
Towards the tail of the generation, PlayStation 3 box art got really bad. You'd have the PS3 logo, the PlayStation Network logo, the 'Only on PlayStation' logo, the PlayStation Move logo, and more. Just take a look at the state of this Need for Speed Most Wanted cover if you want a particularly egregious example.

With the PlayStation 4, the platform holder's got back to basics. The PS4 logo's there, accompanied by 'Only on PlayStation' for exclusives – but that's it. There's no PSN logo on the front – heck, the platform holder rarely includes the Sony Interactive Entertainment logo, opting instead to amplify the developer.

But with the imminent arrival of PlayStation VR, things are about to get messy again. Take a look at these covers for RIGS: Mechanized Combat League, Super Stardust Ultra VR, Hustle Kings VR, and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. The patronising 'You'll Need These' stickers are back, as are the bumpers beneath the platform branding.

We understand that all of this is necessary information, but… Bleurgh!