Hackers may have obtained access to Watch Dogs 2's marketing materials earlier than expected, but Ubisoft has now officially revealed the game. Set in San Francisco as expected, the title will put you in the skinny jeans of nerd vigilante Marcus Holloway, who'll bring the Bay Area to its knees using his drone and smartphone.
The game's definitely got a lot more personality than its predecessor, with the sunny setting of San Francisco contrasting the moody urban streets of Chicago quite nicely. It'll play slightly differently, too: Marcus' moveset focuses on quick traversal abilities, so expect more parkour than Aiden Pearce could ever manage.
You'll be able to hack more things as well, including other vehicles. If that's not enough, multiplayer will be more organic, allowing you to set up co-op scenarios and more when and where you want. It looks like a nice improvement across the board, and it certainly has more style than its forebear. A nice surprise, then.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 17
It definitely is a little strange but I think that may help give it a better personality and at least be remembered better, for better or worse
Was the video taken down? Says it's no longer available.
I rather enjoyed the first one so will probably lunch give this a go, especially considering that UBI generally does its best work on sequels and then it all starts to go down hill from there as they iterate their properties to death.
@ivanmata Working for me?
@get2sammyb vid not working
looks pretty cool, actually. i didn't get far into the first game precisely because of the lack of personality, everything seemed so dull and lifeless. I do think it had a lot of potential though, and I'll be interested to see if 2 makes use of that potential in any meaningful way.
Video isn't working for me either. Says its unavailable
Weird, it's playing for me. I'll swap it out.
Yay no Aiden Pearce!
Looking pretty nice but I suppose it hasn't had the Ubisoft graphical downgrade applied yet right? hehe
It looks okay, but I'm cautious about it... It may come as sort of a surprise, but I've been burned by UbiSoft before.
I was sceptical about Watch Dogs 2 from the second it was mentioned, but it actually looks pretty decent! The new, less serious vibe definitely helps, and San Francisco looks like a more interesting setting to explore.
Looking forward to seeing more at E3
Looking good, way more character
HYPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Looks very refreshing, but i hope it is still Watch Dogs because i really enjoyed the first game.
Does anyone know if the minigames are returning? Like Psychedelic or Spider Tank?
Do you still have the ability to drive? Will music be returning? Will you still have the smartphone app interface?
So many burning questions...
Its a suprise it's releasing in November to me, i thought they would set this up for next year like March or April, imo like the division... Good they're going down The Fallout 4 route of quick hype and buzz i guess. It's not even been that long ago the first one was released.
Mafia 3 and Watch Dogs 2 sniffs in one christmas???? Aaahhhh... faints
Well, i guess we'll see if it's any good come Christmas time.
It looks like it's gonna be similar to assassins creed brotherhood to me. Deffo a recruiting vibe from the trailer and other hackers on missions with you. Which isn't a bad thing. Like the drone use on missions and 3D printers for making weapons and items. Just hope the main character isn't a complete douche and the characters aren't to "hip" or ubisofts version of hip.
Video unavailable
not impressed... hate this kind of hipster wannabe vibe...
And DedSec? Hacking corporate & gaining followers? It'd be funny if the game is DDoS by those groups that inspired this game's concept.. XD
so much cringe
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