The weekends do come around quick, but given that this is inexplicably a three-day holiday in the UK, you won't hear us complaining. In fact, between the football and the final barbecues of the summer, we'll be squeezing in plenty of gaming. Here's what we're playing.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I've been having fun hopping between dozens of different indie games of late. I'm not playing them all to completion unless they really grab me, but I'm enjoying seeing what the likes of Alone With You, Bears Can't Drift?!, and Hue have to offer. Not everything I'm playing is great, but it's nice to have a bit of variety.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
Good news, everybody! I finally got my exotic sword in Destiny. Now, I know I'm close to year past the point where this would've been of actual interest to anyone, but it's certainly a red letter day in the Stinton household. To mark this momentous occasion, I declare Monday to be a national holiday in the UK, so I can spend a long weekend testing the edge of my sword in Destiny, and showing that I really care about Aug lives in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
After many months of playing just small bits of Persona 4 Golden here and there, I've finally finished it. But not having that to play whenever I felt like it after so long, felt weird. I needed more Persona in my life, so until Persona 5 makes its way to release, I'm going to have to rely on Persona 4: Dancing All Night to fill that void, along with a smattering of other games, like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which I've still not spent as much time as I'd like with.
Ken Talbot, Reviewer
I'm really into Rebel Galaxy at the moment β it's a streamlined space sim and a relaxing weekend game. I also want to pick up The Valley, mainly due to "first-person Sonic the Hedgehog game" blurbs in the press.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
I'm warping back to No Man's Sky this weekend as I continue my slow but steady progress through its gargantuan galactic map. To break it up, I'll be lobbing grannies, bananas, and flatulent sheep around in the return to form that is Worms W.M.D.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
This weekend I will be playing as much Call of Duty: Black Ops III as I can, helping the community get the Prizefighter Gloves!
Enough chat β it's time for comments. What are you playing this weekend? List out your plans in the comments section below.
Comments 55
Something, anything. Help please send my kids back to school and my wife back to work, she's a teacher. I'm getting no game time, they all stay up late during holidays. On the positive side just brought a bigger house, so once that completes I'll have spare rooms.
Honestly I have no idea. I finished everythig I wanted for Warcraft, before Legion ( thank you invasions! ) and have nothing I want to play at the moment.
Maybe I will get Unepic, for 5.99 seems a good choice to kill some time for some days.
Collapse! (Windows Phone) - A decent puzzle game for on the go
Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition (Windows 10) - Kids and I are really enjoying this one.
I'll be playing some fighting games on PS4 with King of Fighters 14, Street Fighter V, and Skullgirls. Gonna try to get in some online matches too. Definitely playing Bayonetta 1&2 for Wii U. Animal Crossing New Leaf and Monster Hunter 4 on 3DS. Maybe Killer Instinct on Xbox One.
I'll be crawling through air vents and silently knocking out enemies like a smartly dressed augmented super agent.
I've got me a racing fetish going on and have redownloaded a few titles in addition to Asseto Corsa, so pretty much those between the footy. I'm also plodding thru Uncharted 2 remaster; just before the train bit, so that might get a look in, too.
NIOH beta for my soulsbourne fix!
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate hustle kings if got time i will try out poker prominance.
I got a new motorbike today! So between blatting about on that (safely) I'll be enjoying more of the absolutely incredible Deus Ex.
Just downloaded the PES 2017 demo to see if it's really as good as everyone is saying. Gonna finally platinum Rocket League too!
Other than that, a few hours of No Man's Sky before going out tonight, then Tricky Towers, Never Alone and Unravel for the hangover.
I've got my Pringles ready!
@gingerfrog you'll fill them rooms with kids before long mate!
I bought The Golf Club last weekend and it's great! I've been trying to build the Country Club I grew up playing and it's super hard. But it's a lot of fun
Ratchet and Clank and Prominence Poker.
Had a couple of bad beats in the single player game with the hapless AI hitting on the river when behind.
I'll be continuing my colourful adventure Odin Sphere on the PS4 which is hard to break away from.
Maybe,just maybe I may also be finally finishing Persona 4 Golden..or not..(I don't want it to end!)
I tried the Nioh beta hoping it wouldn't be as hard as Dark Souls etc (which I don't have the patience for)and dammit,it's too bl**dy hard...either that or I'm just crap.Really like the look of it too so shame I won't be buying it..
Finished playing mortal kombat x story mode, now playing each character in classic tower, man what a great fighting game, if I know beforehand I'll buy this game full price instead rather than street fighter 5.
Also still playing no man sky, the patch really give the game smooth performance, so now it's more fun to explore.
Some old arcade games and board games, and some 2DS Streetpass games inbetween. Thought about playing some Just Dance 2016, but let's face it, it's just not as good as the previous games in the series. Hopefully Just Dance 2017 will be a return to JD2015 quality.
@kyleforrester87 tell me about its specifications dude
Been busy this past couple of days but I plan on playing the Titanfall 2 Beta.
I'm really enjoying the Titanfall 2 beta, so i'll keep on playing that. Other than that maybe i'll check out Driveclub.
Im in work all weekend, Booooooooo, but on the positive side Im going to play some more Driveclub and Tricky Towers.
No Mans Sky and Destiny for me!
@Major-Zero 2011 Triumph Street Triple 675 (last of the first gen models), best bike I've ever ridden, really happy with it!!
Thinking of starting Batman: Arkham Knight as it's taking up a lot of space and I've yet to play it yet, picked it up earlier in the summer. I'm about 75% through Divinity but I've kinda lost interest in finishing that game, it's good but it just ever really sank it's claws into me in the way I thought it would. I've also got Borderlands 2 in the Handsome collection to finish so I might plug away at that over the week
Finished Inside. Great game. Well deserved the 10/10 score. Finishing off some Dishonored trophies. I'm hoping Dishonored and the DLC will keep me going until Bioshock comes out. I've had way more fun with Inside and Dishonored than No Man's Sky. Pity I didn't listen to my gut and wait until I saw the NMS reviews before buying.
I'm juggling so many games right now:
Trackmania Turbo
Alien Isolation
Shadow Complex Remastered
Titan Souls
Black Ops 3
Uncharted 4 (single & multiplayer)
Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow
Earth Defense Force 4.1
I don't know how to choose!
Back on Fallout to finally finish Far Harbour and build Vault 88 in preparation for Nuka World, also probably explore a planet or 2 on No Mans Sky. Failing that maybe finish The Stick of Truth and get Morgan Freeman another freckle π
@Mahe You can't just write some old arcade games! Names!
I work weekends now, so if I get to play anything, it'll be about an hour or two of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided before I have to sleep. My four days off in a row though... Guarantee I'll be up all day and night with the game. π I still need to beat Doom's campaign also, plus I'm barely into No Man's Sky.
Ill be on my xbox one playing Fallout with a new character in preparation for Nuka World. As is, Sanctuary is at war it seems with Radscorpions. Thinking about playing ps2 Rogue Galaxy tomorrow though.
Wolfenstrein: The New Order & I REALLY hope to play the Nioh Beta but work has been keeping me busy.
@kyleforrester87 niiiiiiiiice,envy you,enjoy it
@Major-Zero thanks bud
@kyleforrester87 always welcome,reminded me of my E3 favorite game days gone.
i started NIOH beta and finally downloaded overwatch! iam planing for SOMA too
I am going to try and get a few levels of Metro 2033 redox done on PS4 but I think I will get more time with A wolf Among Us, which I am really liking following the personal recommendation from @Tasuki
Reviving Genesis trees and about to lay a smackdown on Songi and Zeto and save Drake Kingdom in Legend of Legaia. Man this game started my love for rpgs! If you never played it, I highly recommend it. I also highly recommend never playing the second one, phew that one sucked!
Playing the Project Diva X demo that didnt know existed, prolly continue Affordable Space Adventures with my bro (awesome game btw, thanks @JaxonH) and the usual suspects: Battlefront and Mirai. I wonder if GW2 at half price is worth it.
Or I may have the honour of taking after you and filling the garage with motorbikes
Playing the excellent Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Ratchet & Clank to finish off the platinum, & Titanfall 2 Beta.
I'm trying to get my backlog cleared so I've started with Arkham Asylum on my 360 and once I've done all the games I have outstanding on that, It's away and I'll be completely on to my Xbox One to try and clear the backlog on that.
Worms Revolution Mars dlc. Surviving all 5 levels and keeping all worms alive is a seriously hard trophy.
I was THIS close to getting Inside, but I just got KOF14 and Tokyo Mirage Sessions, so I'm thinking I'll postpone getting that for a bit.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
@Rudy_Manchego Glad you are enjoying it. I really wish they would make another one.
I'm still fighting for the freedom of Gallia during the day. At in night I'm looking for the the collectibles in Alien Isolation.
Havent played the Division since it came out and after reading the article made me want to play. So i played the Division. Not so bad after all, played Division last time in april.....
@SonuvLiberty Great taste!Absolutely loved that game back in the day!I'll take your word for it on the second one because even though I definitely played it,I have no memories of it at all..
@kyleforrester87 - I read a few reviews of the new Deus Ex and it seems a very different beast to the revered original on PC (not the shocking PS2 version), is it really that good? I mean the new one.....
I thought Invisible War on PS3 was boring and had zero repercussions of your choices, though I can be skeptical by default π
@Galvatron I think the first thing to do is try and forget the first and second games when approaching HR and MKD, the first was fantastic (the second obviously much less so) but the last 2 instalments have mostly stood on their own. I'd say they do suffer in the same way that perhaps games like the Tomb Raider reboot do when compared to the originals, which will put off die hard Deus Ex fans. But taken on their own merits I think they are fantastic. One minute you can be shooting up a room full of goons and the next stuck in dialogue trees solving a murder. The story content all seems meaningful and it's not overwhelmed with huge numbers of samey side quests. The level design is fantastic, excellent music and atmosphere. I feel like it's the kind of game Ubisoft would love to make, but when they try it comes across as awkward (Watch Dogs..) but somehow I don't feel like this universe is "trying too hard" to be edgy. Perhaps because it somehow retains some of that 90's original Deus Ex vibe. The controls can be kind of overwhelming but once you get to grips with those and open certain augmentations to assist with movement (High jump is my personal favourite) things gel together nicely.
Just my opinion anyway
Just started the dying light expansion great game....also getting back into Hut on nhl 16 and debating what ps now game to under take now....cheers push square community
Please watch the language -Tasuki-
Back to Destiny after a year, as TTK was on sale for Β£15. It's changed a lot in a year
@kyleforrester87 Having played the game how much would you give out of 10 for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I enjoyed the original and Human Revolution
@Bhattiboy it's tough to put a number on it really I think I'm only about 1/3 through, all I can say though is if you enjoyed HR I can't think of any reason at all not to recommend this one to you aswell
@kyleforrester87 thanks time to trade in some old physical copies that should help with the price.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
King of Fighters XIV
Monster Hunter Generations
Wii U
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