Is it really that time already? It feels like a matter of days have passed since April's big PlayStation Plus update was announced, but we're expecting Sony to outline May's roster of freebies later this week. That's already sent the rumour mill into overdrive, with tweets flying around regarding the possibility of Watch Dogs and Tetris Ultimate being the next batch of PlayStation 4 giveaways. All of the supposed "leaks" look fake to us.
Still, if the line-up were to consist of Ubisoft's best-selling sandbox and its interpretation of the world's most famous puzzle game, would you be satisfied? New releases due on 3rd May – when we expect the PlayStation Plus freebies to be available – include eccentric multiplayer game Push Me Pull You, The Park, and Shadow Complex Remastered. We'd actually be thrilled with any of those three – though we may be alone.
Still, that's the entire point of this article: for you to tell us which games you'd love to get as part of your PlayStation Plus subscription in May. Have a think, and then post your realistic suggestions in the comments section below.
Comments 50
I think that we will get Push me pull you and that sucks imo
Watchdogs and Tetris would be nice for me, but two game from Ubisoft in a month after they gave us Zombi? I don't think so.
I just bought Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition so we will probably get that. Not that it matters with Uncharted 4 coming out...
I'm dubious - wasn't April's Plus release full of Ubisoft games? Not sure the publisher would go two for two.
@RawShark Agreed. That rumour looks incredibly fake to me.
Oh please god not Watchdogs! Already completed it and you can grab it for a fiver these days!
Shadow Complex's release date is next Tues, please please let that be included. I loved it on Xbox 360, one of my favourite XBLA titles.
Can I be the first person to say Knack this month?!
Yay, a rubbish "AAA" that I've already got (and sold) - I hope ya'll happy
Would love Shadow Complex. Never played and looks great.
Shadow Complex seems unlikely
@Grimwood Sadly don't have a PC... Well a gaming capable one beyond Microsoft office!
I've already played Watch Dogs, so I hope it isn't that. Speaking of that game, I hope we hear something about a sequel this year.
I've actually held out on watch dogs, so I would like that.
I want axiom verge, but that is probably too close to the vita release date and would anger people.
I am all for Tetris guessing it will be cross play with the vita so that rocks just got watchdogs on the Easter sale plus would it not make more sense to wait till e3 for that they can announce 2 and say everyone on ps plus can get 1 for free now
gimme knack, although tetris and updogs would also be acceptable.
I want a free AAA game because I am entitled to one.
Where are these rumours coming from?
Do not really mind what games we get. Sony always does alright with the choices they make and I am happy with them.
Knack and a quality indie title, maybe Valiant Hearts.
Rayman legends on vita would make me happy.
I think as the console is still in its new phase the games would suffer a little. but as the console goes on in age then the older titles will become easier to go for free.. but at the mo they dont wanna loose out on chucking £50 price tag on most games for free.
Watch Dogs would be annoyingly okay. What we need is something as good as Sunset Overdrive which Xbox Live users so lovingly were offered. If Hyper Light Drifter comes next month that would be amazing, or Enter the Gungeon, twould be cool.
I wouldve loved Alienation, it looks hella fun!
Maybe Need for Speed or Fifa or something similar, not neccessarily "AAA" but something sporty for a change.
Even though I know its unacceptable to dislike them, Id like to NOT see a side scolly platforming thingy. 😂😉
Please be Gone Home or Soma just because I want them. Or maybe a bit of Abe. Was happy with Zombi last month.
Will this be the 5th month in a row I won't be extending my PS+? probably.
uncharted collection would be nice, Probably get some more rubbish shooters
or another indie game.
I really want Shadow Complex.
Watch Dogs? that'll be good but no way, PS+ indies await!
Doom 4 and Uncharted 4. Maybe the latest Dirt game but that's been out over a month so a bit old now.
With Dark Souls 3 followed by Uncharted 4 I'm not bothered cause I probably won't play them before junes games come around.
Not really bothered, unless it's Ratchet & Clank or Uncharted 4
I reckon it will be Dishonored though...just saying!
Would be really jazzed if it was Shadow Complex, never played it before and it looks really awesome. Not sure about the rest but I do have a feeling of we don't get Shadow Complex then we may get another AAA. I have been hearing Killzone thrown around, so who knows.
Watch Dogs? I didant realize that was an indie game
Seriously though I have played that game and I loved it but hey,I finished it and sold it so why would I want to play it again?I would be impressed if they gave it away with ps plus though.Could see Tetris being more likely though.
As for Push me Pull you or whatever the hell it is..that makes me feel uncomfortable just watching it!
Would be happy with Shadow Complex though
I'll only get whinged at for saying I don't want any 'indies' - new or old. I will probably get some negative comments for saying that I would rather have some 'average' and/or older AAA game over ANY 'indie'. No doubt some will fill compelled to comment if I say that I will be 'disappointed' if the offerings are 'indie' yet again, that yet another month goes by with nothing of interest to me, yet another month where the games aren't good enough to warrant HDD space - although that does save me having to decide which game(s) to delete and not disappointing enough that I would consider cancelling PS+.
So I won't say anything
I gave up anticipating and looking forward to what Sony would offer months ago. I have Uncharted 4 to look forward to and play anyway and my pick up Ratchet and Clank too ...
Plus should give a new release & one library game each month to the PS4.
Also some local co-op Vita games for the Abandoned Playstation TV would be nice or even better a sale for these few games.
I would love watchdogs to be one of the games!
I've got watchdogs but I couldn't get into it. I told myself that I'd give it another go but there'd have to be a game drought and that's not about to occur. Knack would be nice and I would love mad max.
Final Fantasy 7 on PS4 please.
And Knack of course.
@LieutenantFatman Haha 😆 quality post.
@kyleforrester87 you pretty much said this scenario will occur about a year ago, the AAA games come to ps plus - but the majority of us have played them. So there really is no value in asking fir retail games. Maybe failed retail games could be an option.
@ztpayne7 if I'm not mistaken, we already got axiom verge bud, late last year
@NESguy94 already had valiant hearts in believe
@BAmozz . Get Ratchet man, it's a total blast
@Majic12 nope axiom verge has not been on.
Valiant hearts on the other hand, has.
How about screw the freebies and let me get my psn games back that I bout on PS3 and let me play them on ps4. I spent close to 100 bucks on psn network games and they still can't transfer them to ps4. Why the hell is it so hard to have backwards compatibility on ps4 let alone play CDs?
Wow. The sense of entitlement in here is staggering. If it is Watchdogs, then it's a AAA title that everyone's been screaming out for. If you've bought it before, tough. Not everyone else has.
Personally I've had it but atleast it's a step in the right direction from the predominantly 16bit collection we've had over the last few years which only really appeal to a niche selection of plus users.
Itd be interesting to see the stats on how many % of plus users play these games more than 10 minutes let alone downloads them.
Don't get me wrong some of the odd 16bit styled games has been a treat but two of them a month some months surely doesn't target the general population very well at all.
Please god not push me pull you. That game makes me uncomfortable to look at. Like the Human centipede for people who would pay 5 quid for artisan water.
Watch dogs ive got but havent played. Wasnt tetris released in a completely unplayable state?
@dryrain I take it that was some sort of sarcasm......!!!?
Not fussed ill be playing R&C and Uncharted 4 in may
Calling fake on this one, just a hunch.
To be honest, as long as the games are interesting I don't really mind whether they're retail or not - though I would like it to be mixed up - say one 'indie' and one retail game per month. At the moment PS Plus is lagging behind Games With Gold so either way Sony needs to step it up a bit IMO.
@SegaBlueSky how can you say your not bothered about retail games on plus then in the next sentence say it should be a retail and an indie
At the end of the day we dont pay for plus for the free games any more we pay for the online service
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya well we have Helldivers already and these two games are similar so i doubt it
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya well we have Helldivers already and these two games are similar so i doubt it
@BAMozzy personal taste innit blud. Nothing wrong with having an opinion.
@themcnoisy thats a shout! Ff7 would be boss.
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