Even as an avid Taylor Swift fan, this author readily admits that sometimes – just sometimes – one needs a little heavy metal in their life. This all-new DOOM launch trailer, with its squealing guitars and muddy basslines, is the perfect tonic to an afternoon spent listening to bittersweet bubblegum pop, then – but where's the brutal double bass pedal got to?
We'll let Bethesda off seeing as there's more than enough brutality elsewhere in this video. Don't you just wish that, like the protagonist here, you could make entire people explode into a shower of viscera with a single punch? Just us? Oh. That's awkward.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 24
Loved that! I'm gonna go ahead and willingly put myself on the line of fire here... but I think I'm looking forward to this more than Uncharted 4 <ducks for cover>
This and Uncharted 4 will be my games of May.
@AhabSpampurse Haha, I can understand that. Even I - as a huge fan of narrative/cinematic games - sometimes want something a little more... Just, y'know, "gamey" for lack of a better word.
@AhabSpampurse Me too.
Unfortunately I cancelled my preorder as I haven't finished Wolfenstein yet.
Hopefully I will get around to Wolfenstein first.
@get2sammyb I know exactly what you mean. Simple pick up and play stuff, where you can get to the meat and potatoes within minutes. Whenever I'm tired and want to just unwind I still play Joust and Q*Bert on my NES!
I played the beta and it felt very cheap, I won't be buying this game on launch it almost felt like a budget game (the MP at least) I won't be buying this game for full price unless it dramaticaly improve's by launch, the beta was awful.
@themcnoisy I'm actually splurging on this one and going for the SE. I normally avoid those considering the ridiculous cost, but how often do we get a new Doom game?
That first few seconds of the old theme tune kicking in sounds epic...
@Grawlog I was in the alpha which was really bare bones, but I still had fun. The beta that introduced the levelling system and general spit and polish was great again. Providing they support it with dlc and stuff, I can't see why it won't have some legs for a bit.
I can acknowledge that most of this is probably rose tinted nostalgia, but that time when Ultimate Doom went live via shareware was a pivotal point in my life. I still enjoy 3 as well, warts and all.
I played the beta and it felt great, it played as it should. Take Quake 2, update it with some modern mechanics, give it a Doom makeover under a new graphics engine, and that's all you need to do to please me.
Does it play like Doom 1993, no,.....does it play like a modern take of a Id FPS from the late 90s or early 00s, yes, yes it does.
Looks awsome but I don't have enough cash to buy everything maybe later.
I would get this but with Overwatch coming out in a few weeks, my money is tied up there. Besides with Overwatch and Black Ops 3 and I don't need another FPS game.
@sub12 That's fair enough matey, I was really looking forward to the beta I loved Doom back in the day but I found the beta disappointing, i'll wait for the full release and review's to make my decision.
Taylor swift really .she sucks

Did I just hear E1M1 in the Beginning..and in the end?
Even if this game get bad review, i will be buying. So long since i played doom.
Sometimes you just want to shoot stuff and be a badass without getting bogged down in stories and character levelling. I just want to go to Mars with my double barrel and shoot Hell spawn in the face, please be good.
Didnt play the Beta but I understand there are no weapon pickups in MP? You select your weapons from the start?
My games for May is Uncharted 4, Homefront: The Revolution, and Overwatch. I can't really justify a 4th game this month especially with No Man's Sky coming out next month. I hope to pick this up down the road though.
Just finished up on Wolfenstein and I must say, it felt like a nostalgic blast from the past. I am tempted by Doom but will probably wait for reviews before jumping in.
Wolfenstein is still IMO the best shooter on PS4,and while I weren't keen on the multiplayer, what I've seen of the single player it looks quite good.
Will get when the price drops.
@PlaytendoGuy but wolfenstien didnt have any multiplayer.
@get2sammyb it's obvious you love Taylor swift, you both have the same haircut.
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