After the official announcement of Rez Infinite at last year's Playstation Experience, developer Enhance Games – effectively a one-man studio made up of Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi – has now revealed the game's release date on Twitter to be 13th October for both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR, but only in digital form for now.
Effectively a remaster of the original game, Rez Infinite will be upgraded to 1080p resolution and will include 3D audio sound, as well as a new Area X, which will use particles floating through space to move with the music, unlike other Rez levels.
Are you excited for Rez Infinite? Do you think that it's a good launch title for PSVR? Hack into Project K in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 16
Dare I say that PlayStation VR's launch lineup is starting to look quite decent?
Have any of you lovely pushsquare people sampled this gem with PSVR? If so, impressions?
@AhabSpampurse Sadly, I haven't played it. I've heard from some people that it's one of the better PSVR experiences available at the moment, though.
Nice one, assuming PSVR isn't a clear faliure in the first 6 months I'll be getting one with this!
When I bought a PS2, Rez was one of my most highly anticipated titles. However, I found it to be a massive letdown. The claims of synesthesia were blown way out of proportion. It is subpar both as an on-rails shooter and as a music game.
@sketchturner Boo this man!
@get2sammyb. LOL. What can I say... I'm the vinegar to your water. The yin to your yang. The fire to your ice.
And I will never forget your Trackmania Turbo review. Never.
@sketchturner boo I say, boo at thee!
Hey, I'll be honest, I played this originally in my student days when my state of mind was hazy at best, I've no doubt that this contributed towards my enjoyment. However, I'm still very looking forward to giving it a crack in VR!
@Neolit Definitly try before you buy if you interested in vr, I have gear vr and beside dreadhall (fps game), I can play all of the games I have on the device with no problem, but my friend can only play for a couple of minutes before breaking cold sweat and nausea.
It's for this game that I'll buy the PS VR. Rez is one of the best games of all time.
@sketchturner agreed
Vib Ribbon is rubbish too while we are at it.
@get2sammyb This game is the killer PSVR app for me. Most games I'll take or leave but Rez I want to try in PSVR its a very strong launch game.
I'm not even getting a PSVR and I'll buy this day one!
One of the best examples of a game being far greater than the sum of it's parts.
15 years on and it's still perfect.
First post...So hyped for this game. Rez was never released on Dreamcast (480p) in America. PS2 version was only 480i, eagerly awaiting the new PS4 HD/update version! At first, I thought this PS VR only.
I'm buying this for the new level. REZ is a game I've held in my heart since the Dreamcast release. I've memorized most of the patterns even.. The fact there's a new level makes me happy as well, and the 3D Audio doesn't hurt.
Fully playable without PSVR
That's the important thing.
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