Sony's finally spilled the beans on July's free PlayStation Plus titles, and it's honestly one of the better selections that we've seen in quite some time. First up, confirming the recent predictions of editor Sammy Barker, PlayStation 4 users can look forward to Furi - the intense boss gauntlet game from The Game Bakers, which is due to launch on the 5th July. Not a bad start, and adding some chaos to the current-gen mix is ridiculous sandbox adventure Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell - another solid choice, in our opinion.
What's more, subscribers will also be able to get early access to Paragon - the character based shooter from Epic Games starting from the 5th July.
Meanwhile, PlayStation 3 players get Fat Princess and Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, a twosome which we admit isn't quite up to scratch. Still, things are better over on the Vita, where weird-but-really-quite-good Japanese role-playing game Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines is up for grabs alongside Prince of Persia: Revelations.
What do you think of July's offering? Do you agree that it's actually pretty strong, or are you left disappointed? Face down your foes in the comments section below.
Comments 60
I set my expectations low, I'm very happy with this line up. Although I already have gat out of hell.
They seem to release 1 AAA game for ps4 every month now.
I liked it more than June!
Wanted to get Gat ut of hell, but never did and Oreshinka looks interesting, after all I wanted a new RPG.
As for furi, we will see!
Only Furi and Prince of Persia (why not) for me. Already have Oreshika and the other ones don't interest me at all. Good variety, though.
Very selection! Much happy! So downloading!
Worth mentioning that we'll have a review of Furi before it's released.
Another step up IMO - loved SR4 but haven't played Gat out of Hell yet so I'm excited for that, and Furi looks like a lot of fun. Fat Princess is good too, not fussed about Call of Juarez, but Oreshika looks intriguing! Willl give the Paragon beta a go as well, that's a nice extra. Excellent month.
Cool beans
Nice, was looking forward to Furi and I probably would have bought it anyway. And I'm so glad Oreshika is included; I already own the game, but this is one of those games everyone should be able to experience. It's one of the most beautiful games on the Vita and the premise of the game is really cool.
Excellent month Sony!
Was intrigued by Furi so this is great. Never played a Saints Row, so I'll give it a go!
Yeah, I'm happy with that. I'd quite happily give most of those a go. PS4 titles are both good choices.
I actually bought Fat Princess on it's day of release. It got about two weeks worth of play from me before I lost interest but others might want to give it a go (although I'm amazed the server isn't dead! Even with the PS Plus user uptick I can image there being a lot of empty waiting rooms and a ton of bots).
I thought Oreshinka was a great premise for a game so I'm glad I get to try it out. I remember Call of Juarez mostly for it being picked out by Graham Linehan as an example of terrible video game writing on Charlie Brooker's Gamewipe, but I'm partial to a bit of cowboy shoot'em up and with a campaign length of 6 hours I might actually manage to fit it in a weekend.
Sadly, the PSP port of Prince of Persia was quite dire on release and I really doubt that's changed. But hey, I have the HD version on PS3 anyway so I'm not missing anything.
As David Bowie once said, "I'm happy. Hope you're happy too. Wuzzawuzz."
Obligatory meh. Furi looks absolutely boring, and unfortunately I already have Saints Row though its inclusion makes up for Furi for those that don't.
Not that I think Sony could (or should) do much better with PS+, its just the nature of the service this early in the consoles life. I would, however, like to see PS3 and (possibly) Vita dropped from the monthly line up to increase the potential for better PS4 games.
This is the best PS4 selection ever! Vita selection is also pretty solid!
One day, I played the demo of Fat Princess and I while I had fun with it, I was sure it would come to plus, and since I'm not a huge multiplayer guy, I waited.
For like four years. It's probably a little too late because I hate using my PS3 controller compared to the ps4 one and it's not easy enough to switch wirelessly to make it worth it.
I don't know anything about furi but hopefully it saves this month. Still have gone home to play though!
Pretty good selection and paragon is a nice bonus, i almost bought the founders pack but couldn't quite bring myself to do it so it will be great to be able to try it and lost sea launches next week,which im going to buy, i just really like the look and idea of it and fingers crossed for some local coop
A solid selection for PS4 and Vita. Verdict is still out on PS3,
Looking forward to Paragon!
@ztpayne7 It takes a few seconds to register your PS4 controller to your PS3. I do it occasionally when I have to go back and clear some backlog. The only problem is that the PS button doesn't work when you do this.
I'm usually critical of psn+ games but these all look great.
Actually quite pleased with this, kept eyeing Gat out of Hell when its been on Sale , Guru looks like it might be good fun as well
Furi was going to be a day 1 purchase for me so this is great. Didn't really like the look of Oreshika, but as a PS+ offering I give it a go.
Kaz must be in a real good mood today. First the sale, now this
Really pleased with this update. Furi looks solid, and will happily try saints row. Always wanted to get oreshika and i regretted selling bound in blood, so glad to get the opportunity to play that again should i wish
Happy for the early access to Paragon other than that not games I would play. Seems people are satisfied with the selection of games this month.
@Flopsy From your own comment history: "This website is being destroyed by click bait tabloid hyperbole and a culture of sniping negativity" - and then you go and say Furi is complete garbage despite the fact it isn't actually out yet. Come on, now.
Ok this is a really solid selection. I personally cannot stand Saints row (its the humour, like Sammy with borderlands) but I know a lot of people love it, so fair play.
Furi looks really interesting, a solid, interesting, indie which tries to do something different.
I might dust off the ps3 for CoS (or at least stop playing Dark Souls for a bit) and the vita offerings look like crowd pleasers.
Well done Sony! Keep it up!
Seems like a good month for me
Paragon better be good so I can lose my Overwatch/LOL addiction a bit
Yay furi, I want to buy fury because the game looks great, I'm glad I can get it free on plus.
Wow, this is actually a really impressive lineup! Much better than the last few months.
Good month looking forward to it at least, last month's were awful.
Will definitely be downloading Furi!
Muuuuch better!
I particularly don't care for the Saint Row games, but I know a bunch of people do so I am glad they will be getting it for free.
Now I've sold my PS3 and Vita I feel I get a lot less value from PS+ these days, though it's still worth it for PS4 alone I suppose!
Finally a good line up
@ztpayne7 well I guess the 6 year wait of saving $15 was finally worth it for Fat Princess. lol. and if using the PS4 controller that you like better isn't worth it because you have to attach it with the charging cable, I really feel sorry fo you.
Saints Row 2 was a blast. The last few games have looked too stupid for me to want to pay for them, but I'll absolutely take a SR game for free.
Vita getting a full first party JRPG is huge, too.
I'm loving this, best month in a while, high hopes for Furi.
Furi holds ZERO appeal and Saints Row has gone down hill since 2. SR4 itself wasn't great but the stand-alone budget offering actually looked better than the main game - not enough that I would ever think it was worth buying so I may actually download this - would have been better to have SR4 as well as you can import your character and it at least would give context to the characters you play in this - especially if you haven't played a SR game before.
Not the greatest line-up from my perspective but at least I may actually end up downloading a game this month...
Better than June's line up.Gat out of Hell I bought and played in a sale a while back,it's fun for a while but I got bored and moved on.Saints Row will never get back to the greatness of number 2.
Furi looks super dull but I'll wait and see..
VERY happy about Oreshika though,one I've been wanting for a long time and to be honest I like the look of Obese Princess too.
But what's with ANOTHER psp game??and Call Of Juarez,didant we already have that?think I still have it already D/l and unplayed on Ps3 from month's ago..
Wow...so glad I didn't buy Gat on sale while checking out the latest sale.
No interest in SR, but Gat looks like a bit of fun (still looks like a PS3 game tho).
Great stuff
Strong month!
Tainted Bloodlines and Furi! What a month.
@thedevilsjester I Wouldn't like to see them dropped. Especially vita.
I buy everything I want on ps4 as and when it comes out but on the vita they keep bringing titles to plus that I didn't even know existed.
It's OK!
I'm happy with what's on offer on the vita as I use it a lot and I never played blood lines before. Will check out furi and I've heard good things abt it. A stronger line up indeed.
Well that's the best month in ages
I'm crying tears of joy 😂
Though I hope Furi ends up good. Don't want it to happened like what Table Top and HardwareRivals. Not to mention like what happened with Zombie Vikings and its mixed reviews caused by releasing the game as a PS PLUS without fixing the issues.
Just bought the Saints Row 4 and gat out of hell last night..... Sure I only spent 10.98 for both. Stillllllll
Very happy I was looking at buying Furi I even added it to my list of games for this year so thats cool
I have saints row 4 and gat out of hell on the ps3 and 100% both can someone help out are the ps4 and ps3 trophy sets the same or can I get get them all again on ps4
so happy I kept my vita might not be able to buy new games for it with all the ps4 games coming out but these free vita games are great each month
As myself and many others predicted over a year ago, this would be the year that we would begin to get AAA titles and the like on plus. All those that complained will surely go back to the message boards and now shout how great the last few months have been, right? I expect to see Killzone, Knack, Tearaway, etc before the year is out.
Liked the look of Furi alot,was going pick it up at some point so very pleased it's part of PS+.All the other game i have not played so a very good month for me.
Ohohohoo... I am very happy that Oreshika will be ps+ game on vita.
I want to try paragon, but don't want to pay the 20 bucks so this is great. I don't play mobas.
Awesome! Very curious to try Furi.
I remember Fat Princess being a lot of fun back when it came out, but nowadays I wonder how busy the servers will be :/
This looks like a great selection for PS+, can't wait to pick up Furi
i wish that PS4 has Backwards Compatibility with PS3 games, then i could play all these free PS3 games.
Furi & Gat Out of Hell... Great games for PS4 this month!
Furi looks very interesting. Not bothered about the other two PS4 games though. Oh well, I haven't got more than one in a month recently anyway.
Happy 😄
3 for 3.
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