Right, it's time to settle this once and for all. Maybe. Dark Souls III has been out for about a week now on PlayStation 4 - at least here in the West - so we're going to assume that many of you have put a decent amount of time into this supposed final entry. With that in mind, we want you to tell us what your favourite Souls game is, and yes, of course we're including Bloodborne in the running.
Perhaps you fell in love with the initial strangeness of the still awkwardly named Demon's Souls, or maybe you think that the somewhat divisive Dark Souls II is the most enjoyable of the bunch? Whatever your opinion, make sure to vote in our poll, and then dump all of your souls into the comments section below.
Which of the following is the best Souls game? (98 votes)
- Demon's Souls is still the best
- The first Dark Souls is unbeatable
- It's Dark Souls II for me
- Dark Souls III has brushed the others aside
- You simply can't beat a bit of Bloodborne
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Comments 31
It's too soon for this, but imho Demon's Souls is still the king.
The only one I have played is Demon's Souls. That is my vote by default I guess.
Demon's or blood
Still early days for Dark Souls 3, great so far, could be the best. But I do love Bloodborne.
As much as Bloodborne is the only one I've platinum'ed, I feel that it is too much of a side project and lacks teh depth of Dark Souls proper. Not nearly as much meaningful variation in playstyles or equipment. So based on that I can't vote for BB
I suspect a lot of the people who choose bloodborne as the best souls game are the people who hadn't played a souls game until bloodborne, and then tried the others after or perhaps didn't play them at all.
Bloodborne is amazing, don't get me wrong. But from a mechanics standpoint as well as weapon,armor customization etc it most definitely is not the best of the series. But imo when it comes to the souls series, they're all so unbelievably incredible that determining which is the best is super hard to do.
Bloodborne for me, but I was never a souls fan for some reason so my opinion is a bit biased
Can I choose all of it ?
Demon Souls and Bloodborne, it's a tie for me.
I loved the first 80% of Bloodborne, but I loved 100% of Demon Souls. The Dark Souls series just never appealed to me nearly as much.
Only played Bloodborne so that gets my vote by default...
Bloodborne currently but I'm still working through Dark Souls 3. I prefer the melee combat of Bloodborne but magic is significantly more appealing to me so 3 might win out in the end.
Every souls game to me was awesome, it would be a tie between all of them but ill have to give it to demons souls only because it was the first one I played and I didn't know what the heck to expect.
The original Dark Souls is an amazing game.
While I haven't played them all, I have a mild obsession with Victorian stuff, so Bloodborne wins out for me on the strength of that alone. I do love the aggressive nature of Bloodborne, too, but can equally appreciate the density of Dark Souls and Demon's Souls.
Bloodborne with Dark Souls 3 being a close second for now, but I'm only at the 3rd boss XD
Bloodborne was my first so it will always be my favorite... And I'm one of the few who loves Dark Souls 2...
The Souls series is actually the first non-Nintendo series I love as much as Zelda, and that is not a small feat. I want more more more! Give me a Demon's Souls remake! a Dark Souls remake with the DS3/BB engine...a Bloodborne 2! I need my yearly Souls!
You can't beat bloodbornes art and atmosphere the story is well delivered and the weapons are really unique. I'm loving dark souls 3 but I'm only 2 hours in.
Lords of the fallen
ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
Shockingly, the two PS-exclusive entries have the most votes.
Dark Souls 3>Bloodborne>Dark Souls>Demon's Souls>Scholar of the First Sin>>>>Vanilla Dark Souls 2
But that's just me. Although sometimes I enjoyed Demon's Souls more than Dark Souls probably because it was fresher.
@Mega-Gazz I didn't mind much the variety with armors but more weapons could have been awesome (but no reskins please). The only major problem I had with Bloodborne was the PvP, including the matchmaking. Then again, atleast it didn't required weapon level or "blood Echo" memory.
I feel like I'm missing out on something incredible, but none of them appeal to me at all.
I feel like I'm missing out on something incredible, but none of them appeal to me at all.
Dark souls took me a year to beat, as i wanted to see and do everything in the game. I didnt get bored once. For that reason alone I went with DS1. Bloodborne I would rank Second, then Demons Souls (still very good, but slower, not so pretty to look at, and the bosses lack impact compared to later entries). DS2 comes last, not a bad game but not a good souls game.
DS1, no contest! I still want a 60fps remaster of that game, but at least we've got that DS I reboot now...
Haven't played bb or III but so far Demons Souls is the only one worth playing, DS I and II not so much.
I think Demon's Souls had the better "full" experience, mostly because the story was pretty straightforward and you actually got a satisfying ending.
Dark Souls had the best world design, and awesome lore, but both endings are a huge slap to the face after putting in so much effort.
Dark Souls II was weird. World design wasn't nearly as good, but I liked the story better, and the ending was pretty decent. Better than Dark Souls' ending. Combat was also much more polished with tons and tons of different builds.
Dark Souls III, just getting started so no opinion yet, but I like not turning hollow.
Bloodborne had a fun combat system, but some of the worst bosses in the Souls game, imo. Also, very limited builds, and a schizophrenic art design. I got sick playing that game, it's almost as bad as Arkham City in how so much of the level's art direction are just stimuli overload. Makes me miss the more streamlined, more nuanced approach to the Souls games.
I still have that "Demon's Souls" teaser saved on my PS3.
I haven't played Demon Souls or DS1. As of now I'd say Bloodborne, but I'm loving DS3 and that may very well be it by the time I finish the game for the first time.
Does Soul Sacrifice count?
Whilst I do like the souls games (with DS2 being a bit shonky in places), Bloodborne is the overall winner for me. It's a more streamlined game and it feels more focused.
And of course, the undertones of Lovecraft and gothic horror really do it for me, along with the more aggressive combat system.
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