Want something to play this summer despite the lack of new releases? Good news, Sony has discounted dozens upon dozens of digital games on the European PlayStation Store, with everything from Alienation through to White Night up for grabs on the PlayStation 4. The former can be purchased for just £9.99, for example, while you'll be able to snag the latter for £5.79.
Other highlights include Shadow of the Beast for £7.39, Firewatch for £11.99, and Journey for £5.79. A lot of these offers come with additional savings for PlayStation Plus subscribers, too, which is always nice. The sale ends on 24th August, so you've got plenty of time to make up your mind. You can peruse the full roster of reductions through here.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 21
The Witness has been discounted, for those of you not willing to splash £30 on it! It's now £21.99. Can't see it going any cheaper any time soon. Do yourselves a favour and give it a go
Here's an interesting one, the much anticipated Hyper Light Drifter pre-order has been discounted according to the blog, and the price currently shows as £12.99. But discounted from what I couldn't tell you, anyone know what the actual saving is here? No idea what the original price is.
Snapped up Journey Collector's Edition, haven't played any of the games and they are a bargain at that price!
Hope there are some nice PS3 / PSVita deals.
@LieutenantFatman I noticed this too. I don't think the Store has actually updated yet (Mad Max is Deal of the Week but it still says Doom is) so some stuff isn't showing up. Interesting to see games yet to release included in the offer!
@Quintumply Good point, thanks! Forgot they could be slow on these things, I'll take a look later. Yes, they did that just before Alienation released as well. Just a small discount but probably helped shift quite a few more units.
@LieutenantFatman I like the idea of including pre-orders in sales. Might bring some lesser known titles to people's attention. Hyper Light Drifter, Grow Up and Overcooked all look great, and deserve to be pushed.
Edit: The Store has been updated - Hyper Light Drifter is £12.99 pre-order, but it doesn't say what that's come down from. I'd take a guess it's normally somewhere between £15 and £20.
@LieutenantFatman Battleship pre-order is discounted too apparently. Didn't even know there was a Battleship game coming to PS4.
@FX102A There are, click the link in the article.
Just bought The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Oddworld, Soma and Kholat - all of which I have wanted for ages but cost less in total than Soma was yesterday. Boom.
£4.09 for SOMA sold!
Picked up Firewatch, Not A Hero and Alienation. I had to put aside The Witness, Hotline Miami 2 and Steamworld Heist for anotrher day I'm afraid. I literally own all of the other games in the sale haha
Another great sale. Between this & the big in Japan sale PS+ has practically paid for itself. Soma at £4 is amazing. Also amazed to see SteamWorld heist get 33% off, I was so tempted to get it during launch week with the 10% off. So glad I resisted!
Also off topic but going to Lisbon for a week tomorrow. Really excited about going but I'm almost as excited about using the PC-PS4 remote play app from over there!
That Soma price is insane! The Banner Saga is a good price as well.
That's cool. A butt-load of good games on that list. Enter the Gungeon, OlliOlli2 and Dangerous Golf in particular are good ones.
I picked up The Banner Saga and I'm looking forward to getting stuck in. I might get Steamworld Heist too, it looks pretty good.
@LieutenantFatman Please tell me it has a release date for the ps4???
@Majic12 26th July.
anyone found a release date for Hyper Light Drifter PS4??
edit Saw it on your front page directly after posting this, can't wait!*
got the resogun season pass (i didn't got the game until may of this year) but i might get flower as well(no need for collector edition for me cause i already journey and Flow already)
got SOMA and ALIENATION, also considering Banner Saga, glad I have a vacation comin up ^^
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