Uncharted's unique treasure-based take on Capture the Flag will make its grand reappearance in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End – and you'll be able to play it at PAX East. Plunder finds two teams of four fighting over an antique idol, which can be lobbed around the area, before it needs to be returned to your faction's treasure chest.
"In previous Uncharted games, people carrying the idol could not traverse with it; we removed this constraint," lead game designer Robert Cogburn explained. "Also, Plunder has been a five-on-five experience in the past; we changed that to four-on-four. Given the number of mechanics that have been introduced into our multiplayer's moment-to-moment gameplay, we feel that this is perfect."
Naughty Dog also alluded that it'll be revealing a lot more about Uncharted 4's multiplayer soon, including what we assume will be co-op. "Let me assure you, what we will be revealing soon after PAX East will please a lot of people," Cogburn concluded. There's a 25 second teaser trailer for the new mode embedded below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 12
Never played multiplayer in U, probably never will, but this pic from the PS Blog was too good to pass up.
Almost on topic - my wife and I have been watching DC Legends of Tomorrow, and that quick animated clip of Drake has more life to it than the whole season of Captain Rip Hunter. Going into Firefly territory last week just further enhanced the greatness that is Captain Mal. And the greatness the is the Uncharted series, were the fake actors are more real than some real actors.
Need that UC co-op!
It's so close... I can't wait to pick up my Libertalia Collector's Edition.
Please add splitscreen co op, online or not.
@rjejr Uncharted 2 is the best multplayer game i've ever played and from what i played of the beta, U4 will be even better than that so you should play it.
I'd just really like co op back.
@viciousarcanum "best multplayer game"
The only online game I've ever played is Splatoon, but that's an entirely different type of game. I just don't play multiplayer unless it's with my wife and kids on the couch. It's probably why I don't own any of the Uncharted games, just rent'em, finish single player story, and I'm done. I'll do the same with 4, though it might be too long to rent if it's 20 hours. I rented The LAat of Us b/c it was supposed to be 12 hours but my save file when I was done said 30 hours. I died A LOT.
@KingofSaiyanZ It's a gif, maybe you can make it your new avatar, a lot happier than your current one.
I'd do it, but I just settled on Dory like 2 hours ago and now I have to keep her until her movie comes out.
@KingofSaiyanZ Drake the rock star! It looks good. A few more animated avatars on this page and I think my PC is going to crash though.
I Played the U4 beta. You know I love Splatoon online and U4 is the only reason I paid for PS Plus. I think you may enjoy it.
@sinalefa Well if you recommend it I'll give it a try, when the time comes. This whole PS4K stuff has kind of put my PS4 plans on hold, even more than the $400 U4 bundle did. I'll probably have to gt PS+ for my kids anyway, my 1 son is really into violence and he's been waiting for Battleborn forever. I should probably be worried, except my other son is so anti-violince I kind of like the balance. My kids will grow up to be like one of those movies where 1 brother is the mastermind criminal and the other is the cop.
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