We all love a good rant here at Push Square, and this editor's gone off on one after watching the latest trailer for Tom Clancy's The Division. Is it a bad video? Not particularly, but it's just so bloody predictable.
Website quotes saying that it's the best thing since sliced bread: check. Grizzled military type shouting some bollocks about everything going to hell: check. Constant cuts to black: check. Gameplay clips that make it look like a typical blockbuster shooter: check. Pre-order bonus details at the end: check. Welcome to AAA: The Game: The Trailer.
Now, we get that this video isn't for us. We already know that The Division is more than likely going to be a solid title - we're just so tired of seeing what is essentially the exact same trailer for every single big budget release these days.
Anyway, are you looking forward to The Division, or are you cautiously waiting for reviews? Cut to black in the comments section below.
Comments 19
Tell us how you really feel!
I'm confused, Brooklyn isn't in the Division but yet it's in this trailer??
Yeah, I'm an adult so this kind of game is not for my age, clearly, and I think that a lot of people with 21 or older will skip too. That said screaming teenagers are the great video game buyers, so it will sell well, probably.
And @get2sammyb, I think that a lot of us doesn't feel nothing in particular for this game, and the trailer doesn't help too. The main proof is the lack of comments and discussion, which a more appealing game would bring with a launch trailer.
@Midzark The current theory is that for levels 1 - 4 you'll be in Brooklyn and you'll end up in Manhattan when you're pulled out by chopper, which is where the Beta started.
Oh, and I'm REALLY looking forward to getting stuck into the full game.
Can not wait for this game roll on 8th March. People gonna hate on this game just because its Ubisoft.
I don't really watch too many trailers anyway, so eyh.
Hopefully the game itself is good. Yeah, AAA titles can be predictable, but so are other big budget media things.
Preordered this because of the beta. Just hope they make the city feel a bit more full.
More importantly what the hell is going on with Netflix? I want to watch Better Call Saul but it won't connect
is the preorder freebies(hazmat suit etc) for xbox and ps or just xbox?
I'll enjoy playing through it co-op with one of my friends but it's pretty hard to get excited for this title... Even after playing the beta.
After looking at the trailer, I think it would've been better if this was a live-action movie rather than a game.
Sometime when clicking on videos, it say that they are no longer available. I live in the US and know you guys sometimes post videos to the UK videos, could this be why? Usually I have had no issue, but recent videos always came up like this. When I type in the title into the youtube search box though, the video comes up but just not the UK version.
Aye it is a typical blockbuster trailer but I'm quite looking forward to playing it, made my pre-order after playing the beta. Besides, I'm going to New York in a few months so I can get a virtual tour before I go.
So chaps, when is your review?
Not buying this. Ubisoft already has a bad history of rushing games out, identical game templates and shady practises with their approach to DLC. Can't help but think this game will be the perfect opportunity for them to flex their micro-transaction muscles and the dreaded season 2...pass.
I played the beta and really enjoyed it, and I never expected to. I'm looking forward to playing the full game now.
@Shellcore well this may be true, but they have promise no micro-transactions. As for being hurried out the door, the amount of time the game has been postponed, well it better not rushed
@TomKongPhooey you get em on PS too, the game look's like fun and is exactly the kind of game I would go for and be pretty hyped about, if I was buying AAA game's this would be first on my list. DS3 would be second
I was hoping for a TLoU-style story of survival when it was first announced, but the beta made it perfectly clear just how shoot 'n loot-focussed it's going to be.
Non-Destiny fans beware.
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