going to get all logical about it. But I know why you bought PSVR, it was new and fun, PS4 Pro only, ONLY, plays PS4 games, it's totally unnecessary, for PSVR or anything else. It does 4K checkerboard, but your TV probably does the upres of the Slim nearly as well.
It's why we spent $30k on a 2nd bathroom - the PSVR - but not another $30k on remodeling the kitchen - the PS4 Pro. W/ 2 teenage boys my wife needed a 2nd bathroom. And our bedroom is on the 2nd floor and the boys bathroom on the first floor, she didn't want to constantly have to make that walk in the dark. (Women always need to use the restroom, like constantly.) So the addition of the $30k 2nd bathroom was a necessity. Our old kitchen is kind of ugly, and I'd like a remodel myself, but we didn't, b/c we already have a functional kitchen and spending $30k on a remodel wasn't really going to make it $30k better like adding a 2nd bathroom made the house $30k better. Well the house is probably worth about $25k more, not $30k, but my wife is happy so...
Well of course it's unnecessary. Which goes back to my original comment you cited. It's absolutely unnecessary.
But as for myself, the outlier, I don't just buy things when they're necessary, I buy them for the better experience. And PSVR was needed to improve the already suboptimal PSVR experience. It was also desired for the minor gains in normal games
But again, why I bought it is completely irrelevant. I can afford it and I don't honestly care about $400 that much. The important question is why anyone else would buy it with higher priority over alternatives offering far, far more value
@JaxonH Did Pro actually improve PSVR? The limiting factor seems to be the low resolution screen and Pro can't change that. Does it increase frame rate for PSVR games? I recall a ton of people saying they were getting Pro for PSVR, thinking it would help, but I don't recall anything about it actually helping, just wishful thinking. Sounds like a job for Digital Foundry, I'll go google them and leave you alone now.
It helps... It's just marginal. Nothing to do with resolution really. But more stable performance is key for 90-120fps needed to avoid motion sickness
@JaxonH to avoid motion sickness
That could come in handy. I've been avoiding motion sickness by avoiding games w/ sudden side to side motion. Just played Batman VR Monday, it was pretty good, though the ending was confusing until I read about it online. Still confusing actually. Until Dawn Rush of Blood has motion but it's mostly forward so it's ok, but I'm too afraid to play it. Only did 1 level so far.
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