Bloody hell – this is intense, isn't it? Hellblade's not only gained a subtitle since last we saw it (Senua's Sacrifice, in case you're curious), but its lead character's also got a new look. And in this trailer designed to show off the indie title's outrageous production values, we also get a glimpse into the Celtic warrior's fractured mind.
Those of you with long memories may recall that developer Ninja Theory's working with mental health organisations on this game, and it's recording the voices that the character hears using nifty binaural microphones. This means that the traumatised troop is essentially haunted by an ASMR video stuck on loop – only way creepier. Just about.
Seriously, though, the Brit studio's breaking some boundaries here, shooting scenes live in real-time within the game world. We're honestly rather impressed with the new trailer, and if you want to see how it was made, there's a development diary through here. Extremely underrated studio Ninja Theory, innit.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 15
What a great trailer! I almost wished Ninja Theory had a AAA budget on this one, but let's see what they can do on their smaller team. Love the revised character design.
Wow, great trailer, I didn't expected nothing from this game, but now I'm curious to say at least.
Will definitely play this one, post trauma psychosis or demonic forces taunting the soul of a celtic warrior. Looks great .
Best trailer of the year so far IMO. Superb voice acting for Senua. Just became very interested in this game.
I really like the looks and voice of the main character... sold
I'm excited to see these peps back with their own IP and it looks like its coming along rather well.
Now that's what you call a trailer. No dubstep, no explosions.
I absolutely believe in their vision of doing a "independent AAA" project. However I do have reservations about the gameplay, the last time I saw it the combat looked very hack and slashy in a clumsy way.
This is one of the PS4 'console' exclusives that I am and have been very interested in for a long time and one that seems to be missing from a lot of peoples 'upcoming PS4 exclusives' lists. Obviously Uncharted and Horizon are top of my list but this is right up there too.
@adf86 Agreed. Fortunately it seems like they've gone back to the drawing a board a bit with the whole project, so hopefully they've improved upon that area.
@get2sammyb I really hope so cos Ninja Theory are a fine studio but they can't seem to catch a break. Heavenly Sword should have been a day one but for the PS3 but wasn't, Enslaved was hugely overlooked and most wouldn't give them a chance on DMC.
Really nice trailer, but I would like to see some gameplay, that being said, I enjoyed both Enslaved and DMC, so this will likely be a day one purchase for me (Ninja Theory deserves to be supported).
Looks awesome.
This looks awesome. There are lots of little details that point to a really thoughtful design. And as someone who has had to live with mental health issues for a long time, the way they're handling it sounds intriguing, and it could really add a lot of depth to the narrative and the character's experience.
Also, it looks like it'll be quite sorrowful and unforgiving in its tone. Although that might be because of the gallows tree. Also, I'm intrigued by the concept of having an omniscient narrator in the trailer. Makes me wonder how this story will be told.
Sign me up! Sod Horizon!
Wow. That's one hell of a trailer. Clicked on the article barely caring about Hellblade...now I need this.
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