Just in time for the weekend, eh? There are reports whipping around that the PlayStation Network is experiencing some issues - although thankfully, they don't seem to be too widespread.
We can confirm that we're online without any problems here at Push Square Towers, but according to a Tweet from Sony, it's only online games, applications, and social aspects of the network that are experiencing issues. In any case, we're sure it'll all get fixed soon.
Is everything up and running for you, or are you flipping out? Let us know in the comments section below.
Update (19:00PM): Sony now says that some users my be experiencing problems with signing into the PlayStation Network as well. In other words, something's definitely up.
Update (20:00PM): Seems like that was a temporary blip as things are already back online for the vast majority of those who encountered issues.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 18
and on the day the Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 Open Beta started too
EDIT well according to this site it's all OK now
Infinite Warfare beta, too.
At this point are we even surprised by this anymore? These days if a beta goes live or a big game is released, it's a pretty safe assumption that PSN is going to be having problems. Seriously, this has been an issue since PS4 released, when will they fix it?
@fairliedaft That's not strictly true. It rarely ever goes down anymore.
yeah it's fixed now according to the official support twitter page
Well, not totally down, but there are still a lot of minor issues reported. I'm pretty much logged in all the time so rarely affected, but if the history for PSN recorded on Down Detector is anything to go by, Sony still need to make some improvements.
@fairliedaft i had just as many problems with XBL and Nintendo Network
they just don't tell us when there is an issue
I don't use those services so I wouldn't know. Admittedly I am in a bad mood, saw this pop up on my FB newsfeed and responded. On a slightly related note, I recently found out that being on hold for almost 2 and a half hours makes me somewhat more likely to voice poorly researched opinions on the internet.
@fairliedaft 2 and a Half Hours, that's insane
i would have slammed the phone down way before then
@FullbringIchigo The only thing driving me forwards is the knowledge that if I hang up, I'll have to do it all over again.
I've been having regular problems since Sony raised the Plus princes, I'm not joking.
I thought it might be hackers or something, but no, Sony's infrastructure just blows.
Maybe it's regional, either that or they're updating the store everytime I'm trying to get in...
I was trying to check the Flash Sale two hours ago and of course I couldn't, just like the other day when I wanted to see what was on sale this Tuesday and couldn't get in either.
I guess I should thank Sony for saving me money, but now they're charging me more so...
no issues for me. well apart from the fact that the infinite warfare beta still doesn't seem to be available. connecting to IW's online service returns the error that the beta is only available from Oct 14 10:00 PDT. it's currently 11:30 PDT (19:30 BST). umm...
No problem here, downloading IW beta as well lol, got a code unexpectedly from a friend. And tbh I won't complain to much if it does, I can't remember the last time PSN went down but it sounds like others have had trouble.
@leucocyte that suck's mine's dl'ing now i'm in the UK? Hope it gets sorted soon man.
Flash sale going on in the US too. Some decent games, little bit of everything.
"online games, applications, and social aspects"
If those are all down what else is there left?? lol
The only internet service that literally never goes down is Google. Everything else has its problems now and then.
I'm having a problem.When I was going to activate my PS4 as a primary PS4 on my HazreenXBL account they said I've already activated on another PS4 while I only got one PS4.Can I know why this is happening??
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