Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness hits Western PlayStation 4s in just over a month from now, so you've got just enough time to clear out a chunk of your backlog before Square Enix's latest role-playing release strolls onto the scene. Naturally, this is a game that's going to take some investment to fully complete, so we'd recommend watching the title's two new trailers to get a head start.
The first video shows off the game's explorable environments - but let's face it, it's not quite Final Fantasy XV, is it? Meanwhile, the second trailer gives us a brief overview of the title as a whole, detailing its various systems.
Are you looking forward to Star Ocean 5, or are you proceeding with caution? Show some faith in the comments section below.
Comments 9
I've always been a Star Ocean fan so this was a no-brainer pre-order for me way back when it first became available. Basically this and No Man's Sky should keep me going for the rest of 2016,
@ShogunRok Issue embedding the first video?
That 1:30 trailer was too brown, looked like the main city in FF12 way back on PS2, so it was kind of worthless. 2nd 2:30 trailer was much better, though th enarrator was lame.
Think I'll hold off on all this colorful fun until after FFXV. I'm still trying to get to KoA:R before FFXV, that's enough JRPG color for the summer.
And let's face it, w/ FFXV coming out this will be $30 by either BF or March.
Star Ocean should be exactly the kind of game I would love, but everything I've seen so far has done absolutely nothing for me.
Oh yeah, I should be pre-ordering this right now.
What do you think you're doing mister?
You can't pass up all JRPG's this June. You have to at least choose one. Star Ocean V, I Am Setsuna or Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
@JaxonH Well I sort of did choose one, Kingdoms of Alumar: Reckoning. Not exactly JRPG but close enough. I'm making use of my Wii U dead time and pre PS4 time to clear out the backlog. Finished Unfinished Swan last night, started Guacamelee STCE tonight, halfway done w/ the TR reboot and started Bioshock. And I figure I can get in Bayonetta 1 + 2 in Sept before FFXV. Suppose I should thank Ntinedo for letting me catch up.
Oh, and I finished Shantae Pirates Curse. Man I hated that tower at the end, but I made it. Didn't defeat the final boss though as I dind't have all the dark shadow magic, I'm missing 5, so I just beat him normal in about 3 hits.
Amalur is an amazing game; one of the best combat systems in any RPG imo.
The shakrams (or however you spell that) freakin' rule.
I have to admit; I kinda forgot about this Star Ocean.
I can take the annoying english voices, but the emotionless plastic faces just really put a downer on the entire game.
That said, I will get this. Looks more promising than FF15 imho.....(yeah, not expecting much from that game)
Im waiting for a star ocean hd collection for ps4 which includes (star ocean 1&2 psp remakes, star ocean 3 from ps2 and star ocean 4 from ps3)
It's not quite FFXV? You mean it's not quite a game that's been in development for 10 years and is still out months after this one? Don't forget that this is really a PS3 game, too.
Talking of FFXV, I'm pretty worried that it seems to run so badly. It's so jerky and feels very low framerate, even the linear, corridor-like areas from the Platinum demo when all that's happening is a little kid jogging along. FFXV is one of those projects where the real life side of it and the repercussions of its success or failure is actually more interesting than the content itself. It's exciting to see if SE can pull the series out of the nosedive it's in, and knowing they're throwing everything at it makes it feel so high stakes and thrilling.
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