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And with Days Gone, the E3 2016 press conferences have concluded. For many of you reading this website, Sony's show will have been your most anticipated – but did it deliver? Last year, the platform holder served up arguably the greatest showcase of all time, and it attempted to match that with God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, and much, much more.

But was it enough? Did this year's show live up to last year's? What were the highlights, and what could you have done without? Which games have rocketed right to the top of your most wanted list? Go crazy in the comments section below, and don't forget to vote in our poll.

How would you rate Sony PlayStation's E3 2016 press conference? (232 votes)

  1. Very good%
  2. Good%
  3. Meh%
  4. Poor%
  5. Very poor%

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