Ubisoft's taken several stabs at a new Assassin's Creed protagonist over the years, but none of them have stuck like Ezio Auditore – his story ended years ago, but he's still fondly remembered by fans, after all. And it looks like, in the absence of a new entry in the historical series this year, the publisher's looking to bring the character back, as part of the Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection for the PlayStation 4.
While the publisher's yet to officially confirm the game, it has appeared on the Korean Game Rating Board's website, and this is a source that's rarely – if ever – wrong. The package will presumably include remastered versions of Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and Assassin's Creed Revelations – all of which depict the story of Ezio, as the Assassins wage war against the Templars against an idyllic Italian backdrop.
This port obviously makes a lot of sense given the prestige of the protagonist, but can you honestly say you want to revisit these games? It's not like there have been a shortage of Assassin's Creed titles on the PS4, and the formula has evolved to a point where we imagine the likes of Assassin's Creed 2 will feel ancient. It's a bit of a strange move, then – especially seeing as the series is skipping this year with the sole intention of giving it a rest.
[source grac.or.kr, via neogaf.com]
Comments 22
I loved ac2 at release, but when it came free as one of the earliest gwg on xbox 360 (4/5 years later) it felt a lot worse than I remembered. I dont think anyone's asking for this rerelease are they?
@themcnoisy No. I love the character - he's easily the best they've done. But I don't want to play the PS3 games again.
I remember in 2 there was a bit where you kick 7 bells out of the Pope!
Awesome boss fight!
I love assassins creed 2. I still therefore have assassins creed 2 on my ps3. Totally do not need this collection. If you want to play assassins creed on current gen , just pick up 4 or syndicate - this is unnecessary and will likely feel like a backwards step as some of the additions from more recent games won't be included. Seriously need to stop with the remasters now.
Nah, I'd rather pay less for the original PS3 release
Wow - that skipping a year for AC lasted about, well 8 months?
I've not played AC2 or the other ones in this trilogy though they are sat on my shelf for the Xbox360. If there had been no sequels available I might see the point but agree with the consensus, there are a lot of AC games out there.
I still have all of the PS3 Assassin's Creed games, but I never beat Brotherhood; played a lot of the mutliplayer but never actually beat it. If they release this, I'll definitely pick it up to beat it.
I was a bit bored the other day and started playing AC2 on a whim. Just went out and bought Revelations back after selling it. If its the right price, I'd definitely consider them for the PS4, I could platinum them all again!
he's remembered because his story was good unlike the later ones, the game play was fun unlike the later ones, and he was a likeable character unlike the later ones
in fact ACII and Ezio was the series at it's best
Are they going to update the shonky control system. l love playing the games but having run and climb on the same buttons can make for frustrating playing.
Ezio is still my favourite protagonist - though Evie Frye is running him a close second.
Surprised this remaster has took this long, would bite when it comes out.
If true, I will def get it. Any ideas about the release date?
If they would make a quality remaster of AC1, AC2, Bro, Rev, AC3, Liberation, Rogue with all DLCs and MP - I would totally dig that
I'm such an ac whore i'd probably buy this even though I still have the ps3 version. If they do a legit remaster and update the combat, controls and maps to at least ac4 level, I will definitely pick it up. I played thru ac2 at least twice before sitting at 97%trophy completion. Those damn feathers with no collectible tracking on the map I threw in the towel when I lost my place.
2 and brotherhood were great, revelations was odd but fun, but It'd need to include all dlc and be $30 or less for me to even consider it.
@booshy89 Same here. I got into Assassin's Creed late, but I really enjoyed Black Flag and Syndicate. I heard II and Brotherhood are the best in the series so as long as this is no higher than $40, I'll probably pick it up.
I wish Assassin's Creed Rogue would get a ps4 release.
But will it retain the 3D feature in revelations?
I'm surprised they decided this and not Assassins Creed Rogue on PS4 since the PC version looked alot better then the PS3 version. And Rogue has has the fun of ships like Black Flag.
I loved these games when they first came out but I have no desire to replay them. I thinks its a good collection for anyone who missed out on them the first though.
@booshy89 oh man I would be so pissed! I'm missing that and one of the random easy to get ones I was lazy to do like the hide 5 bodies in hay. I vowed I would plat it in my lifetime but that save file is long gone. Guess it just another incentive to pick this up lol
No one is forcing you to buy this.
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