There's been a bit of confusion – surprise, surprise – online recently regarding some early box art for PlayStation VR launch title, PlayStation VR Worlds. On the cover – which we reported on eons ago – there's a handy little icon which simply states 'You'll Need These' alongside images of the PlayStation Camera and Sony's funky facemask.
But there's also a picture of two PlayStation Move wands, suggesting that London Studios' compilation can't be played without them. Not true, according to the platform holder. "All PlayStation VR titles will support DualShock 4 controllers," it told Eurogamer.net. "However some game experiences will be enhanced with the use of peripherals such as Move or the recently announced Aim controller."
No surprise? Well, not really – but this is at least confirmation that every game currently announced for PlayStation VR will be compatible with the DualShock 4. Obviously motion controllers actually add a lot to virtual reality experiences, but they're also pricey, so it's nice to know that you'll be able to play without them if you choose to do so.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 28
This was a very, very smart move on their part.
I'll try it with all controllers nice to know dualshock is an option I can be very lazy.
Not mandatory......but strongly recommended for certain games........
<Sony> ah,xbox one is a bit underpowered ain't it? lets get bill on the phone and make him an offer for PS4 to be likewise ("Parity") <sony,hey lets get a leg up on Microsoft with PSVR,yeah its PSVR time now everybody> <Sony again> oh,woops PSVR PS4 vanilla will be terrible due lack of horsepower on PS4,dang> <Sony,again> OH we have a monster of a gaming machine on the way guys its a bit more powerfull than original PS4 and everything! I'm not defending/bigging up bill gates btw,he pays the media for that.<Sony> Lets just follow the Apple business model - better get some suicide nets for the factorys.Don't worry Al gore will pay for it.Man - you used to be cool,Sony.I'm discriminating a little,its the world we live in these days.Um,my point was Sony are badly taking advantage of playstation fans because all their other products are failing..as for The PSVR,very convienient timing there with the PS4N on the way..
(VR isnt really ready on quite high spec pc's yet,understand?) which in turn is an excuse for PS4 vanilla being underpowerd,its bannanas..FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A HUMAN RIGHT,AS IS LOTS OF COFFEE and gaming related politic speak on a gaming website.Sorry if i offended anyone,but i feel sony are doing a bit of a number with their marketing stuff.plz forgive me.i'm normally just ignored anyway :/ i'd just like 60fps on most new games and just as importantly my backlog.very doubtful imo ps4 is pc aritechture right? if PS4N is just a bit nicer looking,mostly 30fps then most of my game buying is going to be put off until Scorpio -but then,that'll run on windows 10 which dosen't bode well for it at all.also,i need to win the lottery or something.Sorry,Goodnight
@special_donky ...wut?
I thought this was announced a long time ago? Obviously a lot of games are designed around the Move controls but I doubt its going to be like trying to play Guitar Hero (or similar) with a DS4. It may be a bit more limiting in certain games - like Golem for example - I don't know how you could hack and block as accurately - maybe a case of a button to hack/block and use a thumbstick to determine where you hack/block??
Caffeine is not your friend
Aint the DS4 move enabled as it is? I remember shaking it an awful lot in Infamous Second Son.
@special_donky mate, I don't know what you had, but I want it.
@xX_RiscazZ_Xx Yeah, the DS4 can act as the motion version of the move controller just the same as the PS3. You could use the move with the ball at the top and the analog sticks on the DS3. I'm assuming the same functionality will be present this time around too. I enjoyed the spray painting in second son. The kids were blown away by it. Same with the AR Bots in the playroom.
@JoeBlogs lol
I bet using the DS4 will often bring mixed results when compared to the Move controllers.
What this really means is be wary of what game your getting since developers will likely be all over the place with controller configurations.
A nice decision from Sony. It means from the moment I get the PSVR I just turn it on and games will work, plus big spend is eased a little.
A wise move by Sony even if I can't help but feel that some games like London Heist will lose a lot of that illusion if you just use a controller. Hopefully they'll create many experiences designed around both controller options
I knew most would support the DS4 But I did see some I thought would require The move controllers. Like the demo shooting while riding i the car and the roller coster shooting the evil clowns. Great news! because I ordered the basic headset VR unit I have a camera already and planed to get the move controllers at a later date if I felt i needed them.
Now we need to know if VR Worlds will be packed with the basic headset. It says some demos come with it also with out saying its VR Worlds that's included.
Extremely smart move but not really news. Sony stated quite some time ago that all VR games would be compatible with the DS4, but that all might not be "preferable". In fact, back in 2014, when the Morpheus rumors were flying around, A Sony exec said the light bar on the DS4 was purposely placed on the controller from the get go for eventual PSVR functionality. Forward thinking that was. Lucky for me I got extra Move and DS4 controllers:)
@BAMozzy It was, they have just reported it again.
I thought this would be obvious.
I finally got the move controllers, I already have the camera. Now I just need the PSVR.
@special_donky "Give the people what we....err...they want." Right?
@TomKnows @JoeBlogs @gingerfrog @AhabSpampurse Sorry guys -oh,my head hurts badly...I think my points were 1) Its been Sony's plan to squeeze PS fans fiancially since the ps4 was at a concept stage originally 2) Windows is a system hog,closed,architecture or not - thus Scorpio may under-perform quite badly.. 3) Apple are messed up,one way being - they have suicide nets at their main factory 'cos so many staff have jumped of the building and Al gore is one of apple's biggest shareholders.Hope i clarified myself a bit.
@special_donky Are you on crack or just insane? Again you can still use the normal PS4 for everything. The price of the new console was really cheap.
@Flaming_Kaiser maybe cheap for you? no need for name calling,just points to you being a bully - without logical answers to my points.so you want get a PSVR and run it on your original PS4? http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/ps4-neo-exists-because-playstation-vr-was-going-be-truly-awful-launch-consoles-says-developer-1562122 It was cheap because they knew fans will buy a second ps4(N) (and vr) a little later.Or do you think they just suddenly came up with the idea of new hardware to release at this point? Do you approve of apple's retail strategy? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2103798/Revealed-Inside-Apples-Chinese-sweatshop-factory-workers-paid-just-1-12-hour and how sony is following their of bussiness strategy? https://techcrunch.com/2011/11/30/sonys-latest-retail-strategy-follow-apples-lead/ well good for you mate.
"Nearly all PlayStation VR titles will support DualShock 4 controllers, and several games will deliver an enhanced experience that further immerses gamers with the use of peripherals such as Move or the recently announced Aim controller. There will be a limited number of titles that require Move controllers."
-Quote from SONY sent to the Verge back in mid-July.
@special_donky @special_donky goodnight? More like “wake up!”
@JoeBlogs damn! I told him to “wake up!” He gone start drinking again... lol 😂
@special_donky yes mate you have. Those “guys with the special white jacket” will be coming for you soon......
Nasty trash dude,rambling about some months old post without any facts or arguments,just a pretend girlfriend avatar.Good luck.
@special_donky First off what you have requested as been looked into and cannot be discussed here.
Second.insulting users will not be tolerated here, regardless on who starts it. There is an ignore button to use for cases you feel you are being insulted at. I suggest use that instead of insulting others users.
Now next person who insults will get a ban from here out.
Thanks for understanding
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