After the enjoyable jaunt that is Transformers: Devastation, we had reasonably high hopes for Platinum Games' take on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but it's not looking good for the mean green fighting machines. There are a few reviews dotted around the web right now, and the majority of them aren't exactly positive. So, while we scribble away on our own write-up, take a look at what other sites have been saying before excitedly opening up the nearest manhole cover.
IGN - 4.9/10
Short, bland, and repetitive, TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan isn't worth playing for its few good gags.
Polygon - 3/10
After a six-hour campaign that manages to be both mind-numbingly dull and insultingly repetitive, I'm sad to report that Mutants in Manhattan is made by the Platinum that brought us The Legend of Korra.
May God have mercy on us all.
Destructoid - 4.5/10
It does its best to spread little content as far as it can possibly go. It's a very short game that still manages to be far too long. The anchovies on the pizza is that it doesn't even necessarily succeed where Platinum Games usually excels. Cowabummer.
USGamer - 2.5/5
The Platinum spark exists in Mutants in Manhattan, which is why it's tragic the developers couldn't spend the same resources they would on original IP like Bayonetta. As licensed games go, you could do much worse, but this TMNT outing feels like a collection of good ideas in need of a second pass.
Have you given Mutants in Manhattan a try, or are you too busy avoiding the stench that's coming from the sewers? Retreat inside your shell in the comments section below.
Comments 34
That's a phenomenal headline.
I wouldn't mind a play through on PS Plus at some point but yeah not buying it..is it worse than Transformers then? I mean that was pretty repetitive as well with a fairly short campaign but it was fun enough for a few play throughs before trading it.
Shame. Hopefully they nail Neir.
@lacerz That's probably why this hasn't worked out well - their A team is too busy developing Nier.
No doubt a case of trying to rush it out in time to suck money in from anyone looking forward to the new TMNT movie on Monday, too.
Yeah team 3 seems like the weakest part of platinum. Also acti wanted the game out in time for the movie so they'd didn't have enough time and money I guess. Shame.
No way, a beat em up got low ratings?! It's almost as if the formula went stale! I'm sure everyone will jump to platinum's defense since people have this weird obsession with that other generic beat em up, bayonetta. I just find their games to be repetitive to the point that once you've played an hour of one of them, you've expereinced the extent of what it has to offer. They get boring fast.
Sad thats its reviewing so poorly still gonna grab it (was never a day 1 tbh) when its under £20
@Gatatog I hope that game turns out to be good. That first real trailer from last year was pretty amazing, but I've seen some ''gameplay'' streams, and I wasn't really impressed.
@Napples Not really. When a game's good, it's good and when it's bad, it's bad. This just looks like rubbish. Platinum Games are capable of delivering some pretty great games, but they have yet to do that with a licensed property.
IGN "Too many turtles."
And to make you pay $50 for a game like this is a shame, Activision ruins everything.
@Octane Transformers Devestation was good at least I felt so, that's why I had high hopes for this game.
Guess we are just doomed to have bad TMNT games.
I will agree with some people here it seems they just wanted this out in time for the movie and right now Platinum is busy with Nier and Scalebound that they probably pass this off to their B team.
Shouldn't there be somebody at Activision who looks at this game while it's nearing completion and says, "You know what, this is a $20 download, not a $50 disc game, let's price it as such." Not that the price would make it any better of a game, but I sitll feel like the mindset form most gamers is that different price points have different expecatations, adn this just seems like i tlooks and plays like a $20 DL. Whcih woudl actually be an insult to Guacamelee, but somody has to pay for the TMNT licensing.
And even if that decision was made so late the discs were already printed and boxed - though judging form all the reviews they shoudl have know this ahead of time - just change the price. R&C remake sold on disc for $40. Legend of Kay on disc I think was $30. Somebody at Activision or Platinum should have somewhere along the line realized this had budget title written all over it.
It's basically the same game from the same 2 companies that made Legend of Korra. Wasn't anybody at either company paying attention?
i guess we will never get a good TMNT game
why can no one make a decent one?
I just wasn't into it because coop was online only, I think they shot themselves in the foot with that.
Developers really need to start pulling their heads out of you know what. This is starting to get really lame when developers completely dork a TMNT game. There is a formula that creates failure in most games that fail, how developers never learn from that stuff is beyond even my mindset. absolutely ridiculous and there isn't an excuse for it.
I don't know why Platinum Games has such a good reputation. I didn't like Mad World nor The Wonderful 101, and Star Fox Zero is technically quite poor. Sure, Bayonetta 2 is quite good, but still I don't understand why they are so well considered, there are so many better developers out there.
@VanillaLake I wouldn't hold Platinum Games responsible to Star Fox Zero. Many of the design choices were already implemented by Nintendo, before Platinum was involved. They mainly helped with the boss fights if I recall correctly. Those were pretty cool, if it weren't for the terrible controls.
@Octane Probably, but still.
Have you watched this?
>"Shouldn't there be somebody at Activision who looks at this game while it's nearing completion and says, "You know what, this is a $20 download, not a $50 disc game, let's price it as such.""
There are occasionally such people at Activision, but sooner or later they are found and killed.
@VanillaLake I agree with you. They're like the Japanese version of Gearbox. They make so much crap, have a very narrow range indeed, yet somehow not only get away with it but are generally thought of as good.
@Matroska Absolutely. They have a somehow original but narrow range, and they have always trouble with game performance and even gameplay.
They made Vanquish, and Vanquish is amazing, and I'll forgive everything bad they ever do because of how awesome Vanquish is. How about a Vanquish 2?
(30fps btw.. still awesome.)
@Matroska Thanks for that, hardest I've laughed all day.
@kyleforrester87 I'm still waiting for Vanquish and Binary Domain to have a baby. 2 different games but I always felt a mixture of the 2 - story following the end of BD, game play from Vanquish - would make a great game. Revengeance, for whatever reason, didn't quite work for me.
@rjejr Agreed with Revengeance (god that screws my spell checker up) I really thought I'd dig that but just didn't work for me either..
Platinum A team is a beast. Vanquish, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 1 and 2, and just look at Scalebound and Nier 2... their A team makes fantastic games.
As for their B and C teams, well... straight garbage
I don't see any value in IGN's, Polygon's, and Destructoid's reviews on games, or anything on their sites really. So I'll be waiting on y'all's review and wprod of mouth.
I am clearly in the minority but yesterday I beat Korra again in Extreme Mode while Devastation sits unfinished. Still will get this eventually.
My favorite P* games are actually the Kamiya ones. The 2 Bayos and W101. Vanquish is very unique too.
I have to say, I couldn't see what all the fuss was about Transformers either. Felt very lacking to me though I liked the 80's style cartoon visuals...
It's Platinum Games, what do you expect? They can't make a good game these days.
@Napples I love most Platinum games, Bayo included, but I respect your opinion and I can see why some wouldn't like them.
I love the adrenaline rush I get from their games, though. Failing repeatedly on a boss battle and then finally getting into the flow as the music intensifies is a wonderful feeling.
@Napples I love most Platinum games, Bayo included, but I respect your opinion and I can see why some wouldn't like them.
I love the adrenaline rush I get from their games, though. Failing repeatedly on a boss battle and then finally getting into the flow as the music intensifies is a wonderful feeling.
Platinum need to stop putting out mediocre games before people stop caring about them... Their recent releases has not been great....
I was so sad to hear this game turned out to be so terrible.
Hopefully they do a better job with their other upcoming games.
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