The rumoured PlayStation 4K may be announced at E3 2016 next week, potentially changing the landscape of consoles forever. With such a seismic shift on the cards, we've pulled together a gaggle of our gobbiest staffers in order ascertain whether this upgraded system is likely to flop or fly. Below you'll find a bunch of referendum style verdicts based upon the rumours regarding the console. Remember, opinions can change when products are officially revealed, so this article merely represents the stance of our writers right now.

Alex Stinton: As the King of Self-Justification, there's not the slightest doubt in my mind that I'll manage to convince myself to pick up the PS4K – or whatever Sony decides to call it. In fact, I can see my mind working on it already. Only last night I was lamenting the lack of storage space on my launch PS4, and telling myself not to install a new hard drive, so I could wait and see what an updated model might have to offer. This is only decorative justification, though, as the real reason I would pick up the PS4K is purely and simply because I want the best gaming experience I can, without investing in a PC.
Jacob Hull: My PS4 has been playing up recently so I'm in the market for a new one anyway. That said, the thing I want most from an updated PS4 is a better Wi-Fi adapter. They really ought to fix this so that it works with modern Wi-Fi router standards and not labouring behind on the old 2.4GHz signal from a prior era. I'm less than 10-feet away from the router and my signal strength is at 50 per cent with a fraction of the download speed of everything else in the flat (all of which work without issue). Outside of this, increasing overall graphics power is something I'm always interested in, and since I have an active PlayStation VR pre-order, the extra power will certainly be welcome.
John McCormick: While I think Sony could be shooting itself in the foot by offering an upgraded console while the PS4 is smashing it in sales, for me personally, it's not a big deal. Sony and I have enough good stuff in the bank thanks to the PS4 that I don't mind shelling out for an upgrade if it means better performance, more storage, and maybe some nice new colours. Hot pink, please.
Kell Andersen: To be honest, I'm not as devastated by the PS4K as some people seem to be. I certainly don't feel cheated. What does concern me is the developer side of things. A couple of devs have already expressed dissatisfaction with the need to create two versions of a game. It just seems odd to me that Sony seems to be abandoning its initial strategy of making things as developer friendly as possible. With all that said, will I buy one eventually? Probably.
Ken Talbot: I've never upgraded before, but it seems to me that this is the next logical step for the current generation of hardware. I want the best possible PS4 experience and if that means going the extra mile and spending my cash on a beefed up system, I'm willing to do that. It's controversial to make the comparison, but it's exactly what I do with my PC, so why not my console?
Liam Croft: I've grown up with PlayStation, so anything new on the hardware side has me interested. From the leaks, it seems that we'll be getting better graphics, improved framerates, and an all-round better experience on the PS4K. Those things matter to me, and the thought of playing the rumoured God of War 4 and Sony Bend's next project with improved performance whets my appetite. Give me a decent price point, a trade-in program, and a slew of enhanced games, and I'll be there queuing outside GAME at midnight.
Robert Ramsey: While I'm not entirely sold on the idea of changing the typical console cycle, I'm not about to doubt Sony's long term plans – not when it's been so dominant over the past few years. As I'm sure is the case with many of you reading this, though, I'd ultimately find it difficult to pass up on new hardware as a PlayStation fan. If Sony handles the PS4K right, then you can count me in.
Sammy Barker: As someone who's "upgraded" to slim PlayStation hardware in the past, I'll definitely be buying the PS4K. It remains to be seen whether Sony can make iterative consoles work, but as a fan of the brand, I'll certainly be stumping up for a revised system that promises better performance across the board – even if those improvements are minor. Of course, there's a good chance that I may end up being in the minority – but hey, I'm also one of the four people who purchased a PlayStation Move. C'est la vie.

Graham Banas: The entire concept of iterative console half-steps has irked me from the start. Part of what makes consoles so appealing is the fact that you only need to buy it one time and then you're essentially good to play any game you fancy for close to a decade or so. Changing this model to releasing a new, more powerful unit every couple years is not something I have the remotest interest in. If it comes to that, I'd much prefer to just spend that money on continually upgrading my PC.
Joey Thurmond: Considering my launch PS4 broke down recently, I had no choice but to purchase a new one and, therefore, couldn't afford to buy a PS4K for a while. Had that not happened, the supposed benefits of running games more smoothly and/or at slightly higher settings would've been tempting, but since the improvements seem relatively incremental on paper, I would've still passed on it. However, if the Neo proves capable of exclusively running a lot of future games at 60fps and if I acquire a 4K TV, I'll jump on board in a couple years.
Sam Brooke: The entire point of buying a console instead of a PC is that you're on equal terms with everyone else. Introducing the PS4K so early in the console's lifetime only serves to split up the audience, and if I knew that a better PS4 was releasing, I would've just waited for that instead of buying the base version. We're not made of money, y'know?
Stephen Tailby: I've never forked out for hardware revisions. What's the point? Sony's original hardware instalments have always served me well; the very same consoles present under my telly from the beginning to the end of their respective generations. Sure, the PS4K is a slightly different scenario, with its promises of enhanced performance and graphical oomph. However, the Japanese giant is reportedly asking that developers ensure games perform well on both the vanilla machine and the souped-up successor. If this is true, then... Again, what's the point?
A fairly close contest here in Push Square Towers at eight to four, then – but still comfortably leaning in favour of the PS4K. Where do you stand on the hypothetical hardware? Let us know whether you're in or out via our poll, and then expand upon your stance in the comments section below.
PS4K: are you 'In' or 'Out'? (176 votes)
- In all the way
- Not sure yet
- I'm totally out
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Comments 107
Day 1
I think I'm in but I'm going to wait and see what the difference is between the PS4 now and the 4K. If the differences actually make a major difference to the experience I'm in
I am getting the PSVR so I might as well upgrade my PS4 as well. Or I might just change my mind and buy an upgraded Xbox or could change my mind again and buy a gaming PC.
Probably won't get it if all the games still work on the PS4. However, when the PS5 comes out, I'll hold off upgrading and wait for the PS5.5 now. Not big on Nintendo's handheld revisions and doing that to consoles, I don't know, kind of off putting.
I'm gonna give it at least six months to see other people's before I decide. I don't have a big 4k tv yet so there's almost no point just yet.
I upgraded to a 4K TV earlier this year and my Ps4 to a 2TB Monster, so I'm not really in a rush to upgrade, but I probably will at some point
I am out, just bought my PS4 in October. If I buy a new console it is either an X1 or an NX.
Only way I'd be buying one of these is if my Ps4 commits suicide.Totally pointless if you ask me.
@Wazeddie22 exactly what i was gonna put well said
Leaning towards being in.
I'll probably buy it. I recently upgraded to a 4K tv recently and I'm quite impressed with it. However I'm more interested in seeing the performance boost in terms of games
The main point is this; do you have a 4k tv or not? If not than you will not notice a damn thing!
Strange timing for this, no new news and right after the "PS3 Lives!" article.
I'm all for Neo. Charge a premium for the new console - though not so premium as Xbox Elite w/ it's $150 controller - drop the price of the current model.
Until we know for sure what it is and isn't - 4k streaming, 4k blu ray drive, 4k gaming (via upres, not native) - don't see anything to fret about. Sony has been doing remodels since PS One, why stop now? Heck we still don't even really know if this as a side by side like the 12GB model or a replacement like the Slim PS3. Really hard to vote against something we don't know what it is. Bring it on.
I am out, at the very least until I see specs, prices. Personally I might leave it awhile and see how this incremental stuff starts to pan out.
I can't justify it right now for just some slightly better presentation and storage. If this becomes the future of consoles then I might make the plunge into PC gaming. Drastic but what is the difference between this and a Steambox? That said, I would be ok with a 4-5 year console cycle (particularly if backwards compatibility is possible).
I'm not just out, I'm out out.
I don't know yet to be honest. I mean if Gamestop had like a promotion where I get like extra credit towards a PS4K if I trade in my old PS4, then I don't see why not.
Then again, it all depends on how big of a difference there will be between the two models. I'm pretty content with my PS4.
I picked not sure cuz while I'm happy with ps4 and won't be getting ps4k at least day one, I think I'd be wrong if I said I'm 100% ruling out a purchase at some point. I want the PSVR more though.
i will be but not at release, my current PS4 has plenty of life left yet
I was really hurt by them (possibly) coming out with a new version so dang fast. I saved up for a long time to get my PS4 just to have them turn around and make a better one just a year later. Usually they'll come out with a slim version or bigger storage, but to make a version that's basically a new console just disappoints me.
This and a new curved 4k monitor will be on my shopping list. But will the games and when will they be 4k too.
"However, the Japanese giant is reportedly asking that developers ensure games perform well on both the vanilla machine and the souped-up successor."
Yeah sure. PR talk. But they'll neglect the old one eventually.
I'm watching this closely because I've preordered Playstation VR. If it looks like VR won't perform well on my "1st gen" PS4, I'm going to cancel my VR preorder. I'm not prepared to spend $800-900 MORE for the "good version" of PS VR when I already have a perfectly fine PS4 that I paid good money for.
Just no. If I wanted half cycle upgrades I'd invest in a PC.
The changes and the price is what matters most to me.
Generally I do buy upgrades, the new 3ds, the PS2 slim, but let's wait. 4k only no way, 4k and better performance maybe, 4k better performance and graphics, probably.
In all the way!! The chance to play games at better resolutions/frame rates (particularly frame rates) is far more appealing. I know the PS4 has basically reached its Limit already and when developers have all the new hardware at their disposal, games on the PS4 are going to need more compromises to run. I don't care if its 'mid-cycle' or others have just bought a PS4 (mine isn't exactly old), I want the best game experience and part of that includes the visuals and smooth game-play!
If I wanted to sit at a desk (or even had the space), game on keyboard and mouse, etc I would buy a PC but I want the comfort and convenience of a console and I want the best console experience I can get! Besides I have a very decent 4K 55" TV...
Like many people have said here, if I wanted upgrades every 3 years, I'd invest in a PC. If there was an upgrading program where you got a decent part of the money you spent on PS4 back if you buy the newer model, I would be more positive about it. Also, what will people wonder when PS5 is released? I tell you the answer: Should I wait 2 or 3 years for PS5Neo? Are people really that wealthy to be buying PSVR and PS4Neo now not knowing what's around the corner?
Depend on the difference between old ps4 vs ps4k. If ps4k can play my games (uncharted 4, ratchet & clank, the witcher 3, gta v) at 60 fps then I'm in, if not I'm not upgrading and maybe buy ps vr instead.
The fact that 66% of PushSquare staff are "in" as opposed to only 33% of PushSquare readers is significant. For developers and websites hyping PS news, the more the better, for next-door boys and girls is a different story.
I am out. I am quite happy with my current PS4, if anything I would upgrade is the HD cause I still have the 500 gb HD. Other then that I see no reason to upgrade.
Day 1 for me.
out! My PS4 games run great. I feel happy with my console.
Can't wait to buy one! Now I can have one PS4 in the bedroom, give the PS3 to the eldest son, and it will compliment my 4K tv. I'm stoked! This nonsense about dividing the user base is sillyness-the PC community isn't divided, and there are many layers of performance discrepancies from one player to the next. As for costs, gaming is a luxury, not a right. If you can't afford it, oh well, get a better job. And stop complaining that you just got it, car-buyers have been dealing with that for ever..and that's on THOUSANDS of dollars! I say bravo Sony!
@VanillaLake With pc if you want the best you must upgrade every year thought, also the price of good video card is expensive, more than $400. I think there will be no ps5, just 'playstation' that upgraded every 3 years. The market will decide if it's a good idea or not. I'm okay as long as sony doesn't make new ps every year.
Out. I have a gaming PC anyway, so there is no reason to get some suped up PS4. The games I'm excited about on PS4 are ones that, by and large, won't be taxing for the hardware (besides, perhaps, The Last Guardian).
Also, I couldn't care the least little bit about 4k, so...
Out at least until we hear more & how much better it is.
All those that say their games run 'great' on their PS4 - what about games like the Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 that can't handle fog? Will you still be happy if Horizon:ZD releases at 900/30 but runs at 1080/60 (or higher) on the Neo? What if FFxv can't maintain a stable 30fps and drops frequently down to 20 (or lower) but runs smoothly at 60fps on the Neo? Frostbite 3 games tend to run at 900/60 now but if developers get more ambitious with the new technology, that could drop to 720/60 (or maybe drop the frame rate down to 30fps) will you complain then that your games still run perfectly or complain that they don't look or run as well as the Neo?
A lot of comments I have seen complain that games aren't 60fps or can't maintain a stable 30fps. Developers are 'lazy' because their games don't run as well yet they have probably spent months trying to get the best visual presentation (tweaking the various levels of lighting, shadows, reflections etc) otherwise people complain that the game doesn't look great and trying to maintain a 'playable' frame rate and still get criticised it isn't locked at 30 or able to hit 60 when often its the hardware that's the problem!
Undecided but I definitely want a "DS4 Neo" with better battery life!
I would have preferred a ps4 slim to this 4K version! But I'll probably buy it if there are USB ports on the back of the console. Because of this upgrade i don't see a slim or price drop coming for another couple of years 😡
Since it obviously requires a 4K TV. Nope not getting it.
Give me a price and full details and then we'll talk.
I won't be buying one. If they make a habit of it, I will switch to PC gaming.
@BAMozzy I think you need to go back and check the leaked specs of the NEO because the extra power is not enough make a AAA 30fps run at 60fps.
Technically in, but I'm not 100% sold on it yet.
In but waiting to see MS' next move before I decide which console to upgrade first.
Out! I dont own a 4k TV and dont plan on changing my current TV for another year or three. I will buy one of them first obviously.
In, assuming it has benefits beyond 4K upscaling. If it improves the performance of games on my normal telly then great. Games are just so so much more enjoyable for me with a stable framerate.
@Draythedestroyer The 'leaked' specs are more than enough to run AAA games at 1080/60!!! Its over 2.5times as powerful as the current PS4 but is 'allegedly' using the new 'Polaris' GPU with much better efficiency and architecture. Even if it wasn't better from an architectural (therefore better performance than the older architecture if it had the same clock speed etc), 2.5 times is more than enough to improve games enough to get 1080/60 - especially those already 1080/30 - like Uncharted 4, Dark Souls 3 etc...
It is a pointless concept and a knee jerk reaction, borne out of the fear that the NX will one-up them and do another Wii to them.
Sony cannot bear to be the latest new thing in the console market; so much so they would rather snub their entire current user base, who barely have any decent games to play on an already very tenuously relevant console; then supersede it while still in its infancy.
Totally irrelevant and utterly pathetic.
Definitely Sony's worst move, closely followed by PSVR.
@kyleforrester87 Some GPU's will also 'downsample' - effectively compressing an image down to fit the monitor resolution. Therefore you 'could' have a 1440 image compressed down to a 1080p image for more detail/accuracy and for those still with 1080p TV's. I would imagine the biggest benefit will go to frame rates - at least I hope so. According to the leak, the Neo will always be at least 1080p but the frame-rate cannot be lower or as unstable than the PS4 version. It will always be better but in some cases it may not be by much (locked 30 compared to 'capped' 30 but frequent dips below - but could also be 60 compared to 30)
Nope, I have a feeling it is really linked to their VR plans. I'd rather just upgrade a PC instead of buying whole new consoles, and VR doesn't interest me.
I hope its for extra power for VR & the 4k bluray.
In or not. Depends on price. (a bundle with vr maybee) Also move to bigger hdd as some games take up so much bloody space.
I'm out. Really can't afford another one right now especially not knowing what it actually is...
@Kidfried Pc is expensive if you want to play heavy 3D games with good graphics like the witcher 3 and farcy. I've build custom gaming pc a couple year back and that thing is expensive, $300 ish for cpu and motherboard (core i7 2600), $300 ish for video card (nvidia 570), $200 ish for psu (corsair hx), and don't forget good keyboard, mouse and gamepad. And now if I want to play with high setting I have to upgrade the video card (another $300 ish).
Sure it's worth it a couple of year ago, but now with all AAA pc titles comes from console and the difference between console and pc is just 30 vs 60 fps, it's not worth it imho. And I don't care about 4k since my monitor is only 27 inch 1080p.
Also now people rarely used their pc anymore since nearly everything can be done on smartphone, I only use my pc to write report in excell and watching long youtube video, people rather upgraded their smartphone and buy a console rather than upgrading their pc.
@DESS-M-8 Want to put a bet on that?
I am out, I would rather buy a Xbox 1.5 or a Nx....
@BAMozzy Do you actually think the Neo will run uncharted 4 at 60fps and that its 2.5 times more powerful than a standard PS4? You're making massive assumptions here and trying to pass them off as fact.
@Draythedestroyer Actually, it has not even been officially revealed...
@Draythedestroyer I am NOT passing anything off as fact but basing it purely on the leaked specs and information. If the PS4k is at least as powerful as those leaked specs, then it should have NO problem running Uncharted 4 at 1080/60. I never once said though that this is 'exactly' what the Neo will be and exactly how games would utilise that 'extra' power. You asked if I had seen the 'leaked' specs and I have, In every response, I have mentioned that my comments are based on 'leaked' specs and therefore not 'FACT' but that doesn't mean that if these rumours and leaked specs do turn out to be true, then the fact is, the PS4k will be around 2.5yimes as powerful as a PS4, 3 times the power of an XB1 - just on 'raw power' but could even be more effective with using that power. A 4tflop old system wouldn't be able to deliver the same level of performance a 4tflop new architecture system could and work efficiently with the new API's and VR.
If you want to watch a video which discusses what 'it' could mean for gamers, with the leaked specs, the power that has, the extra memory bandwidth etc - and links to more breakdown of those specs from a techy watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ETd3GQ8vus .
The 'rumoured' GPU has double the Compute Units, double the shaders and over 100hz faster clock speed - roughly 2.25x more powerful but that's without considering the better efficiency. The rumoured CPU is nearly a 3rd faster - 2.1ghz as opposed to 1.6ghz (although I do expect this will be replaced by something more modern but at least as quick). Memory bandwidth has increased too (176Gb/s - 218Gb/s).
To go from 30fps to 60fps, you need double the power - this is more than double the power!! Therefore if these 'specs' are accurate, and the rumours are true (its basically been confirmed by a number of insiders, developers etc) then it is entirely reasonable that games could have twice the frame rate. Its possible that developers may opt to double the resolution instead of course.
I'll buy it for the bigger hard drive and if it's easy to copy the contents of my current PS4 to this new one. Don't have a 4K TV though.
These half generation console upgrades are a terrible idea! If I wanted to upgrade my hardware every 2-3 years I'd have bought a gaming computer. I liked the simplicity of a console. I buy it, and for the next 6-7 years I have a system I can play all the latest and greatest games on. But now that we have half generation upgrades with the best version of games being on the latest and greatest system I can't help but feel like I'm being alienated. Sure Sony can put all these rules in place saying developers can't add any extra gameplay features to the newer iteration consoles...but then what the hell is the point in having them anyway? For a slight bump in graphic fidelity?
I just got my PS4 in December. No way do I want to replace it. I hope 4K is only necessary for VR and that using a non-Neo won't negatively impact my ability to play future games. If Horizon and The Last Guardian run poorly on base models, I'm gonna be angry.
Also... there aren't nearly enough good games releasing on PS4 to justify buying the system twice (base + Neo).
If this was PS2 then fine... I would have bought fifty plus games at this point in the life cycle. But with PS4 I don't feel close to getting my money's worth of quality games, so I'm not going to gamble on the output on Neo being any better.
@sketchturner That depends on what you consider to be running poorly. All game, if the rumours are true, will run on both consoles. The Neo will play ALL existing PS4 games and all future games will run on both systems. According to the rumour, from October, all games must have a 'neo' mode built in. Games on Neo must be 1080p and at least match the frame rate but cannot be worse. Games that are less than 1080 on base (Games like Battlefront, Assassins Creed, U4 MP for example) would have to have a resolution boost to at least 1080p first and foremost but couldn't go to 4k for example because that would inevitably mean a drop in frame rate below the vanilla version. A game at 1080/30 on the vanilla could be 1080/60 on the Neo or if the developers wanted, 1440/30 for example.
If you look at the standard of games already on the PS4, that is still likely to be the standard in the future. Its not reducing the power or capability of it. Its likely that as games get bigger, more complex etc, we could see games dropping in resolution on vanilla systems, maybe reducing the quality of visual effects but they will still have the same content, story, DLC schedule etc.
If you aren't bothered about resolution, effects and happy with 30fps games (to the standard the PS4 has already delivered), chances are you will be happy with the vanilla unit. The Neo though 'could' (I use the word could as its still just a rumour) improve on all of these - not necessarily at the same time - maybe a mixture of all?
You certainly won't need both systems. You could trade your PS4 in if you wanted and use that money towards the PS4k. All your games, including any you have downloaded, will run on the PS4k - its not like you will have to start a new library. If you thought the PS4 had enough quality games to buy a PS4, those games will run on the Neo - in some cases identically depending on its age and if developers patch in a neo mode.
Oh and anyone worrying about 'file sizes' for all the 'extra' resolution, extra quality effects etc needn't worry - all that information is already on the disc and built into the game. Doom (for example) has roughly the same file size across all 3 formats - XB1, PS4 and PC yet the PC can run at 4k with all the effects turned up to max (if your PC can handle it). All a developer would need to do is send a patch adjusting these (change the output to a different res, change the level of lighting, shadows, reflections etc if on Neo) just like PC players have the option to do manually.
are gaming developers really going to make the same game 3 different times.... PC-PS4k-PS4?? Unless they do a great deal for me to trade in my ps4 in out!! Plus I want to know just how different this "new" console is going to be but for now I'm out.
my ps4 is upgraded to 2tb, ive only got a 1080p tv so i think i'll pass. Not too happy about all this upgrading console business either. That's a PC's business not a console.
Seems to me the whole game industry is becoming a money sink these days and it seems all of the companies involved in the making of games or hardware are solely in it for greed. There is no love of creating games and enjoying making them, no adjusting timelines etc like it used to be. Now a timeline is always set in stone and no matter what state the game is at if it's due for release then stuff the end user. No-one gives a d*mn about making the game a polished experience. I cant recall ffs when was the last time a game release day one and didnt require a patch. Finally don't get me started on remasters this generation. That's a whole new gripe.
To recap: no thanks I'll pass. Sony is too greedy me thinks
@Midzark Believe it or not, developers only make the game once. They don't have a team working on 3 (or more) versions simultaneously. The only difference between a PS4 and PS4k version will be the output settings and potential the quality of the effects - normally available to PC owners to manually adjust the 'settings' based on their hardware but 'fixed' and hidden on consoles. Effectively the game will be the same but one will have a certain graphical setting and the other a different set - ie Resolution 1080p whilst the vanilla could be 900p, shadows, lighting, reflections etc could be set at low to medium on the vanilla but medium to high on the Neo...
@sketchturner "Also... there aren't nearly enough good games releasing on PS4 to justify buying the system twice (base + Neo)."
Do we own the same console? There are literally dozens of 7/10 (good) games or above launching on the PS4 every month. The system's been on fire for a while - but this year has been insane.
Honestly, sometimes I think I live on a different planet.
@TomKongPhooey I'm pretty sure if you spoke to any creative people in the industry, most will tell you that they love what they're doing and many will be extremely passionate about their craft.
It's business. Nothing has changed. Corporations have always wanted to make money selling products.
@BAMozzy Ahh right I see, I know FA about all this kind of stuff haha I just like playing games really so Thank you for that!! If the new one does play games on medium/high then I might be more intrested specially if they run at 60fps more smoothly (hope I got that right) but the thing for me is price and if any gaming shops will be doing any special deals for ps4 trade in (can't see it myself but shall see)
Well lots of good quality games... Just not many to my personal taste. I should have clarified the subjectivity of my statement.
Of course (imo) one of the best games on the system (Trackmania Turbo) you semi-pooped on in your review so clearly what we're looking for in our games is different ;-p
Sony hasn't fulfill all its promises on the base model with the UI getting folders etc. I already added a 2 TB hard drive and I ain't going to buy another ps4 bro when I am not 100% satisfied with Sony not keeping its promises. The only way i get a PS4 neo is if it's a major upgrade to the base model contrary to what we've already been told. Sony also needs to make a deal with box stores for us to at least get $200 for our old model in a trade in. Of course I'm taking out my 2 TB hard drive.
@BAMozzy " Games on Neo must be 1080p and at least match the frame rate but cannot be worse." But think about the implication of this. A game could run at 60fps on Neo but 10fps on the base model and still follow the "rules". Unless I'm missing something, the development rules protect Neo owners against substandard games but not vanilla owners.
@TomKongPhooey I agree with you for the most part But plenty of games have been delayed numerous times. Its call delay station for a reason. But what makes it worse is games like Uncharted 4( one of my favorite franchise although 4 wasn't my favorite #2 is). To make matters worse, even with delays these games get patches. Uncharted 4 had a 5 gig patch after 3-4 delays.
Right now it is a wait and see as there is no real hard facts about near future consoles from any company.
Would i like to be able to trade in my PS4 for a much more powerfull PS4.5 that plays current and future games better, has some pc like options like fov choices, motion blurr on/off, dof choices, and resolution/fps choices then the answer is yes. Not the full range of choices a pc offers but 2 fov choices, 2fps choices, and motion blur & dof on and off would be appreciated.
Now to really get me to trade up and do a happy dance also include a fast 1 or 2TB drive, custom controller mapping saved for multiple games, seperate game, patches, and dlc files, alphabetical order choice for trophies, and fixing the browser to work better with javascript enabled.
If it doesn't sound like a harrier jet taking off while running like the current version, and if it doesn't go BEEEEP!! when you turn it on, I'll consider it. Or if my current set croaks. But for those reasons only.
I'm not just out. I'm pretty horrified by the idea of iterative consoles. If they push this I might lose interest in consoles altogether.
I don't know why you guys are so hellbent on spreading this rumor. When E3 passes and they don't bring it up, will you guys drop it, too?
I haven't got a 4k TV and I'm not really interested in VR gaming so I'll stick with my original PS4.
Lets wait and see... I doubt that 3rd party studio would spend extra resources to drastically improve graphics for PS4K.
If the extra power is used to get the majority of games running at 60 fps then yes I'm in (imagine playing Uncharted 4 like that 😃). However if it's used just to increase the resolution to 4k then there will be no point as I don't have a 4k TV and have no intention of buying one. The other variable is PSVR and what benefits this may bring on the upgraded hardware but if they launch too close together I'll have to choose which one to buy
@Frank90 For me it is the price to and it is not about the 4k but the performance boost.
@sketchturner @Midzark If the specs are as rumoured, The PS4k is around 2.5x as powerful. Obviously these could be changed by the time it releases, but based purely on those rumoured leaks, the difference between a PS4 and PS4k is 2.5x the power.
To get from 30fps to 60fps, you need 2x the power, to get from 1080p to 1440p you need roughly 2x the power. To do both of these things together, you need 4x the power - more than the Neo has. Its up to developers to decide how they want to utilise the extra power. If a game is 900p on the vanilla model though, the PS4k will have to use some of that extra power getting to 1080p native first and foremost, any other benefits, like frame rate, textures/effects etc are secondary.
Its not like games are suddenly going to drop to 720p 20-30fps and be 4k/60 on the Neo. The PS4 has had a certain standard and I expect that level to be maintained. I do expect that when (as its inevitable) games get bigger and better (from a technical sense) as developers use more and more of the most recent tech to develop games, games will 'drop' in visual quality/presentation. More and more games may end up using Dynamic Resolution to maintain frame rates, maybe dropping down to 900 or 720p but use anti-aliasing to improve the picture, maybe using low effects settings - but this is more likely to happen gradually.
If a game reaches the point of running at 720/30 on the PS4, Its not going to be able to run at 1080/60 on the Neo - not with the rumoured difference, 1080/30 at best!
According to Sony, NO game can have any different content and no Neo only either. Therefore EVERY PS4 game will run on either system.
Personally I think the reason why the Neo isn't as powerful as the rumoured Xbox Scorpio, or more powerful in general is because of the PS4 and the PS4 user base. It can't be too powerful otherwise that would make too big a difference. Its why I think the 'Scorpio' will be a '4th' gen xbox and have its own 'games' - more than just the rumoured OR VR games.
For me its simple, it just feels too soon to charge me multiple hundreds of £ for another console. I know it's supposed to not be "essential" but I guarantee in 6 months there will be exclusive content for the new system. Buying a thing that upgrades my ps4, or taking it into a licensed retailer to get it upgraded for a fee, that I'd think about. As it stands, they're charging you for what you already own, albeit with a slight upgrade.
I'm not aware of Sony having officially said anything regarding a new console yet. I'll make a decision when the full specs, information and price point are confirmed, assuming it ever happens.
For someone who only got their PS4 around six months ago, albeit the latest revision, who has no interest in PSVR and will probably get the NX within 12 months of launching, I have zero interest in upgrading to PS4K.
My backlog is growing at an alarming rate and unless they patch older games to access the better tech, only newer games will benefit the additional horsepower so my backlog will work just the same whichever version I have.
For me its down to one thing....price. Until I know that I wont decide. I am interested though. So long as all the old PS4 games can be played on the newer cosole. Also I would want to compare it against the upgraded xbox version as I doubt if I could afford both.
Whether in or out, check this first...
Pretty awesome!
@xxAcesHighxx Probably can't play most of those games unless he is selling his account with it. If you create your own account, those games won't be playable because they are linked to his account!
if it means playing Uncharted 4 at 60fps then Day One.
@Kidfried And I agree with you on framerate, is 60 fps good? Of course it is. Does it make me want to upgrade to pc? No it isn't.
@get2sammyb You can't expect your personal tastes to be the same as everybody else's. Most of the PS4 games I have bought are PS3 remasters (because I did not get a PS3) and I'm still waiting for more PS2 games to be available on the store. There are few new PS4 games I'm really interested in, regardless of reviews and scores. I think PS3 had a much better game library during its first 3 years.
I don't have room for a PC. I don't have the money for a PC. I don't want to game at a desk with PC/Mouse (or be at a disadvantage by using a controller). I haven't got the resources to buy a full PC set-up. I do have a 55" 4K TV (which is not that far away and would require a BIG monitor to match) that I can plug a console into, sit on my Sofa to play in comfort and have games designed to play with a controller first and foremost.
A VR ready computer is around £800. I would need a Desk, Monitor, chair, speaker system and the space to set it all up. I also would need to buy PC games. I could just spend £400 and play the games I already have in comfort, on my TV and 'whilst it may not be quite to the same level as the PC', it suits me and my situation a lot better!
Definitely, I know what @sketchturner means about PS4 when he says that he has to get his money's worth.
Just got the Uncharted PS4 and I love it. I'm never letting it go.
On a cautionary note look what upgrading to the New 3DS got everyone.
I'm in unless MS release a more powerfull console, if that happen's i'm out and i'll be getting the new Xbox, I want to play my game's on the most powerfull system that is after all why i'm using the PS4 now, i'm also getting closer and closer to buying my PC the rig I have in mind cost £1300 worth every penny (I did nearly fold and spend £700 on one but I resisted and i'm holding out for the biggun) Also I already have a PS4 (2 infact) why would I want a slightly better one over an awsomely improved Xbox. I also don't care about exclusive's and even if I did I can just play them on my regular PS4.
I'm just gonna accept upgrading malarkey. Upgraded my smartphone half dozen times, and yep games perform quicker better each time. Just sell the previous console for around 60%-80% of original price and upgrade for a tiny £100/$150. Wonder how much extra FPS the new Ps4 and Xbox will give? 😊
I think MS will come out of this whole upgrading console's better off than Sony, MS can pretty much make a new more powerfull console fromk the ground up with as many added extra's as they want because that's what their playerbase want's, something better than the PS4. Sony has to worry about splitting their 40m+ playerbase so can't really improve on the PS4 to much without the QQ's slamming them for being greedy, we are about half way through this gen and it could be a huge turning point for MS and Sony.
I have always trusted Sony on the hardware front. Whether it be TVS, cameras, phones or consoles, they are always top quality and durable. If Sony says they are realising a super powered ps4, I am in day one and will just give my original ps4 to my 9 year old. His ps3 is still running strong but I know he would be delighted with the upgrade to a ps4. Let's do this
I'm on the fence about the PS4K. It really depends on what is improved over the original version.
I clicked 'Not sure yet' but if it has a 4K Blu-ray player in it I will buy another one + not to bothered about the more power bit really I think PS4 games look amazing already and I could live with it until the PS5 comes out.
@Ellysetta19 I'm actually worried about the opposite: will all PS4 games work 100 % on the Neo?
I am going to wait and see at E3 there is so much talk about it like the whole you need it for vr thing
my main want is them to offer a exchange program for old ps4 to upgrade then I would be in big time because people like me cannot afford a new console it took me over a year to save for a new pc
@Mahe You're right. Just because the word is that they all have to work on the base model now, doesn't mean they will later. I'm beginning to wonder if this is how they are going to get out of a 10 year life span and gradually force people to upgrade. Not really liking the idea of 2-3yr console upgrades.
I'm out. Got my PS4 in March.
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