Y'know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and all of your troubles have melted away, only for them to come crashing back into your conscious like a nuclear bomb? Well, we just got a pang of that when we remembered that we've only reviewed four of PlayStation VR's launch titles – with another 25 or so to do. Ouch.
Seriously, though, Sony's put out a list of day one titles that you can expect to find on the headset from 13th October, and it's much larger than you may be anticipating. We're going to use Gematsu's adaptation of this info because we like the way that it's presented, so props to them for putting this together.

- Batman: Arkham VR (Warner Bros) - Digital only in Europe
- Battlezone (Rebellion Developments)
- Driveclub VR (SIE)
- EVE: Valkyrie (CCP Games)
- Loading Human: Chapter 1 (Maximum Games)
- PlayStation VR Worlds (SIE)
- RIGS: Mechanized Combat League (SIE)
- Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties (Square Enix) [VR Compatible]
- Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (SIE)
- 100ft Robot Golf (No Goblin) [VR Compatible]
- Ace Banana (Oasis Games)
- Allumette (Penrose Studios) [VR Movie]
- The Assembly (nDreams) [VR Compatible]
- EVE: Gunjack (CCP Games)
- Harmonix Music VR (Harmonix)
- Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live (Sega)
- Headmaster (SIE)
- Here They Lie (SIE)
- Hulu (Hulu)
- Hustle Kings VR (SIE) [VR Compatible]
- Invasion! (Baobab Studios) [VR Movie]
- Job Simulator (Owlchemy Studios)
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (Steel Crate Games)
- Kismet (Psyop)
- Littlstar VR Cinema (Little Star Media)
- Mortal Blitz VR (Skonec Entertainment)
- The Playroom VR (SIE)
- Resident Evil 7 – Kitchen Teaser (Capcom)
- Rez Infinite (Enhance Games) [VR Compatible]
- Rollercoaster Dreams (Bimboosoft) [VR Compatible]
- SportsBarVR (Perilous Orbit)
- Superhypercube (Polytron Corporation)
- Super Stardust Ultra VR (SIE) [VR Compatible]
- Thumper (Drool) [VR Compatible]
- Tumble VR (SIE)
- Vrideo (Vrideo)
- Wayward Sky (Uber Entertainment)
- Within (Within)
- World War Toons Open Beta (Reload Studios) [VR Compatible]
Day One Updates for VR Compatibility
- Bound (SIE)
- Futuridium EP Deluxe (MixedBag)
- Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X (Sega)
- Hyper Void (INFramez)
- Volume: Coda (Mike Bithell)
- War Thunder (Gaijin Entertainment)
The platform holder also put together a list of "launch window" titles that you can expect to find on the headset over the weeks leading into early 2017. Again, we're using Gematsu's amalgamation of this info, so thanks to them for putting this together.
Launch Window
- Pixel Gear (Oasis Games) – October 20
- Weeping Doll (Oasis Games) – October 27
- Carnival Games VR (2K Games) – October 28
- Waddle Home (Archiact Interactive) – October 2016
- Moto Racer 4 (Microids) [VR Compatible] – November 4
- Trackmania Turbo VR Patch (Ubisoft) – November 8
- Eagle Flight (Ubisoft) – November 8 (digital) / November 15 (retail)
- Star Trek: Bridge Crew (Ubisoft) – November 29 (digital) / December 6 (retail)
- Werewolves Within (Ubisoft) – December 6
- Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission (EA) – Holiday 2016
- The Brookhaven Experiment (Phosphor Games) – Q4 2016
- Fated: The Silent Oath (Frima Originals) – Q4 2016
- HoloBall (TreeFortress Games) – Q4 2016
- How We Soar (Penny Black Studios) – Q4 2016
- Pixel Ripped 1989 (Pixel Ripped Inc.) – Q4 2016
- Proton Pulse (ZeroTransform Inc.) – Q4 2016
- Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin (Double Fine Productions) – Q4 2016
- Radial G (Tammeka) – Q4 2016
- Robinson: The Journey (Crytek) [VR Compatible] – Q4 2016
- Space Rift (bitComposer) – Q4 2016
- Tethered (Secret Sorcery) – Q4 2016
- Time Machine VR (Minority Media) – Q4 2016
- Windlands (Psytec) – Q4 2016
- VirZOOM (VirZOOM) – Q4 2016
- VEV: Viva Ex Vivo VR Patch (Truant Pixel) – Q4 2016
- Dead Secret (Robot Invader) [VR Compatible] – January 2017
- Dying: Reborn (Oasis Games) [VR Compatible] – January 2017
- GNOG (KO_OP) – Q1 2017
- Golem (Highwire Games) – Q1 2017
- Korix (StellarVR) – Q1 2017
- Megaton Rainfall (Pentadimensional) – Q1 2017
- Statik (Tarsier Studios) – Q1 2017
- XING: The Land Beyond (White Lotus Interactive) [VR Compatible] – Q1 2017
- Tekken 7 (Bandai Namco) [VR Compatible] – Early 2017
That's a lot of games, but which ones are you most looking forward to playing? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 39
CTRL + F 'Farpoint'.
@Grawlog Move's support was decent early on, but it never looked as strong as this.
I think I will definitely get Until Dawn. Do we know anything about prices?
@get2sammyb My wallet just packed it's bags and moved back in with my ex, cheaper
@get2sammyb does this top the ever sought after PS2 launch, at least in sheer quantity?
They learned from the Virtual Boy launch from the look of it.
When the PS4 came out there were only a few games I was really interested in at launch, and that was a major console launch! With PSVR I'm having to write out a budget as I can only get so many games and there are so many freakin games that are on my "do want" list. And that's just launch titles! If I include titles that are (supposedly/hopefully) launching either by EOY or early next year, things get ridiculous real quick!
I want Robinson the Journey. Dinosaurs? Yes please
I worry for @get2sammyb's eyesight.
I don't plan to buy ps vr yet and want to buy ps4 pro instead but while walking around in mall I can't help but drawn to ps vr poster in the games store, and when the store clerk told me there's still slots available for preordering, after thinking about it for a while I bought it. Ps vr is expensive in asia though, about $515 with camera only, I have to buy ps move and ps vr world separately
Anyway, for ps vr I will buy batman, ps vr world, and until dawn rush of blood, and if the reviews is good: rez infinite, farpoint, battlezone vr, driveclub vr, eve valkyrie, and if the demo is good: thumper and job simulator.
I guess I'll postpone ps4 pro purchase..
@Cowboysfan-22 I forgot, I want robinson the journey too
Sooo many games
Will pick up 6-7 on these on launch day. Going to get myself a nice pair of in-ear headphones in the coming days. Don't want to wear my beats on top of the headset.
An incredible line up!if PSVR really takes off and doesant go the way of the Vita then if I ever get one I think the amount of games that will be out by then will be pretty overwhelming..
I would like to see this list with genres as headings, would help me see if there's anything in the ones I like?
@finalstan genre is "first person"
This is pretty epic. My only concern is the length of the games - if lots are around the sub 5 hour mark then people might get tired. That said, there are some genuinely exciting titles.
I've been holding off on Bound in case I get the VR version. Soundtrack is amazing.
First wait for the quality of the games. We all know that the Wii got a huge amount of games. We all know the quality of it.
An enormous number of 1hr tech demos!
@chiptoon Well, most of the games I plan to buy like rez infinite, farpoint, battlezone vr, driveclub vr, and eve valkyrie is a full game.
PSVR would be day one, but I have a real life for the immediate future and little people to look after. Cant wait for vr gen 2.
I'm still holding off on the VR until at least a year...after getting Move on day one, and finding it slowly going down to the bare minimal of games coming for it, I'll hold off on this one too...especially with the fact that Move was a lot cheaper than this at the time. I really don't want to pay that kind of money for only a dozen games to play and then it sits and laughs at me, like the Move does now...and I swear, Wonderbook has a big smile on it too!
Anyways, great list and hopefully it continues to grow throughout the rest of the year and into 2017. If it continues like this, I'll look into purchasing it.
I think VR is going to get plenty of support because Indie developers have become more prevalent since Move's release. Sony have at least two studios making VR games (Sony London and North West) which is fine, I think it's unreasonable to expect the likes of Naughty Dog to do VR stuff. But games like Farpoint might be the way forward, partner with promising devs and give them the resources to make high quality VR games.
@wiiware Rez Infinite is a 2 hour "full game". I feel the same way as @chiptoon. I pre-ordered a PSVR but have yet to find a single GAME that is worth buying. Mostly 1-2 hour glorified tech demos, and some MOBA's. Its not going to get me to cancel my pre-order by any means, but this enormous list is pretty lack luster. I'll take 2-3 great games over of 20-30 meh games, any day.
@wiiware that's a great list! If I was going to jump in now I think my list would be very similar if not identical.
Its not an enormous list though
This is exactly my biggest concern and one reason why I am not as impressed by amount of titles.
I cancelled the VR I had on order and still stand bye that decision. There are not enough games at launch to make it worthwhile for me to buy it. Within the launch window there is a bit more interest. The launch window seems to extend 3 or 4 months so might revisit at a later date.
Wow that's a lot of titles. But I feel the Key to PSVR being successful will be the better resolution the Pro offers. The cinema screen. A Virtual world where people can meet up. And apps it will support.
I still wanna see some non-first person games for VR. I'm imagining playing something like how Motorstorm was in 3D but with that depth to yet another level.
VR os cool and all...but nah! Too expensive and the games are still bad compared to what we have non-VR! Maybe I'll consider it if something good comes up...
@chiptoon Well it's more than my early ps4 games where's I just buy killzone, infamous 2nd son and assassin creed black flag. I mean batman, ps vr world, until dawn rush of blood, rez infinite, farpoint, battlezone vr, driveclub vr, eve valkyrie, thumper, job simulator, that's already 10 game that I want on ps vr. Rather than good launch games, I'm more concerned about the long time support of ps vr since sony has a habit of abandoning peripheral if they don't sold millions of it. Ps vr need long time commitment from sony.
@thedevilsjester I stand by my opinion that ps vr has better launch than ps4, if we judge the success of ps vr only at launch, ps vr already successful. I think it's unrealistic to expect many full fledged AAA games on the first month of ps vr.
That's an impressive list, interested to see how many Devs will do VR tie-ins with existing or future PS4 games. There so much about this VR thing that we (gamers) don't know at this stage. I can see alot of indie Devs adding a VR mode to their PS4 games just to increase the appeal (more so than Pro support).
All that wasted effort, just for PS Virtual Boy.
@wiiware If your likes align with the extremely limited type of game launching for the PSVR, then yeah, its probably a great launch for you. If you like tech demos, mini-games, or MOBA's, this list will be amazing. There is nothing like Killzone, or Assassins Creed, or LEGO Marvel, or hell, even Knack. No adventure games, no RPGs, no meaty games that will take more than a couple hours to finish. I am not trying to talk trash about the PSVR, I still have mine pre-ordered, I am just honestly disappointed and am afraid that I will have it for months before I get a single game for it. I had 5-10 PS4 games within the first couple months.
There's quite a few on the list I'd love to try. Much more popular brands on PSVR than PS move's launch. Star wars, EVE, tomb raider, battlezone, Batman, etc. Then there's exciting new stuff like RIGS, Robinson, Xing, Golem etc. If this is the beginning already that's a huge Xmas build up😄 Summer school will probably drive my misses up the wall!
It's an impressive list, and I'm by no means complaining. It's just that, well. Quality over quantity. Much of this list is what I'd label as shovelware (100 foot robot golf, anyone?) or 60 minute tech demos. And no standout system seller whatsoever, that's the real kicker.
That said, even small games count for something. And despite a good majority being meh or tech demos it still has a pretty respectable lineup. In fact, it almost works to its benefit having the smaller tech demos (interestingly enough) just by the nature of VR. The included demo disc is the real standout here.
I just want my DriveClub VR, my Tomb Raider mission, my 60 minutes in Arkham Knight, my Harmonix VR, and after launch my Trackmania Turbo (will be sooooo cool) and Psychonauts. Volume and Super Stardust have potential to be be standouts too.
And I'll probably be buying a whole lot more. Anything with an 8 or better from the PushSquare staff tbh. Battle zone, Eve Valkyrie were also preorders so Ill try them out.
@thedevilsjester I think battlezone vr, driveclub vr, eve valkyrie, rigs, and resident evil 7 can be classified as "full game", they're "meaty games that will take more than a couple hours to finish". And ps vr has adventure games, loading human, wayward sky, weeping doll, space rift are all ps vr launch titles. There's no rpg because of course ps vr doesn't have rpg so early in its lifetime, even ps4 doesn't have rpg at launch.
You keep talking all of ps vr games are tech demo, moba, mini-games, but all the games I describe above is not a moba, tech demos or mini-games.
It's okay if you're not interested yet in ps vr, you can buy it 1 year later when it's clear if ps vr succeess or not. But to say all the games at launch is tech demos/moba/mini-games is just plain wrong.
@wiiware DriveClub is DLC on an existing game thats been out for quite awhile, EVE and RIGS are both MOBA (EVE is a little closer to space ship CoD multiplayer, but thats splitting hairs), and Resident Evil is a VR afterthought on to a non VR game and from all previews is the most nauseating VR game. As for your "adventure games" they are small (thus mini-games) and non-retail, both of which more or less exclude them from consideration.
Battlezone is the only one that looks to be a meaty, designed for VR, retail, non moba game being released, and it just barely misses the non-moba tag since its more or less the same kind of game, just not (afaik) pvp.
@thedevilsjester Driveclub vr is a brand new game build from the scratch for vr with a new track, that's why digital foundry say it's the best vr racing game counting even pc vr racing games. Rigs is online competitive first person shooter like overwatch (although this game has single player too) . Eve is a single player and multiplayer space game. All games I mentioned have retail version and is sold for $40-$60.
An example of moba is smite, dota, and league of legend. What's next, farpoint is moba too? Your definition of moba is weird lol
hopefully not a case of quantity over quality. i mean, how many of those are FULL FLEDGED games and not some 2-3 hr "experience" ?
serious question btw.
of course i still want it lol. mostly for horror games (of the full fledged variety), so maybe ill wait a while until theres more for me.
Great idea to call them "titles" because they certainly arent full games. Let's see whats up when they get passed the glorified tech demo phase.
@wiiware My definition of MOBA is Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. Which RIGS and EVE both fall into quite nicely.(Yes, quite a lot of games that are not 3rd persion top down perspective fit into this category) EVE may have a short single player campaign (which has been reviewed as a lame afterthought) but the game itself is focused on and advertised as Multiplayer Space Dogfighting and from all accounts, fits the definition of MOBA well. DriveClub VR by itself is a small standalone DLC, much like how Infamous First Light works. Its still an add on (though one that doesnt require the rest of the game to play), and is not very big by itself. To be clear I think the DriveClub VR DLC is going to be amazing, but a short, add on to an exisiting game.
@MadAussieBloke not sure if you are refering to me, but I never mentioned price at all; nor do I care about such things.
All this to say that I am excited about PSVR (I have been counting down the says since I preordered) but tremendously disappointed in the launch line up
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