E3 2016 has played host to plenty of top PlayStation 4 titles, but what are the show's standouts so far? We've followed every reveal, watched every second of footage, and written about scores of different releases already this week – but these are the ten games that have got us swooning right now.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare may have the most disliked debut trailer in video game history, but that's not deserved judging by its E3 2016 gameplay demo. The Hollywood bombast has been beamed up to beyond the Earth's surface, and the space combat sequences look quite literally out of this world. It's still CoD, of course, but few franchises do set-pieces better – and it looks like Infinity Ward is bringing its Michael Bay-inspired A-game.

For Honor
Arguably the most interesting project in Ubisoft's current portfolio, For Honor looked reasonably sharp during the French publisher's E3 2016 press conference. With a full single player offering sitting alongside co-op and competitive components, this atmospheric take on medieval warfare should provide the complete package when it skewers PS4 next year – we just have to hope that the weighty combat system holds up across the entire experience.

God of War
The return of Kratos sent shock waves through E3 2016, and with good reason. The bearded berserker's latest adventure looks stunning, and it's taking the property in a rather bold new direction to boot. Revamped combat, a real change of pace, and the inclusion of a big bloody axe have us dying to see more, but without even a hint of a release window, we could be waiting a long while before stomping back into the Spartan's dusty sandals. War does change, it seems, and we're more than ready for it.

Gravity Rush 2
Sony's first-party schedule is so stacked that Gravity Rush 2 has been swept away like it doesn't exist, but if any other publisher had a game of this calibre in their portfolio, they'd be screaming about it from the cel-shaded rooftops. Kat's sophomore story looks to build upon all the topsy-turvy mechanics of the PlayStation Vita original, but the blonde bombshell has been augmented with a few new phsyics-defying features for good measure. Frankly, it just looks like outstanding open world fun.

Horizon: Zero Dawn
Sony's banking on Horizon: Zero Dawn being its next big PlayStation franchise, and would you bet against it at this point? Guerrilla Games masterfully proved that its upcoming PS4 exclusive is indeed an RPG with its stunning E3 2016 showing, demonstrating dialogue trees, crafting, and quests in one fell swoop. But it's the tactical, trap-based combat which is really beginning to tap into our primal temptations, as it looks more nuanced and engaging with each and every showing.

Persona 5
While Persona 5 sadly didn't sneak into Sony's E3 2016 press conference, it still managed to wow us with some fantastic new gameplay clips. Simply put, Atlus' role-playing game looks superb, combining unrivalled style with traditional systems, like a slick looking turn-based battle system. With the release recently being delayed into 2017 here in the West, there's plenty of time to absorb the hype as we creep closer to Valentine's Day, and based on what we've seen so far, you may want to go ahead and cancel any other dates.

Resident Evil 7
Having played PlayStation VR's wonderful Kitchen demo last year, we can confidently say that we've already sampled Resident Evil 7 – but then there's a good chance that you will have, too, as there's a free demo on the PlayStation Store right now. Capcom's latest survival horror is returning to its roots, and while we're a little concerned by the publisher's attempts to ape P.T., the idea of a full-scale survival horror experience built for virtual reality has us both terrified and excited at the same time.

Tekken 7
Bandai Namco's upcoming fighter came out swinging at E3 2016, and it looks downright glorious. Its crunchy, crackling combat seems super satisfying, even in video form, and we're loving the slow motion shots that really emphasise the impact of a well timed finishing move. Tekken has always commanded a special place in the hearts of PlayStation players, but the franchise has faded ever so slightly over the years. With Tekken 7, however, we're starting to believe that this is truly the return of the King.

The Last Guardian
You didn't expect us to not include it, did you? The wait for The Last Guardian has been long and hard, but there's finally a release date for Fumito Ueda's long awaited boy-meets-catbird outing, and we simply can't wait. The tear-jerking trailer teased the existence of other animals, and ended on one very sombre question: "What's wrong? Are your wings broken?" Push Square Towers is still recovering from the damage caused by the floods of tear.

Watch Dogs 2
Watch Dogs was a solid open world title that filled a hole in the PS4's library when it launched, but it's always been begging for a superior sequel. It's a good job, then, that Watch Dogs 2 looks like it's going to improve upon just about everything that its predecessor got right. A protagonist with personality, a more dynamic sandbox, and a load of smaller, positive tweaks have us eagerly awaiting its launch later this year – although we're still not keen on the guy that has hashtags for eyes. A bit too far, that.
What's your personal top ten from E3 2016? Does it match with ours, or are our tastes out of touch? Share some of your favourites in the comments section, and remember to check back tomorrow for our Game of the Show poll.
[ Words: Robert Ramsey, Sammy Barker ]
Comments 88
Make sure you come back tomorrow to vote for our Game of the Show. In the meantime, share your favourites below.
I was never really caught up in the hype over Horizon's first reveal but seeing the combat in action has me really looking forward to it now. Same thing with Watchdogs 2.
Resident evil 7 looks great, and I was surprisingly intrigued by God of war. I think the game I'm looking forward to most though is persona 5
WTF is CoD doing on the list?
Horizon was my favourite, the combat looks fun and engaging and coupled with some great looks and decent rpg elements it looks a winner. I have to say I love the new Resident Evil which is something I never thought I'd ever say again, going to play the demo again tomorrow to further explore that creepy house
really call of duty
that game sucks
call of duty should not be on that list.horrible game.
God of war of course
days gone is my new favorite playstation game.great demo
1: - Horizon: Zero Dawn
2: - Days Gone
3: - CoD:Infinite Warfare/CoD4:r
4: - Titanfall 2
5:- Forza Horizon 3
6: - Mass Effect: Andromeda
7: - Spider-Man
8: - Scalebound
9: - Gears 4
10: - Crash Trilogy
and resident evil 7 was horrible.first person resident evil.no guns allowed .cod no way that was trash.Spider-Man.and Sony bend days gone is great.my new favorite game days gone legendary demo.days gone for the win
I was actually surprised how good COD looked. Looked like something I might by this year.. But Battlefield 1 blew me away. Sooooo good
Horizon, Persona 5, Days Gone, Tales of Berseria, Spiderman, and God of War in no particular order
According to these people ,Zelda won E3.
Not sure I agree w/ it "winning", but it's certainly ahead of Tekken 7, and I can't even find Gravity Rush 2 on the list.
@playstation1995 I know you're making a lot of points, but try to keep it in one comment next time!
I feel like there should be a few additions to this list, though I agree with a lot of them, especially Gravity Rush 2 and Infinite Warfare, which I was very surprised by.
Insomniac's Spider Man game - while we saw next to nothing about it, I'm cautiously anticipating it. If it can get the web swinging right as per Spider Man 2, then it could potentially be the greatest superhero game in a while
Ghost Recon: Wildlands - I was really surprised by this. Seeing it last year I thought it'd be another boring Ubisoft open world game, but it now looks more like a far better GTA Heists mode made into a game. Since it's Ubisoft, I'm again quite skeptical, but this looks promising
Star Trek VR - While I'm not a Star Trek fan, this easily looks like the best VR game I've seen, and I can't wait for it to come out. Working together in a ship sounds like the coolest thing
@ShogunRok you beat me to it. Haha
@rjejr Haha, God of War did really well. And The Last Guardian. Obviously we're "referring" to our personal winners. And I know social media engagement is important, but context is, too. All of those tweets could be saying: "Zelda looks good, but I'll never play it because I'm never buying a Nintendo console again."
I'm sure the Tweets aren't saying that, of course — I think Zelda looks great — but you get what I mean.
Persona 5 to me, Horizon it's reminds me a bit of The Witcher III, and that's why is second place to me, and as third God of War, which may bring me back to the series after the letdown (kind of) that was GOWIII.
1 - Persona 5
2 - Horizon Dawn
3 - God of War IV
4 - Final Fantasy XV
5- For Honor
6 -Mass Effect (should be higher but the time to show us the game has passed)
Good list. For me, TLG, Gravity Rush 2, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Persona 5, and Resident Evil 7 are the stand-outs of Sony's E3.
All ten put together didn't even touch Zelda
Zelda is the game of the show for me, but Sony brought a lot of amazing looking games to show off. Nintendo brought... one.
@DESS-M-8 Zelda showing wasn't good.for a open world there was nobody in there.God of war and days gone easily won it
I agree Zelda looked great but it's on one of my most hated systems of all time right next to the wii. Maybe if I remove all the cow webs from the wii u I might be able to play it.
Watchdogs 2 is $50 on amazon canada, was tough to talk myself out of it at that right out the gate.
sadly there's only 2 games on that list I think I really want to play
@chiptoon Which ones, man?
Call of Duty over FF15, what a SHAM!
@DESS-M-8 Sour Child! Seen your history of commenting and your a really Sour grape. Hating on everything about ps4.
There's no battle going on in here. Maybe the 'Won' term in the headline was a poor choice, but all it's really saying is "10 Games We're Hyped About from the Show".
We couldn't use that one because we used something similar beforehand.
Horizon on ps4 /God of war on ps4
Other platforms zelda!
Insomniac doing spiderman... has to make the list. I'd buy right now
@get2sammyb Horizon, and Gravity Rush 2.
And off-list, probably Spiderman
I really don't know what the best game was for me! Honestly it felt like there were a lot of third person action adventure games that could end up being good or just Uncharted 4 clones. I suppose Resi 7 has stuck with me the most, and I really liked Kojimas trailer so I'm excited to hear more of that. Really want The Last Guardian, too. But in general, lots of interesting looking games that I want to hear more about, but nothing that really REALLY blew my mind!
Edit: Oh, Nier is looking swell too!!
@rjejr it really stood head and shoulders above all those other titles coming out on Wii U
@UVUVYCTXUHIV Hahahaha, great burn!
Wii U owners don't have any other games to talk about, so their chatter focused on Zelda. For the other platforms, the attention of gamers was divided between several titles which received much shorter presentations.
The Resident Evil 7 teaser demo is outstanding, hopefully the full game will be too.
@Sanquine I think it's crap as I've owned one for last 2 years and it is evident that it's a pointless console. PS3 was and still is a better console
@DESS-M-8 Then sell it while it's still worth something and buy a BMX my friend.
Days Gone and The Last Guardian I'm most excited about.But Horizon and God Of War both look amazing!Also obviously loving the look of Persona 5 and Spiderman!
And I have to shamefully admit,I thought the Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare looked pretty amazing too..Damn,can't hate on it now.
@Wazeddie22 COD did look great didn't it lol. Although, coming after the VR reel, I did at first thing it was a sick VR space fighter game. I hope it doesn't get lost up its own ass plot wise.
@DESS-M-8 The first 2+ years of the PS3 were simply a nightmare. You might be comparing PS3 at nearly 10 years to PS4 at 2 years and counting. The PS4 is building up a quality game library much faster than PS3 was, and the PS4 will probably keep far ahead of the PS3 when comparing by age.
No particular order
1. God of war
2. Horizon zero dawn
3. Death stranding
4. Detroit become human
5. Dayes end
6. Dishonored 2
7. Watch dogs 2
8. Mafia 3
Last guardian
10. Resident evil
I'm so damn hyped for The Last Guardian, Gravitu Rush 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm also interested in Resi 7, God Of War, Days Gone, Death Stranding, For Honor, Steep, Battlefield 1 and COD Infinite Warfare (fite me). It's a good time to be a gamer.
Sony had the best showing all around. Tons of games and lots of good new stuff like God of War, Spiderman and Gravity Rush 2.
But Zelda was spectacular. Nintendo had a lame E3 but Zelda may be the most exciting game I've ever laid eyes upon. Better than anything Sony showed, anything MS showed, anything I've seen at this conference. Hope you're happy with this e3. I know I am.
What makes me sad is how low Monster Hunter Generations is on the list. Well, at least it made the list.
@artemisthemp Did you watch the Sony Presser?
Activision could call us all hypocrites now. Almost everyone said "What is that awesome VR FPS game" then they revealed the cod name at the end so we couldn't say Sh*t. Lol
The buzz is with Zelda. But it's like I keep saying - it will undoubtedly be that last Wii U game you'll ever play.
Or, perhaps the first NX one, but then we don't know that because they didn't unveil the damned thing.
"Zelda is the game of the show for me, but Sony brought a lot of amazing looking games to show off. Nintendo brought... one"
My thoughts exactly. The best game at e3 was Zelda, no question. Nothing could touch that game. BUT. Sony had the best E3 altogether by a country mile. Of course, we'll see the rest of Nintendo's announcements when the NX is revealed (Pikmin 4, Beyond Good & Evil 2, new 3D Mario... games we know are finished or in development but are next-gen titles).
I thought ReCore was dang near as exciting as Horizon Zero Dawn though. Definitely MS's best game imo. Not sure why people aren't talking about it more. Here's my fave titles all around
God of War
Gravity Rush 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
Halo Wars 2
Forza Horizon 3
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Monster Hunter Generations
Ever Oasis
I hope The Last Guardian is good. I ordered the collectors edition, and while the game looks intriguing I have reservations. Also, Persona 5 man. Oh my gosh that game looks good, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. And of course, super hyped for Final Fantasy XV. Heck there's a LOT of games I'm excited for lol. Too many to actually remember on the spot,
Nothing can beat Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue for me
I'm pretty excited for Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 which don't seem to be getting much love here. Agree that COD looked really impressive but I've my winter shooter fixes already sorted
Elsewhere, Horizon looked very cool, Persona looking like a sneaky GOTY contender, God of War looked great. Watch Dogs 2 and Sniper Elite 4 also grabbed my attention (particularly watch dogs which is looking fun as heck)
Spider-Man was a genuine fist pump surprise moment, Horizon looks like the start of a new era, Gravity Rush 2 looks gorgeous, Days Gone and Detroit will definitely be on my radar, but the stand out moment for me was the over the top, bonkers Hideo Kojima introduction (complete with literal fanfare) nice surprise.
On a slight downer I was hoping for a Ni No Kuni 2 update but haven't seen it mentioned!
@Mahe @UVUVYCTXUHIV I see what you did there. But just b/c it's the only game doenst make it a bad game. Starfox Zero was basically the only game last year and I'd say it was split at best. If Zelda looked bad, the fans would say so. And Paper Mario looked good too, better for me than Zelda. And TMS#FE, for what it's worth, not my thing.
@get2sammyb My initial reaction to this news was - "We waited 2 years for this?!?" I was less then impressed w/ Zelda myself after watching GoW and H:ZD. But apparently lots of people think it's a great game, even my kids. There's no accounting for taste I guess.
But still, Tekken 7 and Gravity Rush 2? Maybe you should just have picked a top 5?
@JaxonH No PSVR games on the list? Maybe you should hold off on purchasing that for awhile. I'm happy now that Nitneod showed 30 minutes of Paper Mario. GoW and PM for me, I'm a strange man. The Horizon, then Zelda. Though I will say, Iliked Zelda 10x better today than yesterday, the world is slowly beginning to take shape, and Ifeel like something good will come. If nothing comes and it's just Zelda:Skyrim, I may not get it though. I need a villain and a danger to overcome. XCX was mostly exploration, little story, but it still had a story constanlty moving forward. Zelda must have a story, no?
@KAPADO oh ya.
Totally forgot that.
@rjejr Have you played the first Gravity Rush game, man? It's really good, and its sequel looks seriously tasty:
Tekken 7 was @ShogunRok's choice, so I'll let him defend that one.
All of the above and South Park. I think we as gamers have been spoilt by such a wide and varied array of games that it shouldn't matter which one "won". Some folks posting here are missing the point that we are all game enthusiasts with our own tastes. No one person's choice is right. Let's just celebrate, as all at pushsquare towers have done above, and look forward to a very exciting gaming future ahead. (imo PS4 "won" E3 though lol)
@get2sammyb No Gravity Rush, you have a seriously weird taste in games. Ad uh, no PS4 or Vita. I am thinking about playing Journey though.
I probably should have known T7 was Ramsey. The trailer was nice, then they announced TTT2, and I got confused.
1. Horizon: Zero Dawn
2. Spider-Man
3. Gears of War 4
4. Forza Horizon 3
5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
6. Gravity Rush 2
7. Dead Rising 4
8. God of War
9. Resident Evil 7
10. ReCore
Other games I'm looking forward to playing... Tekken 7, Days Gone, Titanfall 2, Watch Dogs 2 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
One nice surprise was getting a little teaser for RE 7, eventhough it's not going to be part of the actual game, it at least gives you a proof of concept. This is something I wish more companies would do. It helps build hype if done correctly.
Watch Dog 2 : Downgrade Confirm is outta place
@JaxonH Your opinion on E3 is 100% identical to mine.
@JaxonH Your opinion on E3 is 100% identical to mine.
@rjejr the new "Zelda" game is really an add on pack for the elder scrolls 😉
I'm getting all the first party game at sony e3, zelda is great but after seeing all the sony game at e3 the game become just another good game. Maybe I buy it if the nx is portable.
@kyleforrester87 the only reason there's a ps4 by my TV is I'm a hur NHL fan.
EA made a move to stop the series on PS3 and continue it on ps4 and Xbox one only. I wouldn't buy an Xbox if my life depended on it; truly the worst consoles ever made. This was strengthened by street fighter v being only on ps4. Everything else I've played on ps4 just isn't worth the money or the time, and in the whole is available on PS3 anyway and plays exactly the same.
Gotta say that I liked Spiderman the most, though I loved the swarm effects on Days Gone. Too many games, too little time. The only question I had, where was my Bioshock Remaster?
@rjejr For me, the new Zelda is a meh game. Some Nintendo fans are hyping it up, but I'm not convinced. It's hard to show the amount of people not talking about a game. That mentions statistic is dubious at best.
Game(s) of E3 for me - God of War, Zelda & Horizon in no particular order
Sony had the most stuff I'm interested in, but overall, there were a lot of great games this year.
For me, God of War, Spider-Man, The Last Guardian, Horizon, Gravity Rush 2, and Dishonored 2 all looked excellent. The amount of games coming out within the next year or so that I'm excited to play is ridiculous, and there's a big list of games from this year I've yet to play, too.
It's a seriously good time for games.
I'm still hoping ID/Bethedsa are going to release Quake Heroes at some point,found this - https://www.finder.com.au/quake-champions-confirmed Not sure i'm 100% convinced by that article but seems promising.Also,i loved the original Prey so hoping that's not going flop..Thens there's Dishonored 2,Pretty much a guaranteed 'goodun i predict.Really like the look of Steep..Outlast 2 as well..Haven't seen any news on The Forrest,Ark,The Killing Floor 2,or Formula Fusion for playstation.I guess they're mostly half finished on Steam still.Whatever reason Sony had for shutting down Psygnosis (What possible good reason could it of been?) Formula Fusion just needs some weight thrown behind it to be a worthy spiritual Wipeout sequel.Oh,and Tekken 7 and Resi 7 will be nice.
Is ni no kuni at the show at all?
@playstation1995 The Zelda E3 demo isn't the final game. There are no people or towns in this E3 version, because they didn't want to spoil the story or any of the characters. Besides, the E3 demo was only a very small part of the world map, you can't really judge the game based on the E3 demo alone.
When it comes to Sony's show, Resident Evil 7 took me by total surprise and had me nearly jumping on the couch. I was already very excited for Detroit, Horizon, and The Last Dogbird (now that it has a date)
If any single game won E3, it was definitely the new Zelda. I'm not a fan of the series, but the buzz it's generating is unreal.
Horizon looks astonishing. It would have to be my favorite Sony game of the bunch this time around - and I was just cautiously excited about it last year.
EDIT: By the way, any news about Rime? It's so disheartening to see such a promising title fall off the radar.
@Pamela I like to think of it more as Zelda:Skyrim, but I can live w/ it as a Zelda "skin" for Skyrim. Though it's really more of a Zelda skin on the Minecraft Skyrim mod, graphically speaking.
@Mahe It's easy to show the amount of people "not" talking about a game, just look for Gravity Rush 2 on that list. (I can't find it, but I'm old, wear progressive lenses, and my eyes really aren't that good.) If you can't make that very long list, then good or bad, lots of people aren't talking about you.
And I'm w/ you personally on Zelda. I spent all of the first day telling people how bad it looked compared to Wticher 3 Blood and Wine and Horizon. There's no "there" there, just big open areas of nothing. Like a bad indie game Sammy is always going on about, Flower, Journey, lots of nuthin.
2nd day things did get better though, Found out about over priced DLC wolf Link amiibo - can't be a AAA game these days w/o DLC or a $40 season pass, thankfully haven't seen one of those yet for Zelda, but I guess $50 worth of amiibo is close enough. Link actually found some trees to fill in the vast emptiness of the world. I never thought I'd be so excited to see a tree. Hang gliding and snowboarding look nice.
So for a Nitneod audience - who haven't had the opportunity to play Skyrim or The Witcher - this is a really big deal. And my kids have really sold me on it, very excited, they can't wait. And they've been gaming on PS2 and PS3 for 10 years so they arne't Nintnedo fan boys. They just like to have fun.
I'm really hoping there will be fun in this game, and they just haven't shown it yet. Maybe saving it for the NX reveal to get people to buy an NX.
@kyleforrester87 that was my thoughts exactly!Not interested in VR but the trailer started and I thought `wow this is really cool..` then when I realized it was COD I thought wtf,I've been hating on this lol still would rather it go back to WW1 or WW2 though.
I think even with the buzz Persona 5 has been generating, that it's not something Sony of America would fully back, kinda like how they pretty much ignored Until Dawn until it's release. Either that or Atlus and Sega doesn't want anything to do with Sony's Conferences.
Here's what I liked E3!
1. Zelda
2. Gravity Rush 2
3. Last guardian
4. Kingdom hearts 2.8
5. Crash bandicoot remasters
6. Persona 5
7. Dishonoured 2
8. Monster hunter
9. Horizon
10. Pokemon sun/moon
Detroit: Become Human caught my attention the most, and that's probably because it's been on my radar since it was announced several months ago. Spiderman also intrigues me, and I'm not even a Spiderman guy.
Favorite games of e3 are:
1. Horizon: Zero Dawn
2. God of War
3. Spiderman / Days Gone
4. Titanfall 2 / Battlefield 1
5. The Last Guardian
6. Mafia 3
7. FF15/Persona 5
8. Dishonored 2
9. Watch Dogs 2
10. Skyrim Special Edition (never played it)
1. Pokemon Sun/Moon
2. Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
3. Tokyo Mirage Session #FE
4. Ever Oasis
5. Monster Hunter Generations
Don't have an Xbone but Gears looked good.
Death Stranding, Fifa 17 and Spiderman were the biggest surprises for me.
Lol Zelda is so much better than sony crap
Lol Zelda is so much better than sony crap
Lol Zelda is so much better than sony crap
Lol Zelda is so much better than sony crap
For me i would take out COD,Watchdogs 2,For Honor and Tekken 7 and replace them with Days Gone,Battlefield 1,Spiderman and Nier Automata.
Other games i am interested in are Darth Stranding,Dishonored 2,Ghost Recon,Titainfall 2 and South Park.
For what its worth my Fav Nintendo and MS were.
The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild
Dragon Quest 7
Shantea Half Genie Hero
Pokemon Sun/Moon
Paper Mario Color Splash
Gear 4
Forza Horizon 3
Halo Wars 2
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