Two thousand, zero zero

Work is well and truly over, which means that it's all video games all the time for the next two days. Well, not quite, as this author still has a handful of chores to complete – but we're not going to let that dampen the mood. In honour of the late, great Prince – it's time to party like it's 1999.

Sammy Barker, Editor

I've got a date with Dark Souls III, which I've neglected a little during the week. I'd also like to take Ratchet & Clank for a spin if I get chance; I'm a big fan of the franchise and have been so happy to see the enthusiastic reaction to this one.

Kell Andersen, Senior Writer

This weekend I'll be punishing myself with yet more Enter the Gungeon. The fact that I still want to play it after sinking countless hours in for review should be as good a recommendation as you need to pick it up.

Alex Stinton, Reviewer

Invisible, Inc. is on the cards this weekend, as I dive deeper into Klei's turn-based stealth game off the back of my most recent live stream. Should I need to take a break from the tense world of corporate espionage, I'll also be jumping back into Dark Souls III for a wholly different sort of stress, as I continue my tour of the Undead Settlement in search of the perfect holiday home.

Marcello Apostolico, Reviewer

This weekend I'm going to be trying to wrap up my quest in Dark Souls III, and play some Max Payne after getting that from the Flash Sale. I'm also going to be firing up my Wii U to play some Star Fox Zero, doing barrel rolls all day long (or all weekend in this case).

Stephen Tailby, Reviewer

Review duty calls this weekend, but I don't want to alienate the possibility of playing other games on the side. I treated myselfie to Life Is Strange in the current sale, plus I need to practice my aerial hits in preparation for Rocket League's inbound Hoops mode.

Victor Nowogurski, Moderator

With the new Eclipse DLC live and a Double Weapon XP weekend, it's going to be Call of Duty: Black Ops III for me.

Yadda, yadda, yadda – what more is there to say? We're done chatting our end, and we ain't got banged yet. Can you achieve a similar feat in the comments section below?