Microsoft jumped feet first into the iterative hardware space at E3 2016, announcing Project Scorpio for… Well, the end of 2017! Sony, on the other hand, opted to keep the PlayStation 4K closer to its chest, confirming that it is working on an upgraded console, but refusing to share specifics until the platform is officially announced – presumably later in the year.
This has led to some baseless speculation from key industry personalities that the platform holder's returned to the drawing board – a dramatically improved GPU over double the specifications of the existing PS4 apparently not good enough to keep up with what Microsoft's got in the pipeline. But we reckon that's complete and utter nonsense – and here's why.
While the story goes that Sony is running scared of Scorpio, we actually think that Microsoft accelerated its plans in response to being caught cold by the Japanese giant's upgraded console. The PlayStation maker's requesting Neo versions of PS4 software to start shipping this October, suggesting that the system will launch later this year.
PlayStation president Andrew House has also said that it wants to release the console almost immediately after it's announced, with a reveal at some point over the next eight or so weeks looking increasingly inevitable. If, indeed, Sony's set to drop the PS4K bomb quickly, then the concept-heavy Scorpio video was probably moved forward by Microsoft to ensure that it remains in the conversation.
As such, we don't think that PlayStation's running scared of Scorpio, scrambling to catch back up – we'd argue that it may be the other way around. And while both manufacturers still have a lot to prove when it comes to iterative hardware, we're starting to salivate over the fact that we have a couple of new console launches to look forward to in the near future.
Do you think that the Project Scorpio reveal has left Sony reeling – or do you reckon it'll stick to its roadmap irrespective of the competition? Would the Japanese giant really squander a one year head-start in order to maintain hardware parity? Try not to get stung in the comments section below.
Is Sony scared of Project Scorpio? (129 votes)
- Yes, and I bet it's already gone back to the PS4K drawing board
- I don't know and I don't care
- No, it's got a headstart and will release PS4K as soon as possible
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Comments 43
Be nice! Thanks everyone.
@Kidfried Sit tight, I'll add an extra option.
I don't think so, I think Sony have been on a very set path and with PS4 doing as well as it is, I don't think they will move away from that.
I don't think they are but i'm not really bothered about it really, i'm not upgrading anyway as i'm happy with my current systems
@Kidfried I tweaked the last poll entry instead. Vote away.
I can't wait to upgrade to be honest. I feel the base PS4 is starting to struggle running some of the newer games. Also my launch ps4 is startin to sound like a jet engine at times.
The Scorpio is more or less a new console, even if it does exsist, at least initially, within the XB1 ecosystem.
PS4K is more of an iteration, we probably won't see more of a successor to the PS4 line until late 2018.
Anyways, the PS4 is doing so well that I don't think Sony is that worried. The Scorpio is Microsoft's attempt to launch a new piece of hardware that will hopefully, for them, be greeted with more sales and support than the XB1 (which really only has a substantial market in North America right now).
For now it just fuel for kiddies and Console war drama. I don't care Uncharted 4 made my PS4 Look like a top of the line PC game machine. Lots of lip service no one has shown anything to make anyone want to spend money on a new console. When I get to see what they do for games only then will I say If I want one or not.
I think Sony scares from Nintendo by NX...
Specially, Sony Wants to Know More about Nintendo's Mobile Strategies...
Sony scared what of another console i dont think so so what.
How about No, Sony are on their own path that is different from MS's and therefore not bothered by Scorpio!!
When they announced Scorpio at e3 (for 18 MONTHS in the bloody future!!), I personally interpreted it as desperate willy waving. I think ps4 is too much in the lead for MS, Scorpio or not, to catch up. With the PSVR and Neo (supposedly) also launching shortly and VR being a hot trend, I think that those two things alone will catapult them well into the lead by holiday 2017. By the time Scorpio comes out it'll all be moot.
"Different strategies" as someone said recently.
It's quite possible they're going to up-spec the Neo. It wouldn't be the first time; remember, everyone was saying PS4 would only have 4GB of RAM until it was officially announced with 8GB. And now that they've moved to what is essentially PC architecture, they can almost drop in whatever they like without having to redesign the whole system.
The thing with the Xbox is that they kinda shot themselves in the foot by announcing that all the games would be playable on PC. If I had a suitable PC, I wouldn't see any need for an Xbox One.
Whereas whether PS4 remains "the most powerful console" or not, you're not going to get Uncharted 4 and the like on PC any time soon.
No I didn't think it will. It's like saying you and your neighbor both are building new hoses at the same time and one saying "I like that design lets scrap plans and copy them". lets be realistic Sony isn't going to flush years of development down the drain and release PS5 next year or even the year after.
Didn't Sony even admit as soon as the PS4 was completed they started R&D on PS5?
I don't care because I bought a new HDTV & 2TB hard drive recently, that's enough upgrading for at least 3+yrs.
@Kidfried It needs cutting again.
@Grawlog I didn't suggest any roadmaps have been changed by any company. I did suggest that Microsoft may have brought forward its plans to announce Scorpio - why else would you announce a new console 18 months before release?
@stevie85 To be honest, I'm quite looking forward to the shiny new thing, too. I've held off putting a new hard drive in my current PS4, so it better be good!
Don't really care who wins as long Sony game developers still put enough effort to our soon older ps4 versions. Hope it's not like "Shadows of Mordor" where the ps4 version was great, but the older ps3 version was barely playable. Granted the ps3 to ps4 is a bigger leap in technology than ps4 to ps4 neo.
"Neo way"
Guys please sign this its important
Don't know, don't care. All I know for sure is I'm buying the Xbox Scorpio whenever it's finally available. The PS4 Neo... I'm likely to upgrade but it's still wait and see.
The scorpio not to be confused with the Xbox One S. Which brings me to my point if I was Sony I wouldn't care because they could create the greatest console ever but marketing fails everytime.
MS seems to want to merge the PC and Console markets but the two are very different and its left the xbox without exclusives and once again left console only gamers a little luke warm. Where as Sony's marketing team seem to be very in touch with console gamers so they win everytime.
Sony would not change its near future plans based on a competitors announcement. Large companies are rarely able to operate like that.
Having said that, they cant get complacent either - And are hopefully preparing a plan based on what NX and Scorpio may/may not be.
I think its more fear from MS for announcing a console so soon before release. Its an interesting move. Next year is going to be fun
Yea, I'd say y'all are spot on in regard to it being the other way around. Clearly so, in fact. Microsoft announcing at E3 for a EOY2017 release is the proof of that in my eyes. It was a "me too, me too" moment just to keep themselves relevant if ya ask me..
I don't think they are scared they have not announced it because they want to wait as close as possible to launch before announcing in order not to hurt regular PS4 sales
Sony has won this gen. Microsoft putting out an overpowered machine now isn't really going to change anything.
@DualWielding my toughts exactly!
Sony scared of microsoft? Hahahaha!
@sonicmeerkat I'd upvote that if I really cared. You gave me a good laugh.
@sonicmeerkat The subheader is okay, it's the title that's too click baity..
see this, looks official
Microsoft is going into the movie business, introducing their first feature:
Attack of the 6 Foot Teraflops.
One thing I think is pretty obvious is that MS have absolutely hated being "underpowered" this gen against PS4 and want that to change.
After failing on their Dirext X and Cloud promises, I wouldn't be surprised if their next response is to bring out a very powerful machine to "beat" whatever Sony have...
PS4 is on the front for one big reason, it was 100$ cheaper than the XB1 at launch. The same reason the XB360 was in the front, because Sony thought that people would spend 599$ for a console.
Now, the XB1S price is between 299$ - 399$ (depending of the HDD), so I believe the XB1 Scorpio will be at least 499$, and so, we have a very expensive console that probably only tech enthusiast will buy at launch.
And then, there is the problem of user base, now we have 60 million (give or take) current gen consoles, and developers are going to optimize games to a new iteration of consoles that have no were near that number of user base? I'm not knowledgeable about game development, but I think that upscaling and frame rate improvement is not just that linear.
The speculation is that the Scorpio will run close to 600 at launch, if that is the case then I imagine it will never catch on quite the way Microsoft wants it to. Once again the ps4k will be cheaper and still allow 4k compatibility, that is what the average consumer cares about. I also have a feeling that the ps5 will release not to long after the Scorpio, with better specs and probably a cheaper price. Sony has a distinct advantage with hardware being able to produce consoles at a cheaper price but still maintaining competitive balance with microsoft.
If Sony is scared of losing new gamers cos of Scorpio then they are falling into Microsoft's usual scaremongering and 'pigs Can fly' propaganda tactics. Remember Microsoft promised super ultimate cloud powered games? Evidence... nil. Exclusives... not anymore. DRM always on... no thanks. Maybe better to sell NEO to loyal ps4 fans who are willing to upgrade and create a ps4 slim at £179 to attract those pc gamers sitting on the fence, smart device gamers and people who splash money on things going cheap. And make big news of the cheaper price! Loyal fans will always upgrade and know the latest news.
I think Sony is just laughing to themselves, thinking anything they can do we can do better.
By the time Scorpio is released the lead would be impossible to catch this generation. so I believe Sony is smart hitting early. As we look at the end of 360 and ps3, they move a fraction of what they did in their prime.
I'm not excited for either machine in the same way as this gens imminent release. Maybe its the fact the best games I've played on PS4 namely GTA 5 and TLOU were last gen rereleases. I want to play this Gens Street Fighter 2, Shen Mu or Sensible World of Soccer first.
Either way its smart from Sony, the ps2 had a great run being slightly underpowered - the ps4 in a few years could do the same.
The PS4k is doing well now, it will suffer if it doesn't counter the Scorpio if there really is a scorpio which I think there is, do Sony really think all of it's 40 million userbase will stick around if they don't? I still believe the PS4k is doing better than the X1 because it released a more powerfull console, this is the same thing. Many of the people that jumped over from Xbox will have no problem jumping back if MS release a significantly more powerfull console than Sony. Even if they don't want to I don't see Sony having any other choice or they will risk losing to many sub's .
@Grawlog No need to be puzzled, the truth is obvious. Just out of curiosity- what is your reasoning for NOT thinking they(Microsoft)are being reactionary?
@Grawlog Fair enough, and I see what you are saying. That being said, why announce a competing product at all though? It wouldn't make sense to announce it the way they did if they didn't want to keep their brand in people's minds as an alternative to Sony. Also, this whole "all-in-one" concept of the XB1 is the root of what killed them in the first place this gen. I think they see this as their opportunity to save themselves and be back in the game. Just my thoughts though!
@Phantasystar77 You're looking at my comment from the wrong side and conflating two separate topics.
When I say they've shot themselves in the foot, I'm talking purely about giving people reason to buy the Scorpio. You're talking about game sales and profits, which although related, is a different subject. With that in mind, you've pretty much answered your own question.
If you make so little profit off the hardware, why go through the expensive process of creating new hardware halfway through a generation, only to tell people that your games are playable on other hardware which they may already have?
A slightly different view: A lot of people with PS4's are chomping at the bit to get PSVR. There are also many people waiting to pick up a PS4 with PSVR. Now imagine if Sony were going through all the time and expense of creating PSVR, only to tell people that the games would also be on PC with Oculus Rift. They're essentially saying, "so there's potentially no need to buy this new hardware we've just spent several years and millions of dollars developing and plan to make little or no profit on." They'd be rendering their own product virtually (pun intended) redundant.
On the subject of profit, though... major 3rd-party titles have always been on PC, it's not a new phenomenon. Consoles have always sold based primarily on their exclusive titles. If you have enough exclusive games that people want to play, people will buy your system, it's as simple as that. And even if you only make $5 profit per system, when you sell 40+ million systems, that's a lot of profit. So yes, platform exclusives can be very profitable.
Although I do like Kinda Funny, I personally prefer Easy Allies.
I don't know either way, but if MS can make the graphical upgrades worth it, then I'll upgrade. As-is, I'm thinking about getting an Alienware notebook and maybe getting an Xbox One S to have for console gaming.
I have a feeling that I will be massively disappointed at Neo. I am led to believe that this refresh is a minor Blu-ray 4K playback capability and not a mind-blowing graphics processing power upgrade.
If the games are already being tested for the PS4Neo, doubt they have gone back to the drawing boards.
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