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It comes as no real surprise, but Destiny's upcoming expansion is probably going to launch this September. Bungie's already noted that the title's next add-on will be landing later this year, but the developer seems to have dropped a not-so-subtle release date hint. Fans have come to this conclusion thanks to the recently implemented April Update, which added a collectible that supposedly reveals a specific date.

The collectible item in question is a dead Ghost that can be found in the Prison of Elders. The Grimoire card that the Ghost unlocks apparently mentions the expansion's release date in Latin, which when translated, says "the twentieth day of the ninth month". In other words, the 20th September.

So, how the heck did people figure all of this out? Well, a mysterious Reddit poster spoke of the collectible just 16 minutes after the April Update was released, and when curious players went to check if it was actually there, they found it. The Reddit poster, Rezyl Azzir, vanished soon after. Funnily enough, that's also the name on the Grimoire card.

Bungie itself is clearly teasing all of this, then, but are you excited? Would a press release have had the same effect? Tell us that the lore should be included in the bloody game in the comments section below.

[source, via]