Kinetica PS2 PlayStation 2 PS4 PlayStation 4 1

Before the days of a certain irate god, Sony Santa Monica made a racing game called Kinetica – and it looks like it's coming to the PlayStation 4. The long forgotten PlayStation 2 title – heavily inspired by the likes of WipEout and F-Zero – has been rated for re-release on Sony's new-gen system by European classifications board PEGI, suggesting that it will boast Trophies and upscaled visuals like its other last-last-gen peers.

While this game hasn't exactly gone down in the history books, it did form the basis for the God of War graphics engine. It also had some serious pedigree behind it: Shannon Studstill – who now runs Sony Santa Monica – produced it, with programming genius Tim Moss and outspoken industry legend David Jaffe all contributing to its development as well. As far as we're aware, this game never actually came out in Europe, so it should be a first for many of you.
