And with Days Gone, the E3 2016 press conferences have concluded. For many of you reading this website, Sony's show will have been your most anticipated – but did it deliver? Last year, the platform holder served up arguably the greatest showcase of all time, and it attempted to match that with God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, and much, much more.
But was it enough? Did this year's show live up to last year's? What were the highlights, and what could you have done without? Which games have rocketed right to the top of your most wanted list? Go crazy in the comments section below, and don't forget to vote in our poll.
How would you rate Sony PlayStation's E3 2016 press conference? (232 votes)
- Very good
- Good
- Meh
- Poor
- Very poor
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Comments 84
I think that was the best E3 conference I have ever seen. It was non-stop.
Really solid presentation. 10/10 for back to back gameplay instead of lots of suits talking for ages. Wasn't interested in every game but there was definitely enough there to keep me interested.
It was good..........
I wouldn't say it was better than the MS conference, but I wouldn't say it was worse either.
I enjoyed the focus on trailers vice PR speak, they didn't force feed VR that badly, GOW and Horizon looked good, same with Spidey.
The ending was a bit of a low note, and not seeing a new Crash game was a bit disappointing. But overall I really liked it, all games and very little filler.
Death stranding, resident evil, and crash bandicoot really got me excited. I wish they spent a little more time talking about the games after the reveals, but at least we got through a lot
Sony won easy.
I liked it more than MS and Ubi's.
Much more games with much less talking.
Sony did a scorpion on x crap Scorpio.Sony finish Microsoft .fatalities
Best e3 conference ever.
Terrific pacing - no long winded destiny dlc, just rapid fire games.
Made me want to care about vr without force feeding it.
Great surprises. And insomniac is making Spider-Man, so sucker punch can work on something else.
Sony wins!
It was fantastic. Definitely worth staying up.
Sony has had the best E3 conference hands down, game after game after game.
kratos come out and playyyy.my favorite playstation franchise is back.yeah yeah.yeah.God of war looks amazing.wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Probably my favorite e3 conference of all time. The pacing was incredible. The games were incredible. Gameplay was all incredible. Just wow wow wow.
The only conference I've ever seen that even comes close was Sony's 2015. This was amazing.
Fantastic. No filler game after game. Love you sony.
Pacing fantastic except for the strange anti-climactic "now we're going to end with a game we've already shown you."
Content meh. Uncharted/last of us/tomb raider style games a-plenty. I missed the indie love. And my investment in VR is what I want to know more about.
Missed the conference, hoped people would say it was so great. But apparently it was great. I'll read more in an hour or so apparently.
@BacktoNarnia same here
flawless victory Sony win.wow playstation did a fatalities on everybody today
I'm not one that people would call a hardcore Sony fanboy, but this conference made me think "Wow, I'm proud to be part of the Sony community." Well done all around
Really strong 8/10 with the pacing being a 10/10, even the VR fluff wasn't as bad. I don't care for the kind of openings the show had, but I know others dig that orchestral stuff.
Of all Sony's recent E3s, this has the most games I'm looking forward to. Horizon: Zero Dawn is my most wanted game period, then God of War looks to be back in great form. I'm disappointed by so much focus on the Naughty Dog type of game (that's why you have, ND, there is only one and only needs to be one), but still, Bend is a great studio so Days Gone, though looking like it could use a bit of work, is still on my list of games to watch out for. Spider-Man from Insomniac was unexpected but awesome, I would've preferred Sucker Punch, but you can't go wrong with the guys and gals who work for the studio responsible for Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive. As always, plenty of good third party content. I'm not sold on RE 7 at all, but it is a departure from the more recent, extremely disappointing outings so we'll see how it goes. I think I would've preferred Revelations 3 but maybe Capcom gets this right.
Overall, I still thought MS got the 'win,' but both Sony and MS saved what started out as a putrid E3.
@Swiket dragon quest bui... uhm... world of final fa... uhm... nevermind
What do you Doing, Sony ???
it was Best in History of PlayStation...
It was good, I liked what Sony and Microsoft had to offer.
Those big budget games don't excite me. I watch the trailers thinking that's beautiful but know I'll probably never play them. The scary stuff for VR, that was awesome. Last year had the amazing FF7 announcement, so for me this year was missing something like that. Nintendo has a chance to pull it off tomorrow by saying Mother 3 available now.
@XCWarrior It's honestly worth watching. It was a short one but engaging from start-to-finish I thought. There was no filler.
I see people saying that "Sony won", but it isn't even about Sony winning this day, or even this e3: this right here, this was the best press conference ever seen on any gaming convention. What a production value! What a pace! And those games, I mean come on!?
Sony has managed to outclass the Americans in their own game and I'm so glad I was there to see it happen live.
More puzzle and tower defense games please 😆
And more ni no kuni.
I think it certainly set a standard for how live gaming conferences should be 'presented.' I would've liked to see a bit more variety in the games though. I love the darker, more 'mature' games like God of War and Horizon, and I'm a huge fan of Uncharted like 'experiences' but there's also stuff like Gravity Rush and Gran Turismo, Sony should've shown those off, just to spice things up a bit. No doubt it was a great show, however.
Best conference ever. It's almost objective at this point and I'm not the only one thinking it, it was pretty much faultless, if people weren't excited by that then they must have pretty high standards
It was so fast-paced - game after game, no nonsense.
Crash trilogy remaster kinda got swept over a bit, but I'm just glad it's happening.
My main take away from this is that Sony has an incredible lineup of development studios. Their first party games are rarely duds. Great show from Sony.
But there are so many conferences left, and the PSX. You can't show everything all at once!
I know I was very positive about MS's conference earlier and in truth that had the biggest jaw drop moment of E3 for me - the announcement of Scorpio.
That being said, Sonys was certainly very well staged with Orchestra and virtually every game looked very impressive from a technical PoV - even if some are not my preferred game style. I know GoW is liked by many (not me) but visually the new game looks very impressive. Days gone trailer hinted at an interesting universe (i'll get back to this), I can't help feel that the Last Guardian looks dated - at best a remastered PS3 game but still a PS3 game and I have no interest, VR stuff (still think they could have indicated what the game play was even though its VR), Partnering up with Activision to bring back Crash, a weird Kojima music video (or was it a game - I don't know - it was bizarre), Spider-Man from Insomniac and CoD campaign - which I really enjoyed and can't wait to play regardless of all the hate people give it. Horizon:Zero Dawn Looked incredible and certainly my most anticipated game of E3 BUT I was blown away by Days Gone - the end of Sony's show. It started off slow but built and got more and more tense. Visually impressive with a hint of Last of Us but what really impressed was the enemy count and the way that just seemed to swarm the screen - in a big open world (or so it seemed) technically impressive and had big positive impact on me (best new IP/reveal).
From a software perspective Sony absolutely nailed it! I know in a week or two, I will be remembering Sony's games - most of them (I would be very surprised if every game appealed). I would have liked Hardware news - even a teaser for Neo (like an zoomed in image and a see you at Gamescom or TGS), some news/gameplay on Hellblade and/or Wild (still not sure about this), maybe some other games as they kept the list short but Quality over Quantity in this case I guess (I prefer Quality in Quantity LOL). To be honest these are 'minor' gripes overall
As a gamer I have to put Software over Hardware but BOTH are essential to great experience - A great game on poor/under powered hardware is not a great gaming experience. I was left wondering how many were running on a Neo - especially Days Gone - to have that enemy count, visual integrity and smooth gameplay (albeit on a stream) I do wonder if the PS4 could cope.
All in All a very strong showing from Sony and both console giants put the Software publishing giants to shame. As I said I have to give E3 to Sony (just) because of the software was certainly a cut above everyone elses and I am a gamer first and foremost. As much as I thought MS impressed -it was safe, quite predictable but solid showing with a bombshell to end on but Sony just kept firing out bombshell after bombshell with very little dialogue, a heavy focus on just the games. I joked that the stage was for a Royal Variety Performance to honour the Queens 90th and it ended up being a classy presentation...
@Gamer83 I was wondering if they focused on the Uncharted stuff b/c MS does FPS and racing, I heard Forza 3 looked interesting. So many multiplats these days, might as well focus on THEIR strength. No NMS made me happy. Lego SW Force Awakens was too long. It's late at night, nobody wants to see that really.
@get2sammyb Gotta ask, what was the big "No!" in reference too? Crash in Sklyanders, COD:IF, no new Crash game, Crash remasters?
EA's conference sucked.
Bethesda's conference was alright.
Microsoft's conference was good.
Sony's conference was incredible.
Nintendo's... will probably break this trend.
It was very good, but the end and the VR stuff were really messed, and this makes even worst because without this moments this presentation would be on par with last year.
Horizon's gameplay looked super impressive! The only thing left for me is for Guerrilla Games to nail the story.
God of War looked pretty good as well even though it was pretty obvious that they've taken a page out of the Uncharted series gameplay style. That being said, I do kinda like the fact that Kratos is no longer as cranky as he used to be. So I might give this a go.
Looking for to seeing more of Spider-man as well.
I'm also psyched for The Last Guardian!
I agree, so they could've maybe held off on say Days Gone and put in Gravity Rush 2 or GT Sport. Either way still a great show, just lacking in the variety Sony actually has.
Sony Won only because of GOW, Spiderman, Horizon Zero Dawn and days gone could possibly be a Last of Us contender. I don't care about The Last Guardian but I am glad its finally has a release date. My issue with The Last Guardian is I figured Sony conference would show a live demo of it. Man I want Spiderman so badly and wish there was a live demo to show how the game really played. I wish Sony had a surprise AAA game never shown before then released this yr. Sony loves to pull this crap by wowing us with games way in the future before we actually can play these new IP's and get people hype for games we may not see for who knows how long. Detroit game from David Cage looks interesting but I need to see gameplay and not a trailer. Heavy Rain was one of my favorite games when Ps3 first came out and I wanted to rebuy it for the ps4 remaster but I read it really didn't age well.
So Sony only wins because once again they show the potential of the great games they have in store. Also I am sure Sony has much more games to show for the other conferences coming out before the end of the yr.
I cant forget COD looks awesome and I swore I wouldn't buy a COD game for a long time after Black Op 3 awful single player story last yr. But COD gameplay looks really fun, so I will be following COD prior to release to determine if I want to buy it.
Forza Horizon 3 will be fantastic, but GT was never a scrub series. You're right though, MS falls into the same trap where it focuses on whatever big shooters it has and Forza.
i really don't know what to think about the RE 7 VR but i love RE games but i doubt i want any scary games in VR to prevent from getting a heart attack. I LOVED MGS games but i think MGS V was pretty good but not a masterpiece. I don't know what to think about the TRAILER kojima showed at Sony press conference. I am not sure what he meant that it was running in engine. I guess kojima meant it was a trailer but running in engine because there was no real gameplay. I would love to play a Battlefront VR Mission since i love Battlefront for ps4.
@wiggleronacid Where do Ubisoft fit in?
@rjejr The Crash Bandicoot segment. It maybe didn't go quite how we hoped, but I'm looking forward to learning more about the remaster things.
Trailer after trailer, reveal after reveal. , Pure awesome.
Though I wont like show buzz words briefing from executives & developers..
I am tired of warning you and you just ignoring my warnings. Perhaps a few days off will help you to remember to watch your language -Tasuki-
Resident Evil 7 was Game of the Show for me. I felt so euphoric after seeing that that I didn't even get too mad about the troll with Crash Bandicoot.
God of War looks... different? I'm not sure what to make of it, but it certainly was quite nice looking.
Horizon: Zero Dawn was incredible. The fight with the corruptor pretty much sold me on the game. It was fast, brutal, and very fun to watch.
Without a doubt, the most perfectly paced E3 press conference I've ever watched. No filler, all great trailers showing off the right things. A really really fantastic showing.
@sub12 the focus on trailer is what they always do for TGS which I always think is better hope now they use this approach for all conferences
@Ralizah I got confused about Resident Evil 7, is it going to be a first person game now? if so that's a dealbreaker for me
the pace was very nice! And no BS just games. It could have used a little more JRPGS since they have both Persona 5 and Ninokuni 2 as exclusives...
Better than last year. For real that was AMAZING
Best conference by a mile. Anyone who says differently is a fool, a damned fool, I say!
Whereas I said Sony's E3 didn't impress me last year, this one pretty much knocked my socks off. Like couple said above, it sorta lacked in the variety department, but the pacing was second to none. I was excited for just about everything shown.
I've yet to go back and see MS's conference though, but I'm sure it didn't top this one.
Sony definitely had a solid conference this year. More Horizon gameplay, Crash remakes, and Insomniac's Spiderman game were the highlights for me.
@DualWielding It was confirmed to be a first person game.
@Gamer83 There actually is an E3 trailer for Gravity Rush 2! For some reason, Sony chose not to show it during their press conference
It was a fantastic conference and the best one of E3. That Resi 7 reveal threw me for a loop in the best possible way, and they're actually giving me a reason to look into VR now. Also, God of War looked fantastic, it was great to see Kojima, The Last Guardian has a release date, and the orchestra was a nice touch.
The only things that stopped it from being perfect were mentioning Crash and not showing it, and having the Daysgone demo at the end. That's a really strange choice. But overall, it was another awesome E3 for Sony and they f*cking smashed it!
And that orchestra.
Yeah, noticed it after I made my other comments. I wish it had been included in the actual presser, but any new Gravity Rush 2 trailer is cool with me. Really looking forward to that one.
Sony really know how to put on a show.The pacing, the no bs here are the games approach was great. I'm pretty excited for every game on show apart from lego and skylanders. They even nailed the VR stuff. Best show of E3 and imo better than last year and they achieved all that without a ND, SP or Polyphony.
PS4, This is for the Players
This is how you put on a games show.Game after game with very little taking.God of War,Horizon Zero Dawn,Spiderman and The Last Guardian all games i want to play.Resident Evil looks like its going back to its horror roots(capcom had better not mess this up).Death Stranding looks nuts and i'am so intrigued to find out more about the game.The VR stuff was good also.Sony did troll everyone with Crash mind,get every one hyped then telling its a remaster of the old games.
I was honestly extremely put off by their mentioning the Orlando massacre and then showing an hour of gun violence.
No,not impressed.tsch.
Very well paced with a nice Spiderman surprise!
Absolutely superb conference from Sony from beginning to end they just kept going and going no boring "business" talk... Just exclusive after exclusive... Love the orchestra too. Never played a god of war so am incredibly excited for that and days gone looks awesome too. And then death stranded... Wtf was that? Well done sony
Edit: oh and spiderman!!
Great pacing and I needed that as I watched at 2am in bed on my phone! Owed a lot to Nintendo directs in just being about the games, not having Dev diaries was great, they can come later. Very Naughty Dog, but as someone who got into PlayStation because of modern ND games, this is great. Never thought I'd care for GoW, but that intro worked for me. Great job.
I want all the games on sony e3 conference, they make me care about god of war again after the last one (ascension) is kinda boring, also I'm really interested by the new spiderman game, I hope it's as good as the old ps1 game. And days gone is better than expected.
@Squiggle55 i honestly think youre in the minorty on this one.
There have now been 3 years on the trot where indies were given prominence, due to a lack of aaa games. This year they went all out on aaa and it paid off.
Smart move this, focusing on games rather than a peeing contest with MS which I think gave both companies a distinction. There were lots of games that I want there and they balanced VR really without it sounding like they were betting the farm on it. It felt like, oh by the way there is some VR stuff coming down the line but look at all these cool non VR games. I walked away excited by both VR and non VR.
if Sony had come on stage with a cup of tea and drank it with the other sony and game execs then it still would have beaten EA and Bethesda press conferences. Its been dissapointing generally this year has not reached the heights of last year where there were a lot of big annoucements. Thats generally not aimed at Sony
Nice show, very meh games. Nothing jaw breaking. Nice graphics and nothing more...
I'd probably call it a wash and say they both were good and bad in their own ways. MS, I'm not sure announcing Scorpio this early was a good idea. It seems like the X1S is selling well on Amazon- the 500GB model apparently peaked at #2 on the Amazon all format charts- but we'll see what momentum they have. Sony had some good announcements- the Spider-man game and whatever Kojima's making both look interesting. Games for both look nice, MS's Xbox Anywhere initiative is nice to have, overall, I'll call it a tie.
I will say straight up, though, that you all are getting hyped for the wrong game with "Horizon" in the title...
Well firstly, I have to admit a bit of fanboy bias here, but I think Sony killed it. Unlike other pressers which spent a lot of time talking about relatively few projects Sony just showed and let the footage do the work. Hell they even did enough to make re reconsider canceling my VR pre-order; granted I am still leaning towards canceling, but now its because they're loading me up with so many must play games I wouldn't get around to using it.
Just watched it. It was brilliant. Couldn't manage to stay up during stream, but I bet it was a delight, as this was the best one by far. They even snuck in Crash!
@playstation1995 won what?
Only a non gamer ticks very poor to this conference
Orchestra was brilliant and so was having it for the whole show not just for GoW...maybe sony felt they didnt need to have a neo there, just a quick yup, its real before e3 and then be fully confident with just the games they had whereas ms really did need to throw the scorpio and slim in there, best ms conference for awhile..still not sure how relevant scorpio will be in 18months though if all ms games will be on pc,i realise how powerful scorpio sounds on paper but how will those specs stand up against a gaming pc in 18 months or so?
I want Horizon: Zero Dawn and I want it NOW!!!
@Gamer83 "same trap"
It's only a "trap" if it fails, if it works it's a "marketing strategy".
I'd say it's certainly a quantifiable success for Sony this gen, so far, w/ PS4 sales. And Xbox 1 has done ok, outside of Japan, compared to Xbox 360, just not to PS4. Nintneod can certainly be accused of falling into a trap and left to die a slow and tortuous death with it's reliance on gimmicks.
Sony - 3rd person action.adventure/platforming
MS - FPS and racing
Nintendo - 2D platformers and gimmicks
The NX gimmick better be the home and handheld consoles play the same games and both are priced at $199 each. Even then they can't compete, but may survive enough.
@get2sammyb "The Crash Bandicoot segment."
Well guess I figured that, but "No!" new game and that Sklyanders segment was a no "No!" in an otherwise well paced event. That and Lego SW seemed really out of place w/ Kratos and the other killing machines. It's amazing how such a bunch of terror filled and depressing trailers can make people so happy. No wonder gamers have such a bad rep.
Again- very solid conference. It shone brighter due to a blah Bethesda/EA/Ubisoft and Nintendo only revealing Zelda this year because of their hardware-transition.
I'd say my top 3 E3 conferences ever were
1) Nintendo 2014
2) Sony 2015
3) Sony 2016
Even as a Sony fanboy I did not expect such a tour de force.
I expected Sony to win by a few yards. But they won by a mile.
Microsoft must suffer the curse of the VII now.
Last year was FF7 this year was RE7 with a killer line up of exclusives and the now unstoppable VR monstrocity. What a time to be a gamer.
@rjejr I politely disagree. When you stop to think that having that at the Sony's E3 presser,was more than likely part of the "Crash Bandicoot comes back home" deal. One cannot call it a,no no.
More like a necessary evil.lol
I think both Microsoft's and Sony's were pretty good, with some high and low moments (Microsoft's had a boring Minecraft segment). I don't understand people getting worried about Crash Bandicoot remake, that is good for the sake of variety! Even a Crash Team Racing game would be good for the PS4 games library.
@KAPADO "Microsoft must suffer the curse of the VII now. Last year was FF7 this year was RE7 "
REVII is not PS4-exclusive.
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