Image & Form's outstanding turn-based shooter SteamWorld Heist will loot the PlayStation 4 and Vita from 31st May, the always-friendly Swedish outfit has announced. That's a global release date for the cross-buy title, with the launch price set at the affordable $19.99/£15.99. There'll be a 15 per cent discount available at release as well, with pre-orders on the European PlayStation Store going live today.
One added bonus is that the PlayStation version will deploy alongside The Outside add-on pack, so there'll be plenty more for you to be getting on with once you've beaten the main campaign. Our colleagues over at Nintendo Life absolutely loved this one, awarding it a 9/10 in their review. And while it's a different kettle of iron, we rather liked its spiritual predecessor SteamWorld Dig as well. Will you be raiding this long-awaited port? Try a trick shot in the comments section below.

[source youtube.com]
Comments 9
The game that saved Christmas!!! All the big releases -Just Cause - Battlefront etc really disappointed ... Then I started playing this little gem. I generally loathe turn based games. Really tried hard to get into Chrono Trigger, Ni No Kuni, Fire Emblem, Mario and Luigi etc. Restarted them all umpteen times wishing I could enjoy them like all the others who rave about em... No joy. Loved Steamworld Dig so took the plunge with Heist. Loved it. Incredible game. Took my time (22 hours) to max out all my bots to 10 and enjoyed every second. A steal at £15. Highly recommended!!!
@fluggy Not sure if I should get this on Vita or 3DS. I'd prefer the Vita version but does the second screen make it a better buy you think or is it just for showing the map?
@Dodoo The 2nd screen is just used for the map. As always it is handy to be able to quickly glance at the other screen to plan your moves but regardless what version you go for, it is a great game.
@dav2612 Cool thanks.
Think I'll go for the Vita version as I prefer the bigger screen and find it a bit more comfortable to play on.
Highly highly recommended!
Ya, you guys are in for a treat with Steamworld Heist. It's a super addictive game. And a fresh concept too- don't see too many 2D strategy games nowadays, if at all.
In fact, I'll be picking this up again since it's crossbuy. Looks great in 3D but it looks great in HD too.
Looking forward to playing this, been waiting a while.
Really want to buy this but witch Valkyria and Fire Emblem it could be a kind of strategy overkill...I'll wait for it to go on sale!
@Dodoo I'd stick with the 3DS version actually. The map is essential after EVERY move as your 4 robots and multiple enemies are spread about the entire play area. Wouldnt fancy pausing each turn ... over and over.
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