Thinking back on it, E3 2015 was a bit of a blur. We were outrageously sceptical ahead of PlayStation's press conference, and if you go back and read our predictions, that's abundantly clear to see. We'd heard on the grapevine that Sony was going to use its media briefing to focus primarily on strategic partnerships with third-party publishers, and we expected PlayStation VR to fill the dead air in between all of the corporate back slapping. After the backwards compatibility bomb that Microsoft dropped, we couldn't fathom a way in which the Japanese giant could possibly top it – but it did, three times over.

Shell-shocked, in the small hours of the morning, we wrote a reaction piece: Sony Delivers the Greatest E3 Press Conference of All Time. But a year later, with the enthusiasm dampened by the passing of time, does that headline still ring true?

Yes. There are many great E3 moments: Peter Moore's tattoo, the reaction to Nintendo's "realistic" Zelda demo, Jack Tretton's beastly DRM beatdown, and Steve Race's unbelievably arrogant $299.99 PSone price point reveal. But these are individual instances plucked from the event's 20 or so year history – and Sony had three equivalent reveals stuffed into its 90 minute showcase last year. The greatest ever? You better believe it.
To underline just how impressive last year's E3 press conference was, we merely need to point to an article we wrote some 12 or so hours before the show kicked off. There had been rumours – as there are every year – that Final Fantasy VII Remake and Shenmue III could put in an appearance. Here's what we wrote:
It wouldn't be E3 without some utter nonsense doing the rounds – and the global gaming media is bringing out the big guns today. First up is French website, which is reporting that Shenmue III will be announced as a PlayStation 4 exclusive during Sony's media briefing this evening.
The other bonkers story of the day stems from Siliconera, which states that a full remake of Final Fantasy VII is in development for the PS4. The site claims that it's being made to celebrate the series' 20th anniversary, and will feature a more modern looking Cloud similar to the one in movie Advent Children.
Yeah, the web's gone utterly gaga – don't count on either of these coming to fruition...
But they did, and they weren't the only announcements to catch the eye. We'd expected The Last Guardian to put in an appearance – it was last chance saloon for the long-overdue Team ICO exclusive in many ways – and it did, but Horizon: Zero Dawn surprised with its sizeable showing – and its promising presentation went on to secure it our Game of the Show award. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, which closed the event, also attracted gasps – the jeep chase sequence being one of the more elaborate set-pieces in the series' storied history.
The presser was paced incredibly well, too. It started with a bang, lulled for third-parties, and then erupted with Final Fantasy VII Remake. An expertly inserted Devolver Digital section allowed everyone to catch their breath, before the conference ignited yet again with Shenmue III. The latter may have been a Kickstarter, but it's one of the most coveted sequels of all time – its appearance after a decade was a sight to behold.

The biggest criticism pointed at E3 2015 is that it sold a dream rather than reality: Final Fantasy VII Remake is actually being chopped into chunks, The Last Guardian still doesn't have a release date, Shenmue III only just entered active development, Horizon: Zero Dawn may be delayed into 2017, and there wasn't much meat to the presser outside of those announcements. But if press conferences are all about spectacle and building excitement around a brand, then the Japanese giant absolutely knocked it out of the park – it realised three seemingly impossible dreams in an hour and a half.
There's discussion about whether the presser can ever be topped, but this author doesn't think so. There'll be amazing games at this year's E3, without doubt – and we're even anticipating the odd surprise or two. But it'll be a long, long, long time before there's fervour surrounding three games in quite the same way as The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Shenmue III. It was a perfect storm, and Sony played it to perfection. The only real concern is that every Sony presser is always going to pale in comparison – heck, that's already been the case at Gamescom 2015 and PSX 2015.
Good luck measuring up this year.
Was Sony's E3 2015 presser really the greatest ever? Can the platform holder top it this year, and how? Mash out a few megatons in the comments section below.
Was Sony's E3 2015 Presser Really the Greatest Ever? (61 votes)
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- Hmm, not sure
- No, I didn't really like it
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Comments 57
Yes, even as a Nintendo fan, I don't remember any E3 that didn't left at least a little of sour taste on mouth, and last year Sony presentation was perfect.
And I agree with you @get2sammyb, while I think that 2016 is gonna be great I hardly think that Sony, or any company, can beat 2015.
It was neat but I prefer solid info. The Kickstart error really bugged me given this is Sony we are talking about. Seemed like a Bayonetta 2 situation but weren't willing to throw all the money that was needed but after Shenmue 1 and 2 I don't blame them. And as a kid who grew up around Shenmue time in Britain I had no idea wtf it was.
Here's the thing. With the exception of questionable Shenmue antics, and ff existing kinda maybe...we got Uncharted 4. That's nice. And the last guardian was only a shock due to it being silent. It wasn't "new" it was just oh they are still trying.
I think Sony can top last year. Wider genre and audience integration. How about some not mature titles? Oh wait America. Besides in my opinion the best e3 is still a certain squid related one at 2p14...
Nah, it can't be beat, in my opinion. A FF7 remake and Shenmue 3? What could top that?
last year personal I thought Microsoft nailed it, the Sony presentation had Horizon and that was all I was interested in I have never been a fan of FF.
@BLPs Solid info isn't important to me at these kind of events. It's a time for showmanship and for building hype - blow me away and make me realise why I still love gaming and give me the details later!
@kyleforrester87 I want Sony to remind me why I love gaming (Present tense) not remind why I love gaming 3 years down the line, you know? Especially with the fatigue ive got from it all already.
I mean hell, Final Fantasy is cool. Personally I'm a 6 and back kinda guy but its nice. Shenmue......before my time I guess? That's niche even for me. And Last Guardian...that's a weird case of development "hell" (We don't know really) and honestly...I'm just waiting on that.
Here's how Sony can top E3 for me. They did hype announcements last year. Now lets do what Nintendo does (Earthbound Beginnings is available right now) and do immediate deliveries on that hype. A second year of hype will feel dull, there can be a few things but this year needs substance, ya know? Its hard to explain...
@BLPs It's not like there isn't absolutely tons of other stuff being released month to month on PS4 while we wait for these games to come out, though. And they have to be announced at some point - I don't mind it being done sooner as I find the anticipation enjoyable. I'm looking forward to some more detailed info about the games they announced last year at the next E3/other conferences and dribs and drabs elsewhere.
I still think Sony's 2013 E3 bombshell 'no DRM' announcement is the best. The crowd reaction was amazing!
@kyleforrester87 I think the time scale of most Nintendo releases has spoiled me. But after jumping that ship Ive gotta get used to the rest of the world. It aint easy XD
All the Internet hipsters will hark on about alot of bs but simply put there had never been an publishers press conference that had come even close to the joy and awe of sonys last year, i dare anyone to try and think of one!
@kyleforrester87 this^
@BLPs yeah because EVERYTHING Sony showed is 3 years down the's definitely not like Nintendo and Microsoft do the same thing, right?! 😒
@viciousarcanum Oh they do. But I can get behind closer releases than "Its a thing". I'm against announcements of announcements ya know? I think FFXV might have had a hand in this. Announcing long before its ready is probably a bad thing. Zelda, FF, Shenmue, and very very nearly Ratchet and Clank all burned me out because of being announced so early to make hype that I either got worried about the silence or forgot they existed.
@BLPs Whens the new Zelda game out? I jest, I jest!!
Did Sony have Wii Music? No? Then better luck next time!

It truly was incredible. But it wasn't just the games announced, it was the way the announcements were made and structured. It was just pure f*cking class all the way, making the audience guess even when trailers were being shown. It was awesome.
In terms of good conferences Sony and Bethesda came out on top.
I probably watch the highlight's of these event's as they usualy tend to be 50% about game's and the other 50% is wannabe celebrity's waltzing around the stage trying to be someone important. The BF1 launch event confirmed it's still the same, 20 minute's of pompus bell end's walking around the stage talking about crap (did we really need that 3rd guy he looked and sounded like an ass) and 3 minute's of footage. And ofc last year's E3 can be topped I didn't think it was all that anyway.
@kyleforrester87 I'm a 2D Zelda fan so I'm not fussed on that one. And with a game like that (Isnt it Nintendo's biggest game that's taking the most staff ever?) Id rather it be done when its done. And having it at launch for NX is probably best.
It's like deja vu all over again.
It's like deja vu all over again.
It's like deja vu all over again.
It's like deja vu all over again.
It's like deja vu all over again.
It's like deja vu all over again.
It's turtles all the way down after that.
@get2sammyb Ah and there it is
Nintendo's E3 was a massive disappointment just like E3 2008, but big changes are going on in the house of Mario, so this E3 isn't going to be that big bar the promised Zelda demos.
Sony's on the other had a brilliant E3 in 2015, big titles after big title plus all those shocking announcements of FF Remake and Shemnue 3.
It was an awesome conference. There's no two ways about it. It worked on every level. It had great new games to be excited about, it had three blockbuster announcements that were the biggest news of the show, and more importantly, everybody forgot that Sony had nothing to release for most of the rest of the year because they were still in shock.
The greatest strength of the show was, in fact, misdirection. Nobody was talking about the superior Xbox fall line-up. They were talking about two games that wouldn't be out for another few years, and one that had been in development for six years.
This year has a lot to live up to.
As I stated in the 'Leverage' article, I really can't see how a game that was originally revealed for the PS3 with virtually identical gameplay that still has not released, A kickstarter for a Sega Dreamcast franchise and a remake of a 20yr old game - all of which seem no closer a year on - even if you like niche Japanese titles, culminates in the 'best' E3 ever.
For me the best of Sony's E3 was the Uncharted 4 market gameplay and the Horizon: Zero Dawn reveal.
For Sony fans - maybe that was enough. As a gamer and someone who owns an Xbox One, I actually preferred MS's. It had more 'new' games and some of those have actually released (Rare Replay, Sea of Thieves, Gears4 and Ultimate, Halo 5, Recore, Forza 6) and also announced Backwards Compatibility and Games with Gold XB360 offerings will be playable on XB1. It might only be a small thing but for those with an XB1, its quite a big deal. Also the announcement of the 'Elite' controller was cool - its by far the best controller I have ever owned. As someone with an XB1, I can't say that ANY of the exclusive line-up quite match U4 or the impact of H:ZD but for sheer volume, I was more impressed. I know a lot of gamers were disappointed with the RotTR deal but I really enjoyed that game. Scalebound for me is the closest thing to Horizon:ZD in terms of anticipation and was great to get to see some gameplay.
Obviously both Sony and MS had some third party games (releasing simultaneously) and arguably MS's showing of Fallout 4, the Division, Rainbow Six Seige, PvZ:GW2 and DS3 arguably trumped Destiny, SW:BF and potentially BO3 too.
So from my perspective, Sony's was a bit flat after the others. I admit it was better than some/most of the publishers but it didn't quite 'smash it' for me so I do think Sony could easily top E3 2015...
Personally (and I know many will be baffled by my stance), I was extremely disappointed and bored with Sony's Press Conference last E3. Yeah, they showed FF7 Remake, but it would've had more effect if it was officially a PS4 exclusive (not "timed exclusive"). Shenmue 3? Cool news, but the Kickstarter info made it very confusing. Dreams? Personally was a yawn-fest for me. COD Black Ops 3 being shown at a Sony conference? Meh. It's a series that has seriously lost its appeal. The Hitman teaser was cool, but would've been better if actual gameplay had been shown that day. The Last Guardian? I've been hearing about this game for years and I'll believe it when I see it released. I never could get into Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, so not quite sure this game would be my cup of tea either.
The only thing I left the conference excited about was Horizon (and Uncharted 4 of course, despite their technical difficulties). The other aspect that kept me less intrigued was that Shawn Layden is no Jack Tretton (not yet at least). Jack Tretton was a superb public speaker: calm, cool and collective. Hell, I went back and re-watched the E3 2009 conference (probably my favorite one, Portal 2 announcement was mindblowing) before I presented a game I made in college in front of the class, just to prep myself on how to present my project to everyone.
That being said, E3 2015 for me personally, was a clunker. I know many were stoked about what was shown, and that's great. For me though, there was little to get me excited about. I'm hoping for a better conference this year.
It was great but it was made of promises of great games several years in the future. I would like announcements with more concrete release dates. I mean, Horizon might not be released to early 2017. That is almost 2 years since the E3 announcement.
Compare it to Bethesda who announced Fallout 4 and released within 6 months. The hype was built to a crescendo and then it released and look how well it went down.
I personally don't want an announcement of TLOU2 when I know that whatever is shown will be a basic tease with a release date at least two years in the future. Show me when the game is deep in dev and has summat to show
@kyleforrester87 Just wait for a couple generations and we will get a FFVII Remake Remake and it will re-blow everyones mind!
I kid I kid!
I was/am on the fence about the remake. It looks great, I love that its expanded into three games; but the combat system was one of the best things about FFVII and thats completely gutted in favor of a more action RPG style.
To be honest, I think there can be better. Like someone else said before me - better would have been pulling a fallout and having one of those releases coming out within a year. I honestly think Bethesda's E3 was better even though I wasn't interested in all the games. Uncharted 4 was really cool, horizon was really cool. The announcement of ffvii got me super excited, but not necessarily more excited than the combo of ffxv getting reannounced along with kingdom hearts 3. Now, if they had shown what they did at PlayStation experience along with it, it would have provided more. And honestly, with square Enix's track record right now, I'm glad we got to see any of the game at all.
@thedevilsjester totally get those concerns. I just try and remember a remake doesn't have to take anything away from the original and if it improves in some ways I don't mind if it arguabley takes some steps backward in other ways. It'll never live up to the expectations of some people but I know it'll be at least a fun experience.
For me, Jason Derulo's EA performance was hard to top Nah, as others have said, I'm not an FF fan, not heard of or played Shenmue (didn't own a dreamcast), and why should we gamers pay for it, we pay enough for consoles, accessories and games. As for the last guardian, yes I get the hype, but as I never played ico/SotC, this for me is just another announcement for an upcoming game. Horizon and UC4 were big for me. I do believe that this year can top last year's. But by showing games that will be released rather than games that are in development. We shall see I guess
The greatest ever? No......
Good, yes......
BAMozzy said:
As I stated in the 'Leverage' article, I really can't see how a game that was originally revealed for the PS3 with virtually identical gameplay that still has not released, A kickstarter for a Sega Dreamcast franchise and a remake of a 20yr old game - all of which seem no closer a year on - even if you like niche Japanese titles, culminates in the 'best' E3 ever.
This is my view as well.....
@BAMozzy @sub12 obviously opinions are opinions and everyone is entitled to one. I'd never say someone's wrong for having their own opinion. But on balance can you honestly name another conference that was so well recieved by the masses? Certainly these games arnt for you, and that's fine. I'm not a Shenmue fan at all and won't be getting 3 but I can recognise what the franchise means to people. So sure, have your opinions, they are perfectly balanced, but I challenge you to name a E3 that went down as well overall as Sonys did last year. Because that's what will define it as the best.
The fact that none of the bombshell announcements were either delayed or not even close to coming out dilutes it
Not interested in Shemnue having never played the previous game but it was very exciting otherwise. I think many expect Sony to attempt to replicate the same feeling this year. With a Crash Bandicoot game as the main headliner. But who knows? I'm sure it will be fun regardless. People would be wise to temper their expectations a little. I'll catch up the following morning like last time.
Like I've said before, the holy trifecta reveals were a bit of a cheat, but that hardly matters: Sony knew that just letting gamers of a certain aging generation know these games existed would blow their minds, and revealing them at the Sony E3 press conference inexorably linked them with Sony and, by extension, the Playstation brand.
It doesn't matter that none of those games will sell a fraction of the copies a Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto game probably sells. They've lit up the hopes and expectations of an entire generation of gamers while also showing off impressive newer properties. They knew what people were waiting for, even if only on a subconscious level, and delivered. That builds the kind of trust and brand loyalty that money can't buy.
Take notes, Nintendo. Jesus christ.
@kyleforrester87 I would argue that E3 2013 had a much bigger impact - especially considering how bad MS's went. This in itself made Sony's stand out that much more. I remember being blown away by Killzone, Infamous 2nd Son and The Order (pity it didn't live up to my expectation) - even Mad Max. The fact Sony focussed purely on games and more liberal approach before announcing its 'killer blow' - the price!! I would say that 2013 was much better received across the whole gaming landscape - not just fans of Sony so that challenge has been accepted and answered!
If everyone else has a great/fantastic E3, Sony's could be 'good' but seem flat afterwards. If everyone else has a bad E3, an average Sony one can seem great - its relative of course.
For me and no doubt many others though, Sony's 2013 E3 easily beat Sony's 2015 E3and you could say that Sony are still reaping the benefits of that E3 over 2years later...
@BAMozzy Agreed, you could reasonably argue the announcements of 2013 were on par, but I still think if you took an unbiased survey of all gamers and asked them which E3 press conference was the greatest ever I reckon last years from Sony would come up top!
The pole on this page would agree with me, however not sure it constitutes as unbiased with this being a PS website haha.
@kyleforrester87 As I stated, the effects of Sony's 2013 E3 are still resonating today and arguably affected the gaming landscape for consoles as we knew it. I know that this particular PS website may well think that 2015's was better because they have more interest in the Japanese culture and Sammy certainly does but globally I would argue that E3 2013 had a much bigger and positive impact. Its often difficult to remember how big or how great former E3's have been - we tend to remember the big blunders better but you can't argue with the impact that had by comparison. The subsequent enthusiasm and sales of the PS4 probably surprised Sony themselves - that's how big it was.
@BAMozzy I'm not really talking about the impact the announcements had on the industry, that view is kind of irrelevant since certain announcements made in (for example) 2001 are now completely irrelevant but it doesn't mean 2001 was not a year of great shows. I'm talking solely the WOW factor of the 2015 conference. Certainly announcements have been made since that took the edge off the news, I.e FF7 being released in instalments and some ambiguity surrounding Shenmue 3. But for 60 minutes (or however long it was) Sony was owning it like never before and it will be tough for them to top it.
no, the greatest ever was 2013 when they announced they were not following Microsoft's anti-consumer policies
@kyleforrester87 Thank goodness you get it!
@kyleforrester87 Again that comes down to personal preference. For me and I guess a few here that have little interest in these announcements, E3 2015 was a bit 'meh'. Those games are only relevant to fans of that genre, type.
Its difficult to measure what was the 'best' E3 but one way is the impact that E3 had to gaming. I doubt Sony's 2015 E3 had such a positive swing in their favour and impact as E3 2013. Some of that can be down to how bad MS's was of course but you have to judge it on how much of an impact it had on the majority of gamers. I have no doubt that fans of those games were pleased - maybe even a few people considered buying into Sony and PS4. The point of E3 isn't just for the current user base but selling the next 'phase' to newcomers too. E3 2015 may have made some of its users happy but E3 2013 made a lot more gamers happy and sold the concept of next gen gaming on the PS4 to a much wider audience than those few games ever did.
@BAMozzy Personally I'd say though 2013 was important it doesn't do much for me seeing the companies try and score points off one another, adding fuel to the exhausting fanboy wars. 2015 showed a much more confident Sony that took us by surprise (when we thought we'd be getting nothing but VR!), was focused on actual games that huge numbers of people had been clamouring for and not industry politics, and they managed to keep up the momentum for the duration of the show.
'Twas a real classic
@kyleforrester87 I would still sat E3 2013 flowed very well and kept peoples attention throughout but again, I guess, that comes down to personal tastes. I agree its not great to see companies scoring points off of each other but as I said, I also felt the games announced were more significant and appealing - at least to me. Killzone looked incredible, Infamous too - both launched within a year and I can't begin to describe how much of a wow factor the Order had at that E3.
Its clear you and I won't agree on this but it also shows that what was the best for one, is not always the best for another but at least we can discuss that difference as reasoned adults.
@BAMozzy agreed!!
I'm looking at some of these comments scratching my head. I've assumed we are all level headed gamers gamers with varying knowledge of the history of console games. Regardless if you've never played Shenmue, ff7 or some of team ICOs stuff, commenting on a gaming website you MUST have heard about them.
For example I hate half life 2, for me it was too generic and not the genre defining game I thought it would be. That doesn't mean if valve released a statement saying half life 3 was in production I wouldn't understand or acknowledge the seismic effect it would have on the games industry, media and comment sections.
Sony E3 2015 was a great presentation.
On the other hand, I dont think they can pull the same trick twice and I would expect a touch more information on games further into production this E3.
Where's the option for 'No, but still a great show.' The internet hadn't fully exploded to what it is now but there were some shows from the late 90s, early 2000s that I remember reading about that seemed better. I thought the show MS had in 2006 was awesome as well as Nintendo's from that year.
I think for me, while I thought Sony had the best show last year, I didn't think 'greatest ever' was an apt description because in order for it to be that, somebody has to care about the re-emergence of a game long forgotten by most, a kickstarter project and a remake of a good RPG but one that is also one of the most overrated games of all-time. That said, there was enough other great content to make it a good show. I find third party timed exclusive deals to be tacky but it is a good business decision and last year Sony had pretty much all the important games at its show with marketing deals. Horizon: Zero Dawn quickly shot to the top of my list of most-wanted games and Uncharted 4 had another great demo. All in all, it was good stuff, just sometimes I think people get too caught up in things and become prisoners of the moment. It was still better than MS' conference, which was also good, and sadly Nintendo's digital show was entirely meh.
One thing Sony can do this year to try and top or at least bring the show on par with last year's, is have Rockstar there ready to reveal its next game, be it Red Dead or GTA, and have the marketing deal.
We don't agree on a lot of things but that post is scary in how much it matches what I posted last year a day or two after Sony's event. I still to this day though can't figure out what it was about FF VII that got everybody so hard but I can tip my cap to Square for delivering something resonated with a lot of people. That said, I can't see how an argument can be made that a long-lost game only a very niche group of people care about, and two games a long ways off can make a show the 'best of all-time.' Most well-presented of all-time maybe, because Sony certainly had that aspect down last year.
Oh yeah easily the best conference. It's almost objective at this point. If you analyse it there's basically no faults throughout the entire show, three Megatons, new exclusives with real gameplay footage. Marketing on the biggest 3rd party games which appeal to the always important casual crowd.
Not everyone is going to be happy but you need to look at E3 shows on a wider scale within the market. I mean look at Microsoft last year, the only announcement of any significance was BC which when you think about it was them basically saying "you know those old games you had, well you can play some of them again." Which isn't all that exciting when we're in an industry that's always looking forward. And that's what E3 is about, it's about what each company is bringing over the next year or two.
Where's the option for 'No, but still a great show.'
That's a good question........Sammy??? Your going to throw up a T Swift gif.
Horizon zero dawn releasing this year better not be a lie. With only 6 months to "release" they know. I hate how rumors are more trustworthy than company comments.
Its all reletive to the announcements and if you gave a crap about what they were showing
@goonow id like it out this year but my head says its gonna slip to March 2017 hope im wrong
@BLPs I'm too young to have played shenmue but my favourite FFs are 6 and back. Something don't compute... Oh wait, you're a Nintendo fanboy who is passive aggressively resisting coming to the darkside. Don't worry, a good game is a good game, no matter what you play it on.
@hi_drnick Shenmue hasn't been re-release. Final Fantasy has. If it was I'd play it. And I resisted for years going to nintnedo since I played ps exclusively (woo britain) and wii u was the first 8thalf gen console so I jumped on. Now I'm using my ps4 almost exclusively. Here's my thing. I'm missing the visual and gameplay smorgasbord of the ps2 days. I think Sony could go back to a good game per week right?
@Grawlog This is a pretty good article about FF7, why it was so good, why other media set in the same universe has not been as good, and why the remake will likely not be as good:
Worth a quick read!
Yeah, I think 2015's presser will be very hard to beat. They just hit on the magic formula for me as I'm a huge fan of Ueda, Final Fantasy and Shenmue. To have all three within mere moments of each other left me in a near-catatonic state of bliss. Not expecting that level of excitement this year but I'm not so worried about it as I'm pretty happy with where Sony are at the moment. Really enjoying my PS4, already got plenty to play and there's a steady stream of games on the way that I'm really excited for. Updates on some of them would be nice, particularly Persona 4, but not too worried either way. Expecting a big VR push which will be less exciting as I'm not planning to buy that until at least the start of 2017.
Hoping to see big things from Nintendo but getting myself ready for disappointment there.
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