It's quite incredible that there have been 120 issues of WAYP to date. Back when we started this series, we never imagined it would run this long, but that's a testament to the team for constantly getting involved, and you for commenting week in, week out. Give yourselves a big pat on the back.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
Toussaint awaits this weekend as I continue to sink my fangs into The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine. I've thoroughly enjoyed the expansion so far, and my hope is that I'll be able to bring you lot a review next week. How exciting!
Kell Andersen, Senior Writer
This weekend I'll be finishing up Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, and then dropping straight into DOOM. A bit of a tonal shift, but I'm sure I'll manage.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I'll be playing through Oxenfree this weekend for review purposes, but I'm sure I'll manage to get some PES 2016 and Uncharted 4 multiplayer in while I'm at it.
Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
It's more Overwatch and Uncharted 4 for me this weekend. However, I recently decided to jump into Life Is Strange on a whim and enjoyed the first episode, so I might give the next one a go, too. Whoa, wait...did that joyful squeal I just heard come from Sammy? [It only gets better, Joey – Ed]
Marcello Apostolico, Reviewer
This weekend I'm trying to finish up DOOM's campaign, and maybe play some Primal since that just released on PSN. I'm also hoping to get some Uncharted 4 multiplayer in, as well as a few other games I backlogged.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
I'll be continuing my PS2 gaming this weekend to the tune of Black (the Best First-Person Shooter Ever™) and Tony Hawk's Underground. I also picked up Little Britain: The Game, but it's abhorrently awful, even for a 50p game.
Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
I have finally given in to the sales and purchased not one but four games to keep me busy this weekend. I'll be diving into Knack, Trine 3, Volume, and The Walking Dead: Michonne. Other than that, a few rounds of Overwatch will keep me in the house while the sun shines bright outside.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
Urinals, statues, and plates had better watch themselves – I'm playing Dangerous Golf this weekend. I'm thoroughly enjoying its joyfully destructive brand of fun. You'll also find me healing up a storm, or being battered by an armed gorilla, in Overwatch with the Push Square community.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
What will I be playing this weekend? What else but Overwatch. I am really enjoying this game a lot. So far my characters of choice are Torbjorn and Reinhardt.
What games will you be playing on this penultimate weekend before E3? Spit some names at us in the comments section below.
Comments 39
I'll be jumping into toussaint this weekend after finishing hearts if stone. Just can't get over how awesome toussaint is, just keep on stopping to admire the scenery! Hopefully gonna pick up overwatch nxt week and see what all the fuss is about!
a bit of Uncharted 4 and Final Fantasy X HD but mainly One Piece Burning Blood as it was released yesterday
Witcher 3: Blood & Wine. Fantastic as always.
Just picked up Doom as well.
I am addicted to Overwatch, nothing else matters!
I'm having great fun with Dangerous Golf.
DOOM and the newest entry in the most underappreciated high-quality exclusive franchise any of the big 3 have... MLB The Show 16
Dragon Quest Hero warriors of the world tree woes.
About 2 hours in and the airship has opened up, thank god that start was terrible.
I tried to resist the urge but failed and bought Walking Dead:Michone in the sale so will be playing that over the weekend...or rather just today as I have finished episode one already.Great game!
Will also continue my adventure in Tales Of Zestiria and Uncharted 4.
I've been playing some of The Tomorrow Children open beta, which I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned on the site at all to my knowledge.
I've given up on Fire Emblem Birthright. The story is really dull and the battles arnt interesting enough to save it for me..hoped for more from my first FE game. I'll be playing FF7, Bravely Second and messing about with me motorbike
Witcher 3 Blood and Wine......pity the soul that doesn't know the greatness of this game!
Slowly getting through sniper elite 3 so may take on chapter 6 of 8 today. A friend bought his daughter a ps4 and it came with until dawn which he's given to me as she's to young. Also haven't started up battlefield hardline Since I picked it up in the sale.
Ratchet & clank full time, man this game is fun. After that I plan to play odin sphere ps4.
Mad Max again for me this weekend as i prepare for my exams.
(P.S. Only 4 months until Mafia 3 finally comes out)
Surprising none of the staff are trying the demo for The Tomorrow Children
@adf86 I agree no mention at all
I tried playing Far Harbour but I'm at the part where you have to hack the computer with the building tools and it's just too boring. So now I'm back on Doom 😃
Definitely overwatch . Awesome game .
I feel like Kell. I am picking up Doom later on today and I am close to beating U4 but not enough to beat it this weekend.
I also got the Doom 3 BFG Edition that compiles the first 3 games and I will be trying to get the second ending on Super Meat Boy. May squeeze some Splatoon in there and the usual couch co op with my bro.
@adf86 how are you finding it? I've only dipped in to play the tutorial and then walk around aimlessly for a few minutes and dig a couple of holes. Liked the art style but what gameplay I tried didn't do much for me- interested to hear from someone who has had more time with it.
The Witcher 3 which is finally starting to grow on me. Thought it was incredibly overrated 5 hours in, but now that I have progressed with some of the main/secondary quest lines I can really appreciate the storytelling (Bloody Baron! ).
Having said that I'm really breezing through the game despite playing on the death march difficulty so I can't imagine what the other difficulties are like.
Also are glitches/game breaking bugs common in the Witcher 3? My gameplay sessions usually last about 2-3 hours but something is bound to happen. Today during a horse race, the horses were moving as if they were on rails (legs were still) & yesterday got stuck in a mud hole in the swamp that I could not get out off so had to restart & replay about 15mins worth, amongst other issues.
All in all really enjoying it about 30 hours in & playing it whenever I can, but it's got me kind of wanting more/not living up to the hype. Might be cause I haven't played any of the previous games but hoping it keeps getting better. Definitely got my money's worth & I would argue it might even have too much content.
Fallout 4 on PS4 I'm going for the platinum and Guilty Gear XX Core on the wii.
@Mergatro1d This is actually my second beta with the game and your views echoed my own first impressions on the previous beta. It was intriguing but a bit incomprehensible. On this second playthrough I put two hours into it, there seemed to be a bit more exposition this time though. When I saw the reveal trailer for this I joked that it's a "communist minecraft" I'm beginning to think I was spot on with that. Basically the moment to moment gameplay is enter town, dig into odd structures, bring back resources to get paid to buy better tools. Or run on treadmills to power your town and use turrets to shoot down monsters (which if you do you mine their remains). Overall I love the concept but I think it has problems on it's actual execution in terms of player guidance and the online aspect I've found rather limiting, in the town I was in last night I couldn't build anything because it was full to capacity. So to get your town up a level you have to rely on others online.
Hey guys I am finally able to get a Vita tomorrow! What games do you recommend? So far I am going to get Sly Cooper, but I don't know what else... Not a monster hunter or RPG fan is the only thing.
@Bananaman678 Uncharted Golden Abyss, Rayman Origins and Legends, Wipeout 2048, Killzone Mercenary and Tearaway. You can't go wrong with any of them.
@adf86 cool, thanks for replying. Communist Minecraft seems pretty spot on! Will try out some more of the beta later but not entirely sure it'll ever be my type of game
I'm between 3 games right now - Rayman Legends (finally!), Tropico 5, and Far Cry 4 (all on PS4).
What's more interesting, however, is my wife is finally playing Life is Strange and I'm enjoying watching it (I haven't played it yet - I tend to watch her play these games). We just finished episode 4 and I'm really curious to how they're going to end it
I am hopefully going to progress with uc4 this weekend. Maybe.
Thought I'd try Star Wars Battlefront and really enjoying it so far. Graphics are top notch and gameplay very satisfying. But ridiculous price for the season pass at £40. The game only cost £25.
@Mergatro1d I want to love it because it's so unique but at the moment it's lacking the feeling of coming back to it.
This weekend I'll finish Far Cry Primal, starting Star Fox Zero and hopefully I have time for PES 2016 to get in mood for the Euro next week.
Interesting to hear since I played the first hour and felt the same. Maybe I need to go back to it and I may start to enjoy it if I advance some more.
Only thing is that right now only U4 exists and I may get hooked to Doom so it will have to wait.
Trying to get my City FIFA 16 career finished off (up to 2022 now!), but bought Oxenfree, Dead Island and Dragon Quest Heroes so will be giving them a go too. Thankfully I'm off work on Monday and Tuesday too!
@adf86 I like the style of the game found it frustrating at first because I had no idea what to do. Would be a lot easier if chat worked but maybe that will be a feature on full release. Once I got the hang of what to do it is enjoyable. Died a few times lost some items, dropped an item got stolen by someone straight away. Shook a tree got some nice fruit. Killed some stuff. Ran on a treadmill made loads of items. Ranked 3 in my town so happy about that.
Spurring on Roach every time I see or hear those bloody Archespores in Blood and Wine.
I am halfway through uncharted 4 on the ps4. And 2/3 through The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel on ps vita. Both are amazing games.
@FullbringIchigo sounds like we play a lot of the same games, haven't gotten around to picking up to OP Burning Blood yet. For me it is knocking out a few endings on Stories: the Path of Destinies.
@vegeta11 Burning Blood is fun although i'm annoyed at Zavvi, they didn't send my pre-order character codes and their customer service sucks, they still haven't got back to me yet
As for Stories i haven't got round to getting it yet but i will be as soon as i upgrade my PS4 HDD at the moment i'm saving room for the games i have already pre-ordered
Birthright has a fairly dull story, surprisingly. I expected it to match Awakening. But I will say this- the last stretch of chapters are really good and one of the best endings in any FE game I've played. I think it's worth it to persevere.
But more than that I really recommend Conquest. The story is more interesting (even if a little out there it at least has stuff happening from chapter to chapter), the characters are FAR more interesting (like Awakening's characters, not Birthright's) and the maps.... oh my gosh the maps.
BEST. MAPS. EVER. And just so you know, I have 12 of the 14 FE games installed on my 3DS and the other 2 on Wii. I've played them all (at least partially, every one of them, even some of the main fan projects like Midnight Sun). And to date Conquest's maps trump them all.
I urge you to, if nothing else, play Conquest. It's only $20 as DLC (and I have extra NA codes for $15 if you really wanted) and is worth every red cent. Expect difficulty maybe not as hard as Thracia 776 but definitely hard- even on normal mode. You'd have to be a monster to play on hard or lunatic. If it's too hard casual is always an option- it's how I played it (love the mid battle saving it brings and insurance in case I make a blunder right at the end and don't wanna replay).
@JaxonH I figured Conquest would be better, but I also know it's a lot more difficult. Unfortunately this being my first FE game I don't understand some of the intricacies of the combat so jumping straight into Conquest would be a bad idea...but then Birthright just isn't interesting enough for me to continue with. I might chip away at it, though
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